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The Story of an Unlikely Hero: Pokemon Reborn Edition


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Chapter XXXVI: Unfinished Business In Chrysolia, And The Mysterious Cave To The Mysidia Region!



Before I continue my adventure, I'm going to take the time to finish up some unfinished business. This means that I'm going to go and catch any event Pokemon I might have missed, and any event Pokemon that I will need to catch before I switch to Episode XI. For example, I will be catching Elekid, and others. The first Pokemon on my list to catch is Bulbasaur.


Lucky for me, I caught a Chingling and after many berry feeding, it evolved into a Chimecho. I head back to Azurine Island, and head into the old breeding center, where I find a hobo. He's happy to see a visitor, and tells me to bring a Chimecho. Luckily, I have one with me. I show him the Chimecho, and he chimes along to Chimecho's soothing bell. He then tells me that he caught something, but it was bad, so he locked it in the basement, and made it behave by abusing it! He says that I can go ahead and take it. I head into the room where Taka and Team Meteor was, and I find a Bulbasaur in the cell Cain was trapped in! I open the cell, and Bulbasaur seems to be wary and injured, and has its back turned to me. I catch Bulbasaur, and leave. I wish I could give that guy a piece of my mind, but I won't.


I leave Azurine Island, and head to Apophyll Island, where I head up to Pyrous Mountain, and search for another Pokemon. Since I have HM Strength, I can use it to move boulders. I push some down holes. I jump over a ledge, and climb down a ladder. I then find a boulder in front of a Tepig! I walk up to it, and it runs off! Eventually, I find Tepig near the locked gate in Pyrous Mountain, and it runs off again. I head to the summit of Pyrous Mountain, and find Tepig where the PULSE-Camerupt was. Instead of running away, Tepig attacks! I throw some Pokeballs at Tepig, and eventually Tepig is caught! I leave Pyrous Mountain, and put Tepig in the PC. I then take out Luvdisc, and go to the girl just outside Apophyll Academy. She asks me if I have a Luvdisc (Which I do,) and says that she'll trade her Riolu for it. I trade Luvdisc, and receive Riolu! However, when I receive Riolu, it is a SHINY Riolu! It has an acceptable nature, ability, and stats, so I'm keeping it. Usually, I just use regular Lucario for my stories, but this time, I might as well use a Shiny Lucario.


I leave Apophyll Beach, and then head to the Byxbysion Wasteland to search another Pokemon. As I try to find this Pokemon, I run into Misdreavus again, who disappears again. I head back to the Grotto, and I find out what happened to the PULSE-Camerupt machine. IT got teleported here, and it's buried in waste. However, I don't think it is the PULSE-Camerupt machine, because that was destroyed a long time ago! Now that I think about it, the Wasteland HAS been getting filled with waste... Mr. Bigglesworth was also in the same room as that PULSE Machine... That's it! Mr. Bigglesworth was strapped to that PULSE. So it was a PULSE-Garbodor Machine! But one important question is... How did Mr. Bigglesworth break free? I theorize about this, and then head to the Beryl Ward on a stormy day.


As I enter the Beryl Ward I find an Elekid on the rooftops, but I need to find an Electrizer too... I decide to catch a Dustox for its hidden ability Compound Eyes, but it doesn't work well. I then decide to catch a Stantler with Frisk. I look in the Chrysolia Forest, and I find the girl who got teleported by Abra after I talked to her. She tells me that she got teleported here out of nowhere, and says that when she fell, she broke her leg, making her unable to move. She remembers me from when I spoke to her, and asks me a huge favor. She asks me if I can go to the Pokemart and get her some medicine. Since it's a lot closer now, I head to the Pokemart, and get her some medicine. I come back, and I give her the medicine. She gets back on her feet, and thanks me. She then heads back to Spinel Town, and I follow her.


Since Abra is gone, it's easy to get to Spinel Town. I go to the girl, and she thanks me by giving me a Department Store Sticker! I head back to Chrysolia Forest, and a tree disappears when I am at the south end of the forest! I follow the path, and it leads me to the Lost Train...

I go inside the train, and find the Captain's Log on the table. I then read it...



Transit Log: Stock: 4,600 Pokeballs; 1,200 Potions; 1,200 Super Potions; 1,200 Hyper Potions; 1,200 Max Potions, 2,400 Full Heals; 800 Full Restores En Route to Reborn City via the Mysidia Region, order of SILPH CO.

Transit: Empty Freight En route Mysidia Region via Reborn City.

Transit Log: Stock: 4,600 Pokeballs; 4,600 Great Balls; 4,600 Ultra Balls; 800 Lure Balls; 800 Heavy Balls; 800 Timer Balls; 800 Dusk Balls En Route to Reborn City via the Mysidia Region, order of SILPH CO.

Transit: Empty Freight En route to Mysidia Region via Reborn City.

Transit Log: Stock: 6,000 Oran Berries; 4,000 Pecha Berries; 4,000 Chesto Berries; 4,000 Pomeg Berries; 5,000 Lum Berries, 100 Jaboca Berries En Route to Reborn City via the Mysidia Region, order of SILPH CO.

Transit: Empty Freight En route Mysidia Region via Reborn City.

Transit Log: Stock: 4,600 Pokeballs; 1,200 Potions; 1,200 Super Potions; 1,200 Hyper Potions; 1,200 Max Potions, 2,400 Full Heals; 800 Full Restores En Route to Reborn CIty via the Mysidia Region, order of SILPH CO.

Transit Log: Stock: 4,600 Pokeballs; 4,600 Great Balls; 4,600 Ultra Balls; 800 Lure Balls; 800 Heavy Balls; 800 Timer Balls; 800 Dusk Balls En Route to Reborn City via the Mysidia Region, order of SILPH CO.

Transit: Empty Freight ...and a little bonus I picked up for my daughter back home in Mysidia. En route to Mysidia Region via Reborn City.

Incident Record- An Emergency Stop was made this Tuesday at 11:53 PM. An unidentified railway obstruction has brought the vehicle to a halt. Suspected fallen tree or other similar debris. Though currently too dark to investigate, will do so in the morning. Approx. projected delay- 8 hours.

Friday 9:12 AM- I've identified the aforementioned obstruction, though it baffles me. Specifically, an entire tree has grown in the middle of rail. I do not believe there is any such way I can clear it alone. As such, I will be returning to Reborn City to request assistance.

Incident Record- Friday 1:37 PM In what I can only assume is an elaborate prank, I have failed to return to Reborn City. As I reversed the train down the same track which I traveled just yesterday, I found a large portion of the rail to be missing entirely. The wood beams are scattered haplessly between the trees, the metal has been contorted and in some places, is absent entirely. In light of this, I am unable to move the freight at all, and will be returning to Reborn City on foot. It should not take more than a day to reach the city, and assuming available resources, repairing the railnet could be done in as little as two weeks. Approx. projected delay- 18 days.

Sunday 8:25 PM In the continuing saga of happenstances causing me to question my mental health, I have been unable to follow the track to Reborn City. The scattered wood and disjointed metal I mentioned before was a drastic understatement- entire segments of the track have been disapparated. Between the increasingly befuddling thickness of forestry and the baffling apparent deconstruction of the rail, I am unable to return to Reborn. In response to this distortion, I will follow the track on-foot the only way in which it is (relatively) navigatable: towards the Mysidia Region. Though it is a considerable distance to walk, I see no second option. Approx. projected delay: 7 days.

Monday 5:39 PM It appears I was hasty in my evaluation of the forward-going rail as 'navigatable'. Though I have ridden this track many times I find the track going forward to be as distorted as it was going back. These woods are mocking, with trees so in and out and roundabout such that one feels as if they've gone in circles forever. It was probably by luck that I've stumbled upon this train again after having been lost in my expedition. I'll continue searching for any sign of orient.

Thursday 7:18 PM It's now been a full week since I was stranded in this forest. Supplies in the train are diminishing quickly. I find myself rationing more and desperately hoping to discover a source of berries in the woods. It seems the Pokemon I obtained as a surprise for my daughter will have to be relegated to a gift of apology instead. Approx. projected delay- Unknown.

Saturday 1:20 AM This nightmarish place knows no logic, and yet I think by a stroke of luck I may have found the way. When searching deep in among the woods, I have spotted an opening I did not recognize. As I followed it down a twisted path, I came to a cave- The very cave through which the rail traveled! I recognized the stone, but strangely, I could see no rail. Tomorrow, I will gather what supplies I have left and quit this place once and for all.

Sunday 11:20 PM As if to taunt me with a glimpse of hope, I have not been successful in my evacuation. Though I left early this morning, and searched again through every hour of the day, I was unable to locate the Railcave from last night. At this point, and with as little food in left in this car, I will likely scarcely be able to make it to Mysidia alive...

Wednesday 2:47 PM To my amazement, I once again found the same cave last night. To my chagrin, I was unable to traverse it. Though the rails linger inside the cave, they lead nowhere. What I knew was once as a sensible and one-directional tunnel now twists endlessly. As if my entirely life had been tossed into a kaleidoscope, I was unable to navigate the cave, and in fact, when I did finally find an exit-- It turned out to be the very way in which I entered. I've returned here for the night. I will try again tomorrow.

Sunday 3:34 AM When even finding the entrance to a cave proves difficult, traversing it appears impossible. I have gone a precise way for these past few days, tracing my steps exactly. Strangely, it would seem that this cave can only be found on some days. Whether it is the night's moonlight showing the way, or the strong winds forcing the trees apart, I cannot say. But it seems like only nights like these can the cave be found. Strange, indeed...

Wednesday 7:44 PM After exploring the cave and its nonsensical passages several times more-- I have reliably found a path to a certain cove within the Railcave, and I plan to relocate my remaining supplies there as I press forward. I will move forward as swiftly as possible with what little food is left, and my daughter's Pokemon in tow. For whoever may find this train, know the hardships I have faced. Know, too, how you might escape this labyrinthine woods. Should you find the railcave, remember the firection the walls move is no clue to traversing it. But as it may be, while they do not point you in the right direction, that appears to be all the guidance you need. Good luck, stranger. This is the captain, signing out.



I head outside of the train, and notice that it's a windy night, with the moon shining bright. I head back to Chrysolia Forest, and eventually find a path I did not see before. I follow the path, and it leads me to a cave. This is the Railcave that was mentioned in the Captain's Log! I enter the Railcave, and find multiple paths, with tracks that lead to different directions. I head to the left cave, and get sent back to the entrance! I then remember what the captain said in his log, and follow the path that's NOT pointed at by the tracks. It takes me to another part of the cave! I keep following the paths, and I eventually find the captain's secret cove, because I find a Pokeball, and find the Pokemon that he was going to give to his daughter: An Eevee! I grab the Eevee, and leave the Railcave. However, I notice Eevee again, and it is a Shiny Eevee! I happily leave the Railcave, only to eventually find a Stantler with Frisk! I catch the Stantler, and head to the Beryl Ward, since it's a stormy day.


When I head back to the Beryl Ward, I get Stantler from the PC, and head up to the Rooftops, where I find Elekid! I put Dustox in the lead of my team, and send him out. I switch him out for Stantler, and find that Elekid has an Electrizer! I then throw a few Pokeballs, and Elekid is eventually caught! Now that I have Elekid, it's time to catch the last Pokemon I need to get: Mudkip!


The next day, I leave the Beryl Ward, and head to the Byxbysion Wasteland. I head inside the tall building, and find a nerd, who says that he's going to stay here for a while because of the rain. He says that I am welcome to stay and chat. He then tells me that he stays outside the city studies the various forms the wasteland takes, and the Pokemon that live around here. He asks me if I have seen anything strange, and corrects himself, saying that everything is strange here. He apologizes to me for asking such a question, and says that he's looking for something in particular... He believes that there's a Mudkip running around somewhere in the waste... He says that this is no place for a Mudkip, and that it belongs with fresh, open water- there's only muck here. He tells me that he wants to find it to get it to safety, but so far, he hasn't been able to catch it. He tells me that if I see the Mudkip anywhere, then I must do my best to catch it. He says that maybe someone around here has seen Mudkip, and that if I ask around, I'll find some kind of lead.


I head outside, and wander all over the place, looking for Mudkip. I head to the Grotto, and find a secret passage behind the tube on the left! I follow the path, and eventually, a rock blocks my path. I go outside, and slide down the metal bar to find a cave. I head inside, climb the ladder, and head out the cave. I'm higher than where I started! I slide down, head back to the cave, but instead of climbing and going out, I climb and climb back down. I dig up the items from the rocks, and I move the boulder that was in my way. I then head down the path, and out the cave, where I find a Mudkip innocently wandering around in grass near an abandoned train. I catch Mudkip, and leave the Byxbysion Wasteland.




Now that I'm done catching some important Pokemon I missed, it's time to head to Aventurine!






Current Pokemon Stats

My team didn't level up much, but there are PLENTY new additions to the team!




Name: Charles

Level: 53

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 50

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 54

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Gardevoir

Level: 55

Moves: Magical Leaf, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Arc

Level: 53

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 54

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 15

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack

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  • 2 months later...

Chapter XXXVII: The Road To Aventurine!



Now that I'm done catching Pokemon that I needed to catch, it's time for me to head to Aventurine! I head back to Chrysolia, train Auriol a bit, and head to Tanzan Mountain. I go through the west side where I found Saphira, and head outside to South Aventurine Woods. I follow the grassy path, given that it is the only path I can take due to logs and spiderwebs, until I reach the exit and find myself on Route 1. I could have sworn as I was passing through, I saw a Heracross.



When I make it out to the clearing on Route 1, A familiar green-haired Swag Jockey walks up to me... Fern... He tells me that he thought he heard a bug or something crawling around over here, and he says that he was right. Seriously, when I get my hands on his neck... He greets me, and asks me if I came up here for the gym. He is surprised I didn't know, and tells me that there's a huge castle to the east that serves as a gym. He tells me that he's up to eight badges now, and he laughs that I'm still at seven and I'm falling behind. If Kiki wasn't killed by that evil, sadistic JERK, I would have eight badges by now! He even says that I started before him. He asks me if I think he's wrong, and challenges me to try him.



Fern, you are wrong. And you will always be wrong.



Fern sends out Fraxure, while I send out Hydra. I guess Fern decided to get another new Pokemon. Hydra builds up his stats with Dragon Dance three times, while Fraxure strikes with Dragon Claw, which doesn't do much. Hydra then strikes Fraxure with Ice Fang, taking Fraxure down. Fern sends out Krookodile, who gets smacked from Hydra's Aqua Tail. Krookodile gets knocked out, and Fern sends out Roserade, who gets knocked out by a critical hit Ice Fang from Hydra. Fern sends out Serperior, who survives Hydra's Ice Fang, but uses Leech Seed instead of attacking Hydra. allowing Hydra to finish off Serperior with another Ice Fang. Fern sends out Ferrothorn, while I keep Hydra on the field. Ferrothorn finishes off Hydra with Gyro Ball, which is fine by me, since I'll be using Charles to finish the job. I send out Charles, and he finishes the job by burning Ferrothorn to crisp with Flamethrower. Fern gets furious, and sends out Scyther. However, Scyther is unable to survive Charles' Flamethrower, and is wiped out of the field, which means that I win the battle!


Fern retaliates by telling me not to be cheap for a change, but I don't care. Fern's a loser anyways, and a jerk, so it's only fair. He says it doesn't matter, and says that we all know who the real top dog is anyway. HIM? Oh HELL no. He tells me that the 'dumb' guards in Agate Town are like, forever asleep or something, so he's gonna try and track down that Normal Gym Leader. He means Noel... HA! I already BEAT him! In your FACE, Fern! He calls him dumb, and guesses that he ran from his place in Lapis... Does he mean that awful Orphanage? Noel had every right to run away from that horrible place! He says his goodbye, and leaves. I then find a star on the ground, and heal my Pokemon. I continue my quest, and find a Bouffalant fighting a Tauros. I help out the Tauros by battling Bouffalant, and I catch it. Tauros then roars triumphantly, and is thankful and compliant, allowing me to ride it. I ride Tauros all across Route 1 and Aventurine Woods, battling many trainers, jumping over ledges, and avoiding spiderwebs. I find a Miltank with a collar, and when I'm riding Tauros, Miltank-senpai doesn't seem to notice Tauros. Classic. I find that there are other Tauros and Bouffalants, and if I defeat Tauros or catch Tauros instead, Bouffalant charges blindly. This can help me get rid of some obstacles... Eventually, I find Reborn's Nature Center! I then head inside.



When I head inside the Nature Center, I find scientists all over the place. They explain that Tauros and Bouffalant fight over dominance of the Miltank and the land, and when one of them is defeated, the other is thankful. Bouffalant blindly charges, not caring for its path, while Tauros allows people to ride on its back! It even jumps over ledges for people. However, it will not go through really tall grass. I also learn that this center is the local extension of a breeding project. Using samples raised by the breeding center on Azurine Island, the scientists work day and night to restore the wild Pokemon to Reborn! Although they haven't heard from the Azurine center in quite a while...



It's because Team Meteor hijacked it before! Now that Team Meteor is gone, things should be returning to normal...



Even in the Aventurine Woods, Bug Pokemon fight for resources. Perhaps the scientists shouldn't have brought the Pokemon all together... I head upstairs, and learn that many Pokemon are drawn to the scent of honey produced by the Combee in the woods. The nectar that the Combee produce is so popular- Heracross and Pinsir- will often fight each other for it. I head upstairs, and find a man who tells me that berries grow all over the place in Aventurine Woods. He gives me a Wailmer Pail, so I can grow berries. I head outside, and find a scientist who asks me to find a few Dunsparce for them to repopulate. Apparently, they were supposed to receive a shipment of Dunsparce from the Azurine Observation and Breeding Facility, but they never did... They were also scheduled to repopulate the Dunsparce population, but it never happened.... They had also planned to reintroduce the Dunsparce to the wild before, but they were forced to cancel out that operation. Unfortunately, I do not have a Dunsparce right now, so I will have to come back another time.


After a while of battling Tauros, Bouffalants, and trainers, I find a path that leads me back to Reborn City... Through the Grand Gate! I find the source of why the Grand Gate won't open... It's because there's a gear out of place! Since there's nothing I can do about it, I head back to Route 1, and have Tauros interact with a Miltank. This time, Miltank becomes so lost in Tauros' eyes, I could cut the romance with a knife if I wanted to. I go another Miltank, and Tauros is in CRAZY love with it. I'd have no idea where the egg came from... So yeah... It's best if I DON'T leave them alone... I go up to another Miltank, and this time, and I suspect that this is the kind of Miltank that brings all the bulls to the yard in daylight. I ride up to the Miltank next to the Nature Center, and she bleats coyly and bows down to Tauros. I think I'm about to witness the live action version of 50 Shades of Bull. I then ride up to the lone Miltank by the ledges, and she blushes and nuzzles against Tauros. Tauros roars quietly as he breathes down Miltank's neck... And NOW I want to dismount. DISMOUNT!!!


I eventually head further east of Route 1, and in the north side of Aventurine Woods, I find a red-haired woman speaking to a Team Meteor member! As soon as I show up, the Meteor grunt runs off. The red-haired woman notices me, and asks me if I saw them discussing just now. I say yes, and she tells me to not assume I know what's going on. She tells me to do us both a favor, and stay out of this. She says that she doesn't know what hero-complex I've ingrained into my head that I feel the need to jump into anyone elses' business.



"A little piece of advice: Build yourself a little bridge- and get over it."



She then leaves, and I try to figure out who she is. Her words seem awfully familiar from somewhere...


After I battle all of the trainers I can find, I find a huge cliff. Looking beyond, I see the Crystal Valley. Behind me, I see a sign with the directions of where to go. North of me is Agate Town, and south of me is Vanhanen Castle. I then find something written at the bottom saying, "Fern was here, Trevo is a loser."



Fuck you, Fern. When I see your ugly smug face again, I'm going to beat you up.



I head to Agate Town's Gate, and I find that all of the guards are sleeping! I guess the rumors of Agate Town being empty are true. I then head down to Vanhanen Castle, where I must go through a labyrinth.




This is going to be a long day...






Current Pokemon Stats

The team leveled up quite a bit, and Auriol leveled up a LOT. He learned a new move too, but I don't remember what it is.




Name: Charles

Level: 56

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 52

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 57

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Gardevoir

Level: 57

Moves: Magical Leaf, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Arc

Level: 54

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 55

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack

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Chapter XXXVIII: The Majestic Vanhanen Castle, The Amazing Radomus, The Dazzling Gossip Gardevoir, And The Mysterious Luna!



I head down the right path of Vanhanen Labyrinth, and I keep following the path that leads me closer to Vanhanen Castle. On the way, I run into many, many Stantler...






Eventually, I find Vanhanen Castle, and find my way out of the labyrinth. I then enter the castle.


When I enter Vanhanen Castle, a blond girl in what appears to be a maid outfit greets me and welcomes me. She invites me inside, and tells me to follow her. I find a Pokemon healing machine, and I heal my Pokemon. I then follow her inside, and she tells me that her master will be joining us shortly. She tells me to make myself comfortable if I would like, but before she could finish her sentence, she is interrupted as the Gym Leader opens the door with his Gardevoir. His Gardevoir walks up to me, and introduces herself as Gossip Gardevoir, and states that she is at my service. She's THE Gossip Gardevoir! She also states that autographs are free of charge. She sees that I am surprised, and asks me if I've never met a Pokemon that can communicate before. The girl states that Gardevoir is unique among her kind to be able to physically project her thoughts in English. The Gym Leader walks up to me, and introduces himself as Radomus, the lord of this castle. He seems like a... rad kind of guy. He then states that it is a pleasure to meet me. Radomus then introduces his Gardevoir to me, as we have already met. I have already seen her on TV, so I can only assume that she's managed quite the career. He also introduces the girl as his daughter, Luna.



Wait a minute... Isn't Luna El's daughter? What is she doing here in Radomus' Castle?



Luna then tells me that as the castle's maid, she welcomes me. She tells me to let her now if there is anything she can do to make my stay more comfortable. I know what she CAN do... Though now's not the time... Radomus then asks me if I'm Trevo. How does he know my name?! Gardevoir tells me to not look so surprised that Radomus knows who I am already. She says that as Reborn's very own Gossip Gardevoir, it IS her business to know things. She tells me that she knows all about my raids on Team Meteor, my involvement with the other Gym Leaders... Even my little escapade from the Orphanage. She even knows how I joined a street gang! Crap... If she knows that I'm part of the Aqua Gang, I'm screwed... That caught her by surprise, and she didn't think I was the type... But she tells me not to worry, because my secrets are safe with her! Radomus says to not over-estimate the value of that statement, and says that if those were indeed to be considered 'secrets', they've just been spilled. He then tells me that he assumes that I have come for my next gym battle. In that case, he asks Gardevoir and Luna to excuse us. Luna obeys, and leaves, while Gardevoir is thrilled that we're having a private moment already, and even says that it's sensuous. Radomus scolds her, and tells her to leave. With that said, Gardevoir obliges, and leaves.


Radomus then tells me to feel free to pay no mind for Gardevoir, for she is a bit lively, but mostly harmless. Ooh, Lively you say? In that case, I'll have to visit her later once I've beaten the Champion, so we can get down at the Nightclub... He says that that is not why he dismissed them, however. He then tells me that he understands that I have met with Luna's father- that is, El. He then tells me to allow him to clarify one thing: Though he calls Luna his daughter, she is most definitely not. She appeared one day, and claimed him to be her father. Despite his words, she moved herself right in. He admits that his own family is long-since gone, and it was getting a bit empty in here- who is he to deny a young girl her wishes? He then says that it seems that she is just playing a part of some greater fantasy. She fancies herself a maid, and thereby acts like one. She is a strange girl, and has been no small source of amusement for Gardevoir and him. Radomus also tells me that Luna and Gardevoir became fast friends, too. It's not as if he can just dismiss her now. He then discusses with me about El. He asks me what my impression on El is, and says that he has come calling more than once to reclaim her, but he refuses. Radomus suspects that there may have been some hint of abuse in Luna's past, or else she would not have so fervently fled her birth-father. To that end, he is resolved to protect her from El. He says that is the long and the short of the affair.

After Radomus has told me his story on how Luna appeared at his castle, Luna comes back, and tells him that they have another guest. Radomus says that by all means, show them in. He asks me if I was expecting anyone, and I honestly say I have no clue. Expecting it to be Fern or El, Cain appears instead, and greets me with all his fruitiness. Radomus welcomes him, and supposes that he, too, has come for a gym battle. Cain confirms Radomus's question, and says that he's got some catching up to do. He then says that he totally got side-tracked by that whole business with Heather. He then tells me that if I was wondering, he did manage to find her again... not that she was happy about it. He then tells me that she was adopted by some guy up in Ametrine City. He then tells me that the guy's name was... Blake. Cain seems satisfied with it, but I don't seem to be... I'm not convinced at all...



Blake is involved with Team Meteor, as mentioned by Solaris back in Pyrous Mountain. Since he adopted Heather, he could use her to Team Meteor's advantage. Hell, I bet they assume she has the Ruby Ring. Guess again, suckers.



Radomus is surprised that there's another lost girl, and assumes that there's lost girls all over the place. Luna asks him what he means by this, and he says that he jests. He then says that we now have two challengers- and only one gym. Cain then says that me and him can challenge him together, and then we both get the badge. However, Radomus says that won't do at all. He asks Cain if he can play any real strategy with two minds on one side of the board.



"When the king knows not what the queen is doing, the whole kingdom falls into disarray, and soon... Checkmate."



Luna states that Radomus is a world-renowned player of Chess, and says that his wealth and fame are far from unfounded. Cain is surprised, and says that he was just kidding. He then says the he knows how this goes- me and him battle to see who challenges first. He says that this is a Psychic Gym, and he knows better than to go with a bunch of Poison types, so he has a bunch of new tricks...



Okay, Cain. Let's see what you can do!




Cain sends out Muk, while I send out Persian. Persian first delivers a Fake Out attack on Muk, and then strikes with Cut, while Muk uses Mud Bomb. Eventually, Muk decides to use Minimize to raise its evasion sharply. Cain then gives Muk a Hyper Potion. Muk then uses Rest after Persian Cuts it up a few times, but then wakes up instantly from a Lum Berry. Persian eventually gets knocked out, and I send out Gardevoir, who builds up with Calm Mind. Muk strikes with Sludge Wave, but it isn't super effective, because I'm still using Episode X. After Gardevoir raises her Special Attack and Special Defense, she strikes with Psychic, which knocks out Muk. Cain sends out Nidoking next, and Gardevoir defeats it with a critical hit Psychic. Cain sends out Galvantula, which is new. I'm seriously hoping that Cain wasn't the one who put all of those spiderwebs there in Aventurine Woods... Though it could probably be the Bug Pokemon that did that. Not to mention, why WOULD Cain do that? Fern would probably do something like that, just to be a troll. I send out Charles, who burns Galvantula to a crisp with Flamethrower. Cain sends out Samurott, while I send out Arc. Arc uses Swagger on Samurott to confuse it, and Samurott decides to increase its Attack even more by using Swords Dance. However, Samurott snaps out of confusion, and strikes with Revenge, knocking Arc to the ground. I send out Corey and he attacks with Poison Jab, but gets knocked down by a critical hit Revenge. I send out Charles, and Cain gives Samurott a Hyper Potion. Samurott then knocks out Charles with Aqua Tail. I send out Hydra, who builds up with Swords Dance. Before Hydra gets knocked out, he knocks out Samurott with a critical hit Bite. Cain sends out Gengar, and Hydra Bites Gengar, and mauls it to the ground. Cain then sends out Absol, who goes down from Hydra's Aqua Tail. The battle was long and hard, but in the end, I win the battle!


Cain says that he can wait, and tells me to soften Radomus up for him. Radomus asks him if he does not believe he can best him himself, but Cain says that it's a joke, and tells Radomus to stop taking everything so seriously. Radomus says that on the contrary, it may be Cain who is taking HIM too seriously. Luna comes back in the main room, and asks Radomus if Gardevoir is with him, because she cannot find where Gardevoir has gotten to... Radomus tells Luna that he had thought she was with her. Luna says that Gardevoir was in the foyer when Cain arrived... Luna then heads to the entrance, and Radomus says that he'll be playing Black this game. Cain asks him what he means, and Radomus says that it's nothing.

Luna comes back, and tells Radomus that a message was delivered for him. Radomus wonders who it might be, and Luna says that the person who delivered it was dressed in a light robe, but she didn't recognize him. Radomus is surprised, and wants to see who it is.



"To one Radomus Vanhanen," Does that imply there are more than one?


"To one Radomus Vanhanen, I have captured your precious 'Gossip Gardevoir'. Should you wish to see her again, you will return my daughter to me immediately." Signed, "-El."



Radomus comments that El didn't add 'Sincerely', or 'With Love', and states that that's rude. Luna tells him that El... isn't her father, and that he is. She begs him not to send her away with him. Cain is shocked that Gardevoir was really just captured, and says that she was right there when we came in. Radomus states that it was likely that they were probably waiting for such a diversion as our battle. Cain is mad, and says that we have to get her back. Luna agrees, and says that Gardevoir is her dear friend. She asks Radomus if he will find her, and Cain tells them not to worry, for WE'LL find her. Luna asks how we are going to find her, because we have no idea where they went... Radomus says that we do nothing, which shocks Luna. He says that there is no need to do anything. Cain is shocked too, and asks him if he cares at all, because she is HIS Pokemon. Radomus says that he DOES care. It's for that reason that he needs not act. Cain is frustrated with him, saying that he makes no sense. He then heads out to find her himself. Luna tells him to wait, and wishes to help as well. However, Radomus tells her to wait, and says that it will not do to let her endanger herself. He tells her that she is the piece he wants to capture, and wishes to act in her stead. He then goes from his gold-head disguise into a disguise of a detective, and declares that he is on the case. He tells her to wait here, and says that it will not do to let her fall into his trap. He then leaves, and so do I.




But wait... If we ALL leave, won't Luna be out in the open for El to capture? Oh well, I guess we'll follow the path of fate.






Current Pokemon Stats

The team has not changed very much. I only battled Cain, that was all.




Name: Charles

Level: 56

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 52

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 57

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Gardevoir

Level: 57

Moves: Magical Leaf, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Arc

Level: 54

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 55

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack

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Chapter XXXIX: The Citae Arc-d'Astrae Conspiracy, And The Strange Adrienn And Xyr Past!



Where we last left off on our adventure, we learn that Gossip Gardevoir had been captured by the mysterious El. What does El want with Gardevoir? Is he trying to get to Luna? Is there something he's after that's far more valuable than Luna? The mystery continues...



After I heal my Pokemon from my last battle, I find Cain and Radomus blocking the exit. Cain is discussing with him about his sudden change in clothes, and Radomus defends himself by saying that there's nothing silly about his change of clothes. He also states that he simply chooses the right dress for the job, and asks Cain if we will be sleuthing out Gardevoir. Cain says yes, and remarks on quite the change of heart Radomus' had. Radomus tells him not to misunderstand him, and says there is no need for something as rash as this, but if Luna demands it, he will acquiesce. Cain doesn't get it though... He tells Radomus that he thought Gardevoir were only supposed to be drawn to the most loyal trainers, but he makes it seem like he doesn't care at all... Radomus asks Cain if one should be concerned when the White King places himself in check. Cain asks him what he's even talking about, and just says that we should just go find her, and Radomus obliges. Considering that Agate City is presently closed, there are not a large number of places to which El could have fled. However, Radomus expects that El will attempt to flee towards Reborn City. There will be more places for him to hide there. However, it is not easy to get there from here... Which route will El take? Radomus says that he will follow Cain's lead. Cain then says that we're wasting time, so they head out. I then follow them.



I head through Route 1, and decide to head to Reborn City through the Grand Gates. However, I actually find El there, disappointed that the Grand Gate is still sealed. El then spots me, and runs off to the room with the gear. When I go in there to corner him, he is nowhere to be seen. Cain and Radomus arrive, and tell me that they saw him too. It seems that El used an Escape Rope. However, Radomus says that now Cain's being silly, and tells me to press forward. He believes that there's just enough space beyond that gear. Me and Cain slip through easily, but for some reason, Radomus can't. He attempts to slip through, but he gets stuck. Cain asks him if he's really stuck, and then wonders why the gear doesn't turn anyway. Radomus explains that it froze when the Grand Gates closed. It was before Reborn City's collapse, more than a decade ago. Presumably, these mechanisms are linked to the doors themselves. Many have tried to get them to operate again, but to no avail. Cain tells him that even if it's tight, just force his way in... DANG IT, CAIN. ENOUGH OF YOUR INNUENDOS!!! He corrects himself, and says that he doesn't usually say that to boys, but this is different. Radomus then says that he's going to pretend he didn't understand that remark. He forces his way in, and accidentally knocks Cain off of the floor, making him fall! Radomus says that he found the answer as to where El fled. He then says that the drop isn't actually too far, and it appears to lead into some kind of cave... Me and Radomus then jump down below...



Of course! This is the cave beneath the Grand Stairway! I find Radomus, and he says that there is no sign of Cain. Perhaps Cain wandered off in search of an exit already. Radomus then ventures further into the cave. I follow the path, and I eventually find a few parts of the cave familiar as I descend. I then get into a room with all of these pillars, and follow the path. I keep descending down the cave until I find a doorway. I can't even tell if I'm under the Grand Gates anymore...



When I enter the doorway, I find a huge field. I find Cain and Radomus, and he states that he certainly had no intention of landing Cain down here, but it seems we found quite the Xanadu. Cain tells him that's not the only thing we found, and shows us a mysterious person and Gardevoir! The trainer is surprised we're here after all, and Cain asks the trainer if xe was expecting us. Apparently, the trainer wasn't expecting us, but then an older man just came by and told the trainer what we did... El... The trainer didn't think we were really pursuing him though! Radomus ask the trainer what El specifically told the trainer. The trainer says that El told xyr how Radomus kidnapped his daughter, and brainwashed her into thinking she was your own. And so, El got a hold of his Gardevoir, and xe asks what has Radomus done to the poor thing?- so that he might release his daughter, Luna. Randomus asks the trainer to be clear, and the trainer says that Gardevoir- doesn't seem to care for him as a Trainer at all, and asks Gardevoir if this is true. Oddly, Gardevoir walks up to the trainer, and confirms this to be true, and says that she had always been afraid of Radomus to say anything about it, but... she asks the trainer, now confirmed as Adrienn, if xe'll protect her from Radomus. Adrienn then says that xe's not going to stand for anyone who treats their Pokemon badly, and tells Gardevoir that she is safe with xyr. Radomus is amused by this, and Gardevoir says that she's always hated being with him, which is a big shock.



Okay... Something is SERIOUSLY wrong here. Gardevoir is being completely the opposite of what the relationship between her and Radomus said on TV was about!



Cain tells Gardevoir that back at the Castle, she seemed perfectly happy... Gardevoir then says that it was all a show, and says that she's expected to be in perfect harmony with her Trainer- but how can she with someone like Radomus? Gardevoir then cries about all of the 'horrible' things he has done... She says that he's neglectful and lies all the time... She even says that she was even there when he 'brainwashed' Luna! She then tells us that the truth is that she was glad when El stole her away! Adrienn says that now we have it. Xe says that xe can't forgive someone for being so cruel to such a sweet Pokemon as Gardevoir, and declares that xe will definitely protect her. Adrienn vows that xe will help El get his daughter, and his stolen property back. Cain is surprised that Radomus would steal El's property too. He asks Adrienn what xe is talking about, and Gardevoir says that I must know. After all, I HAVE them...



The Ruby Ring and the Amethyst Pendant! But why would El want them? Something's not right here...



Cain is confused that I would 'steal' something, and Gardevoir walks up to me, and steals the Amethyst Pendant from me! Just as she's about to steal the Ruby Ring, Cain notices EXACTLY what she's talking about, and says that the Amethyst Pendant is Anna's, and tries to get her off of me. Gardevoir says that there's still the Ruby Ring, and says that these items rightfully belong to El. Radomus snaps out of his train of thought, and asks Gardevoir if she said 'Amethyst Pendant'. Gardevoir says that one key will have to do, and says that only one key is necessary to reach the aerie, so she was supposed to get both of them... Adrienn states that thieves and liars seldom relinquish things that easily, and tells Gardevoir to follow xyr. Xe then states that they'll get the other one later. Gardevoir obliges and heads up to the aerie. Adrienn tells me and Radomus to not try to stop them if we have no intention of releasing Luna. Xe then follows Gardevoir. Cain says that he would have never suspected that Gardevoir felt that way. He asks Radomus if he really brainwashed Luna, and Radomus asks him how he would do such a thing, as he says that it is a foolish idea. Cain says that we should chase them before they get too far ahead. He then follows Gardevoir and Adrienn, and Radomus says that this will perhaps be an interesting game after all. He then follows them, and so do I.



I MUST get that Amethyst Pendant back. If it's in El's hands... That won't be good.



I train my Pokemon, then head inside, and find everyone. I find Cain yelling at El, asking him what he did to Gardevoir. El politely tells Cain to not defile this holy place with his unintelligible shouting. Gardevoir states that El has done nothing to her, and says that he has only freed her. She asks Cain why is this so hard for him to believe. El tells Gardevoir that we 'heretics' remain in darkness, and that we would not so much believe in the Lord Arceus if it bestowed holy Judgment right before us. He calls Gardevoir and Adrienn, and tells them to ascend with him to the light. Gardevoir follows El, but Adrienn stays for a little bit. Cain is still shocked, and Adrienn agrees. Xe says that when xe fell down here, xe was certain xe would be trapped and alone. But almost immediately, xe saw a girl climbing up the cave wall, and then El and Gardivoir appeared... And now, us. Xe wonders if this is some kind of secret tourist spot, and then xe follows El and Gardevoir inside. After xe follows them inside, the Amethyst door shuts.


Cain says that that's not at all what he meant, but he obliges. He then starts to wonder if Adrienn is a boy or a girl, because he actually can't tell. Now that you mention it, Cain, I do not know either... Xe LOOKS like a girl, but also looks like a boy. Radomus then says that it would be best to ask. He says that more importantly, it seems they were able to open that door with the power of the Amethyst Pendant. He also recalls that I possess the Ruby Pendant. He says in that case, we could perhaps access a different door... I talk to Cain, and he says that something else is going on here, but he can't quite put his finger on it... He also wonders if Gardevoir could have hated Radomus all along... I doubt it. I head to the Ruby door, and open it with the Ruby Ring. I head through the door, and find a Ruby warp panel, which takes me to the Ruby Tower.


When I get to the Ruby Tower, I find three statues, and a statue without a Pokemon on it. I read the inscription, and it says...



"Light becomes dark as dark becomes light. Truth becomes hidden, twisted in lie. Each power its own seeks to impart Itself unto the innocent heart. Those of the light- speak only the truth. Those of the dark- speak within lies. The divine will distinguish and ablely sleuth The right from the wrong; the lies from the truth."



I notice that the three Pokemon statues are the Chimchar family, and read the inscription on the Chimchar statue first. It says that Monferno always tells the truth, but Infernape has aligned with darkness. I consider Chimchar part of the light for now. I must read Monferno's inscription. I read it, and it says that Chimchar and Infernape both have succumbed to darkness. I consider Monferno dark because it's lying about Chimchar. I then read Infernape's inscription, and it says that Chimchar speaks in lies. It says that Monferno, too, is ripe with darkness. Since both are obviously lying about Infernape being in darkness, I consider both Chimchar and Monferno to be in darkness, and Infernape one with the light. Just then, Another Ruby warp panel opens, and I get taken to another room as I enter it.


I head into a room where I find the rest of the warp panels, and I find that the Amethyst warp panel is still open. I then enter the Amethyst Tower, where I find the same kind of structure as the Ruby Tower, but with the Cleffa family instead. I then head through the warp panel that El, Adrienn, and Gardevoir took, and find a Rare Candy! I guess El or Adrienn must have dropped it. I then head back to the Mid Sanctum of Citae Arc-d'Astre, and go through the door.



I head into the next room, and I find Adrienn, while Cain and Radomus catch up to me. Adrienn tells me that El and Gardevoir have continued up to the aerie, and says that xe's supposed to take the Ruby Ring from me so that I can't follow them. Xe then asks me if I will give it to xyr. I say no, and Cain tells Adrienn that the Ruby Ring belongs to Heather. Adrienn remembers Cain saying something like that about the Amethyst Pendant, too, and the way that he said it... it really didn't seem like he was lying. However, xe says that El insists that they belong to him. Xe says that El did seem to know about them- for instance, that they would open these doors. Xe says that xe has been wandering around down here just a little while before he showed up, and they wouldn't open at all. Adrienn asks what this place is, and says that xe fell down here when xe was inspecting the Grand Gates about an hour ago, but then there's this old ruin, and xe doesn't know what to make of it. Radomus says that he believes that that answer will become clear as we press forward. Adrienn says that it brings us back to the ring. Adrienn then says that one of us is definitely lying to xyr, but xe wonders who. Cain says that he doesn't know what's up with Gardevoir, but El kidnapped her from Radomus. He also says that Luna wants us to get her back. Adrienn remembers the girl Luna that El keeps mentioning, and wonders if there's a way to prove one way or another. Radomus asks Adrienn to allow him to explain. He then walks up to Adrienn, and hands xyr the ransom note El sent him. He asks xyr to read it, and says that we can attest to the fact that it is not a forgery. Adrienn reads the ransom note, and Radomus says that if he were really so bad of a Trainer as to warrant the hate that Gardevoir confesses, he wouldn't follow El here. Cain reminds Radomus that he didn't seem too happy to go at first, and Radomus says that yet, here he is. He then says that he is compelled to acquiesce to Luna's request. Adrienn is still confused, and still wonders if anything makes sense. Cain agrees, and says that we're going to get to the bottom of it. ...Or the top, since we seem to be going up, but... Then he says he doesn't care if he's on bottom or top because he's a switch... DANG IT, CAIN. Radomus then says that again, he's going to pretend he didn't catch that. Adrienn then decides to side with us, and says that we shall head through the Ruby door.


Just as we're about to head through the Ruby door, Cain asks Adrienn if xe's a boy or a girl, because he is confused. Adrienn answers with the fact that xe's neither gender, which confuses Cain.



"It's easy to think of everything in terms of this and that... Light or Dark, Right or Wrong, Girl or Boy... But it isn't always that black or white. In my case, I don't consider myself to be either."



Radomus is surprised, and says that Adrienn is a non-binary individual. Someone who identifies outside the traditional gender spectrum. Cain says that he's a little confused... and a little bit turned on... He asks Adrienn if he refers to xyr as He or She. Radomus then states that for non-binary individuals, a new set of pronouns has been gaining popularity. He says that as a gender-neutral pronoun set, instead of He, Him, or His, one says Xe, Xem, or Xyr. He then states that it is most polite to do so if requested or unsure. Adrienn says that he's right, and is impressed that he knows that. Adrienn says that if we want, xe can explain it later, but xe thinks we've got some more pressing concerns right now. Adrienn then asks me if I can get the door. I get the door, and head to the higher floor of Ruby Tower.


In the next room of the Ruby Tower, I find four statues with the Tyrogue family. I read Tyrogue's inscription, and it says that Hitmonchan is a liar, but Hitmonlee remains true to light. I consider Tyrogue to be light for now. I then read Hitmonchan's inscription, and it says that Hitmonlee serves the darkness, but Hitmontop always speaks truth. I consider Hitmonchan to be light for now. I read Hitmonlee's inscription, and it says that young Tyrogue has not drifted from the light, but Hitmontop has twisted into darkness. I consider Hitmonlee light for now. I then read Hitmontop's inscription, and it says that Hitmonlee is an accusatory liar, but Tyrogue still speaks truth. Now I know that both Hitmonchan and Hitmontop are on the dark, and I switch them to dark. Just then, the Ruby warp panel opens, and when I warp to the top part of the Ruby Tower, I find a star on the floor, and heal my Pokemon. I then step out the door, and prepare to face El...



I head down from the Ruby Tower, and find El and Gardevoir at a huge gate, and I find that we're standing in the Citae Arc-d'Astre Aerie. Cain, Radomus, and Adrienn catch up, and we surround El and Gardevoir. El says that he suspected that the door to the innermost sanctum will not open without all four keys... and he was right. He turns around, and finds that Adrienn has failed to detain us. Adrienn then states that there are some questions that need to be answered.



"Questions... Answers... Such meaningless words of humans..."



He then states that this is a holy place, and that it is not the place for trifles such as those. He then says that beyond this gate... lies that from whose dreams our world unfolds. He then tells us 'unworthy ones' that this is the birthplace of Arceus. For it is known that the God of Pokemon did create unto the Earth all other species... He then asks us, "Wherefrom did the divine itself undertake its existence? For it is known that Pokemon are often found on voyage from space beyond our reach. Here, upon our Earth, doth a meteor crash- bearing upon it our Lord." He says that here, in this sanctum, doth that very meteor lie. He then loathes on how vile it is that it should be buried so far beneath the filth known as Reborn City...



"My Lord, I beg your forgiveness for humanity's sin... Ignosco, Venia, Defaeco..."



He then turns to us, and asks us what if the door would open for us. He asks what if Arceus can be born anew. He asks us for what might we use its holy power. He then says that to cleanse this world... And begin from pure innocence, once again. Radomus then states that if anything can be said to be heretical, he believes that El just named it. El asks Radomus what a deceiver like him knows about declaiming heresy, and Radomus defends by asking if it's ironic to say that with Gardevoir standing by his side. Gardevoir then says that she's had more than enough of Radomus' constant lying, and asks him if he can just admit what he did to 'poor' Luna. El agrees with Gardevoir, and tells Radomus to return Luna to him, and he'll return his Gardevoir... If she even wants to go back. Radomus then says that if we're going to consider the wishes of those whose custody is questioned, let us not ignore Luna's adamant wish to remain with him. El then says that such a wish is born in falsehood, and that Radomus controls her mind to make her say such things. Radomus then says that it is such a foolish accusation. Gardevoir then says that she knows it's true, and says that she was there when he did it. She calls Radomus a monster, and says that she's always hated being his Pokemon. Radomus asks Gardevoir how long she's going to keep this up, and Cain asks Radomus if he even cares about Gardevoir's feelings. Adrienn seconds that question, and says that Radomus doesn't really seem to be affected by her words at all. Radomus then says why should he care for a Pokemon like that, and Gardevoir asks Adrienn to protect her from him because he says such cruel things. She also wants xyr to save Luna, too. Cain says that he doesn't want to believe it, but maybe Radomus really did brainwash Luna. El then says that Radomus is a callous and two-faced swine who has no moral compass. Radomus says that it is better to have no compass at all than have one that points south. BURN ON YOU, EL! Adrienn tells Radomus that one of the best measures of a person's worth is how they treat those in their power. BURN ON YOU, RADOMUS! Xe says that his Gardevoir truly seems to resent him, and xe cannot agree that it should be returned to him. Xe actually agrees that Radomus would do well to release the spell on Luna as well.

El tells Radomus that the game is over. He tells him to return Luna to her, and release her from his darkness. Radomus then says that he is sorry Adrienn feels that way, and Adrienn says that the way he says it, it's not an apology at all. Xe asks Radomus if he's really that cold hearted, and Radomus says that perhaps it is better judged by those who met Gardevoir with Luna. Cain asks Radomus if he's asking US on what side WE'RE taking. Radomus says that if he chooses to view it that way. Cain says that he doesn't know, because it seems that Radomus doesn't care at all about Gardevoir, and he certainly didn't react when she was taken... He made jokes, instead... He then says that on the other hand, Luna really seems to want to stay with him... But that could just be a trick. Cain then turns over to me, and asks me which person I want to side with. He asks me if we should side with El, or Radomus.



I believe... Radomus. We learned about what Adrienn had said, and from what Radomus told me when we had our private discussion, he is telling the truth. Lying becomes you, El, and that is why you will pay.



Cain supports me in my decision, and sides with Radomus as well. Radomus is relieved that he is not the only one to whom this charade seems transparent. Adrienn is confused, and asks Radomus what he is talking about when he says that it's a charade. Radomus asks Adrienn if xyr reason for remaining with El is the accusations of his Gardevoir. However, he says that xe never met her. Adrienn says that she's right there, and she's been talking all along. Radomus asks El if she is REALLY right there, and El is surprised that Radomus knew all along, shocking Adrienn and Cain. We all witness as Gardevoir turns pink, turning into a Ditto! Gardevoir was really Ditto in disguise! Since El is a member of the Elite Four, it is only fitting that he has a Ditto. Radomus reveals that unlike the riddles in this ruin's towers, light and truth do not always go hand-in-hand. He says that as our friend Adrienn said just moments ago...



"Things aren't that black or white. Sometimes, light can be even more blinding than darkness."



Radomus says that he, for one, thinks it would have been silly to be taken in by the dramatic confession of a false Pokemon. That's why he was uninterested. El states that Radomus is as obstinate as ever. He says that it is ironic that he would mention blindness, however. He tells us to look into his eyes, and we find out that his eyes are... white. Does that mean El is blind?! El then says that he is not blind anymore, but he once was. Yet no sooner did he undertake a prayer to the Lord Arceus did he bless him with his vision. El has followed his name ever since. However, now, he will deign to borrow his power once more... El asks us if we can feel it. He asks us if we can feel the holy energy that charges this place. He says that it emanates from the stone of Arceus... He then calls forth his Ditto to embrace the Lord's blessing, and to take its energy onto thyself.



"Opprimo Oppressi Oppressum!"



Ditto then transforms into Arceus, as we are blasted away... And the battle soon begins...



Aduro, Creo, Iudex... Mei Divinitus! We will silence the heretics! Let Judgment rain down upon thee! In thy qualms, a new light awakens, a beacon of truth- let it thus be revealed!




El sends out Arceus, while I send out Cottonee. Why Cottonee? Well since I was probably going to be facing Arceus here, I decided to head back to the Nature Center and get Cottonee and Pineco. I pondered at how I was going to get back up there, but I guess somebody put a ladder where I fell. Anyways... I have Cottonee use Leech Seed, and Arceus knocks Cottonee down with Dark Pulse. I send out Pineco, and he weakens Arceus' Defense with Rock Smash, but at the same time absorbing Arceus' health. Arceus keeps using Dark Pulse while Pineco's just slowly taking its health away. Eventually, Arceus resorts to Judgment when he has half of his health, but that doesn't do anything either. Eventually, Arceus' health get's really low, and surprisingly, Arceus does not have Recover, and El does not have any Full Restores, making this battle MUCH easier than the battle with Solaris. Eventually, after Arceus fires off one last Judgment and one last Dark Pulse, it is defeated, with Pineco having full health. Much to El's dismay of losing, I get a lot of money, and I win the battle!



El says that if I defy him, I defy the Lord. We then move closer to El. Arceus then reverts back into Ditto, and goes in its Pokeball. El then states that as but a false idol, it cannot hope to mimic the true Lord's power... Radomus asks if that is all, and Cain asks that if Ditto was the Gardevoir standing in front of us, then where is the real Gardevoir? Radomus wonders as well, and says that it looks like it's his move now. He then calls for his Gardevoir, and he tells her to Teleport to him. Gardevoir then appears behind him with a dazzling entrance, and Adrienn is surprised to see the real Gardevoir. Gardevoir is obliged, and asks if we missed her. Radomus then says that he dearly missed her, but says that we're not done yet. He then tells Gardevoir to use Hypnosis on El, and she hypnotizes him to sleep with a One-Hit KO! Radomus then declares that this case is closed. He then disguises as a police officer, and says that we'll take this one down to the station, because he has some time to do. Cain then wonders that if Radomus could have Gardevoir Teleport at any time, why bother coming all the way down here? Radomus then reminds him that Luna simply asked him to, and Gardevoir says that she could have escaped at any time. She then acts for her Master to save her, and she asks if she makes a great damsel in distress. Adrienn remarks that this Gardevoir is certainly more lively, and Gardevoir replies that xe was all "I will protect you!", and calls xyr a cutie, She then says that she would never leave her Master, because he's perfect. Adrienn is relieved, and Radomus says that we shouldn't be so surprised, because in the first place he asked: "Why should I be so concerned when the opposing king places himself in check?" He says that El tried to strike at him by using Gardevoir, but it was his mistake in underestimating her. Gardevoir then tells us to hold our applause for her until we're back in the comfort of home. Radomus then says on that note, it's about time we picked ourselves up out of here. Everyone then leaves, and I'm stuck all the way down here.


I then head downstairs, and leave Citae Arc-d'Astrae, but when I do, a voice from the shadows laughs, and says that this is fun... The voice invites everybody to come back and play again sometime, and says that we should all keep playing together for a long, long time. The voice then laughs one more time, and it dies out...



Just... what was that? One day... I'll be back. One day... I'll find the answers I need.



I then climb my way back up to the Grand Gates, and I find the gear turning again. Could this mean that the Grand Gates are open? I find Cain, Radomus, Gardevoir and Adrienn, and Adrienn is so glad to back above ground again. Xe says that xe felt like xe was down there for ages. Xe then heads back to Reborn City, and Radomus asks us if we notice anything strange... Cain notices it too, and the Grand Gate opened! The Grand Gates ARE open again! Gardevoir is shocked that it's open again, and says that it's been sealed for years. She wonders why it would suddenly open now, and Cain says that he's going to go check it out. Radomus is surprised as well. They head to Reborn City, and I follow them.


When I head to Reborn City, I find that it's raining AND windy at the same time. Adrienn is surprised to see a giant crack in the Grand Stairway. Cain tells xyr that it kinda got a little roughed up by Team Meteor. Adrienn says that xe doesn't mean that, but wonders where something is. Xe ponders to xyrself for a little while, and Radomus asks if xe's alright. Adrienn then says that xe is confused, and wonders where we are. Cain tells xyr that we are in Reborn City, and asks xyr if xe has been here before. Adrienn then says that this isn't the city... Xe wonders where the center is, and where the cabins and the port are. Xe also wonders why the lake is brown. Cain then walks up to Adrienn, and says that xe must be new here. However, xe says xe's not, and says that xe's lived in Reborn City xyr whole life. Xe says that this isn't the Reborn City that xe knows... Xe says that this place is... disgusting... Nothing like the quiet city xe grew up in... Gardevoir then says that someone's gone a little Looney-tone. Radomus then says that he has a somewhat different theory. He asks Adrienn if the last time xe saw this city, if the lake was properly colored. Adrienn says that it was a brilliant blue, and that's why they named it Azurine. Radomus tells xyr to tell him what else xe remembers.


Adrienn says that there was lots of grass and trees all over, and this waterfall, the Celestinine Cascade, filled down into a river that ran through the city... At the corner of the lake, there's a beautiful little port, and xyr gym... Xe wonders if anything has happened to xyr gym, and xe says that xe's got to go there. Xe then runs to his gym, and Radomus says that it is best not to leave xyr alone right now. Cain recalls that the gym was at a port... He then gets shocked at the fact that Adrienn's a Gym Leader. Wait a minute! Adrienn's a Gym Leader! Gardevoir says that we finally figured it out, and says that she knew all along. Cain realizes that the gym is the Coral Ward Gym! Then then head to the Coral Ward, and I follow them, but not before I head to the Name-Rater's house and rename Gardevoir Amelia.


I then head to the Coral Ward, and find Adrienn, along with the others, in front of xyr gym, which is now destroyed. I talk to Cain, and he is still shocked. I talk to Gardevoir, and she is now accepting bets if Adrienn goes off the deep end. I talk to Radomus, who says that this is going to be difficult. I then finally talk to Adrienn, who is now devastated at the destruction of xyr gym. Xe asks if this is a joke, and unfortunately, it isn't. Xe then denies it, saying that it's too elaborate, so xe assumes that xe must be dreaming. Radomus tells xyr were this but a dream, it would be all the easier. Alas, it is not. Adrienn then starts to feel sick... Radomus then tells xyr to steel xyr nerves for a moment, and answer him one thing. By Adrienn's reaction, Radomus could assume that xe was not expecting to find this building in such a condition. He asks xyr if this is correct, and Adrienn says that when xe left this morning, it was in perfectly fine... And none of this was like this at all... This whole city-- Radomus confirms his theory, and tells Adrienn to allow him to tell xyr what he knows about this gym...



About a decade ago, when the city was repopulated, Ame, leading the restoration project, designated several buildings to remain untouched. In general, these were historical artifacts that had left from long ago, or other places of significance. This gym was one such building. After the city was restored from the blackouts and the earthquakes, it was not touched at all. As we can see, it fell in disrepair. Perhaps Ame believed that its original owner would soon come attend to it.



He asks Adrienn if the original owner is xyr, and Adrienn is still shocked about the blackouts and earthquakes. Radomus tells xyr that this is probably all unheard of to xyr, and Adrienn is really confused. Radomus further clarifies that a moment ago, Adrienn said "this morning" that the gym was normal to xyr. Earlier, xe said that xe arrived at the ruin about "an hour" before we did. Adrienn says that he's right, and he continues. He concludes that based on xyr description of this city and xyr testimony on what's happened, he believes that there is only one conclusion that can be reached...



...Adrienn has been frozen in time for more than a decade.



Adrienn is confused, and Radomus asks xyr that when xe fell down into the ruin, how did xe get there. Adrienn says that xe was checking something out in the Mechanical Hall behind the Grand Gates... Xe says that someone reported that they had seen some kind of light shining through the floor, so xe dismantled part of it, and crawled down there. However, when xe lost xyr footing, xe fell underground. Following a natural tunnel, xe eventually came to that place. Radomus then asks xyr that when xe means xe was in the Grand Gates, if that means that xe accessed them as normal from the Grand Stairway. Adrienn says yes, and asks why. Radomus then says that that confirms it. He says that the gates have been inoperational for years. More than a decade ago, they suddenly ceased function. Adrienn then says that xe doesn't remember anything like that, and Radomus says that xe wouldn't remember that because xe was inside the ruin that entire time.



In fact, perhaps Adrienn was the cause of their malfunction...



Cain wonders how that makes any sense, and Radomus states that he bases that only on logical deduction: The gates did not function while Adrienn was inside. As soon as xe left, they began working again. He says that although the method behind that works are unclear, it is the only explanation we have. Adrienn then says that it seemed like the light shining in the hall was coming from something underground- xe had thought, when xe found it, it was the ruin. Perhaps the ruin and the Gates became connected somehow... Xe then says that that still doesn't explain how the time thing worked... Radomus then says that if we are to believe what El told us about that being the site of Arceus's birth, there's no telling what kind of energy afflicts that place. He then says that it is possible the energy of the meteor concealed inside the ruin warped the flow of time. Adrienn then wonders if we should have all been stuck with him too, since we were down there. Radomus then states that it is an valid concern, but we had something xe did not. Cain realizes that the things we had were the keys... The Ruby Ring and the Amethyst Pendant! Radomus then says that perhaps their presence, and the energy they bear connected to the ruin, was enough to 'unlock' Adrienn from the spell of frozen time. Adrienn realizes that xe had been underground for more than ten years until we found xyr, and he had no idea... To xyr, it just seemed like an hour... Gardevoir applauds at xyr realization, calling xyr Rip Van Wrinkle in the process. Adrienn says that that's a bad feeling, and Cain asks xyr what xe is going to do now. Xe then says that xe is not going to just leave the place like this, and Gardevoir asks if xe's just gonna try and fix the gym all by xyrself. She says that xe has xyr work all cut out for xyr. However, Adrienn says that xe's not just going to fix the gym, but xe's going to fix the whole city. Radomus is surprised, and Adrienn says that that's what xe's going to do. Xe asks Radomus if there's anyone in charge xe can speak to, and Cain says that Ame is usually around the Grand Hall. Radomus then tells him that the Grand Hall is a new construction, and Adrienn won't know it. He then tells xyr that it is a large building, and that xe probably passed it on xyr way here, around what xe previously referred to as a river. Adrienn then gets it, and thanks us for not just the information, but for everything. For getting xyr out of there. Xe had no idea... Gardevoir wishes xyr good luck on fixing the whole city, and says that maybe xe'll want to stop time again to do that. Xe then says that it's not like it'll happen immediately, but maybe xe will. Xe then says xyr goodbye, and heads off to the Grand Hall.


After Adrienn leaves, Radomus then says that that turned out to be an ordeal. Gardevoir also says that it will make a niiiice juicy news story, too. I know something else that's nice and juicy~ Radomus then tells her that before she makes her story, he still needs her, as me and Cain still have gym battles to do, after all. Gardevoir then says that they'll be waiting back at the castle, and Radomus says that he'll be seeing us shortly. Cain then asks me if I want to head back to the castle with them, or if I have anything else to do. Since I have nothing else I need to do right now, I'll head up to the castle with them. We then head to the castle together...




There is still much to be answered... When Adrienn said that there was a girl climbing... Was that voice the girl's voice? Who is this mysterious person? How did time freeze down there? There is still much to be answered indeed... But for now... my battle.






Current Pokemon Stats

The team leveled up quite a bit. I gave Gardevoir a new name, which is now Amelia (You all probably know that name somewhere...) When I breed Gardevoir for a Shiny Gardevoir, I might use that one instead. Though I will probably start breeding Gardevoir when Mega Evolution stones are actually in the game, so it won't be for a while.




Name: Charles

Level: 57

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 53

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 57

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 57

Moves: Magical Leaf, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Arc

Level: 57

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 56

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack

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Chapter XL: The Checkered Grandmaster Radomus!



I head to Castle Vanhanen with everyone else, and head inside. When I head inside, Luna is happy to see that Gardevoir is back. Gardevoir then walks up to her, and Luna tells her that she's missed her. She also tells her not to go off disappearing like that again, and Gardevoir tells her that a girl needs a little excitement in her life. She then tells Luna that she had her Gallade-in-shining-armor come all the way down to rescue her. Radomus, now in a Gallade disguise, walks up to Luna and says that there was hardly much rescuing involved, but indeed, the perceived crisis has been averted. Luna then says that Radomus is wonderful, and says that she is pleased to be in service to him. Radomus tells her that we should not get ahead of ourselves, and says that he is but a humble Gallade. Cain then asks Radomus why he changes to all of these silly different outfits. Radomus says that his words wound him, and says that there's nothing silly about his outfits. He then answers his question with why not. He then changes into his Mad Hatter outfit, and says that he simply chooses the right outfit for the job. Gardevoir then says that she is afraid that the peasantry knows nothing of her Master's divine taste of fashion. Luna says that she finds them most amusing, and Radomus then announces that there's another nonsequitor transition: He has somebody to introduce to us all. He then politely asks me to stand aside, and I do. He then tells his guest to enter, and he does. A gray-haired man who awfully looks like El appears, and he steps forward. Cain is confused, and Luna is horrified.



So it IS El... But why did Radomus bring him here?



Radomus then announces that he would like us to meet the estate's newest butler, Elias, who then says that he is pleased to serve. Elias then tells us to let him know if there is anything he may do to make our stay more comfortable. Luna is still shocked, and Radomus turns around and finds that Luna looks as if she had seen a ghost. Cain tells him that it's not a ghost she's seen, but it's her father... Luna then says that she is confused by his words, and says that her Master is her father, and none other. Radomus then says that it is a strange thing to accuse his new attendant of. He then asks Elias if Luna is his daughter, but he oddly says that she is not. Radomus then says that as Luna claims him to be her father, he believes that this issue can now be laid to rest. Luna then says that she doesn't like the feeling of Elias, and says that it's uncomfortable. She says that she wishes to leave, and she leaves. Gardevoir then follows her, wanting her to come back. Elias then asks if he has offended, and Radomus says that it is through no fault of his own, and tells him to pay it no mind. Radomus then says that on a different note, he understands that Elias has procured a certain rare object, and asks him politely if he can give it to him. Elias then obliges, and says that he believes that the Amethyst Pendant was the object that he was looking for. He then gives him the Amethyst Pendant. Radomus then says that that will be all, and dismisses him.


Cain realizes that that is Anna's Pendant, and says that El took it before. Radomus remembers that he did say that before, and then asks me how came by this object, and before I say anything, he says that he should know better than to ask such a question to a player character with no dialogue, OBVIOUSLY breaking the fourth wall. He then asks if my friend Cain can speak for me. Cain then gets confused, and Radomus then says that it was merely a joke. He then asks Cain where the Amethyst Pendant came from. Cain then says that it belongs to a friend of ours, and she'll be wanting it back. Radomus then agrees that it is such a precious thing to lose, and says that in understanding, it is with all his greatest sympathy that he will REFUSE to return it to me. He then tells me for just this once, he will implore me to acquiesce him on faith alone. He will keep the Amethyst Pendant, and I will not find my trust abused. Well, if we can trust him... Alright, I trust him. He then goes onto lighter matters, and says that we have a gym challenge to get under way. He then tells me that I will find the doors to the Challenge Hall open, and wishes me best luck. He then heads into the Challenge Hall, and Cain begins to doubt if siding with him was really the right thing to do. He says that Radomus acts so strange, and he just ran off with the Amethyst Pendant like that. he also says that the fact that the Butler had it... He then wonders if that was El... But it was El. Cain then says that he's not comfortable with this, and he says that he's normally comfortable with a lot of things that most people aren't comfortable with... I then heal my Pokemon, and head into the Challenge Hall.



What does Radomus want with the Amethyst Pendant? And why did he bring Elias here?



I head into the Challenge Hall, and find Radomus and Gardevoir on a balcony. Gardevoir then announces for the challenge.



"We are here live at the Vanhanen Castle with the challenger, that's me, endeavoring to earn his eighth official Reborn League badge! Will he fly, or will he fall!? We'll find out soon- But~! The gym battle alone is not the only trial that yet awaits our eager hero!"



Gardevoir then gives her Master the honors of explaining the rules as to why there's a huge chess board. As Radomus is about to explain, Gardevoir interrupts and reminds me that her Master is a world-renowned master of Chess. Radomus says that she gave HIM the honor, and Gardevoir apologizes, saying that the floor is his. Radomus then says that speaking of the floor, I will find that it is arranged as a chess board. He says that it would all be too unfair for him to ask me to face-off against him in such a game. He tells me to fear not, for he will not be so unscrupulous.


He then gives me a different task: Obeying the normal rules of each chess piece, I must arrange my pieces in such a way that he is placed in checkmate.


He also gives me new restrictions on each of us: He may not move his pieces. However, I cannot capture them. However, these pieces still are considered to attack their normal territory.


In other words, I have an infinite number of 'turns' to find a solution of checkmate, with his pieces locked into their present positions. He then tells me that when I think I have found a solution, I must access the door below him to check. He finally says that if I have any questions regarding the normal rules of pieces, his butler Elias will address any questions I have in the room on the left. He then wishes me luck, and I head to the room on the left to speak to Elias.



I then head into the Basic Hall, and find the chess pieces. Nidoking is the King, Nidoqueen is the Queen, Bisharp is the Bishop, Escavalier is the Knight, Golurk is the Rook, and Pawniard is the Pawn. I then talk to Elias, and I want him to tell me a bit about himself. He says that there's nothing much to say about a lowly butler. He then says that he serves his Lord with his whole being- for it is Master Radomus who hath given his life meaning. He beholds his eyes- they are greyed with defect. He tells me that for much of his life, he has been a blind man. But then did he undertake a plea to Lord Radomus. He tells me that in Radomus' greatness, he did move to restore to Elias his sight, and he has followed his name ever since. He then finishes by saying that that is all there is to say about someone like him.



He is lying. Lying becomes him, and that will be his undoing. I know he is involved with Team Meteor. That name is one and the same with the Elias that Sirius mentioned back when he reported to Lin in Tanzan Mountain. I know that it was Arceus that restored his vision, and not Radomus. He still follows the Lord Arceus. Either he is lying, or he is brainwashed by Radomus, though I doubt the second theory...



It seems that I am the White, Radomus is the Black. I head back to the Challenge Hall, and push the Golurk Rook and the Nidoking King all the way to the corner, but gave it space. I head to the door, and it looks like I put him in Checkmate. Radomus then states that is one more rule for this room. He says that in a normal Chess game, one need only to corner the King for the game to be over. Alas- this is not a normal Chess game. He then declares that his King- will fight back! The King then transforms into a trainer! Radomus then leaves me to battle the trainer, and says that he will be waiting for me at the end. I beat the trainer, and head into the next room.


I head into the next room, and find CAIN up there! He tells me that they let him up there for this one, and says that they figured he'd get bored waiting out there. He says that he's not great at Chess, but I can figure it out... Or so I thought. Apparently, the one possible solution for me is to do what a fellow Rebornian did, and put the Golurk Rook about a space or two away from the Nidoking King, Put the Bisharp Bishop southwest of the space below the Nidoking King, and place the Escavalier Knight inside the spot where all of the Black pieces are surrounding. One I place them there, I talk to Cain, and he says that it's Checkmate! He then says that that's his cue to leave. He wishes me good luck, and heads deeper inside the Challenge Hall. The Nidoking King turns into another Psychic, and I beat his Pokemon. He then tells me that my next opponent awaits. The door opens, and I head inside.


I then head into the next room, and find Luna up on the balcony. She then tells me that she will be my attendant for this match, and tells me to inform her if there is anyway in which she may be of service. I know what kind of service she can do~ Just kidding! She then says that it is with some remorse that she admits that she is barred from divulging to this puzzle, but she will offer what clues she may. For instance... Here, infinite potential will be my guiding force. She then tells me to begin, and so I begin. I move my Pawniard Pawns so that my Escavalier Knight can move to the top left corner that it can reach, and I promote one of my Pawniard Pawns to an Escavalier Knight. Then, I move it right next to the other Escavalier Knight. I then talk to Luna, who says that I've done it! I gotten to the point of Checkmate! She asks me if now understand what she was referring when she mentioned infinite potential.



"When one can look past what is presented to them, one finds a new world abounding with possibility. Indeed, it is our reliance on only what we can see that makes us truly blind."



She then says that this is just one of the many reasons that she prefers to live in the eternity of Darkness- it is a nirvana. She then says that nonetheless, she trusts that she will meet me in the darkness soon. For now, Master Radomus awaits. She bids me goodbye, and heads inside, deeper into the Grand Hall. The Nidoking King then transforms into another Psychic, and I beat his Pokemon. I then enter the next room.

When I enter the next room, I find Gardevoir on the balcony this time. How can a Pokemon play Chess? She is amazed that I have made it this far, and wonders if I can surmount the final trial. I push the Pawniard Pawn up to the end, and promote it into a Nidoqueen Queen, and I head one of the Escavalier Knights and move it to the top, and fit it inside the black space surrounded by black pieces. I then move my Bisharp Bishop and my Nidoqueen Queen so that they can check the Nidoking King northeast. I then move my other Escavalier Knight to block the queen. With that said, I go to Gardevoir, and she says that it's a Checkmate! She then says that she'll be seeing me again soon, buuuut... She then says her Master is the most intelligent, handsome, cunning, elegant, and charming man in the world. She then asks me if I really think I can beat him. If I can beat Solaris' Ruthless Garchomp, a level 100 Disobedient Abra, AND El's False Arceus, then I know I can beat Lord Radomus! She then tells me to stay tuned to find out. She then leaves into the next room, while the Nidoking King transforms into one last Psychic. I beat his Pokemon, and then head into the last room.


When I enter the final room, I find a huge battlefield. However, this is not the actual battlefield, so I head deeper into the arena, and find everyone surrounding a giant chess board with every piece on it. Radomus is amused that I have gotten this far, and Gossip Gardevoir makes her dazzling appearance, and pops out of her Pokeball. Radomus then states that he believes that there is no further cause for ado, and asks if I'm ready. I am ready. Cain cheers for me, telling me to beat Radomus' butt. Gardevoir then gets cocky, and says as if anyone can beat her Master. Gardevoir is then scolded by Radomus as he says that there's no need for such an attitude. Gardevoir then stops, and says that she'll follow whatever he says. Luna laughs a little bit, and tells me to pay no mind to Gardevoir's capriciousness, for she can hardly help it. She then wishes me good luck. Elias then steps forward, and explains the rules. Radomus then states that the tactics and art of Pokemon can be said to be not unlike those of the game of Chess. He says that though archaic mechanics and strategies are seldom considered by the average trainer, one must rise above such mediocrity in order to succeed. However, unlike Chess, there are certain aspects that can be betrayed... He then says that he believes it's high-time for Black to make the first move. Elias then announces to begin the battle, and the battle begins...



You may make the first move, Radomus, but in the end, it's Checkmate for you.



Grandmaster Radomus sends out Alakazam, while I send out Persian. Persian strikes with Fake Out, flinching Alakazam. Then, Alakazam tries to launch a Focus Blast, but misses, while Persian nearly knocks out Alakazam with Bite. Radomus then gives Alakazam a Hyper Potion. Alakazam then strikes with Focus Blast, but actually knocks out Persian. I send out Corey, who actually knocks out Alakazam with a critical hit Sucker Punch. Radomus sends out Gallade, while I send out Charles. Charles then burns Gallade with Flamethrower, but then finishes off Gallade with a critical hit Wing Attack. Radomus then sends out Starmie, and I send Corey back out again. Corey then strikes with Sucker Punch, but all Starmie does is use Calm Mind. Corey then knocks out Starmie with a critical hit Sucker Punch. Radomus then sends out Gossip Gardevoir, while I send out Arc. Gossip Gardevoir then traces Arc's Speed Boost, which was a mistake on my part, but then Arc nearly knocks out Gossip Gardevoir with Crunch, but she strikes back with Hidden Power, and knocks him out. I then send out Corey again, and Corey strikes with Sucker Punch. Radomus then heals Gossip Gardevoir, and Corey strikes with Sucker Punch again. Eventually, he knocks Gossip Gardevoir down with a critical hit Sucker Punch. Radomus sends out Reuniclus, while I send out Hydra. Hydra builds up with Dragon Dance, while Reuniclus builds up with Calm Mind. Hydra then Bites Reuniclus, and Reuniclus flinches. Hydra then Bites Reuniclus again, and knocks it down. Radomus then sends out Metagross, and I keep Hydra out. Metagross builds up with Agility, while Hydra builds up with Dragon Dance some more. Metagross then hits Hydra with Meteor Mash, but it doesn't do anything, so Metagross attacks with Ice Punch. Hydra on the other hand, uses Aqua Tail, and that does some damage, so he finishes Metagross off with another Aqua Tail. The only item that his whole team had was Leftovers, and that still did not protect him. With all of Radomus's Pokemon defeated, I win the battle!



Checkmate, Radomus.



Radomus is pained that the end-game is ever-paining, but says that that is a battle worthy of its victory, as I am now worthy of the Millennium Badge. He gives me the Millennium Badge, and tells me that Pokemon up to level 65 will obey me without question. Gardevoir then declares that for the winner, there is one more special prize. She hands me TM04 Calm Mind. She explains what it does, and Radomus explains the move more clearly. He then says that Gardevoir does not have a liberty of making a distinction, and she whines for her Master. Radomus then asks her if there is a problem, and she huffs. Cain congratulates me, and Luna agrees. She says that that was a lovely performance, and tells Gardevoir that she did admirably. She also adds that I did admirably as well. She then says that she looks forward to engaging me herself. Gardevoir then asks Luna if she will be facing me here or in the Valley. Luna replies that she would much prefer the Valley if it may be so. She then tells me that she, too, is a Gym Leader of Reborn. She says that the stones and shadows of the rabbit-hole we call Iolia Valley make such an excellent background for a battle. After all, where better than the valley of the shadow of death to stage a challenge upon the most beautiful type- Darkness.



So Luna is the Dark-type Gym Leader... That is probably one of the many reasons why she prefers to live in the Darkness...



The most oddest thing is that Elias is missing. Just then, the lights turn off, and Cain asks if that was planned. Radomus assumes that it wasn't planned, and Luna says that it was certainly nothing she did... Radomus then assumes that something happened to their power. He then says that we shall quit this place for now. Radomus and Gardevoir leave, and Luna says something to herself...



"Ever-feared, and ever-misunderstood... For it was darkness, hence I came. In darkness, hence I leave."



Luna then leaves, and Cain says that it's just me and him now. Alone... in the darkness... He asks me if I feel the moment... CAIN... He then says that he's just kidding with me, and tells me to calm down. He then says that he'll see me on the flip side, and leaves. I then head to the door, but apparently, it's the end of Episode X, so now I sit back, and enjoy the trailer...



A new Episode... means a new Chapter. I will investigate more on Elias... And I will stop him.






Current Pokemon Stats

The team leveled up a little bit. It seems like I'm now forced to use the new abilities that get corrected. Well, some of them are beneficial. since it's Episode XI now, I'll have a whole new look to my character, and the game.




Name: Charles

Level: 57

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 53

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 57

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 57

Moves: Magical Leaf, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Arc

Level: 57

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 58

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack

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Chapter XLI: The Lost Girl Conspiracy, And The Underworld Of 7th Street!



Where we had last left off on our adventure, the lights had oddly shut off, with Elias nowhere to be seen. Will Radomus fix the lights? Will we find Elias? The mystery continues...



After everyone leaves and after I enjoy the nice trailer of Episode 11, I head out of the Challenge Hall. When I head back to the main part of the castle, I find Elias, who tells me that I have done well. He politely asks me to follow him, and he tells me that he has already secured an escape route from our assailants. He tells me to follow him, and so I follow him swiftly.



I do not like the looks of this...



I follow him back to the entrance, and two Team Meteor grunts block the door! Elias then says that as they say, "Checkmate." It seems I am in Checkmate. The two grunts then move closer to me, and Elias asks if I'm not surprised. He then reveals that he is not-- nor was he ever-- any such servant to the estate. He then says to believe as much, one would have to be even blinder than he ever was. He says that the swine Radomus is no fool... He asks why then, knowing that he was indeed not fully hypnotized, should he allow him into his estate. Elias then says that Radomus believed that he had brain-washed the same way he did his daughter. And so, it has become all the easier to reclaim her. He then states that he'll suffer none to stand in his way, and that includes me. He says though it's hardly only his way that I've been in, and tells me that Solaris has told him all he needs to know about my impudent meddling with Team Meteor.


He then declares that he shall not permit me to interfere with Team Meteor's divine purpose: "Eradicate the unclean city-- restore the ruin below it to its greatness. That to all who would thwart that design, judgment shall--"


Just then, Cain arrives just in time with his Nidoking. His Nidoking bursts in, pushing the Meteor grunts out of the way. Cain shows up, and tells me that they caught Luna! Elias says that they should have captured him as well. However, Cain doesn't go down without a fight, or at least some sweet talk first. He then gets closer to Elias, who says that Cain's lecherous implications only condemn him further, and asks us if we believe that the two of us together can best him. Cain then asks Elias if he wants to find out, but Elias only tells him to not mistake his little experiment of drawing on our Lord Arceus' power as the limit of his own ability. Cain says that "his own ability" doesn't matter right now, and he knows what he's gotta do. Cain knows that my Pokemon are all messed up from that gym battle, which is why Elias waited to act until now. He then tells Elias that he'll fight him himself. Cain admits that I surpassed him a long time ago, so even if he does lose, it doesn't matter. He tells me to go on, and says that he'll hold Elias up while I get out of here. He says that rescuing Luna's up to me now. I then leave, and Elias calls Cain noble for his sacrifice. He asks Cain if he knows who he is, and Cain says that he's figured it out that Elias is one of the Elite Four. He then says that the only thing he resents is that he has to side with Team Meteor. Elias then tells him that Cain then understands that there will be no 'sweet talk', and that he will bow before the Lord.



El... Elias... You're just the same. I know that you work for Team Meteor, and you WILL be taken down.



When I head outside, I find a Light Shard (Yes, I called them stars before, but now I know what they are.), and heal my Pokemon. I then find that as I'm getting out of the Vanhanen Labyrinth, there's Team Meteor grunts all over the place. I beat a grunt, and then I head over to the left. However, I get cornered by a grunt, and now I can't escape. However, it turns out to be none other than Radomus! He asks if he was convincing, and says that it seems to have been enough to fool the rest of the grunts. I mean seriously, all they have is black clothes and black hoods, so it's not that hard to get away with a disguise. He then reminds me of what he said before- "Choose the right hat for the right job." He then says that one might wonder just how he had such an outfit as the one he's wearing in the first place... He remarks that it almost makes him look suspicious. He then tells me to follow him, and we go to a dead end.



Radomus tells me that he cannot stay long, but asks me to allow him to leave me with this: Firstly, they have captured Luna, as I have heard. Unfortunately, he had not the foresight to teach Luna to Teleport as well, though if he could... He then gets back on subject, and says that more importantly, Elias may portray himself as a holy man, but his true nature has been made clear. However, Team Meteor is not the only shady dealing Elias has... Radomus says that he has a hunch on where Luna will be taken, but for reasons of his own, he must make himself scarce. Therefore, he asks me to follow it in his stead. He suspects that she will be somewhere around 7th Street in Reborn City. He tells me that if I can't find that place, then I need to contact someone who's a bit more familiar with the city's back-alley dealings. He says that on another note, he'll beseech me to allow him to keep the Amethyst Pendant a bit longer. He tells me that what he knows of it... is that Luna holds its twin. He tells me that he heard a story once about these 'keys' being purchased from a traveling merchant... He ponders on who that could have been, and tells me something that we have said before:



"Not all is Black and White, or Dark and Light. 'Wrong' is sometimes 'Right'. In is often Out. And sometimes Up may be the only way Down."



In this case, all I need to do is read between the lines- or rather, walk between them. He then makes some stairs, bids adieu, and until we meet again. He takes his leave, and I follow the stairs back to the entrance. Thank you, Radomus! I decide to battle the rest of the Meteor grunts, just because, and beat one of them, because I actually can't get to the rest of them... I then decide to head back to Reborn City.


I then show up at the North Obsidia Ward, and find a funky dude at the Reborn Nightclub. He introduces himself as DJ Arclight, and says that he runs the Nightclub for the Ace Members. He then tells me that Aces are Reborn's elite class, and says that the best way to join them is beat the Reborn League. He then says that his break's over, and he was just enjoying the air while he could. He then tells me that he's gotta get back to the tracks, as he runs the club's music. He reintroduces himself, and says that Arc's fine for short. He tells me to remember the name, and heads back inside.



That is one groovy dude... But right now, I have to get back on track.



I then head to the Aqua Gang's Hideout, and speak with the Boss. Apparently, since DJ Arclight wants to be called Arc, The Boss changed his name to Archer. He then tells me that if I ever need something from the Aqua Gang, I just say the word. I ask him about 7th Street, and he says that I'm not going to find it if I'm up here. He tells me that 7th Street isn't just a normal street. He states that the street numbers don't quite add up. I've noticed. He says that in Peridot, there's 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... And then Opal Bridge takes up 5th and 6th. But in the Obsidia Ward, the next one is 8th. The secret... is that 7th Street is... It's basically Reborn City's Black Market. He tells me that most people don't even know about it. Fortunately, we're not 'most people'. He then says that they can definitely help me out. He tells me that I'll find our secret entrance in the apartment on 3rd and Dahlia. I thank him for the information, and head to 7th Street.



I go to the apartment on 3rd and Dahlia Street, and speak to the attendant. She says that the apartments are for tenants only, but fortunately, She has been informed that I am a new 'resident'. She then tells me that I can go right on ahead. I speak to Mannie, and he takes me down to 7th Street.


When I head to 7th Street, I battle a few trainers, and buy two Soul Candles from a guy down in 7th Street. I also find one of Elias' goons, but ignore him for now.


I find DeFacto, and he asks me how I like it down here. He personally manages to make a pretty penny, but it can be a veritable struggle to reason with some of these lesser merchants. He tells me that the economy down here- as with any underworld market- works on a separate axis of supply and demand. He tells me that one singular substance reigns supreme here: "Rare Candy". He asks if I have ever heard of it, and he says that it's perhaps best if someone like me never does. He says that for many of these fellows, however, they are already too addicted to the "level up". Incidentally, he ask me if I know how "Rare Candy" is made. He then tells me that by distilling the synthetic compounds of other items- specifically crystal Shards and Heart Scales- one is left with a highly reactive substance. Combined with the traditional medicinal Pokemon Rare Candy, a violent psychoactive is produced. But, as such, it is these ingredients which are in high demand down here- Shards and Heart Scales. Thus, it is extremely beneficial for those able to gather those resources to do so. He then says that that's where he comes in! He tells me that he has a brand new product that can help the crafty geologist maximize their efficiency. He says that Blast Powder is a unique reactive substance, and when placed on certain kinds of damaged rocks- the glowing rocks that I've seen- it will allow previously harvested spots to become lucrative. In short, it allows me to mine a stone twice. With that established... I then buy some Blast Powder. I then head deeper into the place, and end up finding the old hag Craudburry yelling at somebody. She notices me, and says that she should've known she'd see low-life scum like me lollygagging around down here. That's pretty surprising, considering SHE'S down here. She scolds me not to look at her, calling me a criminal swine. She says that I'm not worth her breath, and says that I'm driveling mucus with every step. She then leaves, and I find Archer.


Archer says that perhaps unfortunately, the street-savvy aren't the only ones with influence down here. He says that there's always people like Craudburry, who pretends to be such an upstanding citizen, but she just plays the streets down here with her wealth. He asks if I recall the Pokemon that we stole from her, and I do. He reveals that that was one she purchased ILLEGALLY down here. THAT'S why he had no regrets targeting her... Nonetheless, her attitude is insufferable, yet no one down here stands up to her. After all, they dare not risk her patronage. Archer then gets an idea... Perhaps we might better everyone's lives down here, why not teach old Craudburry a lesson? He says that if I'm interested, I'll have to meet him around her house. He then leaves, and I find a building that says Pokemon Psychology. I head inside, and find a doctor who says that he'll change the nature of my Pokemon in exchange for a Heart Scale. I give him a Heart Scale, and he changes Charles's nature from Jolly to Modest. I then head out, and buy an Ability Capsule.


I also find Razzy, who talks about if I'm gonna find a pretty lady. He then tells me that there was this guy who ran down to the dump or somewhere, and wants me to catch him. With nothing else to do here, I head upstairs and head back to the Lapis Ward.


I find Archer next to Craudburry's house, and he says that he's going to leave me to deal with her, because he's going to stand guard and make sure no one interferes. I then enter her house, and she is disgusted that I followed her back here. She asks if I intend to desecrate her house again, and crap on her life once more. She then threatens that she can pay the dogs down in 7th Street to kill my family if she wanted to, and threatens me not to cross her. Too bad I HAVE NO FAMILY... She then says that if I won't leave, she'll MAKE me leave. She surprisingly chuckles, and says that after the last incident with me and my pack of hounds, she decided to invest in a bit of self-defense... She states that she already bought the best Pokemon that 7th Street has to offer, and they'll make me regret the day I crawled into this world.



That's what you think, bitch.



Old Hag Craudburry sends out Victreebell, while I send out Persian. Persian uses Fake Out, and flinches Victreebell. After a few Bites and Cuts, Victreebell goes down. Craudburry sends out Druddigon, and I send out Arc. After Druddigon gets hit with Arc's Ice Fang, Craudburry decides to switch out Druddigon for Quilfish. Unfortunately, Quilfish knocks out Arc with Pin Missile after Arc Crunches it. I send out Persian again, and he knocks out Quilfish with Fake Out and Cut. Craudburry sends out Druddigon again, and I send out Corey. After Corey jabs Druddigon with Poison Jab, Druddigon hits Corey with Dragon Tail, making me switch out for Charles, who then knocks out Druddigon with Dragon Rage. After all of those strong Pokemon are defeated, I win the battle!



Craudburry then freaks out, and screams that her Pokemon are worthless. She says that she paid good money for them, and starts to blame the shady vendor, saying that she should have him arrested. Archer arrives just in time, and says that that's a bad plan. She screams at the sight of him, and tells us to get out of her house. Archer asks her why would he do that, and mockingly asks her if she will force him out with her fierce-some illegal Pokemon. He then states the fact that she cannot possibly have that vendor arrested, because she WILLFULLY participated in illegal trade HERSELF. He tells her that she'll ruin herself if she tries to do anything. Craudburry then silences herself, and Archer says that our terms are as such:



The terms: Firstly, Old Hag Craudburry will stop her fiendishly screeching. Secondly, she will never return to 7th Street.



He asks her if they are clear, and unwillingly obliges. Archer then says that is agreed, and he tells me to follow him out. I then follow him out, and he then goes on with the mission debriefing.



Mission Debriefing: Well done. I do believe that will be sufficient to see her excised from 7th Street. I won't keep you any longer, but one gift, from me to you. A member of the Aqua Gang should naturally find this useful.



He hands me TM18 Rain Dance, and says that he'll see me around.


I then head to the Name Rater in the Peridot Ward, and rename Arc to Archer, as Arc renamed his name to Archer. I also happen to find Teddiursa (After a long time), but it runs away! I then head back to 7th Street, and somehow find Maxwell down in the caves with a bunch of druggies. He says that he used to be the king of the jungle called Reborn City... Until I showed up and dethroned him. He says that the Magma Gang is no more, and that's my fault. He says that he's all alone in this dump, and that's my fault too. He then sighs that there's no glory in this, but... He then decides to reclaim his fame by battling me.



For glory, baby!



Magma Kingpin Maxwell sends out Vulpix, and I send out Persian. Persian uses Fake Out, and flinches Vulpix, then strikes Vulpix down with a critical hit Cut. He then sends out Charizard, while I send out Amelia, who ends up getting burned down by Charizard's Blast Burn. I then send out Archer, who uses Swagger to confuse Charizard while it's recharging. This is why I don't teach my Pokemon those kind of moves. Unfortunately, Archer goes down from a critical hit Air Slash after it Crunches Charizard. I then send out Persian, who knocks Charizard out with Fake Out and Cut. Maxwell sends out Heatmor, who tries to use Hone Claws, but fails when Persian Taunts it. Persian then Cuts Heatmor, but goes down from a few Thunder Punches from Heatmor. I send out Charles, but he goes down from paralysis and Thunder Punch. I send out Hydra, who knocks out Heatmor with Bite. Maxwell then sends out Houndoom, and Hydra builds up with Dragon Dance, and knocks Houndoom down with Aqua Tail. Maxwell sends out Pyroar, who also goes down from Aqua Tail. After a long, hard battle, I finally win the battle!


Maxwell then wants a redo, but wonders what it takes to beat me. He wonders if he needs cheat codes, and then he says that he's been lingering here in a desperate hope that if he beats me, he could rebuild his family, but it seems that won't happen. He then decides to move on with his life by taking up a factory job, and living a real life. He realizes that he's been wasting his time all along, and says that it's humiliating. He then gives me a parting gift from a 'dying' man. He gives me TM11 Sunny Day, and declares that he'll die here, and be reborn as a normal person. He thanks me, and realizes that glory was a prison. He leaves, and I head to the building where I heal my Pokemon.


After my errands down in 7th City, I step up in front of Elias' goon, and he tells me not to defy their true lord. He then asks who "truly" is the false prophet. I then talk to the guy who sold me a few Soul Candles, and he tells me that he beat the white robed guy good. He tells me to ask around, and so I ask Elias' goon. He says that it can't be him, because he's been here the whole time. He says that he has heretical souls to save, but they keep shouting about... Helix. He then tells me that I should ask around, and look around. He then tells me that he has business, and then shouts the Lord Arceus's Judgment shall fall on them all. I then ask Pierce if he has seen a man in a white robe, and he has. He tells me that he's seen him in a watering hole right here, and I enter the building.


I then head out of the building, and find a guy who appears to be Bennett in a white robe. He then leaves, and enters a cave where all of the druggies are at. I talk to him, and he knew I was following him. He says that of all people, he never would have expected to see me down here. He then states that this isn't the sort of place someone like him would choose to be either... He tells me that he was asked to get supplies for their ritual, so it couldn't be helped. He says that they would cross with him if someone followed him back, but he must return posthaste so that they can save Luna... I tell him that I'm trying to save Luna, too, and he gets shocked, as I am trying to save Luna as well. He says that there should be no problem, as we have the same goal. He says that he's sure they'll understand that. He tells me that the entrance to their chamber is actually hidden down here, but he'll go ahead and leave the way open for me. He says that it's just right outside, and I won't miss it. He then leaves to head for the chamber.



Bennett is being deceived... They're not trying to 'save' Luna at all. They're out to get her. But thank you for your generosity in leaving the way open for me.



I then head outside, and find a door that I haven't seen before. It takes me behind the Beryl Wall, and follow the left path. When I arrive, I find myself to be in a Sanctum of some sort. I then follow the path, and find Bennett. However, a bunch of cultists show up, and Elias himself appears from behind me. Elias is now wearing a black trench coat and shades. I guess this is the REAL Elias... Bennett apologizes, and he reveals that Elias actually asked him to LET me in here. And to think, I actually thought he was dumb enough... He figures that that's the case, and says that most people don't seem to think very highly of him. He supposes that it's typical of a person who prefers the company of bugs to that of people... He tells me politely to not mistake his standoffishness for any personal disdain. He then tells me that he is merely doing what is best for his future, and for Luna. Elias then tells Bennett that he has done well, and tells him to continue his diligence, and he will surely secure a position in the Elite Four for him. Bennett then thanks him, and Elias reveals that although he had intended only to ask his help in finding Luna, Bennett has proven a surprisingly useful assistant. That's because he is obsessed with Luna, and wants to be strong! Bennett then tells Elias that he naturally wants to help Luna as much as he does, and Elias says that they will begin her 'purification' ritual posthaste. He then instructs Bennett to see that I am confined safely in the dungeon, for they will deal with me later. Bennett walks up to me and grabs me, as Elias announces that they will eradicate any memory Luna has of that 'swine', Radomus. He then says that hopefully then, she will remember where her loyalty lies, and return to the light. The only light YOU have, is lies and greed! Bennett agrees with Elias, and ask me if I would follow him, not that I have much of a choice with their numbers. I could take those cultists down with my six Pokemon if I wanted to! The cultists then take me away, and lock me up in the dungeon...



When I arrive to the dungeon, the only prisoner that's next to me is some other person. I then read a book...



Rebirth of a New World

"When one door closes, another opens. And there shalt come a day, as foretold by the prophets of old, and on that day, it shall come to pass: Our world shall end. Light shall consumeth all within its cleansing fires." -- Arceus 23-3

"From the ashes, a new world shall begin. Nascor, Nasci, Natus, the Lord Arceus."



Just as I'm turning the pages, the other prisoner hears me turning the pages. He greets me, and introduces himself as Randall. He says that they kept him down here a few days, but he actually doesn't mind. At least they're feeding him... He says that he gets better food in here than he did on the streets. It's still not much, but he can't rightly say he's hating it. He says that they're kind enough to give us some educational reading, too. He says that it isn't different, even if it is all about religious things. He says that it keeps him from getting bored, and from going back to the candy... He says that that isn't here nor there, and figures that he'll just enjoy their hospitality for a few days while he detoxes, and then head right on out. He then checks to see if the guards are listening, and then tells me that he can actually just let himself out of here whenever he wants. He then sends out his Klefki, and it gladly unlocks the door for me! Thank you, Klefki! He then returns his Klefki into its Pokeball, and says that Klefki just happened to pick up something what is sorta 'Master Key' to this place. That is one, lucky Klefki. He tells me that he'll scoot right on out when he gets bored, but he imagines that I'm more interested in escape than him, so there I go. He then checks on a book, and tells me that if I'm planning on running out, there's a couple of things I should know...


Randall tells me that firstly, there's a Mukload of people patrolling up on the floor above us. He recommends that I don't try to fight them all by myself. He says that it's probably better just to sneak past them. But if I do get caught again... He can always let me out. Secondly, personal recommendation... If I see any books lying out and about, I might wanna check them out. He says that some of them are pretty funny. "Arceus will save us all!" Probably, probably not. He then tells me to go knock myself out.



I then make my escape. As long as I see that the cultists don't see me, I'm good. It takes me a few times before I can fully escape, because the cultists are fast when it comes to spotting me. I then head into a room, and find plenty of books.



Remnants of the New World

"When our Lord Arceus had at last finished crafting the world from stardust, what then should the divine do with the remains of immateria? These forgotten fragments of reality have been sealed away in the Sacred Land. Behind stone doors, four pillars of light bind the New World to a shadow of our own. Yet, the sleeping legend remains..."

"The Lord Arceus shall come again. The New World, too, shalt be Reborn." --Arceus 38-27


Arceus Call

"Our father, fallen from heaven, Honored by thy name, Your kingdom born, This world, forlorn, The New World shall become thy heaven." --Arceus 7-1

Charge of the Faithful

So be it the duty of all, human and Pokemon alike: "Bestow light upon thy brethren; give sight to the blind and life to the lost. Arceus shall grant thee favor in the New World." --Arceus 12-3


The Lord's Blessing

"From the darkness, From stardust, From the memories of eons passed and visions of eons yet to come, From these things did the Lord Arceus mold the heavens, the Earth, and all that walk upon it." --Arceus 2-4


In Worship of the Lord

Praise the Lord. Worship the Lord. Bequeath thy soul unto the Lord, that he may cleanse thee of thy impurity. "All shall be white before the eyes of Lord Arceus." --Arceus 16-5


Okay... Either Arceus is racist, or these guys are taking it to the extreme. Probably both.


After a few more attempts at escaping, I finally escape. I am then blocked off by the white gate that was behind Bennett, so I must defeat the cultists in battles and find switches to open it. I then find four different colored Arceus statues. I beat the cultists that are guarding the Amethyst Arceus statue, and I read the inscription.



"The New World, too, shalt be Reborn."



I then guess 38-27, and I get it right. Apparently, it's some kind of test. I get it right, and the far left part of the white gate glows purple. I then head over to the Emerald section, and beat the cultists guarding the Emerald Arceus statue. I then read the inscription.



"From the memories of eons passed and visions of eons yet to come..."



I guess that it's 2-4, and I get it right, which makes the far right part of the white gate glow green. I then head to the Ruby section, and beat the cultists guarding the Ruby Arceus statue. I read the inscription.



"Light shall consume all with its cleansing fires"



I guess it's 23-3, and I get it right. The close-right part of the white gate then glows red. Finally, I head over to the Sapphire section, and beat the cultists guarding the Sapphire Arceus statue. I then read the inscription.



"All shall be white before the eyes of the Lord"



I then guess 16-5, and the close-left part of the white gate then glows blue, and the gate opens! I head inside, and find a bunch of cultists surround Elias and Luna, who is chained to a giant stone slab with the pentagon on it. What is this, a kinky bondage situation?! That is SICK. Elias... You will PAY. The room is also lighted with candles. Elias then tells me that I am not only foolish, but impudent to disturb their practice. Luna is surprised to see me here, and Elias says that if I truly am so desperate to flee my cage, he will permit me to watch the ritual. He then says that I will ONLY watch. He calls Bennett, and he shows up with Cain tied up. Elias tells me that if I move so much as one muscle, and he will have his assistant, Bennett, put an end to my friend, Cain. Cain tells Elias that if he was going to have him tied up, then at least ask for his safe word... Bennett then gets grossed out, and politely tells him to stop talking like that. Cain tells Bennett that he's not taking orders from him, and that he's sooooo not his type. He then asks Bennett what his hair is even doing, and Bennett says that his time is better spent on studies than perms. Elias then silences Cain, and says that he will not permit him to desecrate this holy place with his indecorous babbling. He then says that they shall proceed with the ritual.

The pentagon on Luna's chained prison then glows the Reborn colors, and Elias then tells Luna that once and for all, they shall cleanse her mind that of the taint that is the 'swine' Radomus, and that she shall remember Elias as her true father. Luna then fights back, and says that he is NOT her father. She begs him to release her, but he continues. He tells her that Radomus' poison has warped her mind... He then begs for Luna, his daughter, to return to the light. Luna tells him to stop saying that, but he chants.



"Defaeco, Purgo... Silentium, Pupa. Let the Lord Arceus fill your soul, and your mind. Embrace the light. Be cleansed of the dark."



A mysterious voice then says that he's had enough of that, and tells his Gardevoir to do her thing. The lights dim, and Gossip Gardevoir makes her dazzling entrance by making all of the other cultists disappear, except one, who only walks up to Elias. It's none other than Radomus! She then warps over to Bennett, and Luna is overjoyed to see her Master. Radomus then says that Elias will stay his hand, and Gardevoir politely asks Bennett if he would mind stepping away from Pretty Boy Cain. Bennett is surprised to see Gardevoir, and believes that she betrayed him, after they all lived together with his mom. Cain then gets to work on releasing Luna, and asks me if I can help. I then go and help free Luna. Luna is grateful that we're here for her, and Elias tells the 'swine' Radomus to unhand him at once. Gardevoir then recalls that Bennett lived there too, but says that she was only there for Luna, and reminds Bennett that he was always shut up in his room. Radomus says that he's afraid he cannot unhand Elias. He says that because her father will not, he must protect Luna. Gardevoir gets honest with Bennett, and says that she never liked the way that he looked at Luna. Elias then says that if he must lose Luna... so be it. He also says that although he did not want to do this to Luna, he must take it back. He then walks up to Luna, and rips the Emerald Brooch from her neck! She tries to get it back, and says that that was a gift from her father. Elias defends himself by saying that he IS her father, and calls her an ignorant little girl.



Meanwhile, Bennett tells Gardevoir to shut up, and defends himself by saying that how he looks at Luna is nobody's business but his own... Cain announces that he has it loose, and we break off the chains. Luna is now free! I step away, and give her space, while Gardevoir snaps at Bennett, and asks him what if it makes Luna uncomfortable. She asks him if he can really get off thinking like that, and then assumes that perhaps he does! She asks if THAT is why he was always in his room with the door LOCKED. Luna backs away as she gets off of the stone slab, while Bennett defends himself saying it's not like that. Elias gets uncomfortable, and says that he should hope it's not like that, for Bennett's own sake. Radomus gets aware of the heated action, and tells Gardevoir that that's enough. He tells her that there's no need to torment the poor boy, and says that he's confused enough already. Or he must be, if he's sided with someone like Elias. Elias defends himself, and says that he does the Lord's work. Luna snaps, and says that he wonders why she denies him. Radomus says that it's strange, that someone so scientifically-minded like Bennett should be in a place like this. Bennett says that he just wants what's best for Luna, and Gardevoir SNAPS. She sarcastically tells him to chain her right up, and Radomus tells Bennett and Elias to consider what's truly best for Luna. He asks if blood is a stronger tie of family than those who care for her. Gardevoir says that no one could be closer to her than she. Luna asks Radomus what he means by 'blood', and says that he is her father, for she knows no other. Elias says that even in these sacred halls, our perversion abounds. Cain says that he's heard that one before, but asks if we are overstaying our welcome. Radomus says that he believes that we are, and bids goodbye to Elias. Gardevoir then teleports us out, and we escape.



Gardevoir says that THAT is how you storm a castle. Cain doesn't even think it's a castle, and Radomus says that Gardevoir is capable of calling anything whatever she wishes, and she will readily do so without a care. Luna says that she is grateful to everyone for coming to save her, and she formally apologizes for the inconvenience that she's caused. Gardevoir tells Luna that she or their Master would never abandon her. Luna thanks Gardevoir for the support, and Cain says that he needs to stop getting his butt captured, too, because he's never gonna be the very best like no one ever was, at this rate. THANK YOU, CAIN! Radomus says that while all that's well and good, perhaps we shouldn't chit-chat idly right on our enemy's doorstep. Luna agrees with her master, and says that she wishes to escape from here. Radomus says that it will not do to return to the castle at this point. At least, he will not be returning. He apologizes to Cain, and says that he has other business just now. He then thanks him for the lead from before, which leaves Cain confused. Radomus then tells his Gardevoir to use Teleport, and Gardevoir says her farewell, telling us to stay tuned for their next big entrance. They then leave, and Cain is still confused, left with no answer. Luna says that her Master does love his mysteries, and says that perhaps it's better if he doesn't say. She then says that hearts beat faster in the darkness. She asks me if I know why, and Cain replies if it's better with the lights off. Luna then gets flustered, and says that be that as it may, it wasn't quite her intention... She says that in a different vein, darkness is quick to fester in one's heart. She then asks me if I am afraid of the dark, and I am not. I am not afraid of the dark, because Darkness is love, Darkness is life. See what I did there? She is pleased with my answer, and gives me a Crystal Plug. I wonder what kind of Plug it may be? She says that with this, I will be able to enter Iolia Valley. She says that as for how to find it... There is a single tree within her Master's Labyrinth. She then says that I can figure out the rest, and leaves.


However, before she leaves, she reveals that the darkness in her Master's heart bores a hole that she cannot hope to fill alone. But she can pretend, right? She tells me that she will be waiting, and then leaves. Cain breaks the silence by saying that he has no idea what she meant by any of that, and says that he's gonna get going too. Since Radomus flew the coop, Cain's going to see if he can give those guards at Agate City a wake up call in a bit. He then leaves, and I am all alone.


I head back inside the Sanctum, and find only one cultist, who says that Elias said he cares not if I return; he has urgent business with another party. The cultist vows that they will follow him, and they will trust in Elias above them, as Elias trusts in Arceus above life.


"Cedo, Vergo, Libenter."



I then leave, and head for Iolia Valley.




Elias... You will pay. You will pay for capturing Luna, and stealing her Emerald Brooch.






Current Pokemon Stats

The team leveled up a little bit, with Persian leveling up a lot.




Name: Charles

Level: 58

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 58

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 59

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 58

Moves: Magical Leaf, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Arc

Level: 58

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 60

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack

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Chapter XLII: The Beautiful Darkness Of Iolia Valley, Bennett's Confessions, And Luna, The Mistress Of Wonderland!



After saving Luna from Elias' UN-holy clutches, I accept Luna's invitation to go to Iolia Valley, and I head there immediately. I head to Vanhanen Castle, through the labyrinth, and find the lonely tree. I go behind it, and actually climb down a ladder, and enter a cavern! I follow the path, until I find a Red Crystal. As soon as I touch it, the Crystal Plug immediately reacts to it, and in a blinding flash, the wall in front of me turns red! I have Corey smash the red wall a few times, and a cave opens. I head inside, and I enter a dark cavern. However, I can still see everything. I go through the tunnel, and find the exit.



When I get outside, I find myself in the beautiful Iolia Valley. I head down the left path, go into a cave, and the Crystal Plug reacts to a few red crystals until I find another piece of the Crystal Plug at the end of the path outside the tunnel. The Crystal Plug can now activate Green Crystals. I head back to the beginning, and find a green crystal. The Crystal Plug reacts to it, and after a blinding flash occurs, small green crystals replace some shrubs, making my quest easier. Corey smashes the small green crystals in my way, and I continue my quest. I head down the path until I find a red crystal. The Crystal Plug reacts to it, and a wall turns red. Corey smashes it, and I head inside.


However, before I head inside the cave, Bennett comes out of the cave above mine. He notices me, and he reveals that he was following me to find Luna. However, he managed to lose my track. He reassures my suspicions by telling me that he came of his own accord-- not because Elias asked him to. He realizes that what happened with Luna was wrong. Serves you right, fiend! However, he tells me that he and Elias really do only want to save her from Radomus. Then why is Elias with Team Meteor? And WHY did you two chain Luna for a ritual?! He then says that he's decided to let that go, and tells me that he's going to find her and apologize to her. He also adds one more thing, but changes his mind, and tells me that this doesn't concern me anymore, so he would appreciate it if I let him and her alone. He then bids me goodbye, and leaves.



Bennett is really starting to bother me. I'll have to keep a close eye on him...



After he leaves, I head inside the cave. I head down the tunnel, and I head outside. When I head outside, I follow the path, and find another piece of the Crystal Plug. The Crystal Plug can now activate Blue Crystals. I find a blue crystal nearby, and somehow, the Crystal Plug reacts to it, even though it's on the other side of a ledge (Probably a glitch or something). Once the Crystal Plug reacts to it, a blinding flash occurs, and an icy blue bridge is formed over the water! I'm glad I don't need Surf for this! I head up the right path, and find a red crystal. The Crystal Plug reacts to it, and I head down the dark tunnel to get outside. When I go down the path, I find a green crystal at a dead-end. The Crystal Plug reacts to it, and shrubs are replaced with small green crystals. I head back to the main path, and head down the main path this time. I find another green crystal, and the Crystal Plug reacts to it. Corey breaks the small green crystals, and I continue onward.


I find a blue crystal at the end of the path, and the Crystal Plug reacts to it, making an icy bridge. I cross it, and find the first bridge of ice I that I made earlier. I cross it, and find a small green crystal that was made earlier. Corey smashes it, and I continue onward until I find a red crystal. The Crystal Plug reacts to it, and a small red wall is made. Corey smashes it, and a cave is opened.


I explore the tunnel, and find a purple crystal. However, I ignore it, and find an item. Just as I'm about to go and pick it up, Bennett shows up again. He gets disappointed that there is another dead-end, but shrugs it off, saying that he'll find her, because Luna's here somewhere. He tells me that what transpires next is between himself and her solely. He tells me to stay out of it, and asks me if I will leave.



I'm... going to stay. I have a Gym Battle to get to, and I'm going to win it!



Bennett supposes that he cannot blame me for not trusting him, but promises that his intentions are genuine. He gets cocky, and says that he's sure that he can be the one to make her happy, and that all he has to do is look for her. He then leaves with a threat...



"I implore you not interfere..."



With that threat made, Bennett leaves, and I continue my quest. I pick up the item I was going to get, and find that it's the last piece of the Crystal Plug, which means that the Crystal Plug can now activate Purple Crystals! I head to the purple crystal I recently skipped, and the Crystal Plug reacts to it. A blinding flash occurs, and the tunnel is switched around! I head outside, and follow the path until I find a blue crystal, which makes another icy bridge appear. I cross the icy bridge, and follow the path until I find a red crystal, which makes another red wall appear. Corey smashes down the entrance, and I head inside.


The only thing I find in the other room is a purple crystal, which changes the tunnel up ahead. Maybe it will lead me to Luna's chamber! Eventually, I make it back to the left side of the valley, and instead of finding Luna's Chamber, I find a Dusk Stone. At least that's one thing good. I then go the OTHER way around, and I eventually make it to a red crystal. The Crystal Plug reacts to it, and a HUGE red wall is formed! Corey smashes the wall down, and I head inside...



I head inside, and find Luna, which means that I finally made it to her chamber. She welcomes me, and says that she is glad I have reached her chamber safely. A moment later, Bennett calls out for Luna. He arrives, and announces that he finally found her. Luna is shocked to see him, and backs away as he comes closer to her. She says that only I was supposed to reach her here. He tells her that he tagged along because he wants to apologize. He then walks closer to her, making her back away even more. She tells him that there's no need to apologize, for she has nothing against him. She kindly asks him to leave us be, as we do have business, after all. Bennett continuously tries to apologize, and stutters that he just wants what's best for her. He also says that he was just really confused, and before he can say anything else, Luna tries to calm him down by saying that it's quite all right, and also saying that he needs not say any more. Bennett doesn't calm down, and does the worst thing possible... He declares his love to her. She backs away even more, and wonders what he's talking about. He explains that ever since she first moved in with him and Serra, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He declares that she is, without a doubt, the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. I agree with you there, Bennett. Before he can stutter anymore words, she politely tells him to stop. He walks up to her even more, and begs her if she will be his.






After a moment of awkward silence, Luna apologizes, and says that she has to go now. She tells me that Bennett will not be able to follow her without the crystal keys I hold, and tells me to join her when I am sure we will be unaccompanied. She then bids farewell, and disappears into the darkness...

Bennett tries to stop her, and says that she still hasn't even given him a proper answer. He gets disappointed that she disappeared again. He turns around, walks towards me, and says that maybe she's just shy. He assumes that maybe she feels the same way and doesn't want to admit it. Yeah right, Bennett. If anything, she'd go for ME. I'm the one who saved her life, after all. He then realizes that he's pathetic, and asks me if that's what I'm thinking about him. Hell YEAH he is! He realizes that she's letting ME through, and wonders why. Maybe because I have a Gym Battle? He then creepily asks me if I could give the Key that Luna was talking about. He says that if I say no, then... he'll just have to take it from me. He lunges at me, and the battle begins.



Bennett, don't you realize that you are slowing me down? Your actions from before, and your actions from now, WILL condemn you. I promise you that.




Bennett sends out Larvesta, while I send out Hydra. Hydra builds up with Dragon Dance, while Larvesta attacks Hydra with Bug Bite. After about four Dragon Dances, Hydra strikes Larvesta down with Aqua Tail, knocking it out. Bennett sends out Yanmega, who Protects itself from Hydra's Ice Fang. Unfortunately for Bennett, Yanmega falls from another Ice Fang. Bennett sends out Scyther, who falls from Ice Fang. Bennett sends out Dustox, but Dustox falls too, but not before pulling a clutch, and holding on. While Dustox uses Quiver Dance, Hydra bites Dustox again with Ice Fang, knocking it down. Bennett sends out Butterfree, who instantly goes down from Ice Fang. Bennett sends out Venomoth, who clutches on for its dear life, while using Quiver Dance. Unfortunately, it falls to Hydra's Ice Fang like the rest of them. With Bennett's Pokemon defeated, I win the battle!



Bennett realizes that in the end, he's just a fool. He calls himself stupid, because he was stupid enough to think that Luna would love him. He says that he was stupid to tell her... Stupid enough to think he could beat me. He says that he's stupid that his training hasn't paid off... yet... He makes up his mind, and declares that he's going. He states that Elias promised he would take him to the top, and Bennett will hold him to that. He declares that when he gets to the top... Luna will regret refusing him now. He tells me to watch him, for one day, I'll see... Everyone will see... He then leaves, but not before wishing me good luck in my battle with Luna. He also leaves with one final threat...



"I promise, next time you see me... Things will be different."



After Bennett leaves, I heal my Pokemon with the Light Shard nearby. I then head over to the end of the tunnel, where I find a purple crystal. The Crystal Plug reacts to it, and I get taken to a new room, which is Luna's chamber! I walk up to Luna, and speak to her. She is pleased that Bennett has left, and welcomes me again. She says that children and even some adults are often scared of the darkness. She wonders why that is, and wonders if it is because they think that awful and sinister things come here to dwell. She states that there are too many of those outside for that to be true. She then says that perhaps they are simply afraid of their own imaginations. She says that Darkness is that which draws out the greatest potential--but for some, infinity can be a terrifying abyss. She tells me to allow her to introduce me to an infinity. She says that scattered and fractured, it shall return piece by piece. She asks me if I am ready to meet the next eternity, and the battle begins.



Miss Luna, I AM ready to meet the next eternity. After all Darkness is love, is it not? If so, then I shall embrace it, just like I always have.



Dark Dreamer Luna sends out a Bisharp named Carpenter, while I send out Charles. Charles immediately starts off the battle by burning Carpenter to the ground with Flamethrower. Luna sends out a Tyranitar named Bandersnatch, while I switch out Charles for Hydra. Hydra builds up on Dragon Dance, while Bandersnatch nearly knocks out Hydra with Stone Edge! Fortunately, Hydra knocks out Bandersnatch with Aqua Tail. Luna then sends out a Malamar named Humpty Dumpty, who goes down from a critical hit Aqua Tail from Hydra. Luna sends out a Honchkrow named Jubjub Bird, but oddly doesn't use Sucker Punch to knock out Hydra. Instead, Hydra knocks it down with Ice Fang. Luna sends out an Umbreon named Cheshire, who nearly gets knocked out by Aqua Tail, but holds on and nearly knocks out Hydra, who gets a clutch, and holds on with a Focus Band! Hydra smacks Cheshire down with another Aqua Tail, knocking it out. Luna finally sends out a Sableye named March Hare, who confuses Hydra, but STILL manages to strike March Hare down with Aqua Tail! With Luna's beautiful dark-types defeated, I win the battle!


Luna states that I have overcome the gateway into the soul of eternity, and though its beauty is tarnished, my soul shines with hope. She also says that I fought especially well, as she expected no less. She then presents to me the Eclipse Badge, and explains that Pokemon up to level 70 will trust me. She tells me to treat them well. She also gives me TM97 Dark Pulse, (Which she could barely even use an attack on me!). She tells me to use the darkness' embrace as I see fit. She then tells me that she will be remaining here for a time, for she feels that she, like all the monsters of which children fear, shall be safer in the dark. As for me, she reminds me that my friend Cain would move towards Agate City. She tells me that she knows not what dreams mesmerize the station guards, but perhaps it is time for me to discover that for myself. She then parts with hope that we will meet again, and bids me farewell. I activate the purple crystal, and leave Luna's chamber, but not before healing my Pokemon with the Light Shard nearby (Which is SUPPOSED to be gone!).


As I leave the cave, it says that I have reached the conclusion of Episode XI, which means that I need to go onward to Episode XII.




Cain, I'll get to Agate City as fast as I can! Just try not to fall asleep!






Current Pokemon Stats

The team leveled up a LOT. Amelia learned a new move, and Arc was renamed to Archer in honor of Arc (Team Aqua's Arc)'s new name (Though I swear I named it Archer before...). Hydra was a HUGE help against Bennett and Luna, and leveled up two levels from those battles. I still can't believe Hydra managed to survive against Luna while it was confused and on its last! Anyway, should I do an Unfinished Business chapter next, or should I start off Episode XII immediately?




Name: Charles

Level: 63

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 63

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 65

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 63

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 58

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 63

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack

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Chapter XLIII: Unfinished Business In Aventurine!



After defeating Luna for the Eclipse Badge, and after watching the trailer for Episode XII, I begin Episode XII, and decide to get some Pokemon I may have missed.


Since I'm nearby Tanzan Mountain, I head there, and go to the spot that Saphira came out from, and find a rock to smash. I smash the rock, and climb on the ledges. I then find an exit, and head across the ledge of the mountainside until I find another cave. I move the boulders, and somehow end up in Byxbysion again, as a sign says "W3LCOM3 B4CK." I move the boulders, and head into another room, where I find three tubes (Which look better) and a LOT of boulders. First, I move the boulders so I can reach the left tube. I set it to red, and move the boulders so that I can reach the southern tube. I set it to red, and move the boulders so that I can reach the right tube. I set it to red, and a cave opens up next to where I came in from. I head outside, and I can see a view. I head down the ladder, and find a ledge. I fall down from the ledge, and find a boulder. I move the boulder to another ledge, where it falls on a rock. I move the boulder so that I can reach the ladder. I climb the ladder, and climb another one so I can bring another boulder down. Eventually, I make it to another ladder, where I keep climbing until I make it to the huge ledge. I find an item, and find that it's the Yureyu Key! I then go to the right side of the ladder, and cross the wall to the other side, where I find a tube. I go behind the tube, and find a room with a gate, and another tube. However, this tube is broken, and when I interact with it, the tube blows up, and reveals a Solosis that was trapped in it! It comes down, and wants to go with me. I take it, and head to the Obsidia Ward.


When I get to the Obsidia Ward, I decide to go down the alley that I have never gotten to. I beat the punks that hide there, and find a Zigzagoon eating from trash. I battle it, catch it, and leave.


I head down to the Grand Hall, and I find a trainer who battles me with Hoenn Pokemon. After I beat him, he tells me that if I see a girl named May with a bandana, to say hi for him.



I decide to head to the Beryl Cemetery, and so I head there. I find that the place is changed, and filled with pumpkins. I find new graves too, such as Elizabeth Connal's grave, and Zina Vanhanen's grave. Didn't Anna and Noel say that their mother died? Isn't she Randomus' wife? And Isn't Elizabeth Sigmund's sister? Now three more theories are slowly being solved... I also find the grave of Officer Jacob S. Crowley, who was the officer who passed in recent service. I find a Meteor grunt nearby a grave, and it's none other than Simon. He asks me why I have come to a place like this, and assumes that I am not here to mourn. As for him... That's exactly it. He tells me that he's spent far too many hours here already, but now, again... He's lost. He shows me Tara's grave, and he tells me that he couldn't get her body out of the lake, but he figured that she at least deserved a memory. However, he reveals that he couldn't even find her last name, and doesn't even know if she had any family or friends... All of that rests at the bottom of the lake now... With her... He goes to another grave, and says that he swore that he would get revenge on Saphira... But what good is another death? He says that someone, somewhere, must feel the same about her as he did for Tara... and Lyssa... Who's Lyssa? He says that twice, twice now, he lost the girl he loved. He tells me that when his wife died, he could think of nothing else but getting her back... Then Commander Sirius came...


Sirius told Simon that when Team Meteor recreated the world anew, that he could have his wife back... He was all too happy to accept the job. But then, he was partnered with Tara- and she was always so energetic and sincere and... He fell in love with her instead. Tara lit the darkness that was his world. Now... he's left with darkness again. He asks me if I think that if the world reborn, if he would see them again. I say yes, and he says that I'm probably right. He then questions what would happen, and wonders how he can explain that to Lyssa. Even in redemption, all that awaits him is guilt. Guilt for losing his wife... Guilt from not dying in Tara's place... Guilt for having felt anything for Tara after he swore his life to Lyssa... He tells me that even if he saw them again, he couldn't bear to face them. He then declares that he's resigning from Team Meteor. He says that he's spent too long dwelling on the past already.... and he can't take it anymore. He says that there's no point in trying to recreate what's already lost. He takes off his Team Meteor uniform, and tells me that if I ever need to find him, he'll be at his home in the west Peridot Ward... Alone.

He then leaves, and I go to the grave he was standing at. The grave says Lyssa Copperman... His deceased wife... I take a look at the last two graves, and they say Monty Belrose and Caroline Belrose... The Belrose sisters' parents...


I go into the abandoned Gym, and find that it's a bit new. I find an arena where Corey and Heather's room used to be, and I find their room next to the tubes. I go in their room, and find a Silver Ring next to Corey's bed. This is probably Corey's ring, and he abandoned it here before he went to commit suicide. I leave Corey's gym, and go back to the Beryl Ward, and cross Beryl Bridge. I head inside the Abandoned Power Plant, go through the West Wing and unlock the locked door with the Yureyu Key. I enter the room, and there's a computer screen surrounded by items. However, I go to take an item, and it seems that I have to battle Level 60 Electrodes! After I catch one, and beat the rest, the lights turn off! I go up to the computer, and I turn it on. When I turn it on, I see a girl with purple hair, and Corey. The girl vanishes, and Corey is all alone. That girl must have been Elena, his wife! I then see a girl with blonde hair and Sigmund! The girl vanishes, leaving Sigmund all alone. That girl must have been Elizabeth, his sister! I try to watch more, but then a Rotom appears from the screen, and attacks me! I catch it, and head over through the East Wing, where I find another locked door, and unlock it. When I enter the room, I find another gate. I leave the Abandoned Powerplant, and head back to the Peridot Ward.


When I get to the Peridot Ward, I go into one of the apartments, and find Simon. He tells me that he has cut his ties with Meteor, but out of respect to one of his fellow comrades, he dares not betray any of their secrets. He apologizes for that, and says that we should pretend like he was never even involved with that in the first place. he vows to forget all of them... Except Tara... He tells me that he has nothing to remember her by... Not even her full name. He says that all of who she was is now left at the bottom of Tanzan Lake... I leave, vowing to find her remains, and head to Byxbysion Wasteland.


When I get to Byxbysion Wasteland, I go underneath a wall, where I push a boulder to the side. I enter the cave, and it takes me to this hidden dimension... Which is creepy. I find a lonely grave, which reads Kiki Mikael Argall. Once I read it, lightning appears, and the whole room darkens even more. Kiki's ghost rises from her grave, and says hello to me. The whole room gets silent, and she asks... why... She asks me why I let her die. I didn't let her die... I didn't! She knows that I defeated Solaris... But still, I 'let' him kill her. She asks me why I killed her. I didn't kill her... Solaris did!



"Death is cold... painful... lonely... You feel the wind across your face, the warmth of your own body, you feel all the light of life, and then- all of a sudden- Darkness. The world slips away... Even your mind, your memories... You feel your heart stop beating... You feel your blood freeze... You try to cry, but don't have the tears to do so. You try to scream, but you no longer have a voice. Why would you do that to me..."



She then asks me why again. She asks if she was so cruel to me. She wasn't cruel! She asks me if I loathed her. I never loathed her! She asks me if I cheered her disease onward. I never wanted her to die! She asks me if I was just waiting for her to rot to peck at her corpse. I am not a vulture! She then tells me that I shall suffer as she has suffered, and the battle begins...



Kiki... I did not kill you! Solaris did! It was beyond my control, and he was too quick. Please, Kiki, put your soul to rest!




Spectral Kiki Sends out a level 65 Medicham, which is odd, since Medicham wouldn't level up right after Kiki battled me, because after she battled me, she died against Solaris' Garchomp. Anyways, I send out Charles, and have him burn Medicham with Flamethrower. Medicham nearly falls, but knocks out Charles with Thunder Punch and Ice Punch. I send out Persian, who finishes the job with Fake Out. With Medicham dead for good, I win the battle!



After I win, Kiki is disappointed. She says that it would have been so much fun, but I had not been deceived. She reveals herself to be a Gastly, and it says that it will be willing to follow me. I catch it, and find that it is a Shiny Gastly! I take one more look at the grave, but it says nothing now. I head back to Reborn City, buy some Pokeballs, and head back to Byxbysion Wasteland.



When I head back to the Wasteland, I heal at Aya's house, and head to Route 1, where I find a Tauros and lose on purpose. I then heal at Aya's house, and her mother freaks out that I'm riding a Tauros in her house. She tells me to leave, because she does not wish for me to break everything and a half with my hapless bull-crap. I try going to the back room, and she screams that I am CERTAINLY not going back there while riding Tauros. I leave, and head to the Grotto, where I find the hidden tunnel. I go through the hidden tunnel, and get some shards from rocks. I eventually find the spot where I found Mudkip, and climb up the ledges, leading me to a new cave. I climb another ledge, and find a sign that asks me if I just rode a bull up a ladder. Which I did. I find another sign, saying that that doesn't even make any sense. I find two more signs, telling me to leave. I find a broken tube, and when I touch it, it glitches up in an error, saying that bull-crap levels are overloaded. The system malfunctions, and shuts down.



wasteland.sass.protocol.malfunction error.system.override.in.progress executing.emergency.shutdown emergency.shutdown.in.10.9.8---



However, the emergency shutdown system fails, and it's unable to shut down. The shutdown program terminates, and the emergency shutdown system shuts down. After a barrage of question marks, the shutdown system is not found. The message system closes, but a moment later, it comes back, but speaks in strange code. However, it decides to engage tiring hero, and a Beldum comes out of the machine! I guess Beldum is the one behind the program failure! I catch it, but instead of being a regular Beldum, it is a SHINY Beldum!


Once I catch Beldum, I leave Byxbysion Wasteland, and head all the way to Agate City's gate.




Alright, Cain, let's stop this sleep wave.






Current Pokemon Stats

It took me FOREVER to get Beldum. Eventually, I had to resort to Hypnosis and Heal Pulse to keep it alive and not use any moves up. Finally though, FINALLY, I managed to catch it. I gave Amelia her moves back afterward.




Name: Charles

Level: 63

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 66

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 65

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 63

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 64

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 27

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Beldum

Level: 1

Moves: Take Down

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Chapter XLIV: The Sleeping Agate City, And The Wonderful Agate Circus!



When I make it to the Agate City gate, I see Cain inside, with a few sleeping guards. He tells me that they're still knocked out for whatever reason, and wonders if something happened. He tells me that if we go past the gate, there's no telling what could happen. Heck, it may even be a long time before we can come back. He asks me if I'm ready, and I reply that I am ready. He sends out Nidoking, and Nidoking smashes the door open. The door goes flying, and Cain returns Nidoking to its Pokeball. I follow Cain, and we enter Agate City.



When we get inside Agate City, Cain responds that it's quiet. Too quiet... When we cross the bridge, I could spot a strange person, which I think is a Team Meteor member. That means that THEY'RE probably responsible for what's happened to the city! We head deeper into the city, and Cain calls out to see if anyone is there. Once again, it is dead-silent, which means that it's probably not a good sign. Cain heads deeper into the city, and finds something. He then wonders what Aya is doing here. I follow him, and find Aya and Hardy sleeping! Cain tries to wake her up, but also laughs at her position, because it's a weird place to sleep. I walk up to them, and he says that he's not going to just leave her here, but he's getting a bit tired as well. He then says that he'll just take a nap until she wakes up. No, Cain, you can't do that! Don't you see? The city is quiet because everyone is under a sleep spell! The sky darkens, and an earthquake occurs. He turns, and wonders if I heard something. Another earthquake occurs, and the sky lightens. However, a roar can be heard this time.


Just then, an odd, rainbow-haired girl comes in swinging a gigantic mallet, screaming as she nearly pounds Aya's sleeping body with the mallet! However, she misses, and apologizes. She backs up, and Cain scolds her by asking her what she's doing. She replies by screaming what is he doing. She then walks up to Cain, and flirts with him, wanting to take him out this Saturday night. Cain responds by saying that usually people ask that before pounding him, not after. She puts her mallet away, which Cain wonders what she just did with it, as he asks her this question. He walks around her, while she asks him if he wants to find out, with a winky face. He asks her where it could have POSSIBLY gone, and all she says is that he's checking her out. Cain backs up, and begs me to tell him that he's not THIS bad. The girl then gets back on topic, and tells us that we gotta get out of here. Cain asks why, and asks her who she is. She introduces herself as Terra, and rawrrrrs. She states that acceptable alternate names include Terrawr, Terraria, Terrawrawrawrawrawrawr, M3G4T3RR4, super 1337 lion tamarr and Queen o' B00ty. She spins around to Cain, and tells him that she's got some sweet sweet words o' sugar for him, so she tells him to lend his ear realllll close-like. She then yells at him to get outta here. He backs up, and she tells us that anypony who sticks around is gonna fall right asleep. Terra spins around and heads over to Aya and Hardy, saying that they're exhibits A, and C. She says that there was a exhibit B, but she ate him. Which I don't believe to be true... Cain asks her if the reason everyone's asleep is because of the whole place. She tells him that he is correct, and says that he wins a brand new car... But then says that she ate the car, too.


She tells us to leave, but tells us not to worry, because she has our friends up one way first class ride to safety. She explains... by getting out her mallet. When Cain asks her what she's doing, all she responds is with "ur mom". She yells "BATTER UP!" and smacks her mallet to the ground, sending Aya up in the air, allowing Terra to smack her body away with her mallet, while she screams "HOME RAWR!" She walks behind Hardy's body, and does the same thing, while asking what a physics is. Terra tells us not to worry, for they are safe now. She says that we will sing Hakuna Mattattas and go join them. She asks if we're ready, and Cain says that he'll walk. He wants to know where she launched Aya, and all she says is that he won't be able to walk after she's done with him. He replies that she might be surprised, and tells us that we gotta get out of here before we fall asleep too, as he can already feel it. Terra then spins away, while we follow her.



We follow Terra, and she leads us to the famous Agate Circus, where no one is asleep. Cain asks her if she is a clown, and she yells at him, saying that she is a fierce and mighty lion tamer, while also adding that she tames someone named Ciel, if we know what she means... She tells us that our friends probably fell around here somewhere, and also tells us that she's gonna go hit the showers. She moonwalks away, while Cain asks me if I think Aya's okay. She DID get knocked over a mountain by a giant mallet, after all, even I would be worried... He says that we should split up, and look for her. He leaves, while I go look for Aya.


I battle some clowns while I'm here, and then I head over to where I find everyone surrounding the Ringmaster. The Ringmaster tries to calm everyone down, and says that they just need to assure everyone that everything is probably okay. She spots me, and asks me if I need any help. I tell her that I'm looking for Aya, and she is overjoyed. She tells everyone that everything is under control. She tells me that Aya just sailed over the ride and landed right in the middle of the circus... And then a moment later, everyone who looked up saw a boy straight across the circus. That must have been Hardy. Unfortunately, they don't know where he landed yet... She tells me that on a lighter note, Aya survived, though they're not sure how... Though they're still trying to find Hardy. I tell her that Terra was the one who launched them, and she realizes what happened. Now we HAVE to find Hardy or it'll look bad for the circus.


She apologizes for not properly introducing herself, and says that she's the Ringmaster of the Agate Circus. She tells me that at the Agate Circus, they bring us the Big Top top-tier entertainment, and that it's an experience that can't be bought, guaranteed to make my draw jop. She corrects herself, and says jaw drop. She apologizes, and reveals that she's still new to this. She tells me that her father was the original Ringmaster, but he's not around anymore... She tells me that they're having a rough time, as she says that Agate City had to be closed because everyone who passed through would fall asleep and not wake up... As such, they can't get any business from Agate or Reborn City. She says that it's tough to keep going, and now Terra's causing problems again. Terra's caused problems before? She says that it's tough, but we will definitely all get through this. She tells me that she had a guy named Samson carry Aya into the back room so she could be treated. She says that she has to finish up here, so I have to ask Samson to take me to her.


I head to the test-your-strength game, and I find a man with spiky brown hair. He advertises for it, and demonstrates. He hits it so hard, that the bell breaks off! His power level is... OVER 9000!!! The operator then says that it's time for a new bell. He walks over to it, and puts a new bell on it. The strongman introduces himself as Samson, Circus Strongman. He admits that his Pokemon do most of the work for the main shows, but as I can see, he isn't a lightweight. He asks me if I need anything, and I tell him about Aya's situation. He tells me that he carried her into the back room just a minute ago, and says that it's in the Big Top. He says he'll take me back there, and tells me to meet him at the front.


I head to the front, and there's a crowd. He tells everyone to move by yelling at them, and they move. He tells me to enter, and I do. When I head inside, I find a blue-haired lady who just got done with her show. Samson comes in, and she notices him. She asks him if I'M the boy they were trying to find, but before he can introduce me, he realizes that he forgot to ask for my name. The girl introduces herself as Ciel, the spotlit starlet of the Agate Circus specialty show. She tells me that aerial ballet is her forte. So THIS is Ciel that Terra was talking about... Samson tells her that I'm here for Aya. Ciel is delighted at the news, and was worried that no one would claim her. They lead me to the back room, and I follow them.

When I make it into the back room, I find Aya resting on a couch, surrounded by Ciel and Samson. I also find some computers. I wonder who uses them? Aya doesn't respond, and Samson asks me if she's my friend. The Ringmaster arrives shortly after, and brings Cain, saying that they have another visitor. Cain is happy to see Aya, and the Ringmaster asks us if something's up with Terra. She says that Terra just ran up, punched the showers, and ran off. I guess she was literal when she said she was going to hit the showers... Cain tries to wake Aya up, and asks her if she can hear him. She wakes up groggily, and says that she feels like crap. She's surprised to see Cain, and he is relieved she is alive and awake. She says that it's been a while, and Cain apologizes. He asks her how their mom is doing, and she tells him not to ask. She asks where Hardy is, and Ciel realizes that Hardy was the boy who soared not-quite-so-elegantly over the circus. Aya says that Hardy was supposed to show her his gym, which was why they went up to Agate. However, she can't remember what happened when they got there... Samson tells her that something in the city conked both her and Hardy out, and the city's been closed since. Cain tells her that we found her sleeping in the middle of the street, and he almost fell asleep, but then... Terra happened. Ciel apologizes for Terra's behavior, and the Ringmaster says that while Terra may be rambunctious, they do have to keep her around. She then says that it wouldn't due for the Agate Circus to lose one of its famous Gym Leaders.. Wait... Terra's a GYM LEADER?! Ciel reveals that with Samson joining her and Terra, they are newly called the Agate Ace Triumvirate. So those three are Gym Leaders? That means I can get THREE badges from this place! The Ringmaster states that the Gym Battles make fantastic shows. Ciel reveals that she is the Flying-type Leader, while the Ringmaster reveals that Terra is the Ground-type Leader, and also reveals that Samson has recently joined them as the Fighting-type Leader. Samson says that it was kind of the last leader to resign all of a sudden... Kiki DIED, you idiot! Cain says that it wasn't like that at all, and says that this is awkward... because Kiki is dead. Aya asks if Hardy isn't here, and the Ringmaster tells her that Terra knocked him further. She tells her that he probably fell somewhere in Route 2. Aya then says that we should go find him, and Cain gets suspicious. He asks her if she likes Hardy, but she denies it instantly. Cain says that he's just worried, that's all. Samson tells Aya that she has to sit down, and says that he's surprised he can even walk after what Terra put her through. Ciel even agrees, and it won't due at all to send her in her condition. Cain asks me to go look for Hardy, and says that he and Aya have some catching up to do. The Ringmaster tells me that if I'm going to Route 2, I'm going to need a Powder Vial. She says that they usually have quite a few people passing through, so they sell them at the front. Aya then says that it's settled. Not that she misses him or anything, but she tells me to hurry and find Hardy.


After the whole conversation, I talk to the Ringmaster, who saw me perk up at the mention of the gym leaders earlier, which must mean that I'm a challenger. Which I am. She then tells me about their special challenge rules. She tells me that everyone and their Pikachu would just be challenging the leaders all the time if they could, but then they'd never get to use the Big Top space for anything else. So, in order to face one of the Agate Ace Triumviarte, I need a special Battle Pass. They send some passes out as a promotion, and I also have a chance to win them from circus games and other events. She tells me to stick around and get to playing. Samson makes a snide remark about her ad campaign, and she tells him to shush.


After talking to the Ringmaster, I talk to Samson, and he's still wondering what happened to the last Fighting Leader. He was only told that she retired, but my friend, Cain, seems to know something that he doesn't. Cain then tells him that she passed on, and Samson realizes that he sounded like a complete jerk, and even says that he looks like one for what he said, to which Ciel replies that it's nothing unusual about that. Samson defends himself by saying that he usually tries to hold off on making that known. Cain then says that I must have been pretty frustrated to beat the last leader and not get a badge. You THINK?! Samson takes a note of this, and tells me that when I get around to challenging him, he'll have to amp up the competition, because he says that he can't make it too easy. Thanks, Cain! Ciel tells Samson that he always makes it easy, and Samson says that there will be no comments from the Flying-Type peanut gallery. Ciel laughs, and says that somebody is bothered. Probably because YOU, Ciel, use Flying types against him. Poor Samson.


After talking to Samson, I talk to Ciel, who hopes that Agate City is restored shortly. She is saddened to see the audience only half-full after a show. Unfortunately, no one can quite figure out why everyone in Agate falls asleep. However, she tells me that someone is on the case, but I won't believe who, either... Samson reveals that it turns out that Terra the Terrible isn't bad with computers. Ciel confirms this, and says that Terra tells them she's able to detect a radio signal broadcasting over Agate City. Ciel also says that in just a short while longer, Terra can figure out its source. Samson says that once she does, we go in there, give it some good old-fashioned knuckle bashing, and call it a day. Ciel then says that is technically the idea.



After talking to Ciel, I talk to Cain, who apologizes to Aya about pushing the gym leader position onto her. She tells him that if he was really sorry, he wouldn't have done it. Cain starts singing, and she tells him to stop, while asking him if those songs of his were enough to shove her and their mom out of his mind entirely. He replies that it's not, and that he's made a choice for his own well-being, so there's no point in feeling guilty for it. He tells her that her didn't mean to saddle her with so much responsibility, but he couldn't deal with their mom anymore. She asks him if he thinks that their mom got any more tolerable after that, and says that she practically denies Cain exists now. She also says that their mom hasn't stopped yelling, but the only difference is that it's not about Cain anymore. After a moment of awkwardness, Aya says that at least one of them can be happy. She tells him that if she didn't have to take his position, she might not have met Hardy. Cain tells her that she can be happy too, and she says that it's not like that, which he denies.


After talking to Cain, I talk to Aya, and Cain's asking her about Hardy. She knows what he's going to say, and she tells him that he may as well just not say it. Cain is persistent, and tells her to tell him about Hardy. After all, he needs to know who to beat up if Hardy hurts her, and he says that's what brothers are for. She tells him that brothers aren't supposed to run away from home, which leaves him a sting. She tells him that Hardy is the Agate City Rock Leader, and that he came to help her settle into her new job-- the one that Cain dumped on her. Cain apologizes again, and tells her to put her claws away. Aya tells him that they were working on figuring out what kind of puzzle her gym should have, because it seems that every gym has to have a puzzle. She asks him if that's strange, but then continues onward. She tells him that Hardy said he'd take her up and show her his gym's puzzle as an example. However... This happened. Cain tells her that she still hasn't told him anything about him, and asks if Hardy's cute. Even Aya doesn't know what he means by that question, as she quickly asks him what that means. Cain confirms her thoughts by saying that he is cute. Aya tries to defend herself by saying she didn't say that, but he says that she didn't deny it. Aya says that doesn't mean it's true, but he asks her if it's true. She tries to explain, but she admits with a 'maybe'. Cain tells her to use protection, which leaves her shocked. I then leave the tent.


I head outside of the tent, and find a guy who sells the Powder Vial. When I buy it, he explains that the Powder Vial collects and stores various spores from large plants in Route 2. It can hold one unit each of two types of powder: Sleep Powder and Rage Powder. Route 2 is a rocky road, so I'll probably need those powders to help me cross. He tells me that the Pokemon will be happy to help... With some peaceful coercion. However, there is one fatal flaw: When carrying contained powder, I have to not shake it too much or it will spoil. So, I have to try to avoid stepping anywhere with unstable footing. With the Powder Vial in hand, I set out for Route 2 to look for Hardy.




Don't worry, Hardy, we'll find you. I just hope you're still alive.






Current Pokemon Stats

No new changes. I didn't even battle anyone yet.




Name: Charles

Level: 64

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 66

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 65

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 63

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 64

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 27

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Beldum

Level: 1

Moves: Take Down

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Chapter XLV: The Search For Hardy, The Huge Fiore Mansion, Breaking News In Calcenon City, And The Sapphire Bracelet's Origins!



When I get to Route 2, I find what appears to be a dead end. However, I stumble upon some rocks, and I seem to hop over them! I head down the lower path, and head left until I jump onto a cliff. I then hop over more rocks and find a huge valley of rocks. I eventually find a rock with steps on it, so I climb it, and hop over other rocks. As I hop over rocks, I find two mountains that look like they have caves, but they're not. I'll get back to those later. Eventually, I land on higher ground, and find another rock with steps. I climb it, and eventually find myself at a dead end. I go back to the huge land of rocks, and go right this time. I land on higher ground with grass, and find some trees. I find a red tree, which gives me Rage Powder for my Powder Vial, and I find a green tree, which gives me Sleep Powder for my Powder Vial. I also battle a hiker, who tells me that there are three mountains nearby: Ametrine, Celestinine, and Citrine. I beat him, and continue onward. I battle some clowns, and I head further. Apparently the clowns actually guide me. One even has a level 75 Goomy, which is a pain to beat. I then continue onward. and find some holes. I suddenly realize what the mountains are used for, so I go back to them, and find some Crustle. When I have the Sleep Powder, I knock them asleep, and push them into the holes. There are three Crustle nests at the top half of Route 2, and I push all of them in their holes. Two of them even build a path to Ametrine Mountain to Calcenon City! Once I head inside though, it's filled with water, so I'll have to wait until I get Surf.

I head down to the bottom half of Route 2, and find a bigger land of rocks, and find a Crustle nest all the way to the east side, and a hole all the way on the left. I just push Crustle up and down as I go left. Once I push Crustle in the hole, I'm good to go! There are three more holes at the bottom, plus a cave. I push the Crustle into the two holes from right to left first, and then I push a Crustle into the third one. Once I cross the Crustle, I find myself in Celestinine Cascade. Once I make it to Celstinine Cascade, I climb up the mountainside, and eventually find a large mansion. I read the sign, and it says that it's Amy's and Tania's house. I then enter the mansion.



When I enter Fiore Mansion, the place is a mess. I see Amaria on the couch, and she's surprised to see me because it's been so long. She's glad I'm here, because I can finally meet Titania. She calls for Titania, and Titania arrives. It's the same red-haired woman I met at Aventurine Woods! Amaria introduces me to her, and her to me. We've met... Titania comes closer, and takes a blue bra off of one of the couches. Well SOMEONE'S been having fun while they're injured... She apologizes for the mess, as they weren't expecting company. Amaria asks me what brings me up here, and I tell her that I'm looking for Hardy. Fortunately, she knows who Hardy is, and tells me that he's upstairs. She tells me that Titania found him on her way back when she asked her to go get her some cotton candy. When she carried him back, Amaria was like, 'Wow, that's some big cotton candy!' Titania tells me that he was sleeping face down in the dirt. She says that he was always a heavy sleeper, but this is a new low. Amaria tells me that if I want to see Hardy, he's upstairs. She starts to get up, but Titania tells her to take it stay, and that she'll take me upstairs. She tells her to rest, and she complies. Amaria reveals that she cracked a couple ribs after the incident with Solaris... But Titania takes good care of her. Titania shows me the way, and Amaria tells me that Titania may be a little distant, but she's really a sweetheart. I then head upstairs.


I head upstairs, and find Hardy sleeping on the couch. Titania comes upstairs, and tells me to move. I move, and she gets close to him, only to slap him with Wake-Up Slap! Hardy wakes up, and groggily says that he's still tired. Titania is not amused, and she slaps him repeatedly! He finally gets up, and realizes that his sister woke him up. I figured they were siblings... He realizes that I'm there too, and Titania tells him that she found him sleeping on the ground. Hardy realizes where he is, and wonders where Aya is. I tell him that she's at the circus, and Titania wonders who Aya is. Hardy tells her that Aya's the new Poison Leader, and that he was taking her up to show her his gym, and he doesn't know what happened. Titania tells him that he sure knows how to treat a lady, and Hardy tells her to shove off, because it wasn't like that. I see what you did there, Tania... He wonders if Aya is okay, and says that he should find her. He gets up, and says that his whole body's sore for whatever reason, which is no surprise, based on how he slept. Hardy says that it's beats sleeping here, because he doesn't feel like bumming off of his sister longer than he has to. Titania agrees, and says that he can go, which he does just that. She then asks me if I'm going to follow him. I then follow him downstairs.



When I get downstairs, I hear a breaking news report from Gossip Gardevoir. I head closer, and Titania comes downstairs to hear too. Gossip Gardevoir states that she's in Calcenon City with Dragon Leader Saphira where a sudden showdown has just taken form! She states that the cities of Calcenon and Labradorra sit right next to each other... but in a sudden uprising, Team Meteor has completely seized control of Labradorra City! Most citizens were safely evacuated, but some are still being held as hostages! However, a resistance is taking shape in Calcenon City on the part of some of Reborn's strongest trainer! Gardevoir asks Saphira what her thoughts on this scenario are, and Saphira says that she's not interested in negotiating with them. She says that they'll find a way around the barrier, and take back the hostages. Gardevoir realizes that there's a barrier, and reveals that Team Meteor is employing a special technology... Which means that they're most likely using a PULSE machine... Gardevoir reveals that Team Meteor has hooked a Mr. Mime up to a PULSE machine, creating a massive forcefield around Labradorra! Saphira reveals that it isn't their only one... She reveals that they're preparing a second PULSE within the city, and they have two more in the surrounding area. Gardevoir states that with these mysterious machines amping up their Pokemon's powers, there's no telling what they'll do next. She wonders if anything can break the forcefield around Labradorra, and what will happen to the resistance in Calcenon? She tells us to stay tuned to find out.



Labradorra's been invaded? It seems like Team Meteor's made their next move... I'll be at the resistance in Calcenon soon...



Amaria realizes that it's just like with that Muk... Hardy says that we should go up there and help the resistance. Titania harshly warns him against it, and he says that we can't just let Team Meteor do whatever they want. She tells him to not get involved, and that it's better if he doesn't. He then decides to go find Aya, and leaves. Amaria asks Titania if it's really okay to let that happen, and Titania walks down the stairs and tells her that the less she's involved, the better. Amaria tells her that she told her that Team Meteor's after the Sapphire Bracelet she gave her... She declares that she's never going to let them have it, but wonders why they want it. Titania says that she doesn't know, and Amaria asks her where she got it. Titania then tells the story of how she got the Sapphire Bracelet...



"A long time ago, I was wandering around in the Chrysolia Region and found a hidden lake. Across the lake, the ground was covered in ash. Some building had burned down. It was partly buried in the ash, but completely unharmed by the flames. It seemed unimportant, so I took it with me."

So THAT'S why Laura and Charlotte were worried about the Sapphire Bracelet! They thought it was lost... But it wasn't! Titania found it, and gave it to Amaria!



Amaria says that it's strange that Team Meteor wants the Sapphire Bracelet, and Titania tells her to keep it away from them. She says that she's not going anywhere near that place. Amaria says that if she won't let her go, then at least let me. She tells her that I've been crucial in defeating Meteor before. Titania turns to me, and says that I can do whatever I want. Amaria tells me that if I'm going to get to Calcenon City, I need to go through Ametrine Mountain... Which means I'm going to need surf. Luckily I moved the Crustle so I can get there easier! Though I'm still going to need Surf... Luckily, Amaria and Titania actually have the HM for that here! However, Titania rudely states that there's no point in giving me the HM if I don't have the badge to use it yet. Amaria tells me that I'm going to need one of the Circus' leader's badges to use it... She realizes that they got a promotion from them in the mail, and Titania says that they did. She looks for it, and eventually finds it on the floor. She's not sure why they bothered sending a Battle Pass to two Gym Leaders though... Amaria says that they must be hurting for business what with Agate City shutting down. Titania then makes impossible steps as she walks over to me to give me the Battle Pass-Fury. She tells me that Agate has an arbitrary system, so I can't face its leaders without these passes. The one Titania gave me is for Samson. She tells me that if I beat him, I should come back, and they'll give me Surf. Amaria wishes me luck, and I leave as I head back to Agate Circus.




Don't worry, help is on the way! I just need to battle one more person before I can head there, first... Get ready, Samson, cause you're going down!





Current Pokemon Stats

A few Pokemon leveled up a little bit, but other than that, nothing new.




Name: Charles

Level: 64

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 67

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 67

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 63

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 65

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 27

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Beldum

Level: 1

Moves: Take Down

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Chapter XLVI: The Big Top Striker And First Member Of The Agate Ace Triumvirate, Samson!



When I get back to Agate Circus, I find the gym guy in the Big Top, and he tells me that Flying Types are a HUGE advantage here, and to watch out for Samson's Conkeldurr. I head into the back room, and find everyone there, including Terra, who came back. I talk to her, and she just flirts with me. Ciel tells her to refrain from flirting with their guests, and Terra says that Ciel is jelly. Ciel denies that she is jealous, and asks Terra how she would be jealous. Terra then bluntly states that Ciel wants the D, which Ciel reminds her that she doesn't even have a D. Samson asks Ciel how she would know for sure, and she asks what he's implying. Terra then oddly walks over to Ciel, and tells her that he isn't implying anything. She says that we all know what happens when someone implies, and she just trolls. Ciel asks her if she has work to do, and Terra says that she does as she spins around behind Ciel. She tells Ciel to bend over so she can do her. And this is work... how? Ciel says that it's abhorrent, and Terra replies with a yo momma joke. Ciel asks her if she even knows what that word means, and Terra says that it means "RAWR!!!" Ciel tells her that it doesn't mean that, and Terra says that she is just salty, saying that if you make a pretzel out of her, that's how salty she is. She then states that she wants a pretzel, which seems to be her weakness as she walks back to her computers in defeat. Samson even says that pretzels are apparently Terra's weakness, and says that he'll be sure to keep a stock on him at all times.


I talk to Ciel, and she asks Terra if she has been able to find the source of the signal over Agate yet, for she's quite anxious to stop whatever it is putting people to sleep. She says that people should be watching them, not sleeping! Terra tells her to calm down, for she is a super hacker, and that nothing can escape her booty. Ciel says that it's taken so long already though, and Terra screams at her, telling her to calm down. She even tells her to undo the kalamity that is her mammaries, and to hakuna her tatas. Seriously, I still find her funny sometimes. Samson tells her to stop, for he can feel his brain cells dying off one by one. Ciel says that Terra is cruel to rob him of his few remaining ones, which Samson says that they have no need to put their cat fight on him, for he is innocent here. Terra tells him that he wasn't so innocent last night, and Samson asks her how she would know. Terra then says that they were all up on each other. *shudders* Samson then remembers that it was Position 52: The Angry Dinosaur, but shrugs it off. Terra even says that that's her second favorite position. Ciel asks if she should know what the first is, and Terra tells her that if she wants to know, she's going to have to 'change'. Ciel says that we don't need a demonstration, and Samson tells them to go right ahead, as he thinks it would be highly... informative. Ciel denies this, and apologizes that she even asked. Terra says that if she tells her, then Aya over on the couch is going to run out of the room because she isn't going to want to be near the couch anymore. Ciel makes a mental note to herself, saying to order a new couch... AGAIN.


I talk to Hardy, and he thanks me for getting him before. He apologizes that I had to deal with his sister, and says that she's always been kinda intense. He says that personally, he was ready to take any excuse to roll on outta there. Cain gets in the conversation, and asks him if his sister is a brat too, which Aya says that she's sitting right there. Hardy puts it this way: Whenever Titania is around, he gets the feeling she's about to pull out a knife and shank someone. Cain agrees, and says that sounds like Aya. Aya denies this, and Hardy says that she's cool, telling him to be nice to her. Cain says that he isn't going to make promises on that, and Cain and Aya go into a barrage of insults toward each other until Cain says that he loves her, which she replies it back to him, too.


I talk to Aya, and she wonders that since Agate City is closed, what should we do now? Hardy says that there's some crazy stuff going on in Calcenon, so he's going to go check it out... Once his body stops aching. He says that he feels like he got run over by a pack of Bouffalant. However, Cain tells him that Terra treated him like a croquet ball, and is surprised that they even survived... Aya asks him if he's disappointed, and Cain replies with maybe. Hardy says that it's going to take more than that to break them down, and he asks Aya if she was hurt too. Aya says that her head feels like a Probopass sat on it. Cain says that Terra almost flattened him, too, and not in the good way. Hardy says that he hopes it wasn't in a good way, and asks Cain if she's a bit old for him. Aya asks how old Terra is, and Cain says that he doesn't know, but she acts like she's six. However, Terra overhears this, and yells at them, saying she isn't six, calling them hooligans. Cain is surprised she can hear them, and Terra tells them to get rawr'd.


I talk to Cain, and he asks Hardy what he does besides running his gym. Hardy answers Cain's question by saying that he does music, mostly, and he spends a lot of time playing guitar. Aya even states that Hardy plays really well. Cain tells Hardy that he's impressed even Aya... Which means that Hardy has done what Cain has failed to do for seventeen years. Aya tells Cain that she's seventeen, not him. Cain says that he's sure she wasn't impressed before he was born, either. Hardy asks him what he does, and he answers Hardy's question by saying that he likes singing more than any instrument. Aya says that this is only to terrorize her, but he digresses. Hardy then gets an idea, and says that if they had a drummer and a bassist, they could have their own band. Aya flutters, and says that would be kinda cool... Cain asks Hardy if he knows anyone who suits the bill, and Hardy says that he doesn't. However, he says that Titania used to play the bass, but... He doesn't hate himself enough to bring her in on this.

I finally talk to Samson, who asks me if I want to challenge him. He denies my request, because the Ringmaster's a real stickler about her policies. Anyone who wants to battle has to have a Battle Pass. However, I show him my Battle Pass-Fury, and he says he'll have them prepare the front. He tells me to let him know when I'm ready, and so I tell him I'm ready. We head out to the field, and get ready for the showdown.



When we head out to the Big Top, the crowd is packed, and everyone is hyped up. The Ringmaster begins the show, and calls for everyone's attention as the exciting exclusive challenge to the esteemed Agate Ace Triumviarte of leaders is about to begin! Today, in the left corner, we have a first-time challenger to Agate... Me!!! And in the right corner-- we've seen him at the striker, busting bells into the sky... We've seen him in the Big Top, juggling people as if they could fly... And now everyone's gonna see him on the center stage as he shows them what power REALLY means... He's the Agate Circus-- Strongman-- Samson!!! Everyone cheers for Samson, and Samson greets everyone. The Ringmaster goes over the rules, as this will be a 6-on-6 Singles Battle! We're playing on a whole new field, and in this field, Fighting attacks and any other attacks capable of activating the panels on the ground earn a score on the Big Top Striker! A high enough score will generate energy to add an extra oomph the attacks! Let's see how we'll use this to our advantage. Samson is pumped, and wants to see an all-in knock out.



Get wrecked, Samson! I already know how to deal with Fighting types, so you're pretty much defeated already!



Strongman Samson sends out Hariyama, while I send out Charles. Charles tries knocking Hariyama down with Wing Attack, but gets beaten down by Hariyama's Knock Off and Smack Down. I send out Amelia, who ends up knocking down Hariyama with Psychic. Samson sends out Mienshao, who poisons Amelia with Poison Jab, but Amelia wipes out Mienshao with Psychic. Samson sends out Blaziken, who falls down from Amelia's Psychic attack. Samson sends out Chesnaught, who also falls from Amelia's Psychic attack. However, since Amelia is about to go down from poison, I quickly switch her out with Hydra as Samson sends out Conkeldurr. Hydra uses Dragon Dance, while Conkeldurr uses Drain Punch. Hydra then proceeds to use Aqua Tail, while Conkeldurr uses Knock Off and Mach Punch. Once Conkeldurr's health is half-way, Samson heals it with a Hyper Potion, but then after another Aqua Tail, Conkeldurr is down. However, Samson is not down for the count just yet! He sends out Hawlucha, who doesn't go down so easily. Hawlucha manages to knock out Hydra with Fly. I wish I had Fly... I send out Persian, who easily goes down from Flying Press. I send out Corey, and manage to poison Hawlucha with Poison Jab, and eventually with the help of the poison, Hawlucha goes down.With Samson's team taken down, I win the battle!



Samson states that this isn't the worst thing that he's lost. Everyone cheers, as the Ringmaster proudly announces that I'm the victor. Samson says that he was chewed up and spit out, and bids me good game. The Ringmaster announces that I will receive one brand new Fury Badge! Samson gives me the Fury Badge, and the Ringmaster states that the Fury Badge grants me the ability to use HM Surf, as well as a slight boost in physical attack to all my Pokemon. But that's not all I win! I also win TM31 Brick Break! The Ringmaster also announces that if any of us are itching to challenge Samson or their other leaders of the Agate Ace Triumvirate... Then find those Battle Passes! She thanks everyone for coming out to see the show, and we all go into the back room.


Once we make it into the back room, the Ringmaster says that it was a good show, and that they made a killing. She tells me that she's impressed at how I beat Samson like that, and hopes that I find passes to battle the other leaders, Terra and Ciel. Ciel says that Samson is their baby, though, and warns me that they won't be quite so easy. Terra turns around from her computers, and says that Ciel is totally easy, if I know what she means... She warns me that if I mess with her, though... She'll RAWWWWWRRR RAWWWR my RAWWWRRAWWRRAWWWR. I don't like the sounds of that... She continues by saying that she'll take her RAWWRR and shove it in my RAWWWR until I can't even RAAAWWWRR RRAWWWWRRAAWWRRR... Twice. Well THAT'S one way of saying that I shouldn't mess with you... *shudders* The Ringmaster says that she has parting words to do, so she'll leave Terra to do her rawring.



The Ringmaster leaves, and Terra realizes something on the screen. I come closer, and Ciel asks if she finally traced the signal, and Terra tells us to hold on tight, for we've got news. Aya and Cain show up to pay attention, and Samson asks her what the news is. Terra announces that with her highly advanced super hacking skills, she has discovered something very important. Hardy asks her if she's going to tell us or not, and Terra concludes that she has discovered... That Ciel is wearing a thong. Really, Terra? REALLY? We need to stop Team Meteor, and you can only think of that? Sigh... Ciel is flustered, and runs over to the screen to see what Terra is looking at, and she finds that Terra is lying, as it doesn't say that at all. However, Terra tells her that she didn't deny it. Ciel tries to get back on track, and looks at the data point on the screen. She asks Terra what it is, and Terra gets off topic by calling the data point Timmy. She says that his hobbies include cross-stitching, motorbiking, and planting lizards in the knicker drawers of old ladies. Cain says that he likes Timmy, and Ciel snaps and asks her what the data MEANS. Unfortunately, Terra doesn't know, as she just hacked the broadcaster to get to it. She says that she isn't a statistician, but if she HAD to take a guess, she'd say the signal's RAWRIN' out from somewhere in Ametrine City. Samson asks if someone Ametrine City is broadcasting a signal over Agate City which puts them to sleep. Hardy says that someone needs to go up to Ametrine and stop that signal, pronto. Samson says that's gonna require surf, which means that I'm the top candidate. Cain decides that it's off to Ametrine City we go. Hardy says that he and Aya will head up to Calcenon when they can, so I should meet them there when I'm done at Ametrine. Cain tells me that he'll go as far with me as he can too. Terra says that Calcenon is more like Calceyawwwn, and asks what's going on up there. Hardy tells Terra that some of the other leaders are in a stand-off against Team Meteor, and that we're going to help out. She calls Team Meteor Team Metebore, and Aya asks her if she ever says something that isn't stupid. Terra continues, and she just rawrs away with her giant mallet. Ciel and Samson agree that Terra is something out of the Underworld, and Cain, Hardy, and Aya take off for Calcenon.


After everyone's gone, I heal my Pokemon, and talk to Samson, who says that he'll enjoy the brief moment of solace in which Terra's gone, and not ask questions. He says that it's time for me to go get Surf. I talk to Ciel, who says that Ametrine City is very high up, so naturally it's freezing up there. She tells me to dress warmly, but not to dress too warmly that it looks bad, as there is a limit to these things.

As I head out of the back room, I get a message saying that this concludes Episode XII. I can explore, but if I enter Amaria's house, the game will end. Once that is done, I head all the way to Amaria and Titania's house, and enjoy the trailer for Episode XIII.




Don't worry, I'm on my way to Calcenon and Ametrine!






Current Pokemon Stats

Episode XII is done! Only a few Pokemon leveled up. Amelia and Hydra were useful in my battle against Samson.




Name: Charles

Level: 64

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 67

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 68

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 63

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 65

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 27

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Beldum

Level: 1

Moves: Take Down

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter XLVII: Titania's Dark Secret, Amaria's Tragic Leap, The Dangerous Road To Calcenon City, And The PULSE Clawitzer Conspiracy!



It's that time again, and with a new Episode comes a new look. Since it's going to be cold up in Ametrine Mountain, I figured I might wear something warm. Thanks to Saber, I can.


As soon as I head up to Amaria and Titania's house, I head inside, and find Titania looking at a book on a desk. She notices that I have the badge now, and says that Amaria is out for a walk. She tells me that she''ll go fetch the HM, and says that it's a mess in the back, so she may take a while to find it. She tells me to wait, and leaves. Before I read the book that she was reading, I notice a small light-blue magazine called "Gym Leader Monthly" on the table in the kitchen, which I'm pretty sure wasn't there before. I'm not sure if I should be reading this... Oh well. I read it anyways. On the cover, it has Amaria, who appears to be in a rather suggestive pose, and it shows that she's modeling a new bikini design in a photoshoot starting on page 12. However... ...Upon inspection, most of Amaria's photoshoot pages have been ripped out. I guess SOMEBODY wanted all the fun for themselves... *cough*Titania*cough*



I then start to read the book Titania was reading. However... It's not an ordinary book. It's the ACTUAL Diary of Titania! Was the one back in the Onyx Trainer School a fake, or just a past diary? As much as I shouldn't read it... I will.



"You know, diary, how sick I've been of this wretched facade since the beginning." Whoa, WHAT?!


"I had intended for Amaria's mood to grow more stable, but instead she has only become increasingly volatile and dependent." What is she TALKING about?

As I continue to read the diary, Titania shows up and sees me reading her diary. "The ink I lace upon your pages is some solace, but I still cannot forsee any 'happily ever-after' to this fake fairy tale romance." So she has been LYING to Amaria this whole time!


"I was a fool to have trapped myself in this role. At this rate, it will be the death either her or myself. Regardless--"



As I try to continue, Titania stops me, and tells me to catch the HM. At least I have HM03 Surf now. She asks me what I was doing, and asks me if I was reading her diary. I have to be honest with her, I really do. I indeed did read her diary. I say yes, and she asks if I knew what it was. She asks me if I have no regard for personal privacy, and lashes at me, saying just because it was left open in a moment of haste-- haste, in courtesy of to me, no less-- does NOT give me permission for any such thing. She asks me how dare me, and tells me that I got my HM, and now to get out of her house... Now.


I start to leave, but she stops me. She tells me about what I read... She tells me if I have a shred of decency, I will NOT breathe a word of it to anyone. She reveals that for all this time, she has only pretended to love Amaria so she wouldn't kill herself. She understands that it was a wretched choice, but Amaria was her closest friend, and when she threw herself at Titania, Titania reacted poorly. Titania tells me that Amaria already struggles with depression and suicide, and that she will NOT be the reason Amaria goes over the edge. That's a bit foreshadowing, don't you think, Titania? She says that this mistake will also not be the reason Amaria goes over the edge. Titania tells me that I will not let Amaria find out, under any circumstance.



Just then, Amaria, with a new redesign, comes back from her walk, and asks what we were talking about. All good things, all good things... Nothing drastic or dramatic here... Titania even states that it's perfect timing sarcastically, and Amaria walks up to her, asking what she doesn't want her to know. Titania tells her not to worry about it, and so she asks me for the details. Since she's going to find out anyways, I might as well tell her. And so I do. Titania calls me an idiot, and Amaria is just shocked. She denies it, and says that Titania wouldn't say that... She says that she's been with her for years, and that she would stay with her forever... She asks Titania what the meaning of this is, and Titania says that she tried to warn me. Amaria then asks Titania if she doesn't love her. Titania tells her that she is her best friend, and that she prefers her above all else, but that's different from love. She reveals to Amaria that she feared that if she knew, she would hurt herself, and Titania herself acted foolishly, as she is deeply regretful. Amaria says that being with Titania... was like someone picking up the shards of her shattered glass heart,and fitting them together again bit by bit... But now, that glass has been shattered again... After a brief moment of silence, Amaria says that she's going. However, Titania tries calling for her, but she's gone. She runs out, following Amaria, and so do I.


When I get outside, I head down the hill, and I hear Titania telling Amaria to come back. I head over to where they are, and they're on a cliff over Celestinine Cascade. Titania has enough of this, and tells Amaria to go back home. She tells Amaria that she only wanted to help her, even if it meant ignoring her own needs. Amaria snaps at Titania, asking her how lying about everything helps. Titania tells her that it was naive, and says that she learned that long ago, but there was no way for her to leave her after that. Amaria asks her if it was because she would do something like this... She's not committing suicide, is she? She asks Titania how long she's felt like this, and Titania reveals that it was since the beginning. Amaria asks her if she never loved her, and asks her if it was all just out of pity. Titania says that it was not pity, but misguided compassion. She tries to get Amaria back inside, so they can talk, but Amaria takes none of that. She says that if she never loved her, then everything was a lie... She tells Titania that she was her world, but says that she was her prison. Titania says that it's not like that, but Amaria says that it won't be anymore. She gets dramatic, closing her eyes and saying "With this, I set you free." Titania tells her not to be stupid. Amaria bids goodbye, and when Titania tries to stop her, she jumps off of Celestinine Cascade!



Amaria... Why did you do that? Why did you have to jump?



Titania calls Amaria an idiot under her breath, and she tells me that she's going after her, but she doesn't have a way back up. She tells me to figure it out, or she WILL come back to haunt me. With that said, she jumps, following her lover, Amaria. After that, I surf over the cascade, and find another rock puzzle. I manage to find an Ultra Potion, and a Reaper Cloth, which I can use to evolve a Dusclops into Dusknoir! I'll have to get one soon...


I head back to Agate Circus (Through a completely different path...) , and find that the way is a bit different. There's an elevator, and a gate. I find a little boy who wants cotton candy, as it will comfort him from his dead parents. So, being the rich boy I am, I go get him some. Once I get him some cotton candy, he cheers up, and then he wants a balloon. I get him an Air Balloon, and he cheers up. He then wants a Poke Doll from the High Striker, so I get him one. However, when I do it the first time, it's actually a REAL Clefairy! Another time I play the High Striker, I manage to get OVER 900, and get TM87 Swagger. Another time, I get a regular Poke Doll, which I give to the little boy. However, he wants ICE CREAM now. Just when he can continue about that, his MOTHER shows up. He says that it's been a while, and his mother states that it's been a little bit since he demanded she go off and buy the candy he wanted. However, he's acting suspicious, and she realizes what he's doing. She scolds him for extorting me, and he says to only do it to people who look like jerks. She AGREES with him on that, and says that I'm a nice, respectable young trainer. However, she realizes what he said, and grounds him. She apologizes for the hassle, and says that he can get a little out-of-hand sometimes. She gives me a Department Store Sticker as an apology!


I head to the vendors, and some of them give away prizes, such as HM06 Dive (Froakie), Cover Fossil (Carracosta), and Plume Fossil (Archeops)! They're slide puzzles, so all I do is just look at their pictures. I get them all correct, and I win the fossils, and HM06 Dive! I head into the back room of the Big Top, and Samson and Ciel are horrified at the news. Ciel tells me that I'm going to need the HM Waterfall in order to save them. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until I get the HM AND the badge for it.


Oh, and how did I get back to Agate Circus from a different path, you ask? I went through Celestinine Mountain and Ametrine Mountain, which is exactly where I go. As soon as I get there, I find it completely different than being completely filled with water. I guess Ame completely changed the place when Episode XIII came out. I surf through the water, and I easily see a gigantic waterfall, which must be part of the Celestinine Cascade. After I surf through some ice, I find Aya, Hardy, and Cain, surrounding a huge block of ice with icy spikes everywhere. And I mean HUGE! It must be new, because Hardy even says so. Cain says that it's completely in the way, but realizes that this is the through road to Ametrine City. Aya says that it's not the road anymore, and she realizes that I'm there. Hardy and Cain realize that I'm here, and they look at me too. Cain apologizes, and says that he doesn't think either of us can get there with that thing in the way. Hardy says that this is bad, and Cain agrees, saying that we have to get up there to stop that sleeping-signal over Agate City! I tell them that something happened at the Cascade, and I need Waterfall now. Unfortunately, Waterfall is being held up in Ametrine, so I'd HAVE to go up there, and kill two birds with one stone. Cain agrees, and says that we have to go up there to save Agate and Amaria. Hardy says that it's not just those we need to save, but Ametrine City itself, too. Aya asks him what he means, and he says that Ametrine's a mountain-peak city, which means that nothing will grow up there. Cain realizes that if the road doesn't go through, then no food can be delivered... Which Aya is horrified that they're going to starve to death, trapped in their own city. Hardy tries to help by sending out Gigalith. He attempts to bust through the ice, but it doesn't even leave a dent. Hardy says that if Gigalith can't scratch it, nothing else will... Not even fire types. Cain says that our Fire types would collapse due to the thickness and headway... Which he knows ALL about... Hardy even gets confused, but Cain shrugs it off. Hardy returns his Gigalith back into its Pokeball, and Aya asks him if he's giving up. However, Hardy says that we'll find another way. He says that we should get help from Calcenon, because the other leaders are up there fighting Team Meteor, but maybe some of them can lend a hand. Aya asks him if it's far, because she's not used to mountain hikes. However, it's not far at all, and it's right around the corner, according to Hardy. He says that we can slip through up here, and they leave. I follow them by surfing across the ice and water, and leave to Route 3.


When I get to Route 3, I travel until I find Cain, Aya, and Hardy at some stairs. Hardy says that Calcenon is just right up these stairs. Cain says that we shouldn't waste any time, because there are people waiting for us! There's even a flash when he says that. However, as soon as Cain moves, the stairs are blasted to smithereens in another flash! Aya goes to Cain's side, and asks him if he's all right. He says he's fine, but that blast barely missed him. He realizes that she DOES care, but she denies it. Hardy looks at the blast, and says that it came from the city, which means that something's going down. However, Aya says that something else is coming down too, and we look. Fortunately, it's just Saphira riding on Dragonite, and not anybody from Team Meteor. She asks if everybody is all right, and Hardy says that we're all fine. He asks her what's going on, and she tells us that Team Meteor has occupied Labradorra City and is using PULSE machines to control the area. Hardy tells her that we heard about the PULSE Mr. Mime on the news, and that we came to help. Saphira says that the Mr. Mime aren't the problem anymore. Another flash is seen, and Saphira says that there's another blast. She goes to check the situation, and something else is blasted. She comes back, and Aya wonders what's going on. Saphira states that Team Meteor is launching an assault. She says that they have a PULSE Clawitzer sieging Calcenon from afar. She says that she can deflect the attacks, but as we can see, there's collateral damage. She apologizes for that, and Cain forgives her by saying that he just saw his life flash before his eyes, and it's no big deal. Aya makes a snarky remark, and knowing Cain, she asks him if it was like watching a split-second porno. What's funny is his reaction, and he says that the dialogue was slightly better. ANYWAYS, Hardy tries to get us back on topic, and Saphira says that she can't stick around to chat. She says that if we need to get to the city, then we need to use the eastern entrance for now. She then flies back to the city. So much for right around the corner... Hardy says that it's fine, because Route 3 used to be tough, but the cities of Calcenon and Labradorra spent a lot of time building a smooth road for travelers. He says that it'll be a straight shot with no problem. They all leave and head to Calcenon, while I follow them.



When I continue along the path, I find a glimpse of Aya, and I see a flash, which leads to another blast. Hardy tells Cain to hang on. I go over to them, and see that the bridge is destroyed from the blast, and Hardy and Cain are injured. Aya asks them if they're both all right, and Hardy gets up. However, he has a splitting headache, because the rail hurts. He tells us to wait a minute, and Cain is surprised at how he can survive, due to Terra and now he slammed into the rail. He says that Hardy's taken a beating, and not in a good way. Hardy asks him if there's a good way to get beat, and Cain says that he'll have to show him some time. However, Aya snaps at him, telling him not to. Cain apologizes, and says that he didn't mean to make her jealous, which she denies, and snaps that she hopes he gets crushed by the bridge next time. Hardy tells her to take it easy and that we're fine. He tells me that one of the stray blasts took out the bridge while they were on it, but they can probably still get through. So much for a straight shot, too... Hardy tells us not to worry, because we got this. Cain says that because of Team Meteor, this area does seem to be dangerous. Hardy agrees, and says that they should stay close and move quickly. Cain tells me to take care of Aya, and Aya says that she can take care of herself. Hardy agrees with her, and tells her to take care of ME. At least it wasn't like what Cain meant... Hardy leaves, and Cain tells us to catch up as soon as we can before following Hardy. However, he doesn't follow Hardy before telling Aya that he'll be gentle with her boyfriend, which she quickly denies as he's walking away. However, she realizes what he meant, and asks him just what is he planning to do with him, but unfortunately, he doesn't hear that, as he's gone. She turns to me, and asks if she's with me. She apologizes for that, and says that she didn't mean to sound mean. She says that she'll try to not bother me too much, and that we should go find them.


We climb down the steps, and enter the cave. We jump off down ledges until we find a cave at the top. However, it leads us into something deeper. It leads us into the LCCC Storage Closet. I find a Metal Coat, and unfortunately, we're blocked off by machinery. We'll have to find the other way into LCCC some other time. We leave, head down more ledges, and find a ladder. We find the exit, and climb the steps again. However, as soon as we continue, another blast destroys another bridge. Aya is disappointed, and says that if this bridge only just went down, then the others probably got across safely... Which means we'll be even further behind. We climb down the bridge, and find another cave. As we continue the cave, we somehow find some Team Meteor grunts! We beat them, and we find a cave, which leads to another part of LCCC! In this case, we are in the LCCC E-Exit Hall. We find a switch, and open a gate. Aya says that this place is weird. She says that she thought this was supposed to be a random cave, but... It's not. We continue our path through the cave and battle more Meteor members, including Meteor Dames and Meteor Knights. After we beat the first two, we spot a small egg from afar. I can't get it now, unfortunately.


After we beat the other two Meteor members, we exit the cave, and climb the steps. we find some rocks that can be climbable, which I'm sure leads to the egg I saw. As we cross the bridge, another blast strikes somewhere. We find more Meteors, and see that the blast destroyed another bridge. we hear from one of the Meteors that only one of the PULSE is powered here. We head down the steps, until we find another cave. When we get inside the cave, we step over the ledges on the right, and find another cave, which leads to the other side of the LCCC E-Exit Hall. When I talk to Aya, she says that she knows she's not good for very much, but she would appreciate it if I don't use her as a meat-shield. That almost seems to foreshadow something... We then flip the switch, and head inside.



When we head deeper, we find another room, and Aya says that we're totally off track, and there's no sign of Hardy or Cain. Just where are we? We head deeper, and find three Meteors. However, two of them are none other than Aster and Eclipse, who are now promoted to Meteor Knight and Meteor Dame! This must be the control room... Seems like this WAS worth it. The two are happy to see us, and Aster tells the grunt to go call for back-up, and to tell them that they got a good catch down here. The grunt leaves, and Eclipse asks him if it was really necessary. Aster says that he knows what she means, and says that they'll pound us into the ground themselves. She says that he doesn't know what she mean, and says that we should get this over with.



Aster, Eclipse... If you two are behind the attacks, then you're going down!



Meteor Knight Aster sends out Solrock, Meteor Dame Eclipse sends out Lunatone, Aya sends out Dralgae, while I send out Archer. Archer Surfs on both Lunatone and Solrock, nearly making them faint. Solrock goes down from Dralgae's Hydro Pump, so Aster sends out Rhyperior. Eclipse gives Lunatone a Hyper Potion, and Rhyperior and Lunatone nearly go down from Archer's Surf. However, Rhyperior knocks down Archer with Megahorn. I send out Corey, while Aya switches out Dralgae for Tentacruel, and Aster gives Rhyperior a Hyper Potion, which is fine, because Corey beats down Rhyperior with Rock Smash and Sucker Punch while Tentacruel uses Icy Wind, knocking out Lunatone, who unfortunately put up a Light Screen. Eclipse sends out Magmortar, while attacking Tentacruel with a charged Thunderbolt. However, Corey manages to poison Magmortar with Poison Jab, but Magmortar's Flame Body burns Corey. Tentacruel manages to knock out Rhyperior with Muddy Water. Aster sends out Golurk, and Magmortar burns Corey and Tentacruel down with Heat Wave. I send out Charles while Aya sends out Dralgae, but Dralgae is knocked out by Golurk's Bulldoze. However, Magmortar gets knocked out as well, causing Eclipse to send out Milotic, while Aya sends out Nidoqueen, who faints from Golurk's Bulldoze. Aya sends out Muk, but Charles gets knocked down by Golurk's Rock Slide. I send out Hydra, who knocks out Golurk with Aqua Tail. Aster sends out Electivire, and Muk gets burned from Milotic's Scald. Electivire knocks out Muk with Thunder Punch, while Aya sends out Drapion, who gets burned by Milotic's Scald. Electivire tries to knock Hydra out with Rock Slide, but he survives, and uses Dragon Dance. Drapion confuses Electivire with Confuse Ray, and faints from Milotic's Scald. Aya sends out Gengar, and Electivire is knocked out, thanks to Hydra's Aqua Tail. Aster sends out Vespiquen, and Hydra unfortunately gets frozen by Milotic's Blizzard. Vespiquen uses Tailwind, and Hydra gets defrosted and does Dragon Dance. Hydra knocks out Vespiquen with Ice Fang, and Aster is defeated. However, Aya is also defeated, as Gengar is knocked out because of Milotic. Hydra then proceeds to finish off Milotic with a few Bites. Once Milotic is down, Eclipse sends out Aromatisse, who is defeated by a critical hit Aqua Tail from Hydra. Eclipse sends out Vileplume, who is defeated by Hydra's critical hit Ice Fang. Since their Pokemon are finally defeated, I win the battle!


Aster is outraged, and asks Eclipse if she's even trying. However, she states she's not really trying. She says that she's done, and that we win. Aster tells her to not give up, and that they fight to the end for Team Meteor. However, she says that she's not 'giving' up. She's quitting. Aster is shocked, and Eclipse says that she'll turn off the PULSE Clawitzer for us, and she proceeds to do so. So THIS was where the PULSE Clawitzer was...






It seems that they have names now... Interesting... Eclipse asks us if that's what we wanted, and why we came here. However, Aya tells her that we just got lost and wandered in here. Eclipse is surprised, and says that that's what she wanted, so she's thanks us for wandering in. Aster walks up to Eclipse's face, and asks her what the heck does she think she's doing. Eclipse tells him that she literally just said what she's doing like three different times, and asks him if he wasn't listening, of he is actually that stupid. She walks closer to us, and Aster is confused. He thought that the two were going to change the world together, and she says that now she's changed her mind, because this isn't the change she wanted. She tells him that since they joined Team Meteor, they've done nothing but help Team Meteor hurt more and more people. Aster says that in the end-- Eclipse snaps, and says this isn't WORTH the end! She asks him what good is a new world if the people they care about aren't in it. Aster gets even more confused, as he doesn't understand. Eclipse tells him that he doesn't understand, because he never had a family, he grew up on the street, and that the only one he ever had to look out for was himself, and that's not a luxury everyone has. Aster tells her that Team Meteor gave him a home, and that he will repay them with his life. Eclipse sarcastically supports him, and says that her father lives in Calcenon City. She says that if one of the Clawitzer's attacks hits his house, that's it. Game over. End of line. She says that they were assigned to guard the power station for it, but she can't just sit here and make her dad into Schrodinger's Meowth. Aster gets even MORE confused, and Eclipse continues. She says that she's pretty sure she's actually lost IQ points from being partnered with him.


Aya asks me if we should let the two duke it out, or what. Eclipse turns to us, and apologizes for the trouble. She says that if we're going to fight Team Meteor, there's something we should know...



As she begins to speak, Sirius shows up, witnessing what she has to say.



"Team Meteor itself wasn't always bad. When Solaris lead us, we had one strict goal: Cleanse the city. We wanted Reborn to be pure again, but the people had to leave for that to happen. So we started doing things to make them leave. But then, everything changed. After she launched through the ranks, Lin started--"



Just as Eclipse is about to continue, Sirius sends out his Chandelure, who burns her soul from behind! Aster is now horrified.



"Turncoats will not be forgiven."



Sirius walks up to me as Eclipse's soul slowly burns. Aya is horrified, and asks Sirius what is happening to her. As Eclipse makes her last breath, Sirius states that Chandelure's flames burn away the soul, and that the body remains even after the spirit is lost forever. When Eclipse falls, Sirius is satisfied, and then goes for the next target... ...Me. Aya tells me to get out of the way, and shoves me out of the way before Chandelure can strike. However, Sirius changes plans, and says that he'll take her instead! He walks over to Aya, and grabs her! He recalls that we have friends headed to Calcenon, and makes new plans. He says that she'll make a fine hostage. He orders Aster to destroy the exit, and commands Team Meteor to retreat. Aster sadly obeys, and they retreat, blowing up the exit.


Unfortunately, one of the exits is blown up, and so I'll have to find another way out. I manage to find TM96 Nature Power, and I find another exit. I go through the path, and leave the Labradorra-Calcenon Control Center.


As I leave the caves, I realize that each cave represented the four keys. The first two caves and this one, respectively, are Ruby, Sapphire, and Amethyst. So the next cave I'll be in will be the Emerald Cave. Either that, or the one with the egg is Emerald Cave, I'm not sure.

I head to the right after I leave Amethyst Cave, and find myself to be in Route 4, and there's some snow. I battle a few trainers, and I beat them. I beat all of the trainers, and find a gate to Calcenon City at the left. When I get to the gate, the guard tells me that the assault has ceased for now, and it is safe to enter the city. I also find Hardy, who tells me that Cain went to go off to see some friends of his who are up here. He asks me where Aya is, and I tell him that Sirius has captured her and has her hostage. He tells me to excuse him for a minute, while he goes to the city. I then follow him.




Don't worry, Hardy, we'll save Aya. Just hang in there, and have hope.






Current Pokemon Stats

Everyone except for Persian grew a few levels, and everyone except Archer and Perisan grew to level... heh heh... 69. To be honest, I didn't expect to face Aster and Eclipse before reaching Calcenon, nor did I expect to stop the PULSE Clawitzer before that either. I was hoping to see some assault action go on for myself. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. And also... R.I.P. Eclipse. Even though you were part of Team Meteor, you will always be remembered.




Name: Charles

Level: 69

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 69

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 69

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 65

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 69

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 27

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Beldum

Level: 1

Moves: Take Down

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Chapter XLVIII: The Calcenon Ciy-Labradorra City Barrier, Bad News Everywhere, And The Sneaky, Psychotic Firebug, Charlotte!



As soon as I head to Calcenon, I try to find the barrier. When I do find the barrier, I see Hardy and Saphira. However, I should probably go find Cain to make sure he's alright. When I enter a building, I find Cain, Shelly, Noel, and Anna. Oh yeah! I remember now! Saphira took them here! Then Charlotte must be close by as well! Anna says that she told them I was here, and Cain is glad that I finally caught up. If it wasn't for those blasts, I wouldn't have stopped the PULSE Clawitzer. Shelly greets me as well, and Cain asks where Aya is. I tell him that Sirius captured her, and he says that she'll probably be fine. Anna asks him if he's not worried, and he says that if we should be worried about anyone, it's her captors, because that girl will complain their heads off. Anna complies with what he says, and Shelly is about to say something. Cain asks her if she had anything to say before Anna suddenly started shouting about me being here. Anna apologizes, and Shelly asks him what happened to Heather, because he was following her. Cain says that he caught up to her, and this older guy Blake said he was going to take care of her. He says that she seemed okay with it, so... Shelly realizes what's going on, and says that she's only heard bad things about Blake. She then decides that she's going to go talk to her, and she's going to Ametrine. However, Cain tells her that the path is blocked, and realizes something's wrong. He says that the path to Ametrine City was sealed off by something like a huge iceberg. He worries that if it stays there, no food can be delivered to the mountain-top. If that happens... Heather might starve. Shelly realizes this, and Noel says that if Heather were going to starve, she would probably just fly somewhere else. Shelly says that she still wishes we could help her somehow. Anna asks about the giant iceberg in Ametrine Mountain, and walks around to think. Cain says that we can't break or melt the iceberg. Anna asks if it can't be climbed, and Cain says that it probably cannot be climbed. She then realizes something. We ask her what her plan is, and she says that if we can't go around, through, or over it, then we have to go UNDER it. Cain asks her how we can do that, and Noel says that we have to Dive. Anna says that he is correct, with one point for Nomos. Noel tells her that he was the one who said that, and Anna tells him not to cheat, because Noel said it first. She knows that I have Dive already, and Noel tells me not to forget the badge requirement to use it. Cain asks if it's another badge from the Agate Ace Triumvirate, but Shelly says that it's Charlotte. Shelly says that it used to be Calcenon's old gym leader that handled Dive... Anna says that if I tell Charlotte what's going on and ask her for a battle, she's sure Charlotte will accept. She tells me to get to it already, and so I do. However, not before talking to them individually.

I talk to Cain, and he says that he may joke about it, but he does want to get Aya back. However, there's just nothing we can do right now. I talk to Shelly, and she says that she wants to talk to Heather again, but there's no way for her to get to Ametrine City. I talk to Noel, and he wishes me good luck in my upcoming battle. I talk to Anna, who tells me to just focus on one thing at a time, and says that if I do, all the other things will focus on me. With that said, I leave and head to Charlotte's Gym.



When I head to Charlotte's Gym, I see Charlotte and Laura, who appears to be crying about something. Charlotte tries to comfort her by saying that's she's being way too hard on herself. Laura asks her how couldn't she be, and says that it has to be her own fault somehow. Charlotte tries comforting her some more by saying that Ame probably just made a mistake. She says that they'll get it figured out, but crying about it won't help. She then turns to me, and greets me. Laura notices me, and excuses herself as she leaves. Charlotte says that Laura doesn't like to cry in front of others, and says that she loves her, but she drives her nuts sometimes. Like, she gets that it's bad news, but Laura is totally over-reacting. I ask her what's going on, and she tells me that Laura got a notification from Ame today, and that she was fired from her position as Elite 4. Charlotte also tells me that apparently Laura's been replaced already, but this isn't generally how this whole Reborn League thing goes down. She says that something weird is going on here, and she's gonna figure out what. She tells me that she'll be back in a bit, and then leaves to try to find Laura.

I talk to the gym guy, and he says that it was awkward for him to stand and watch. He tells me that as he's sure I saw, Charlotte is not here right now. With that said, I leave.


After I leave Charlotte's Gym, I talk to Hardy, who vows that he'll definitely make Team Meteor pay for taking Aya. He calls out for them, and charges a few times at the barrier. He cries out for Aya, and Saphira tells him to stop. She spots somebody coming, and they come down the steps. However, it's not who we'd expect... Instead of Sirius or Sigmund, or any other Team Meteor member, it's none other than a familiar Swag Jockey Grasshole... Fern. He asks Hardy if that's why he picked his type, because he's dumb as a rock. He comes down the steps, and terribly greets us. He tells us that we know we're not gonna get through this barrier, and Hardy asks him why HE'S over there. Fern then reveals that he sides with the winners... Team Meteor. He declares that Team Meteor's going to recreate the world, and when they do, he'll be in his rightful place at the top. He tells Hardy that his little girlfriend Aya's just another pawn in their game, and Hardy demands that they give her back. Fern declines this demand, and offers to give Aya a kiss if Hardy wants. Hardy coldly tells him not to, and Fern just laughs like a troll, saying that he's just kidding, and that he wouldn't touch her if she paid him to. Hardy then swears that when he gets through this wall, he's gonna punch the grasshole's face in. Fern, being the smug little troll he is, tells us to get trolled, and says that he has work to do. He calls us losers, and leaves. As he leaves, Saphira and Hardy declare that the award for biggest grasshole goes to Fern. However, he vows that he's not gonna give up, and that he'll save Aya himself.



I agree with Hardy... When I see that smug little grasshole on the other side, I'm going to end him.



I talk to Saphira, and she's pleased that Team Meteor's attacks seem to have ceased, but she will remain vigilant. I tell her that Eclipse shut off the machine herself, and Saphira says that does explain why the barrier has remained-- One was configured to Calcenon's power system, and one to Labradorra's. She tells me that once Team Meteor reactivates the PULSE Clawitzer or switches it to the Labradorra power grid, the attack will resume. She says that until it is destroyed, she will wait. No matter how long it lasts, she won't take any risks with her sisters in the city. I hear Aya's voice, telling someone to let her go already, and to stop it. That must be Sirius. Hardy is happy to see Aya, and Sirius comes down with Aya in tow. He is satisfied I have arrived, and says that our terms are simple. They know I have the Ruby Ring, and so they demand that I give it to them, or Aya's life is forfeit. Saphira says that we aren't interested in negotiating, and Hardy is SHOCKED. He asks her what she means we're not negotiating, and says that this is Aya's LIFE on the line! He tells me to just give them the Ruby Ring. Saphira tells me that whatever I do, not to give them the ring. Hardy says that it's just a stupid piece of jewelry, and it's not worth killing Aya for it. Aya turns to us, and says that apparently some people disagree, which is no surprise. Saphira says that Team Meteor is not just a pack of thieves, and the Ruby Ring is not just a ring, it's a key. Hardy asks if it matters, because they're gonna kill her if I don't give it to them. However, Saphira states that they're gonna kill her if we DO give it to them. Charlotte shows up, and watches the scene. Hardy says that doesn't even make any sense, and bets that she wouldn't be saying the same thing if it was one of her sisters on the other side. Saphira says that he is wrong, and that doesn't change anything. Hardy gets mad, and says that first she says that she'll do anything for her family, and then she says that she'll willingly let her die for a stupid ring. Charlotte chimes in to the conversation, and asks if my Ruby Ring is what we're talking about. Saphira says that she's right, and tells her that Team Meteor is holding Aya hostage. Charlotte asks Saphira if she'd really let her die over something so insignificant, and Hardy realizes that something's going to go down. Charlotte walks over to me, and asks me if I would be so callous as to throw her to the dogs for the sake of some stupid ring.



Well of course not! I mean, she's hot. LITERALLY. Even if I did give her to Team Meteor, she would just burn Team Meteor's base to the ground. Then again, they caught Aya easily, so it might be difficult to get Charlotte back, too. Actually... I'll go with yes. She would have a way out, anyway.



I say yes, and she snaps at me. She asks me how could I, and says that if that's how it's going to be, she'll just need to steal the ring to save herself. Hardy asks if it was a hypothetical question, and Charlotte takes the Ruby Ring! She tells Sirius that she'll give Team Meteor the ring, and she'll have to run so we don't take it back, but she'll give it to them at the power station. She tells him to meet her there, and she runs off. Hardy is shocked, and Saphira stops him. Sirius says that he'll send someone down, and he leaves as he drags Aya away. Hardy calls out for Aya, but it is no use. He walks up to Saphira, and tells her off. He says that he doesn't expect anybody else to care about Aya like he does, but Saphira could at least try giving a crap. Saphira asks him if he has any siblings, and he gets confused. He says that he does have a sister, who reminds him of Saphira, because they're both impossible to deal with. Saphira understands that they're not close, and says that



"When you've been through as much as my sisters and I have, you learn to have absolute faith in each other. All we have is each other, and if we doubted that, there would be nothing left."



Hardy sarcastically tells her that that's some kinda absolute faith she's got there, and says that Charlotte just got upset and ran off with our only way to save Aya. Saphira asks him if she really did that, or if she just saved Aya herself. Hardy asks her what she's talking about, and she explains that because of Charlotte, Team Meteor no longer believes we have anything of value to them. Therefore, they have no reason to threaten Aya's life. Saphira then turns to me, and tells me that if I want to confirm this, then I should follow Charlotte, and that I probably know where she's headed. She tells me to follow Charlotte to the power control center-- the same one I was at before when rescuing the children: The Yureyu Building.


I talk to Hardy, who says that "Absolute faith" always ends up broken in the end, and says that we have to take matters into our own hands.

I head over to the gate, and find Charlotte, who greets me. She says that was a pretty fun show, and asks if I agree. She tells me not to worry about the whole 'throw me to the dogs' thing; I gave the right answer. She tells me that in any ultimatum, I never acquiesce to it. She makes a case and point that Team Meteor could kill every person in Labradorra City, but that doesn't get them anything they need. So as long as we don't bargain with them, they won't reach their goals. But if we give in like Hardy wanted to, that would have just validated all their power and encouraged that behavior. She says that's all there is really, rewards and punishment, and that we just have to train them. Turns out that humans aren't that different from dogs after all. She then realizes what she said, and doesn't care if that sounds so manipulative or callous. She tells me that she doesn't have the liberty of feeling guilt like most people, because that right burned away years ago. She then gives me the Ruby Ring back, and tells me that Team Meteor doesn't know I have it now, and they're going to waste time going down to the power station, so that's a double win. She tells me that Anna told her about the issue in Ametrine, so I need to use Dive. She tells me not to ask her whose idea it was to make the Fire leader enable a Water HM. She says that this will be her first proper battle in her mom's gym, so she'll gladly accept my challenge. She tells me that we better do it now while Team Meteor's still distracted, so she'll meet me over there. Before she leaves, she says that she never did find Laura, but shrugs it off, saying that she's sure Laura will be fine. She then leaves, and I follow her.


I head into the apartment where Cain and the others are, and I find Hardy there. I tell him that Charlotte lied to us, and he's glad. Though he still feels that those girls are all crazy. Anna hears that, and says that she's not crazy. Hardy apologizes, and says that he didn't mean Anna and Shelly. Noel, on the other hand, thinks that Anna is the craziest of anyone. Anna tells him not to be mean, and Noel says that she's mean to him frequently. Anna denies it by saying it doesn't count, and says that Nomos said she could be. Noel just sighs in apathy.



I head outside and go to the barrier, where I see Saphira talking to Dr. Sigmund, who's on the other side of the barrier. She is not surprised to see him, and Sigmund says that she seems to be doing well. Saphira threatens him by saying that this barrier is his life, and that when it goes out, she swears on her life, she will seek him out and strike him down. The Doctor seems to be well aware, and tells her that she still derives personal comfort from threats to authority. She tells him that he isn't the authority anymore, and that this isn't his jailhouse. He snaps back, and says that by the law's discretion, as she well knows, he is still the legal guardian of her youngest sister, Charlotte. Saphira tells him that SHE is the guardian, and that he is the THREAT. She tells him to get out of her sight, and he says that she is not in any position to give him orders. She snaps back by asking him if he gets those from Team Meteor now, while also asking him just how low can a man sink. The Doctor says that he cares nothing for their goals, but there is something he must confirm. She then ends the conversation by saying that his excuses sicken her, and stating that she's done with the conversation. She concludes the conversation by giving the Doctor one final threat. She says that she is his worst nightmare, and to watch where he sleeps. I then go inside Charlotte's Gym.


I head inside Charlotte's Gym, and find that it's open, as Charlotte is in the house! However, to get to her, I have to do exactly what I have to do to reach Wallace in Pokemon R/S/E: Walk on all of the tiles except the bad tiles. In this case, it's hot spots. Unfortunately, Water types may be at a disadvantage in Charlotte's new field, so I have to be extra careful. I walk on the paths, and battle the trainers as I climb. They get bigger and harder every time. And no, I do NOT mean that in a sexual way. That would be something that Cain would say.



After I manage to get done with the third puzzle and battle the third trainer, I find Charlotte, surrounded by more tiles. However, I can fill them in, so I do just for fun. I talk to Charlotte, and she says that her mom had good taste. I go to my position, and Charlotte tells me that her mom was a Fire trainer too. She didn't mean to take after her, but it just kinda connected. She tells me that when the flames started spreading, at first she was confused, and scared. But when she realized what was happening, and that there was nothing she could do, she just accepted it. Then she saw how pretty they were... They were little spirits of immolation, dancing back and forth into the night air. She says it was art, really. She tells me that when you realize you've done something that terrible, you have a choice: You can either accept the guilt and live with that burden for the rest of your life, or you can just... not. She wasn't interested in regret. She says that most kids would have been traumatized by finding out they killed their own parents, and that they'd hide away and cry at the sight of fire after that. She says that that didn't sound like fun, so she embraced it instead.



"Fire is destruction. Destruction is beauty. When there's nothing left you can do to stop the creeping flame, all that's left to is sit back and watch the show."



She then says that she'll put on a marvelous show for me, so she tells me to give into it already!



I'm not sure how to respond to that... But I'm gonna enjoy it. Feel the burn, baby, cause I'm taking you out!~



Firebug Charlotte sends out Ninetales and Typhlosion, while I send out Hydra and Amelia. Now why do I send out Amelia? I got a magical surprise in store. I have Hydra build up with Dragon Dance, and I have Amelia use Rain Dance, which creates a magical Rainbow Field, thanks to Ninetales' Drought! Hydra then strikes with Aqua Tail, and knocks out Typhlosion, while I switch out Amelia for Archer. Charlotte sends out Rotom, and it goes down from Hydra's Aqua Tail. Charlotte sends out Volcarona, but it fails. She then decides to send out her other Ninetails, but even though Hydra gets knocked out, Amelia manages to pull off a Rain Dance before getting knocked out as well. I send Archer back out and Corey. Archer then lands a critical hit on the Ninetales that gets a Hyper Potion from Charlotte, and BOTH of them get knocked out. Charlotte sends out Delphox, who gets poisoned by Corey's Poison Jab. The match is finally over when Archer finishes Delphox off with a Crunch. With Charlotte's Pokemon finally defeated, I win the battle!



Charlotte says that she's over it and done, and says that she's still powerless, just like back then. She then realizes that maybe she's not entirely free of guilt after all. However, she shrugs it off, and gives me the Cinder Badge. She explains that the Cinder Badge takes me up to level 75, plus the whole Dive thing. She also gives me TM35 Flamethrower. She says goodbye, as she tells me to make Team Meteor pretty for her.

Was she hitting on me when she said that, or what?


As soon as I get to the exit, I get a message saying that this concludes Episode XIII, and that the move Dive will not be usable until Episode XIV is released. Which it is. I can explore until I switch to Episode XIV, which I will switch to now. I watch the trailer for Episode XIV, and I head my way to Ametrine City.




Now I can go under the iceberg and investigate what's going on in Ametrine City! Don't worry, Heather! We're coming!







Current Pokemon Stats

Episode XIII is done! Most of them leveled up a little bit. I had to teach Rain Dance to Amelia, so that I could actually stand a chance against Charlotte. I taught her Calm Mind again, so I'm good to go! I had to use all I got against Charlotte, and it was a pain.




Name: Charles

Level: 69

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Slash



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 70

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 70

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 65

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 70

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 27

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Beldum

Level: 1

Moves: Take Down

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Chapter XLIX: Calcenon City's Restoration, ZEL's Origins, Brotherly Hatred Between Cal And Blake The Icehole, Aster's Reconciliation, And The HUGE Ametrine Mountain Conspiracy!



I go into a house just left of Charlotte's Gym, and find an old man. He says that I seem like a nice young lad, and that I remind him of himself when he was younger. He says that those were the days, but he's old and sick now, and all he can do is stay here and pray for his daughter's safe return. He tells me that she disappeared to find a way to cure him, and that she has a noble heart. However, even he knew that was folly. He says that he told her there was no cure, and she believed him, but she insisted that if she works with this group that they would find a way. He wonders if there is even a group that has such a power, and says that he's proud of her, but worried. He then hopes that she'll come back for him soon, not for his sake, but for hers. This must be Eclipse's father! Which means that group he's talking about must be Team Meteor! I tell him that I met Eclipse, and he's overjoyed. He asks me if she's doing well, and he's sure that she's doing famously. If only you knew... I tell him the tragic news, and tell him that she's dead. He denies this, and says that I probably never even met her for real. He tells me that there's no need for a liar in this house, and tells me to be gone. He says that there's no way Eclipse would be dead, and calls me a scoundrel. I try to go into the other room, but he tells me that room is Eclipse's private quarters, and would appreciate if I did not disturb it. I then leave.



If only you knew the truth...



I leave the old man's house, and go to the house on the right side of Charlotte's Gym. I find a man with an Elekid, and he tells me that one of Team Meteor's attacks hit just close enough to his place that it knocked out part of his generator. He rejects public electricity, and says that it makes the utilities way too expensive. He tells me that until he can find some way to fix it, he's just going to use his Elekid, as it is a cheap easy solution. He claims he's a genius, but says that Elekid keeps grumbling at him. He tells it to shut up, and do its thing. I'll come back later.



I leave the man's house, and walk to the right of the Pokemon Center, and I find a small school. The teacher tells me that she's trying to keep everyone focused. She says that it's hard enough to stay on task normally, let alone when their heating goes out. She says that these kids get cold and then start going to sleep, or worse, rough housing to keep themselves warm. She tells me that one of Team Meteor's attacks managed to knock out the heater, and says that their Magby is trying its best, but it's not really the same. I then leave, as I will come back later.

I then go to the apartment, and talk to Cain, Hardy, Shelly, and the twins. I talk to Cain, who says that he still misses his siter. I talk to Noel, who gives me advice about fighting Pokemon underwater. I talk to Anna, who tells me that going down is sometimes the best way to go up. I talk to Hardy, who says that he cares for Aya a little bit. I talk to Shelly, who's still worried about Heather starving to death in Ametrine City.

I then get ready to leave Calcenon City, and head up to Ametrine City. I head down the South gate, and speak to the guard, who tells me that the road through was destroyed, and I won't be able to pass. He says that they only just spent all that money carving out the stairway and building the bridges. He also says that they might not be able to rebuild the bridges any time soon, but if they had the funds to get a quick fix on the stairway... He then asks me if I would be willing to donate. He says that if we can raise enough money, the stairway can be completed quickly. Luckily, I have enough, and I pay it off. He then gets the crew to work, and it's all rebuilt quickly. He thanks me, and I climb down the steps. However, as I'm climbing down the steps, I manage to find a secret storage room. I'm not sure if it's Team Meteor's or not, but I find a Magmarizer and an Electrizer. I'll save these in case I decide to use Magmordo (Remember him?) or Elekid.



I head to Ametrine Mountain, and surf on the water with Seaking, my HM Slave for water moves. I love Seakings though, so I don't consider it a slave. After I slide on ice, I find a spot where I can dive, so I surf to it, and dive. I follow the paths, and find myself to be going around the giant iceberg. As soon as I dive a second time, I find a small cave. When I rise up from the water, I find ice surrounding me all over the place... I'm inside the giant iceberg. I take one look forward, and I see an Avalugg strapped to a PULSE machine! So THAT'S what's been making this iceberg! How long has it been here? The Avalugg seems to be crying out in pain, and so I begin to attack it to put it out of its misery.



Don't worry, Avalugg... I will save you! I just need to free you so I can put a stop to this iceberg, and so I can save Heather!


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At first, the PULSE Avalugg looks like a normal Avalugg. However, it is exactly like Mega Evolution... Only corrupted by the hands of Team Meteor. I send out Amelia, who Traces Avalugg's Ice Body. Trace is back! But that means that Charles doesn't have Solar Power anymore... Avalugg knocks Amelia out with an Earthquake, which eliminates the Icy Field, and Rock Slide. I send out Hydra, who cuts Avalugg's attack with Intimidate, and then builds up with Dragon Dance. Avalugg strikes Hydra with Rock Slide. Hydra strikes Avalugg with Aqua Tail, but it survives, and knocks out Hydra with Avalanche. I send out Charles, who just straight up burns Avalugg to the ground with Flamethrower. With Avalugg freed, I win the battle!


After defeating Avalugg, it unleashes one final roar before disappearing, causing the iceberg to collapse. Just then, Shelly comes over to me, and is shocked that I destroyed the ice wall. I tell her that it was because of a PULSE-Avalugg, and she realizes that this is one of Team Meteor's PULSE Machines, and that an Avalugg blocked off the mountain. She then questions herself, and asks if it's kind of strange. It IS strange... I have to find out what's up with the city. She asks that if Team Meteor wants to block off the mountain, wouldn't they put the machine anywhere else. She states that there are dozen of choke points in the paths they could have easily blocked, so why put it in the most open space. She wonders if that's what they were really trying to accomplish, and says that it doesn't make sense. But that's just her. She tells me that she needs to go find Heather, so she goes on ahead. She leaves, and I continue my journey to Ametrine City.



After Shelly leaves, I examine the PULSE machine, and find that it is PULSE-02. I guess Team Meteor decided to make a series of PULSE machines... I climb the steps, and head down the path until I find a ladder. I head to the third floor, and slide on ice until I find another ladder. I make it to the fourth floor, and slide down a huge section of ice, and slide on the rocks until I reach the exit. I exit the cave, and enter Ametrine City.

When I get to Ametrine City, I walk through the snowy forests until I see buildings. It's snowing! I can't enter some of these buildings, so I ignore them. When I get deeper in the city, I find Shelly, who shivers, and wonders how anyone can stand the cold. However, if Heather is here somewhere, she'll definitely find her. She tells me to split up and ask around, because she bets that someone is bound to know something. She says that after we talk to everyone, then we should meet up somewhere. She then wonders if there's a suspicious place around here, and says that she's going to look for something like that once she's done. She wishes me luck, and says that we'll definitely find her.


I ask around, and I hear that their food supply is low, because Ametrine Mountain had been blocked off. They even had a lot of emergency supply, but when that happened, the emergency supply completely disappeared, and they're not sure how. Ever since then, the city's been living on the rations of the public food store. I even hear about a mysterious Guardian Angel that is giving everybody food.

One kid even says that Blake Whitaker used to be the old gym leader here, but became too busy with other things. The little kid even asks for his autograph, because he's scared of Blake. After I talk to the skating kids, I slide down the ice, and find TM46 Thief. As I continue to explore the city, I find an odd house. A little kid says that the house is haunted, and that the girls living in it died after something happened three years ago. I decide to explore this house myself, and so I do.


When I enter the house, I find it to be completely abandoned, dark, and depressing. However, what really catches my eye is a PULSE machine! What is THAT doing here? Shelly appears from behind me, and is surprised that I was checking this place out too. She asks me if this place seems kind of weird, and it does. She says that she gets the feeling that something really bad happened here. However, it's something one of the kids from here told her. She asks if the two girls' deaths are true, and I go check out the PULSE machine. Shelly notices, and is utterly horrified. Luckily, it is abandoned, and says that it really is a good idea to look around here. She says that the house is scary, but she doesn't mind if I'm with her.

I'm not sure how old she is... But I ship that. If she's young though... Probably not. Though I'd probably have a harem by the time the game's done. If Ame decides to implement relationships or that sort of thing...



I walk back to Shelly, and she asks where do we start. She spots something, and sees that it's something from the Circus. She shows it to me, and it is a Battle Pass! In this case, I get the Battle Pass-Gravity. She assumes that this must have been mailed her after the house was abandoned, and checks out the books, because books are always safe, even when they're scary. She goes over, and takes a look at one. However, it is actually a diary. Shelly says that if the house is abandoned, then it's probably okay to read. Plus, it's not like reading diaries ever got anybody in trouble. Are you sure about that, Shelly? Last time I read one, two lovers jumped off the edge! She reads the cover, and says that it looks like the diary belongs to someone named Lumina Seijaya. Interesting name... Shelly then begins to read the diary...



"Dear Diary, Now mama has gotten very sick too... We moved to Ametrine to get away from the polluted city, but the doctor says it may already be too late. I don't want her to leave me like my papa did... Please, please, please don't let her go..." Poor girl! Both of her parents are going to be gone? How horrible!

"Dear Diary, Mama is with papa now after all. Evelynn and I are all alone now... She's doing her best to take care of us, and the city is helping as much as they can, but it's still really tough... I don't want to be alone..." Okay, now I'm starting to see something familiar... Lumina, and Evelynn... Their prefixes sound familiar...


"Dear Diary, I have bad news... Evelynn called the doctor... and he says that I've developed the same disease that my mama had... We knew it ran in the family, but nobody thought it would happen so soon... Diary, I'm really scared... The doctor says I still have at least a few years... But I don't want to die that young... I don't want to go... I'm not ready to face mama and papa yet..." And now Lumina's going to die... If Lumina and Lumi are the same, then how does Lumi live?


"Dear Diary, I feel so guilty. Evelynn has been worried sick about me... She's been staying up all night, always reading and researching to see if there's anything that could be a cure. I'm really glad that she cares about me so much, but I don't want her to push herself so far. What if she gets sick too? Maybe it would be better if I died sooner. I would be less of a burden on Eve that way..." Of course! Evelynn and Lumina are the same as Eve and Lumi! But how did they meet Zero?


"Dear Diary, Evelynn has been working herself to the bone... She's building some kind of machine that she says will enhance the healing powers of Pokemon. She says that if she can amplify her Pokemon's healing potential, maybe it could cure my disease too. Eve has always been really smart, but if something like that is possible... I would be so happy! If anyone can do it, she can. I'm so afraid to hope, but I can't help it. Maybe I have a chance after all. Maybe I'll be writing to you for a very long time, Diary." Was this the beginning of the PULSE machines? At least Eve had good intentions...


"Dear Diary, I'm scared. Today, a man dressed in black showed up at our house. He said that he heard of the machine my sister was making, and he wanted to use it for his organization... Evelynn wanted to refuse, but... I'm so stupid... I got in the way and he used me as a hostage against her... Now poor Evelynn has to do what he says, otherwise he says he'll kill me. Why is it that every time I hope things can be okay, they go horribly wrong?" That man must be Zero. It has to be.



Shelly then says that the handwriting is a little unsteady at this point, and she continues reading it.



"Dear Diary, I'm sorry. This is going to be my last entry. It's really, really bizarre, but there was an accident with Eve's machine. She was applying the finishing touches for a test run, and something went wrong. Because of the machine's energy, the Magneton she was testing it on accidentally evolved during the test... ...and then because of the evolution the machine went haywire... Oh... did you know, Diary, that when Magneton evolves, its three parts fuse into one? ...I didn't know how it happened, but... the machine transferred that energy into everyone who was nearby... ...And when Magneton emerged a Magnezone... I was looking at my own body... Like it was a mirror or something... And I could hear Eve's voice, and that man's voice, and they wouldn't stop. They still don't stop. It seems... the machine's energy accidentally fused the three of our consciousness's into one body. I don't know what's going to happen to Evelynn and I-- our bodies, that is... They might die without us... But it seems that we're going to have to leave... I hate this. I hate this so much... But it's stupid. I got what I wanted. I won't die... ...and I'll never be alone. ...Never."


So Lumina, Evelynn, and that man ARE Zero, Eve, and Lumi! They ARE ZEL! And that machine Eve tried to develop WAS the VERY first PULSE! I feel some sympathy for Eve and Lumi now. But for Zero... I'll never forgive him.



Shelly is horrified at what happened, and says that it doesn't really help us find Heather though. Just then, a man with blue, spiky hair walks in. Shelly quickly closes the book, and denies anything about reading a diary. He just blankly nods his head twice, and says that this isn't a place for visitors to be, while asking us what we're doing here. Shelly says that we're doing nothing, but says that we're looking for someone, and asks him if he's seen a young girl, shorter than her, with bright pink hair. Unfortunately, he says that he can't say he has. He recognizes Shelly as the Gym Leader from the Lapis in Reborn City, and she starts fangasming. He shrugs this off, and Shelly asks him what his name is. He responds with 'Nunya', and says that his full name is Nunya B. Snes. He tells us to get out of here already, and leaves. Shelly then rages about why everybody reacts like that. She rants that every time she asked someone here if they knew a girl with pink hair, they just awkwardly refused to talk and ended the conversation. It's like they're TRYING to keep her from us! She realizes something. She walks up to me, and tells me that one of the kids told her that he had sworn not to tell anyone about a "Guardian Angel" who was secretly giving out food. What if Heather IS that person? She realizes that they just don't want to talk about her because they were all sworn to keep the secret. The question is, why would that be? Why would she need to keep something like that secret? She then says that she's going to find out, and leaves. Before leaving, I take one look at the PULSE machine, and it says: PULSE-0A-PRO.



Of course! This MUST be the prototype of the PULSE machines! This machine was the very first one! And to think, it was originally for a good purpose...



After I leave the abandoned house, I find Shelly talking to the kid right outside of it. Shelly then says that she has a question about what the kid told her about before. She says that he told her that they can't tell her about the Guardian Angel who was giving all of them food, but asks him if he could maybe tell us what would happen if he did. The kid tells us that if he told us who it was and if word got out, then they probably wouldn't get anymore food. Shelly asks him if the Guardian Angel would do that to punish them, and the kid says that she would never do that. He quickly corrects himself, and Shelly asks why. The kid says that it's not the Guardian Angel we have to worry about... It's the person looking after her we have to worry about. He says that she doesn't want him finding out that she's doing it. Shelly asks him if he can tell us who this person is, and says that they aren't sworn to keep a secret about that. The kid asks us if we promise we won't let him find out, and we promise. The kid reveals that the man's name is Blake. He says that Blake is a jerk who wears a light blue jacket and has a mohawk. Shelly realizes this, and tells me that the man we saw before in the abandoned house was Blake himself. I tell her that Cain told me that Blake adopted Heather, and she realizes that this 'Guardian Angel' HAS to be Heather. She realizes that Heather has been the one giving food to everyone in Ametrine, and the kid tells her to quiet down. She apologizes, and asks the kid if he has any idea where we could find her. The kid reveals that it's been a few days since anybody has seen her... Something must be up. He assumes that she went to go find more food, and Shelly says that's not good. She says that we should just ask Blake, and the kid is shocked, saying Blake can't find out. Shelly tells him not to worry, and says that we won't say anything about her being the Guardian Angel. She tells him that Heather's her friend, and she's going to find her. She asks him if he knows where Blake lives, and he says that it's right at the top of the hill. He says that he can go leave it open for us if we want, but he's not gonna be involved with this anymore. Shelly thanks him, and the two leave to Blake's house. And so, I follow.



Blake... Wherever you are, something's not right about you... We WILL find out.



I head inside the apartment, and the woman tells me that if I'm looking for Blake Whitaker, I will find him on the top floor. I head to the top floor, and I find Shelly talking to him, while he's playing videogames. Shelly is finished explaining why we're trying to find Heather, and shyly says that if he can tell us where Heather is, she would really appreciate it. She then asks him if he is even listening, and he replies with a yeah. She repeats, and asks if he can tell her. He replies with a sure, and we wait a moment while he still doesn't tell us. Shelly asks me if I think he's thinking on the answer, or just not saying anything. Shelly walks behind Blake, and asks him if he could tell us now. He replies with a uh huh, and another moment passes with silence in the air. As soon as Shelly speaks, Blake replies with a boom, calling the opponent on the screen a dumb noob. So he was playing videogames... He turns around, and asks us what we're doing in his house, saying that he wasn't paying attention. Shelly hesitates, but then as I come closer, she snaps, and demands that he tells us where Heather is, now. Blake then says that he doesn't know. He shrugs it off, and looks away, while Shelly tells him to not just shrug this off. She asks him why he lied before, because he said that he didn't know a girl with pink hair, but he definitely knows who Heather is, and tells him that he was suppose to take care of her. He turns around, and asks says who. He tells us that he never said anything about taking care of her, and says that he just said he'd watch over her. He then says that there's no need to mince words here. He says that we already know what sides we're on, so he'll make us a deal: Give him the Ruby Ring, and he'll tell us where Heather is. Shelly realizes this, and says that the Ruby Ring is important to Heather. However, Blake turns it around, and asks if it is more important than her life. Shelly is shocked, and Blake asks if it's not good enough. He then adds that he'll give us an HM too. He says that it's for Waterfall, and asks me if I was looking for it. He even says my name while saying this, which means that he knows who I am. He tells me to get him the Ruby Ring, and I get Waterfall and Heather. He asks if it's a good deal, and says that we both win.



As tempting as it sounds... I'll decline. As Charlotte has told me, I must never acquiesce to any deal or ultimatum.



I decline, and Shelly asks me what about Heather. She says that we really need to find her, and that she has a really bad feeling about this. I decline once more, and Shelly says that this could be Heather's life, and begs for me to reconsider. She tells me to just give him the ring now, and we'll work it out later. I decline, and Blake realizes that I already have the ring, saying that he wasn't informed of that. He then makes a change of plans, and grabs Shelly! Shelly begs him to let go, and Blake says that he will as soon as I give him the ring. He then breaks off the deal. No Heather. No Waterfall. He says either the ring, or Shelly's life, and tells me to pick one. I wait, and he demands NOW, or he'll end her.



Since I have no choice, and that there's nobody to help me by taking the ring, I have no choice but to give the Ruby Ring to Blake...



Blake lets go of Shelly, and backs away, while Shelly backs away as well. Blake says that it was almost too easy, and that it's my mistake. He then says that he's outtie, and says that it was nice knowing me. Shelly tells him to wait, and asks him what about Heather. He asks her if she just heard him, and tells her that the deal's off. He tells us that maybe if we look long enough, we'll find her. He then laughs like the troll he is, and says that he's just kidding. Shelly asks him what that's supposed to mean, and he asks us if we really wanna know. He reveals the truth, and says that he has Heather (Who he calls a brat) locked up good. Shelly is shocked, and Blake says that it turns out that the little snitch was running around giving out food to everyone in the city. He says that we probably already know this, but he's with this little party called Team Meteor. He reveals that when the mountain got blocked off, he got some orders from them to hide all of the city's food. He asks us if we've heard of fasting, and says that monks don't eat for days to cleanse themselves or some bullshit. He says it's like that, and that if everyone in the city starves, this world will be cleansed, too. He tells us that Heather was getting in the way, and that no one's gonna starve to death if they're being given food. So he locked her up, and fixed the problem. He states that it's all business, and tells us not to hold it against him... Or do, because he actually doesn't give a fuck. Shelly says that it's awful, and that she won't forgive him. Blake gets sarcastic, and wonders what he'll do because she won't forgive him. He also reveals that he doesn't care about us anymore than he cares about Team Meteor's ideals. Shelly is confused, and asks why. Blake then reveals that he's just using Team Meteor, and says that he'll do what they need, and guarantee himself a nice cozy place in the new world. He turns around, and says that he doesn't have to deal with anyone, except a few choice hunnies.



"Total freedom for life!"



He turns around again, and says that Heather seemed to be interested in the same deal. No rules. He says that she came right under his roof, which makes it all the easier to keep her for Meteor, so that's that. He then says that he can't stay and chit-chat forever. He says that he's got things to do, people to meet, worlds to end. Typical Sunday. He then says goodbye, calling us nerds. He leaves, and Shelly is scared. She wonders how we're going to find Heather if Blake won't even help us. She says that she'll think of something, saying that there's got to be something, somewhere that can lead us to her. We then leave Blake's apartment.



Blake... As soon as we find Heather, I'm going to beat you up. You still haven't given me Waterfall.



We head outside, and Shelly says that there has to be some way to find Heather. Blake said Heather was locked up, so where could somebody possibly hide a girl in a place like this? Just then, a blue-haired man comes, and recognizes Shelly. Shelly is horrified, and thinks that Blake is still here, while backing away. However, he walks up to her, saying that he's not Blake, and says that he's Cal. It seems that Cal has changed... Shelly recognizes him, and tries to run away. However, he stops her, and tells her that she doesn't have to be scared. He apologizes for what happened before, and says that he let his anger get the better of me and hurt her. Shelly tries to say that she was stupid, and says that she should've known that he wasn't really like her. She says that she's spent her whole life trying to please her brother, so she just assumed it was the same for Cal. Cal says that he would rather not 'please' him, but he admits that he's always lived in Blake's shadow. However, that doesn't excuse what he's done, and he says that he's made a lot of mistakes. He says that nothing he does will change the past, and he doesn't expect her forgiveness, so he's just going to focus on what he can fix-- the future. He tells Shelly that if she can stand him, he would greatly appreciate her help. Shelly forgives him, and asks him a question. She asks him why his hair's blue, and he thought it was a serious question. He then says that his hair is naturally this color. ...Well, not quite this color, but he had it dyed back kind of close. Shelly asks him why, and he says that it seemed like the thing to do. He reveals that he spent most of his life trying to do everything in response to his brother: dyed his hair different from his, raised Fire types to beat Blake's preference for Ice, tried to join both the Reborn League and Team Meteor to one-up him... Shelly is shocked about the Meteor part, but Cal tells her not to be alarmed, for he left that behind. He says that he was a walking mistake, trying to be better than his brother, when he should've just been trying to be himself. So he's fixing that by going back to himself. He says that having his natural hair color is weird, but... It's fine.



"Blue flame burns even hotter."



He says that also means that he needs to stop Team Meteor as much as anyone else. He tells Shelly not to be afraid, and Shelly obliges. Cal thanks her, and assumes that we were just speaking to his brother. Shelly tells him that we were, and that Blake locked up Heather and we need to find her. Cal says that's not all, telling us that he overheard Blake radioing Team Meteor for back-up. He says that they're dispatching an air unit here, right now. Shelly realizes that Blake is going to give them the Ruby Ring, and Cal says that he doesn't need to explain why that's not a good thing. Shelly asks what do we do, and says that we still have to find Heather, and stop him at the same time. Cal recognizes Heather as her friend with the Salamence, and asks Shelly if she also said that Heather was in the Elite 4 or something. Shelly tells him that he remembers, and Cal wonders how a girl that young can get into something like that. Shelly remembers that Heather's mom used to be a part of it a long time ago, so she guesses that Heather proved she was good enough to take over. Cal realizes that we can use Heather to stop Blake. He then reveals his plan...



The Plan: Heather can fly out and deal with the air unit, leaving us free to chase down Blake. We get him, take the Ruby Ring, and then when the air unit comes in late thanks to Heather, Cal will take out Solaris himself, because he still owes him a thing or two.



Shelly says that we need Heather for that, and Cal says that he has a feeling he knows where she is. Shelly is shocked, and Cal says that he grew up in this place, so he knows a thing or two about it. He tells us to check out Blake's apartment very carefully, and says that there should be a hidden passage of some kind. Shelly is amazed, and Cal says that he and Blake used it a lot when meeting with Team Meteor. However, he bets that Blake changed the security on it since then. So, he'll leave it to us. In the meantime, he's going after Blake, saying that he'll need to slow him down. He asks us if we're both clear, and we say we are. He tells us to investigate Blake's room and find the hidden passage. He says that time is short, so we have to go. Everyone leaves, while I follow Shelly inside Blake's apartment.


I head to the top floor, and investigate the sofas first, where I find coins for the Onyx Arcade. I check the book, and it's blank except for one page...






I wonder what THAT means...



I check under the bed... Yikes... Better not let Shelly see these.. I check another book, and it is also blank except for one page...






I check a trash can, and I find the head of a key! I check the game console, and a CD popped out of the console... I got the Program Disc. I check it again, and a game remains in the system: "Call of Shooting" ... This is just dumb. I check the drawer next to the bed, and I find the handle of a key! I put them together, and get a complete key! I check the computer, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be powered. I check the crate, and it's full of food! I check the bookshelf, but a piece of paper sticks out.






I check the cabinet, and with the newly formed key, unlock it. I find a power cable sitting inside, but nothing else. I go to the computer again, and plug the computer in with it. I take a look at the plants, and from top left to bottom right, I get 4, 1, 3, 6.

I talk to Shelly, and she looks at a book in the bookshelf, and finds a book that has...






She asks me if it means something, which I think it does. I head to the computer, turn it on, insert the program disc, and get a screen where I enter a code. I realize that the directions and GREEN mean the plants, and enter this code:



Blake's Security Key: 5083164



I enter that for the code, and I get it right. Just then, a rumble can be heard, and Shelly says that the bookshelf moved. I head over there, and find that the bookshelf did indeed move. I talk to her, and she says that I found the hidden passage. However, she says that she feels like we should have been looking for a door with a number 9 on it or something... I get that reference... She then heads inside, and says that Heather is waiting for us. And so, I follow Shelly.


After I enter the door, I find myself back in Ametrine Mountain, but on the fifth floor! I climb the steps until I find a ladder. Once I find the ladder, I climb it, and it leads me to the sixth floor. I find the exit, and it leads me to higher ground in Ametrine City. I follow the path until I find Shelly in front of a shack. I look at a rock, and I find a Flying Gem! I talk to Shelly, and she asks Heather if she can hear her, or even respond if she could. After a moment of silence, she shrugs it off, and says that we have to get the door open. However, it's locked... She asks if we really came all the way up here for nothing, but she shrugs it off. She says that we have to have faith in Heather. She tries again, and inside the cage, Heather is alone.



Meanwhile, Heather is inside, all alone. She curses at Blake, her dad Corey, and her mom, and asks why they had to leave her alone. She says that she's so sick of this... Always being alone... She says that if it's not one thing, it's another. She curses at Blake for his lies. "Oh sure Heather! I'll look after you. You can crash with me and we don't even have to have any rules at all! You can do whatever you want!" She says this, and says that she'll be locked up in a cage. She screams "LIAR!", and says that the only crashing they'll do is when she crashes his face in the ground. She then rants even more. "This is the crag of life, Heather. All will break themselves on it, in time." This time, she rages against her father, and asks if that's why he joined Team Meteor, to betray her and break her faster. She head smashes into a wall, but hurts herself. She then says that she hates this. She hates this... She hates her dad, she hates Blake, and she hates being alone. She screams, and throws a tantrum like the little girl she is by repeatedly screaming that she hates it all. She then realizes that it's her fault, and says that she did this... She ran away... She blocked everyone out... She then apologizes, and realizes the mistakes she's made. She finally hears Shelly's pleas, and Shelly asks if she's in there. Heather runs to the door, and asks if it's Shelly, who tells me that Heather is in there. Heather asks us what in the world we are even doing here, and Shelly tells her that we came to rescue her. Shelly asks Heather if there is any way she can get the door open. Heather says that if there ways, she wouldn't still be in here. Heather asks if there is a way to break the door down. She says that she tried before, it couldn't work, but maybe together... We can. Shelly realizes this, and sends out Heather, her Yanmega. Heather says that she can't, because the door's still there, but Shelly was talking about her Yanmega.


Outside, Shelly tells Heather to use Ancient Power, and tear the door off. Heather uses Ancient Power, and literally does what Shelly instructed it to do. Heather returns her Salamence (When was it sent out?), and Shelly returns her Heather. Heather comes out of the cage, and thanks us for coming for her. Shelly runs up to her, and gives her a hug, saying that's what friends do. However, Heather says that she never was much of a friend though. Shelly says that she was a friend to her, because she was all she had. Heather apologizes to Shelly, and Shelly forgives her, telling her not to worry. She tells her that someone just told her that everyone makes mistakes. Nothing can change the past, but we can always fix the future. So... She forgives her. She also officially forgives Cal, too. Heather also apologizes to me, because she hasn't been very kind, but I've done a lot for her. Shelly then tells her that we need her help. She tells her that Blake stole her Ruby Ring, and says that he's trying to turn it over to Team Meteor. She says that they're sending an air unit up here now to retrieve it, so we need to stop him. Heather gets right to it, and says that she's gonna kick his head off after everything he did. Shelly asks her if this is because he locked her up, and Heather says that it was for starving an entire city. She reveals that she tried to feed the people secretly, because that's what anyone would do. If they they found where he was hiding the food. However, Blake caught her, and... here we are. She says that she owes big time. Shelly says that Cal thinks we don't have much time... Shelly turns to me, and asks if I can go help Cal out, saying that they'll be right behind me. She tells me that she just wants to talk to Heather for a little bit, and apologizes. Heather says that they can go smack a few of them out of the sky, and Salamence can carry Heather. Shelly says that they will meet up with me on the peak. They wish me good luck, and fly off.



I guess I better head over to Cal...



I head back down to the bottom part of Ametrine City, leave Blake's apartment, and follow Cal. I eventually find him confronting Blake as I continue my path up the mountain. Blake has just about had enough of Cal, and says that he thought Cal used to be whiny, and begs Cal to spare him his hippie Apophyll zen crap. Cal tells him that nothing he's saying is for Blake's benefit. He says that he asked him a question, and he answered. Blake says that he's learned his lesson, and tells him to spare him the sermon. He tells Cal that he can talk to the tree behind him, and promises him that it cares almost as much as he does. He says that he, however, is a little busy, and starts to leave as two winged Meteor grunts fly in, stopping Cal, while he tells Blake to wait. Blake turns around, and says that he won't be doing that. He tells Cal that whatever other concerns or tragic life stories he has, he's sure those two will be happy to indulge him. He then says that he's outtie, and leaves on ahead. Me and Cal then get ambushed by the two Meteor members.


It seems that this new rank these Meteor grunts have is Meteor Ace, which almost seem to be like admins. During the battle, Cal even sends out a Medicham, in memory of Kiki. I guess he really HAS changed... We beat the Meteor Aces, and Cal tells them to get out of here, because he's put them behind already. The Meteor Aces say that they've heard, and ask Cal if he really thinks he'll get away with it. Cal tells them to not act like that matters to them, and tells them to leave. The Meteors reply, and leave. Cal thanks me for the help, but says that it looks like we have a chase ahead of us. He tells me that Blake's heading to the peak to rendezvous. He says that there's no way he's letting Blake get there. He follows Blake, and I follow him.


I follow the path, climbing some stairs, until I find Cal telling Blake to stop already. Two Meteor Aces are in front of Blake, guarding him. Blake says that he will, but laughs like the troll he is, and shrugs it off. He tells us that these Meteor Aces are just gonna keep on coming, and tells us to save the ourselves the time and give up already. He then leaves, Cal says that he's arrogant as always. We then battle the two Meteor Aces.

We battle the Meteor Aces, and beat them. The Aces wonder if that is good enough for them, and they leave. As soon as they leave, Heather flies down, and Cal recognizes her. Heather recognizes him, and tells him that Shelly told her about him. She tells us that there's a lot more of them in the air unit than she expected. She says that she's not sure which the main helicopter is, but one of them has their leader. Cal tells her to shoot them all down until we find him, which is something he's game for. He sends out Charizard, and hops on it. He then vows to Solaris that he's coming for him. He flies off, and Heather says that she's gonna go help. She tells me that she dropped Shelly off a little further up, so she needs me to meet up with Shelly. She wishes me good luck, and flies off.


I follow the path, and meet up with Shelly. She says that Heather seems to be doing a lot better, and thanks me for finding her. However, as she speaks, two Meteor Aces drop from the skies. Shelly says that Heather is trusting us to catch Blake, so let's get to it. She then quickly turns around, and wonders where the two came from. She then realizes something, and declares that she won't be scared anymore. We then battle the Meteor Aces, and beat them. As we battled though, it seems that Shelly now has a Scolipede named Cain, a Venomoth named Anna, and a Reborn-colored Vivillon named Noel. Shelly is glad we beat them, and the Meteor Aces say that there's no difference to them at this point. They leave, and Shelly says that we should hurry, and that Blake could be getting close to the top at any minute. Shelly goes on ahead, while I follow. As I get close to Shelly when I find her battling a Meteor Ace, another one drops down, blocking my way. Shelly isn't surprised at this point, and we both get ready to take down the Meteor Aces.


We beat the Meteor Aces, and they leave, while Shelly goes on ahead. I take a different path, and find TM49 Echoed Voice, and an Ice Gem. I then follow the main path, and find Shelly talking to Blake in front of a cave. Blake says that she just doesn't know when to quit. Shelly says that we'll quit when he gives us back the Ruby Ring. A Meteor Ace comes down right on cue, as Blake asks the grunt if Shelly's declaration was fascinating. Another Meteor Ace comes down as the first one says that she needs some manners. The other one says that they can teach them to her, and tells Blake to go on ahead, while also informing him that Solaris has almost arrived. Blake then says that it's GG easy, and heads inside the cave, while we battle the Meteor Aces. When we beat them, they say that even if we win, it's gonna be too late. They retreat, and Shelly says that she's going to stop them. For Heather, and Cal, and everyone. She heads inside, and so do I.



When I head inside Ametrine Mountain, I find myself on the seventh floor. When I try to continue, somebody stops me. A Meteor member arrives, but it is not an enemy. Aster arrives, and it looks like he was promoted to a Meteor Ace too. He says that he finally caught up to me, and says that he has something I want. He flashes HM05 Waterfall at me, and he asks if I need it. He tells me to fight him, and take it from him. He then lunges at me.



You want to fight, Aster? Come at me, bro!



Meteor Ace Aster sends out Solrock, while I send out with Metang (Yes, as I was battling these Meteor Aces, I was training that Shiny Beldum), which I switch out for Hydra. Hydra goes for the kill and knocks out Solrock. Aster sends out Magmortar (I'm sure he took that Magmortar from Eclipse in memory of her), while I switch Hydra for Metang, and then for Amelia. Amelia builds up on Calm Mind, then knocks out Magmortar while its Heat Wave keep missing. Aster sends out Golurk, while I send out Metang, then Hydra. Thanks to the Water Field that one of the Heat Waves created, Hydra's Aqua Tail is strengthened, and knocks out Golurk. Aster sends out Electivire, who nearly faints from Hydra's Aqua Tail. Aster heals Electivire with a few Hyper Potions. Unfortunately, Electivire knocks out Hydra with a Thunder Punch or two, and so I send out Corey, who knocks out Electivire with a Poison Jab. Aster sends out Rhyperior, who uses Earthquake. However, there's no solid ground to attack from, and so Earthquake fails. I then send out Amelia. After a few Psychic attacks, Amelia faints, and so I send out Seaking. However, I take the battle to the Underwater Field, and use Dive, which also knocks out Rhyperior. Aster then sends out Milotic (Who is also one of Eclipse's Pokemon), and tells Eclipse that he's sorry. I send out Metang, then Corey, who keeps using Poison Jab. The only attacking move Milotic has is Scald, which heals Corey. However, Milotic keeps using Rest, so it makes the battle more longer than it needs to be. Corey starts using Rock Smash to lower Milotic's defense stat. Eventually, once Milotic is asleep again, Corey finishes Milotic off with two critical hit Poison Jabs. With all of Aster's (And Eclipse's) Pokemon defeated, I win the battle!



Aster rages, and says that it's never enough. He then gives me HM05 Waterfall, as promised. He tells me to consider it as a gift from Eclipse, and says that he doesn't know if that's what she would have wanted. He says that he doesn't know if it's right. However, he feels better now. He says that she always talked about changing the world, and he was just taking orders. However, since she's gone, he's been thinking about it.



"The world really does need to change. But not in the way Team Meteor's doing it."



He tells me that he thought if he could beat me-- maybe once, if he used all of his strength, and Eclipse's too-- maybe he could be the one to fix everything. But it looks like that's my job. He turns away, telling me that he's signing out. He wishes me good luck, and that he'll see me around. He leaves, and I heal my Pokemon with the light shard on the ground. I head up to the eight floor of Ametrine Mountain, and head out the exit.

I head outside, and head to the top, where I find Shelly and Blake. It seems that Shelly lost to Blake, so now I'm going to have to beat him myself. Blake tells me to not kid myself. He then realizes that I'm pretty annoying. As if. He then tells me to... chill out.



That's it, Blake. I'm tearing you up now. First, you starve an entire city, then lock up a young girl, and now steal the Ruby Ring? You're definitely going down!




Agent Blake sends out Rotom-Fridge and Jynx, while I send out Metang and Charles. I return Metang for Seaking, while Jynx and Rotom gang up on Charles after he uses Heat Wave. I send out Corey, while Blake heals Rotom with a Hyper Potion, so I use the time for Seaking to use Dive, taking the field Underwater, while Corey knocks out Jynx with Sucker Punch. Blake sends out Froslass, who takes a scratch from Corey's Sucker Punch. I send out Hydra (Because Seaking faints), and while Hydra knocks out Rotom with Aqua Tail, Corey knocks out Froslass with Sucker Punch. Blake sends out Weavile and Vanilluxe, while Corey strikes Weavile with Rock Smash, and Hydra builds up on Dragon Dance. Corey nearly goes down from Vanilluxe's Freeze-Dry, but survives. Hydra then strikes Vanilluxe with Aqua Tail, and Corey knocks out Weavile with Rock Smash. Blake sends out Walrein, and now Hydra and Weavile gang up on it. Hydra knocks it down to its last with Aqua Tail, while Corey finishes it off with Rock Smash. With all of Blake's Pokemon down, I win the battle!



Blake says that was a cool story, and he says that it doesn't matter now, because he can hear them coming. He backs up, as a black and red helicopter swoops down from the sky. Shelly is confused, and says that I won the battle, which means that he has to give us the ring. Blake, being the troll he is, doesn't care, and says that we've already lost. He says that his ride's here, and Shelly begs him to give it back, because Heather absolutely needs it back, and that he can't take it away from her. Blake gets sympathetic, and says that he'll give it back since we asked nicely. However, he laughs like the troll he is, and tells us to get wrecked. Just as he's about to get in the helicopter, Shelly says that we'll have to stop him. Blake asks her and what army, and Heather arrives, saying that it's take-down time. Heather and Cal come swooping down on Salamence and Charizard respectively, and strike Blake down, while Cal takes the Ruby Ring from Blake. Heather and Cal show up, and Blake asks Cal what the heck does he think he's doing. Cal responds by saying that he's setting things right. Cal strikes at Blake some more, and Blake backs up, saying that he gets it already. Cal flies over to Heather, and gives her the Ruby Ring. He tells her to keep it safe, and she says that he doesn't have to tell her twice. Blake boards the helicopter, and says that we all can do that. He says that he, for one, is getting the heck out of here. Shelly steps up, and asks him something. She asks him about Agate, and asks if the sleeping spell on Agate is supposed to be controlled from up here. Blake, being the troll he is, laughs, and says that he doesn't have a clue about that. He says that whoever told us that probably baited us hard. He then says that he's blowin' this popsicle stand. The door closes, and the helicopter flies away.



Shelly asks if we should go after them, and Cal says that there's no point. He says that Blake's just an annoyance, and also says that Solaris didn't even show his face... But it looks like the day is ours. Heather thanks all of us for our help, and Cal obliges. However, he's not finished yet. Heather has an idea, and says that she's gonna go get the rest of the food out for the people of Ametrine, but she'll catch up with us later. Shelly says that she wants to help, and Heather says that she can ride with her. The two young girls leave to do just that, and Cal talks to me. He tells me that what Blake said about Agate City-- He doesn't think Blake was lying. Well, not this time. Cal tells me that he cut his ties with Meteor just as they were getting that going, so he doesn't know the details... However, there's no base up here that could maintain a signal of that strength. So... whoever told me that the signal was coming from Ametrine was probably the one who was lying. He asks me if I remember who that was, and I tell him it was Terra. He then says that he remembers Terra...



"I know of her.   That is... I know of her... Through Team Meteor."



He tells me that she really doesn't seem to be the type, but she's a skilled programmer and system hacker who's been working since even before he was. Obnoxious girl, she is... However, he tells me that she started getting promotions as soon as Lin took charge... Which is pretty weird... What did Terra even do to GET that many promotions? He says that they couldn't be more different, but for some reason, Lin seemed to favor Terra. I wonder in what way she would favor Terra? As for what that's about, my guess is as good as Cal's. Cal then says that he's got some stuff to finish up, but he won't be a stranger. He suggests that I go confront Terra about this ordeal, and says that he'll see me around. However, he can actually give me a lift down to Ametrine, if I'd like. He tells me that it wouldn't feel right leaving me up on a mountain peak after all my help. I then ride down with him, and he flies away.




Terra... When I get down there, we're going to have a little chat.







Current Pokemon Stats

HOLY SHIT, this chapter is long. I swear, each chapter that has a conspiracy gets longer an longer every time. First, the Tanzan Mountain Conspiracy, and then the whole Elias and the Cult conspiracy, and now this! A few of my Pokemon leveled up, and Beldum evolved. I just felt like training Beldum, is all. Charles learned Heat Wave, too, which is AWESOME against Ice Types, ESPECIALLY with Seaking around. I guess Seaking is pretty useful.




Name: Charles

Level: 72

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Heat Wave



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 73

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 71

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 65

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 72

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Porygon

Level: 22

Moves: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 27

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Metang

Level: 43

Moves: Miracle Eye, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Pursuit

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter L: The Betrayal Of A Hacker, The Odd And Mysterious Glitch World Of Terra's Computer, And The Hyperactive Lion Tamer Terra!



After Cal reveals to me that Terra is the one behind the sleeping spell in Agate City, I head down the mountain. But first, I head to Calcenon City, and talk with Cain and the others. I talk to Cain, who tells me that there's no word on Aya yet. He says that Hardy and Saphira are beating their heads against a wall... occasionally literally. He tells me that Meteor was predictably peeved when Charlotte never showed up with the Ruby Ring, but they know I have it again. Soooo, in other words, Meteor hasn't done anything because I haven't been around with the Ruby Ring. He tells me that it might be best that way, so I should try to keep a low profile if I have business here.


I talk to Hardy, who says that he's not good at waiting, because there's gotta be something he can do for Aya. He then thinks, and sets aside Team Meteor for a moment-- He then says that being trapped on the same side of that barrier as Fern is torture.


I head inside the house, and talk to Noel and Anna. I talk to Anna first, and she says that Nostra says that people are like cake. All you see is the outside layer of frosting, even though the part that's really the cake itself is underneath. She asks if it that means that we never really see people. She then says that more importantly, if I was a cake, what flavor would I be. She says that she would be an upside-down supernova cake.

I talk to Noel, who gives me advice about what I need to do next. He tells me that permission to use Waterfall is granted by one of the Agate Circus' Triumvirate... Terra.



Now I'm REALLY coming after you, Terra.



I head outside, and talk to Charlotte, who is at the barrier with Saphira. It seems that she's trying to wake Saphira up. She tells Saphira that if she doesn't sleep, she's gonna collapse on the spot. She then tells me that things are going swimmingly here. Laura has outright disappeared, and Saphira has gone legitimately insane. She then hopes that I've had better luck.

I talk to Saphira, who groggily vows that Calcenon will be safe. She shortly wakes up, and she says that she'll be fine, and she'll do everything she can to protect her family, no matter the cost to herself.



I then head inside Eclipse's house, and find a man talking to Eclipse's father. He tells the old man to make sure to keep her healthy, and he tells the man that he hardly needs to tell him that. He then asks who's there, and I show myself. The man moves out of the way, and recognizes me. He then reveals himself to be none other than Aster, and says that I haven't seen him outside of his uniform before. Eclipse's father recognizes me, and says that he owes me an apology for indignance last time I was here. He says that he did not believe me when I had told him what happened to Eclipse, and he spoke rashly. He apologizes, and tells me to understand, for it was difficult news. Aster tells me that he brought Eclipse back here. Well... her body... Eclipse's father tells us that she's situated in her room upstairs, and says that he'll make sure she gets the proper life support, just in case she ever wakes up. Aster thanks him, and says that he's going to go now. He tells me that he's not sure what he's going to do, but he'll try not to be in my way anymore. He leaves, and Eclipse's father tells me that Aster told him all the details about for whom she was working for, and what happened. He realizes that in the end, everything was for his sake, and he says that he would have sooner gone in her stead. He says that he won't speak much, but he invites me to visit her if I like. He then says that there is nothing he can do. He says that if only he had been stronger, or stopped her, then maybe this wouldn't have happened. He says that maybe if he could have been closer, or talked more, or prayed, or wept... He then says that perhaps if he hadn't. However... It is too late. I try visiting Eclipse, but he STILL doesn't let me. Guess I'll have to come back later.



I then head back to Agate Circus, and find Samson in the back room. He greets me, and asks me how my rescue operation is going. He honestly says that he wants Agate City to be re-opened, because this whole half-circus, half-shelter thing is for the birds, no offense to Ciel. Just then, Ciel enters the room, and asks Samson what brutish slander he's saying about her now. Samson turns to Ciel, and tells her that he was telling me about the thong she's apparently wearing. Ciel turns around in shock, and then turns back to us, and says that we are going to try this again. She leaves the room, and comes back, greeting us in an elegant and proper manner. She then sees that I have obtained Terra's Battle Pass, and tells me some bad news. She tells me that they don't actually know where she is. Samson tells me that Tera's been disappearing for days at a time for a while now, and says that everyone in a fifty mile of her radius tends to be keenly aware of her general existence. Ciel says that the question does remain as to just where Terra has been vanishing... She also says that there aren't exactly a lot of options, but we can safely rule out Agate and beyond thanks to the sleeping spell... Samson then states that Terra found me and Cain in Agate. He states that even so, she shouldn't have been in there without falling asleep herself. Ciel states that Terra's very presence is an inherent detriment to sleep. Samson says that Ciel would know, and asks her if she got that position number 52 on deck. Ciel gets back on topic, and says it does make sense for Terra to traipse about Agate if she is perhaps looking for the source of the signal she was tracing. Samson denies this, and says that she said it was in Ametrine. As Ciel realizes this, I tell her that was false, and tell her that Terra is an agent of Team Meteor. She denies this, and says that they would never accept a girl like that with all her... rawr, and her generally maniacal deviance. She tells me to think about what I'm saying, and Samson says that it might not be impossible. He then tries to give an instance, but then...






Terra arrives, spinning around behind Ciel, and gives her a kiss. Ciel is in shock, and Terra realizes that she forgot that Ciel doesn't like that stuff in public. She then says that they'll save it for when she lands in Ciel's port tonight... Seriously, Terra... Ciel tells her not to make stuff up, Terra walks closer to us, and says supperoni to all the boys and girls and persons of nondiscriminate gender identity. Samson tells her that we were just discussing the possibility of her being a member of Team Meteor. Terra stops for a moment, and then laughs, saying that's the best thing she's heard all thirty seconds. She backs up to her huge computer, and Ciel asks her if it's not true, then. However, Terra rawrs, and asks what we are talking about again. Ciel asks her if she's a member of Team Meteor again, and Terra bluntly reveals that she is a member of Team Meteor. Me and Samson come closer, and Terra is happy to see that we're all 'checkin' her out', as she shows off her humps... Samson tells her that this isn't the time to joke around, and Terra screams that she knows, and says that's why she's joking atriangle. Ciel asks her that if she really is with Team Meteor, why. Terra then announces that it's Tragic Backstory Time, as she begins her story.



"OK SO. I was a young child, a long time ago. My father was a famous doctor who lived happily with his wife. but one day a burglar broke into our estate... ...and killed them both. I was left alone, in the darkness. Only a small creature appeared before me but when it did, I knew my purpose. I knew I would dedicate my life to fighting crime across the city under my secret identity..."



Samson stops her, and says that's literally the plot of Batman, and tells her to try again. Terra realizes that she's been found out, and says that's okay. She then says that we'll never find her here. What does she mean by that? She turns to her computer as Samson asks her what she is exactly doing. She finishes setting something up, and gets ready to log in.






After a few blinding flashes, she then suddenly vanishes into her huge computer! Ciel realizes this, and Samson tells us to tell him that she didn't just escape into her bigass computer. Ciel repeats what he said, and Samson thanks her. Samson goes to the computer, and says that it looks like it's waiting for a "Player 2." He turns around, and tells me that has to be me. He says that I know most about the situation, and I should be strong enough to fight her, if it comes down to it. He says that they'll follow me if possible, but from what he can tell this console does only accept two "players." He tells me to talk to him when I'm ready, and he'll see if he can get me in there.


I talk to Ciel, and she's still wondering why a girl like Terra is in Team Meteor. I then talk to Samson, who asks me if I'm all set. I say that I am, and Samson sets up the system. After a few blinding flashes, I vanish into Terra's computer.



I find myself in Victory Road, with everything gray pixels and all. I guess Terra must have enjoyed the old days... I go up to the guard, who spots that I have the Volt Badge. He lets me in, and I speak to another guard, who notices that I have the Canopy Badge. He lets me through, and I go on. I find another guard, who sees that I have the Cocoon Badge. He lets me through, and I go on. I find another guard in front of some water with black spots, and he sees my Omen Badge. Just when he's about to let me through, Terra rawrs into action, jumping across the river, and strikes the guard with her mallet! This also breaks a few pixels from the ground. She realizes that she missed, and says whatever. So she tried to kill ME? Maybe she wasn't trying to hit Cain before, but trying to hit me! She promises that she's going to pound me next time, and winks at me. In what way are you going to pound me, killing me? She rawrs again, and smashes more pixels in the ground, making it impossible for me to continue. She declares that I'll never catch her now, and pounds away, leaving by flying away with her mallet. However, she leaves a ladder behind, which was made by breaking the ground some more.


I climb down the ladder, and find myself in Mt. Moon, which doesn't make sense, really. Then again, this is Terra's glitch world, so yeah. Since this is the inside of Terra's computer, it makes sense to have a new field. In this case, I battle Pokemon and Glitch Trainers alike in the Glitch Field, where everything's retro. I beat the glitch trainers, and find a sign that says that this place is Mt. b00ty. Of course, Terra... However, a glitch trainer says that this place is where all glitches go to die... Is this true, Terra...? If so, then you may actually be a threat...


After beating the last glitch trainer, I head outside Mt. b00ty, and find myself in an 8-bit version of the Opal Ward in Reborn City. I pass the woman in front of me, and she sees my Venom Badge. She lets me pass, and I try getting to the Peridot Ward. However, I can't, and somebody is trapped in all of the glitch pixels that are blocking Peridot. I try going on the bridge, but the trainers block me, lest a Shrektacular adventure awaits me. I go the other way, but the trainer there says that the only way to pass is by going to the left, but the pelvic thrust is what really drives people insane. What kind of sick place is this? I talk to some of the people, who feel either hurt, trapped, or flat out crazy. I battle a glitch trainer, and then I realize that there are stairs in the pile of glitch pixels.


I head down the stairs, and find myself in Team Rocket's Hideout. I find a Team Rocket member, but it is also a glitch trainer. I beat it, and I go to the maze. I find a few items, and I even find a trainer who looks like Red. However, much like the rest of everyone here, he doesn't make sense either. I then find the exit. If I go to the stairs, it will take me back to the beginning of the maze. I then head outside the door, and find myself in Lavender Town just outside the Pokemon Tower. A little girl speaks to me, and sees my Rime Badge. She lets me through, and I find a Pokemon Center. However, it takes me back to the Hideout! I go back to Lavender Town, and talk to a guy who worships Terra. I spot a grave just below Lavender Town, though, and it reads "Catelyn 'Eclipse' Fisher." How did Eclipse's grave get here? How did Terra even know she would die? Every house I go to leads me to the same place, except for one... The middle house. The house recognizes that I have the Standard Badge, and lets me enter.

I would expect to enter a interior place or something, but no. I go to the Byxbysion Wasteland, and head outside a building. I head up the path, and follow it. I head left, jump down some ledges, and find Kiki's grave. I then find a building, and head inside. However, this takes me to the Pokemon Mansion in Cinnabar Island! I find a statue, and it recognizes that I have the Millennium Badge. It opens a door, and I find a glitch trainer. At first, I thought he wants to battle me, but he recognizes my Eclipse Badge. However, he battles me anyways. I beat him, and the glitch trainer lets me through. I head down the stairs, and I find a glitch trainer, a book, and an item. I pick up the item, and it is the Dubious Disc! I battle the glitch trainer, who says that Terra was created by b00ty to serve b00ty. I beat the glitch trainer, and read the book...



"Hee hee! This is fun! I can see everything from here! And I can make everybody play with me! It's all thanks to baby Arceus! I'm going to make sure I repay him by setting him free! Then we can all live in a new world together and have lots of fun forever and ever!" Is this Terra, Lin, or even that one voice in the Citae Arc d'Astrae? All I know is, somebody wants to set Arceus free. Team Meteor is after Arceus as well. Whatever their reasons may be, it can't be good.



I head to one of the open exits back upstairs, and where do I go? The Citae Arc d'Astrae. As I go through the tall grass, I find that the whole place is a field of Shiny Porygons! I catch one, and name it Zero (That other one I found at Onyx Trainer's School is being replaced by this one.) I leave Citae Arc d'Astrae, but the voice appears again. However, this one is different, because it says I can pass if I have the Fury Badge, which I do. It says that I can leave... for now... It tells me to come back and play sometime, and I leave. I find myself back on the main road for Victory Road, and continue my path. I find a whole lot of huge gears, and two cave doors. However, they lead to the same place. I go back, but find myself at the spot where I saw the first guard. This gives me the opportunity to go back and heal my Pokemon. After I heal my Pokemon in the back room of Agate Circus, I somehow manage to get back to where I was before. I head down the path, and find a Light Shard. I surf on the water, and somehow find a Pokemon. I think this is Cerulean Cave... I go up to the Pokemon, and the battle begins...



This Pokemon is most likely what I think it is...




The glitch sends out a level 75 Mewtwo, the Pokemon I knew it was. However, this means I cannot catch Mewtwo. I send out Metagross, and switch out to Amelia, who builds up on Calm Mind while Mewtwo strikes with Thunderbolt. When Amelia's health gets to half, I just heal her with an Ultra Potion (I got plenty of them, along with Full Heals, from Agate Circus). Mewtwo keeps firing its barrage of attacks, while Amelia keeps using Calm Mind and healing with Ultra Potions and Full Heals. Eventually, Amelia knocks Mewtwo by half of its health, and when that happens, I give her an Ultra Potion. When Mewtwo tries to knock out Amelia with Psystrike, she survives, and finishes Mewtwo off with Psychic. With Mewtwo defeated, I win the battle!



After Mewtwo's destiny is sealed, and rawrs into oblivion, I get warped down to Lance's room in the Indigo Plateau. Or was it Gary's room? I don't know... I head down the hall, and find that the rest of the room is sealed off by a gate. The gate recognizes that I have the Cinder Badge, and lets me through. I grab the Light Shard, and then head inside Gary's room...



When I get to Gary's room (The other room was Lance's), I see Terra. I try to go back, but it takes me back to the beginning of the Glitch World. I guess I have no choice but to fight Terra. I talk to Terra, and she goes on with her Gym speech, claiming that she has heard about me. She introduces herself as T3rr4, the Ciel Tamer, and claims that she had Ciel on her knees, covered in ketchup. She then says that she isn't about that dramatic speech life. She asks me what I want from her, and if I want a badge. However, she also asks me if I want a tragic backstory explaining why she joined Team Meteor. She then begins her story...



"WELLLLLL IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO, IN A GALAXY NOT VERY FAR AWAY AT ALL. IN FACT IT WAS THIS ONE. THIS GALAXY. RIGHT HERE. THE MILKY TIT. AND SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENED: I GOT BORED. Sooo, I was like Awhh yeaaaa, let's cause some ANARCHY. Because Anne R. Key (Them Meteors) is great in bed. No but literally, chaos is like sex. Hot. Steamy. Sex." What the heck is wrong with Terra's story? So she's basically in this for anarchy and she gets aroused by it? Something is definitely wrong with you, Terra...



She then realizes that she forgot this was supposed to be a dramatic scene. She then announces a sudden beginning to the battle. And with that, the battle begins.



Terra... Why didn't you just tell me the truth? Now I'm going to have to find some other way to shut down the sleep spell. Now that you told me the reason why you're in Team Meteor, I guess I'll just have to battle you for the badge now.



M3G4 T3RR4 sends out Giovanni the Nidoking, while I send out Metagross, who I switch out for Amelia. After surviving a Flamethrower, Amelia knocks Giovanni down in one hit with Psychic. Terra sends out Excakill the Excadrill, and I switch out to Metagross, then to Hydra. Hydra builds up on Dragon Dance, while Excakill misses a Stone Edge. When Excakill gets knocked out by a critical hit Aqua Tail, Terra sends out Rawrchomp, while I send out Archer, who survives with a Focus Band, while I heal Metagross, Hydra, and Amelia with Hyper Potions. However, Rawrchomp knocks out Archer, so I send out Hydra, then Metagross, who unfortunately gets knocked out. I send out Amelia, who builds up with Calm Mind. After a while of healing Amelia and building up Calm Mind, Amelia strikes with Psychic. Terra heals Rawrchomp twice, and eventually Rawrchomp gets knocked out by Psychic. Terra sends out ClayboyBunny the Claydol, while Amelia builds up on Calm Mind. After a few light hits from ClayboyBunny's attacks, Amelia knocks it out with two Psychics. Terra sends out Hippopotamus the Hippowdon, who nearly knocks out Amelia, but gets knocked out by Amelia's Psychic. Terra is mad at this point, and sends out Swagsire the Quagsire. Unfortunately, Amelia goes down from the sandstorm Hippopotamus made, so I send out Hydra, who builds up with Dragon Dance. Hydra hits Swagsire a couple times with Aqua Tail, but then Terra heals it with her last Hyper Potion. Swagsire tries to raise its defenses with Amnesia, but Hydra keeps on hitting until Swagsire finally goes down from a critical hit Aqua Tail. With all the mighty Terrawr's Pokemon defeated, I win the battle!



Terra says that she's really feeling it, and starts yelling some more. However, she says that I just won the Gravity Badge. She even makes an innuendo about it, and she gives it to me. I get the Gravity Badge, and she tells me that the Gravity Badge makes Pokemon have increased defenses, AND use Waterfall outside of battle. She then says that in other words, because of her, I'm going to be all wet, because I really drive her disx. I don't like the sound of that... She then gives me TM78 Bulldoze, which she calls bullshit, because it creates a field of bullshit that lowers Pokemon's speed when they step in it. I guess that's one way of putting it... She gets silent, and asks me why I'm looking at her like that. She tells me that if I like her, then just tell her, as she says that she's ready to take our relationship to the next level. She says that her couch is mine, and tells me to be gentle... Maybe some other time, Terra... She then rages, and asks me if I want her couch. She gets defensive, and starts rawrring away into another room to cry. I try following her, but she locks it behind her. So much for bringing her back... I then leave the strange world inside Terra's computer.



I head back to the real world, and Ciel and Samson are proud that I defeated Terra. Samson says that they saw everything from the monitor, and congratulates me. He says that it was some stupid goose chase, and it seemed like she was just trying to distract me from the whole Meteor deal. He tells me that she ran off again, and doesn't know where. However, since I'm out, he has an idea. He goes to the side of the console, and shuts it down. Ciel asks him that if he does that, if Terra will be alright. Samson tells her that he doesn't know for sure, but Terra probably can't get out of there as long as the system is off. He says that at least she can't cause any more trouble for Team Meteor. He says that they'll let her out when this is all over. In the meantime, he doesn't mind the relative serenity. However, Ciel says that it does leave us high and dry without a clue what's actually going on with Agate City. Samson says that they can see if Terra wants to talk in a bit, and that they'll tell her they'll let her out if she does. He tells me to leave it to them, and that for now, he's under the impression I have Waterfall I need to scale. Ciel bids me bon voyage, and says tells me not to worry, for they'll have Terra practically writing novels. Samson guesses that Terra will be writing erotica if that happens, while Ciel guesses that she'll be writing some wretched Anime cross-over erotica. She then scratches the novels part out, and says that they'll figure it out.

I talk to Ciel, who says that while she does understand they can't just free Terra, she will miss her cacophonous babbling in some strange, dissolute way. She says that Terra was their friend, but she can hardly believe that all this time Terra was working for our enemies.



I talk to Samson, who says that they'll give Terra some time to get cozy in there before they start negotiating. With that said, I leave the back room, but then somehow, HM05 Waterfall gets fixed, and I get it back. I also can't use Waterfall outside of Ametrine Mountain until Episode XV. It also shows me a preview of Episode XV.




With Terra's Terrawr done, I can now save Amaria and Titania! Don't worry, ladies! Help is on the way!






Current Pokemon Stats

Metang has evolved into Metagross, but there was not much level development for anyone else. I decided to replace the regular Porygon with the shiny level 60 Porygon I got from the Glitch World.




Name: Charles

Level: 72

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Heat Wave



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 73

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 72

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 65

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 72

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Zero

Level: 60

Moves: Discharge, Lock-On, Tri-Attack, Magic Coat



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip



Name: Auriol

Level: 30

Moves: Endure, Counter, Feint, Force Palm



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 27

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Metagross

Level: 51

Moves: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm

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  • 5 months later...

Chapter LI: Exploring And Training Before The Leap Of Faith, And The Creator Of Reborn's PC Nyu!



After getting the Gravity Badge from Terra and leaving her computer world, I decide to do something different instead of just going straight down the Celestinine Cascade. Instead, I head back to Reborn City while still using Episode XIV, and battle the trainers in the Opal Ward. I also head to the Obsidia Ward, and buy every candy for no reason. I decide to explore every single alley, and eventually, I find a Zangoose digging in a trashcan. It disappears, so I go look for it again. I also explore Blacksteam Factory again, where I ended Team Meteor's water pollution (AND GOT THAT PERFECT SHINY DITTO), and find TM77 Psych Up, as well as another X door. Speaking of X, I also named Metagross Megaman X. I then proceed to head down to the Underground Railnet, and find items everywhere. I even check in the walls, and find a House Key and a Corrupted Pokeball!

I leave, then head to Chrysolia Forest, and head to Spinel Town. When I get there, I head to the girl's house, and she's still sad that she lost everything. She asks me if I can help get it all back, and I say yes. She tells me that her bed, cabinet, TV, two bookshelves, two chairs, and her table are all missing. Fortunately, she has a Kadabra who will follow my energy. I find the bed in the house nearby, and the table in another building. I find a bookshelf outside, but decide to head into Serra's mansion to try finding the rest. I see new doors that haven't been there before, but this leads to her gym now. Surprisingly, even though I have the badge, they still wish to battle me, and so I do, letting me train Megaman X and Auriol. As I head to the Pokemon Center to heal my Pokemon, I realize that the TV is on top of a building, and the two chairs are nearby. I grab them, and they teleport back. I head to one of the rooms in Serra's mansion, and find TM54 False Swipe. I head to Bennett's room, and it turns out that the other bookshelf teleported in his room. I wonder if he enjoyed reading some books? I head back to the gym part, and proceed to smash the glass. However, I keep breaking the wrong glass, and hurt myself in the process. However, I keep hurting not only me, but my Pokemon as well! Surprisingly, I see Elias and Bennett in Serra's arena when I get to it, and see Serra herself. However, much to my surprise, I am able to battle her again! I beat her, and get the badge again. It takes me outside, but the event with Elias and Bennett doesn't happen. Fortunately, I am able to head inside again, and leave. I also find a building next to the museum as I'm on the second floor of it, and find a vending machine, and the cabinet! I buy each ice cream, but instead of vanilla, I get a Vanillite! I name it Ice Cream, just because. I head back to the house, and she sees that everything's back to the way it was. However, I got the wrong cabinet, but she doesn't care, as there was nothing important inside. She gives me an Exp. Share, and reveals that she also found some money in there, but tells me to keep it a secret. With that said, I leave.



On a windy night, I head into the abandoned Aqua Gang's hideout, and find a Murkrow. I catch it, and sure enough, it is a Naughty Prankster with perfect attack IVs! I name it Don Krow, but I have other names in mind for it... I head to the Magma Gang's hideout, and sure enough, I see another one, as well as the Zangoose from before, digging in another trashcan. Sure enough, the Zangoose flees again. I take a look at the Murkrow, but it mutters a different name. It then reveals itself to be a Zorua, and runs away! However, I find a Houndour at the end of the hideout, and it attacks me for my Pokesnax! I battle it, but it turns out to be a SHINY Houndour! I catch it, and name it Cerberus. It's not as strong as Don Krow, but I'll fix that. I then head to the candy store, and buy as many chocolate ice creams as I can. I get to the vending machine by giving a kid chocolate ice cream. Why am I getting so many chocolate ice creams? To get three blue moon ice creams! I eventually get three of them, and leave.


Deciding to evolve Auriol, I head to the Obsidia Department Store, take a trip back to Episode XV, and buy some Hondew Berries, since I'm using a physical attacking Riolu. I feed six of them to Auriol, and buy more stuff before switching back to Episode XV. I explore more alleys, and find Zangoose again. However, it flees again, making me have to look for it. I head into the other alley in the Peridot Ward, and see Zangoose outside of a trashcan! However, this turns out to be Zorua again, and it flees. I head back to the Aqua Gang's hideout, and see that Zangoose and a Starly are there, even though it's night. I take a look at Starly first, and sure enough, it's Zorua. It flees, and so does Zangoose when I go to it. I head to the alley in the Obsidia Ward, and see a Litleo and Zangoose. I also see an Electrike getting attacked by a pair of Mightyena! I take a look at Litleo, and sure enough, it is a Zorua because the real one appears in the day time, same with Starly! Zangoose flees, too, and I then leave, planning to deal with the Mightyenas later. I head to the Peridot Ward, and find Teddiursa in an alley. However, it reveals itself to be Zorua yet again, but this time, it battles me! I catch it, and name it Zorro. As for the Zangoose, I find it in the Magma Gang's hideout, but it flees again! However, I find it at the same alley as where I caught Zorua, and it battles me! I catch it, and name it Mongoose.


I head to the Daycare Center because I put Growlithe and Ditto in there, and find that they made an egg. I head to the Jasper Ward, and go to the Reborn City Police Department, where I give the police egg to the police officer, and he gives me an Azurill egg, even though I already have an Azurill. Now, when the Growlithe hatches, the officer who lost his Growlithe to the Meteor grunt can be happy that he has a Growlithe now. With that said, I leave, and head to Route 1 to train Auriol.


Eventually, at level 50, Auriol finally evolves into Lucario! And after some reconsideration, I head to the Name Rater to change Don Krow's name. Instead of being Don Krow like how my Honchkrow was named in the Reborn League, I will name it P.I.M.P., which stands for Player In the Management Profession.


After a LONG time of being away, I end up breeding myself a Murkrow named Falcone and evolving it, finish training Metagross and Auriol, and even level up Seaking too.  Don't ask how I did it, because after being away for a long time, I really don't want to waste anymore time than I already did. Let's continue, okay? Okay.


I head back to North Aventurine Woods, and keep exploring until I reach a nice little house. I head inside, and much to my surprise, I find that it's filled with Pikachus. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DAMN PIKACHUS?! Seriously, Team Rocket would go NUTS over this! There are Pikachus all over the floor, some even on the shelves. As I head upstairs, I find more Pikachus as well as a man who's on his computer. I talk to him, and he greets me in an odd way as I just walked into his house. He says that his name is better left unsaid, but if I must know, he introduces himself as Sir Elyvilon Nyunyunyu Esq. III. In short, his name is Nyu. He reveals that he created Reborn's PC server system, but now he just lives out here. He asks me if I want him to heal my Pikachus, and so he heals all of my Pokemon.



"Remember, when in doubt: Eat it."



He turns around back, back on his computer, but as I talk to him again, he says if I happen to have any foods to spare, he'll be happy to take it off my hands. He sees my candy bar, and I give it to him. However, he gives me honey in exchange. He says that honey is good for these woods, and sometimes his Pikachu pick it up and bring it home. He says that if I rub it on the bark of a tree, I may even attract Pokemon. He says I could also just eat it. After feeding him so much candy, he eventually notices my Blue Moon Ice Cream, and I give some to him. He then tells me that his Pikachu found two pretty stones from the woods, but Heracross and Pinsir were after them. He gives me a choice between the two Mega Stones, and I pick the Pinsirite. I give him another Blue Moon, and get the Heracronite. After that, I head all the way back to Celestinine Cascade with my trusty Seaking...




Don't worry Amaria and Titania... I'm coming for you now!





Current Pokemon Stats

After long, long months of being away, I am back. With Episode 16 in production, I still have to finish Episode 15, and here I am! With a few new Pokemon in the team, too, such as Falcone the Honchkrow, and even familiar Seaking! I know I'm probably gonna get a few questions from this, buuuut that story's for another day. What's important is that I get down that waterfall!




Name: Falcone

Level: 70

Moves: Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Superpower, Roost



Name: Charles

Level: 73

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Heat Wave



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 73

Moves: Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance



Name: Amelia

Level: 72

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 65

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 72

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Zero

Level: 60

Moves: Discharge, Lock-On, Tri-Attack, Magic Coat



Name: Auriol

Level: 70

Moves: Close Combat, Swords Dance, Extreme Speed, Ice Punch



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 70

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Metagross

Level: 72

Moves: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm



Name: Seaking

Level: 70

Moves: Dive, Fury Attack, Waterfall, Surf



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip

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  • 7 months later...

Chapter LII: The Leap Of Faith Into The Water Treatment Center Conspiracy, And Taka's Mysterious Lineage!

After I head to Celestinine Cascade, I surf on the water up to the waterfall, and Seaking takes me down the waterfall... As I go down the waterfall, I notice Victoria talking a police officer. However, she notices me, and tries to catch up to me just before I completely go down the waterfall into the Water Treatment Center. When I arrive, I find Titania, who asks me if I have any idea how long she's been down here. Oh, I'd say... many, many months. How do you live with yourself, woman? I surf up to her, and she says that she sure doesn't have a clue. She welcomes me to the mousetrap, and tells me that when she got down here, a group of Meteors had already taken Amaria. She's almost surprised that Team Meteor is here, but then again, sewers are a common place for vermin, making her wonder if by that logic, maybe Fern is here too... I mean, he IS in Team Meteor, so he probably would be. I follow her, and I find a couple Meteor grunts bleeding on the floor. She reveals that she's already dealt with the first group. She admits she was a little mad, but she thinks that she handled the situation... responsibly. She says that they locked her in here, and she's been stuck since. She tried questioning them, but that usually works better before they're killed. She says that's where we're at, and supposes I don't happen to have a key to this place or anything. After all, she hears I have a habit of picking up random objects that don't belong to me, and says maybe that comes in handy sometimes. I'm sorry I read your diary, okay? I'm sorry I read BOTH of your diaries!


Just then, the door opens, and she's glad to have more company. Just then, two cultists in new sets of robes arrive, and she sends out Aegislash. She warns them, saying that stepping into a room with her is the last dumb thing they'll ever do. The Meteor grunt informs her that a new arriving commander has appeared on site, and says that they've been instructed to allow us access to the greater Treatment Center. Titania wonders why, and he says that he cannot answer that, for he is merely following the instructions of the higher faith.



"Fine, live by your orders. Die by them, too."



Just then, she slashes at the poor grunt with Aegislash, killing him. The other Meteor is horrified, and runs off. She returns Aegislash to its Pokeball, and says that it's so much for be stuck. She sees that a new commander arrived the same time I did, and spares us both the trouble in asking questions about that. She sees that they left the door open, assuming that this is an obvious trap. She's not inclined to care just now, and continues onward. Note to self... Don't touch Titania's things... Got it.


I continue onward, and see that Titania killed the other grunt. She says that another one is down, while another scampered off to the east exit. I agree when she said they were vermin... She returns Aegislash again, and says that she's not about to let her mistake spiral into a bigger mess, so anyone who gets in between Amaria and her is forfeiting their life. She turns to me and says that I'll be helping too, seeing that this was my fault as well. Soooo, she expects me to fix it. She says that's going to be the excuse she uses to try and relying on me right now. She also says that she would like nothing more than to run through their entire team herself, but she can't do this alone. She reveals that she only has Aegislash with her, and as much weight as it pulls, she's been down here too long to have the strength to fight them all herself. And that's where I come in, because she'll be asking some favors from me, but we can both resent her for it later. She then shows me a machine in the center of the room, saying that it should control the water level. She tells me that we're stuck unless we get to it, but she doesn't exactly trust her balance right now. Soooo, I'm up. I hop over the murky waters, and lower the water level, revealing stairs for her to cross. She tells me that she's going on ahead, and I follow her into the other room.



I find her contemplating, saying that she doesn't have a choice right now anyway. She says that if she falls, I should tell Amaria that she didn't blame her, much. She crosses safely, while she calls for a time out. She's surprised she has strength left, and asks me if I wanna see if I can figure out which way to go. She says that we might need to shift some stuff around, gross as it is. I talk to her, and she tells me to give her a moment. She'd expect that she'd be able to make two hops without getting dizzy, but jumping off a waterfall and sitting at the bottom forever does that. She says we should just find Amaria, punch Meteor's face in, and get outta here. After that, who knows where she'll go. She says that there's no chance she'll get away with staying at Amy's place after this, saying that she has every right to throw her into the gutter. She doesn't like what she did, and in fact, despises it. But she knows her reasons, and doesn't need forgiveness or redemption, but just needs to solve the problem. We need to get Amaria back to safety, and then Titania will get out of her way for good, and everyone else'.


Just then, she realizes that she's famished. She hates to ask, but she asks me if I have anything on me to eat. She says that she would love some ice cream if I can spare it. I give her my last Blue Moon Ice Cream, and says that I should forget it, because that stuff is rare, and I should just keep it for myself. I still offer to give it to her, and she says she doesn't want it. I keep offering, and she says that she doesn't have anything to give me in return. She asks me what I have to gain, and says I should just keep my damn ice cream. I still offer it, and she says that if I'm that desperate to get rid of the thing, suit myself, and I hand it over to her, because she doesn't care. She says that she's not saying thanks, even if... She realizes how delicious it is, and says that it has a reputation for a reason. Go figure. However, she feels kinda guilty despite refusing me like five times. She'd ask if I'd want to split it, but that would probably be weird. However... She DOES thank me! She says that she said it, and tells me to let her finish it. Then we've got some Meteors to smash.



I continue onward by activating the switch for one of the Obsidia shutters, and then I head back to lower the water level. I push around the sludge and activate another shutter door to open it. I find a door that leads into the G.U.M. room, but it's locked. Anyways, Titania and I head onward, and she sees that the room is extremely limited for our options. She hops on an edge, but just then, somebody ELSE lowers the water level, surprising both of us. To my surprise, we see Taka in a new look, taunting us that the water level drops and leaves us stranded and apart, wondering what ever will we do now. Good to see you too, Taka. Titania tells him to stick around and find out, and he says that he won't. She asks him if he's the new commander the others mentioned, but he says that he doesn't know if he's much of a commander per se, but that's sort of what he's doing down here. She asks him what he wants, and he says that he's just following orders. She says that was what the other guy said, and it didn't work out so hot for him. She asks him what he accomplishes by letting us in here in the first place, and says that he could have just kept us locked in the landing and made off with Amaria and the Sapphire Bracelets already. However, there's a reason that he hasn't, and she wants him to tell us it. Taka sees that there's so many questions and demands, and asks if she's really in a place for that. She tells him to stop avoiding the subject, and to answer her. Taka says that he won't, and wonders why he would give that information to the people who are supposed to be his enemies. She tells him not to act like his precious little team is that good at keeping secrets because she's been getting information out of his grunts for months while giving them false intel in return, explaining that's the thing about a group of people who are just using each other. They're easy to exploit, and he's no different. Taka goes with it, but says that at the end of the day, she's stuck over here now, and he has an operation to manage, so if it's cool, he's gonna go do that. He leaves, and just runs away while Titania calls him a truly upstanding agent, and says that it's a shame that Team Meteor does not have more men of his caliber. She turns to me, and is annoyed, asking me to help get her out of there, and would appreciate it.

I walk through the clean floor, pushing the sludge to another ledge, and hopping across the ledges until I find a cultist grunt near the machine to raise the water level. I battle him, and he treats me like garbage. I raise the water level, and allow Titania to cross the water and activate the Onyx shutter. She walks over to me, and is glad I got her out of there. However, she thinks that something is off about this, but shrugs it off as we continue onward.


We continue onward, and find Taka with two more grunts. She reminds me that she only has one Pokemon, but says that she'll back me up. However, I'll have to pull the weight and battle the two grunts. I beat them with Falcone and Seaking while Titania uses Aegislash, Titania calls them defenseless, and demands that they move out of the way. She cuts one of the grunts down while the other is in horror at the sight of it all. She's ready to kill the other one while Taka says that battles are one thing, but he doesn't particularly appreciate her harming his colleagues. Titania retorts back by saying that she doesn't particularly appreciate him taking her friend. She says that Team Meteor will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, so why should she. Taka says that he really can't defend some of the others' actions, but asks her if she sees any of these guys hurting anyone. He asks her if she sees HIM killing anyone, and Titania demands him to release Amaria and then try that argument. Taka declines, saying that's not gonna work out. He tells us that she's in the Control Room if we wanna come and get her though. Titania intends to, and she returns Aegislash again. She hops over the sludge onto another platform while Taka decides to trap her again. She tells him to get some new tricks, but he tells her to call them whatever she wants, but he'll let us figure the rest out. He bids ta-ta, and leaves again. Titania asks me if he always acts that way, but honestly, I just don't get that guy sometimes. She says that we're in this situation again, so it's on me to get her out again.

As I push the sludge and make my way towards another machine, I battle a familiar Meteor Dame Gretchen. Seems Taka leads cultists and Meteor Knights and Dames, huh? He's probably not as powerful as Sirius or ZEL. I defeat her, and she reveals that Titania was the one who killed her sister. One less grunt who repeatedly battles, I'll say. I raise the water level with the machine, and Titania crosses until another spot where I have to push the sludge. I raise the water after pushing the sludge, and she crosses to activate the Coral shutter, opening the way for me. Titania is annoyed, but thinks she overdid it. She says that she'll rest a minute, and says she'll catch up to me.


I head back to the Obsidia Grid, and find another switch. However, this one allows me to squeeze through tight spaces. Now I'm actually able to lower the water level and push the sludge I haven't pushed. I do that, and activate the last Obsidia shutter. I lower the water level again, and make my way to another room. When I get close to another door, Titania arrives, and tells me that this should be the central turbine of the plant. She says that if she were going to shut down this place, she'd hit that, assuming Team Meteor thought the same. She says that we should try getting to it and finding out what the problem is. She would think someone would've thought to check down here before. Then again, Meteor infiltrates could have radioed in false reports of proper maintenance, but that's conjecture. She sees that there are two ways to go. She tells me to go west, while she'll see if she can get anywhere north. I go west, and push the switch, lowering the water level. I head north back into a familiar room, and push the sludge so I can access part of the room I was in before. I find a room that says System Storage, but it's locked. However, I raise the water again and activate the switch, and unlock the System Storage room. I find an Electrode whirring in the room. However, I realize that I gotta spark the room to life, so I teach Amelia Charge Beam, and have her restart the machines by beating Electrode while the Factory Field is in place. I check the machine, and withdraw an item. Surprisingly, this isn't just an item, but a Pokemon! A Fennekin, specifically! I name it Fox McCloud, and continue my journey.



I go onward into another room, while beating Meteor grunts and pushing sludge so I can get to the switch in the middle of the room. I activate the Lapis shutter, and I'm able to get the Beryl Grid Key. I push all of the sludge again so I'm able to go into the other room where I find Titania again. She asks me if I have any luck because she's at a dead end. However... I notice Taka standing over behind her. He flips the switch and lowers the water, making Titania confront him and ask him what the hell is his problem. Taka says that he's just following orders and trying to slow us down, which Titania calls bullshit because he's not even trying to hide it anymore. She says that we wouldn't have been able to pass through a single room he changed the water level in UNLESS he had done that. He tries to shrug it off, and says that he seems to have made a mistake. She tells him that he can drop the act, saying that she doesn't know what the hell kind of passive-aggressive game he's trying to play, but she's tired of it. She asks him if he's on Meteor's side or not, and he says that he is, but it's not that simple. Titania tells him that it's simple if he lets it be, but he honestly says that he doesn't agree with much of what Team Meteor does, but he's in here for life, so he's gotta at least pretend to follow suit. Titania says that he doesn't, and tells him that if he doesn't agree with them, then just don't serve them, done and done. Taka says that he doesn't really have a choice about that. Titania tells him that just because he doesn't cover his eyes and pretends not to see it doesn't mean it goes away, and that he always has a choice. However, he's just too afraid to make it.


Taka takes a step back, saying it's not like that. He reveals that his father, Solaris, is the leader of Team Meteor. We get that. He reveals that he and his family are the last direct descendants of the culture that enshrined Arceus' Meteor in Reborn so many centuries ago, and that it's their duty to protect it. He says that it's his birthright... or more like his curse. He says that he can't change that, and Titania retorts that not if he keeps acting like a coward. He says that running from his fate would be cowardice, and Titania asks if that's what his father told him. She goes on, and says that he said himself he doesn't agree with Team Meteor's actions, but HE is allowing this to happen, and that they're HIS actions too. She tells him that if he doesn't like it, then he should change it, and if he can't change it, leave it. Taka says that she wouldn't understand, but that's okay. He tells us that he's going to go on ahead, so if we want our friend back, we should follow. He starts to leave, but tells us that the key to the door here is in the Lapis Grid room, which I already have the key for. He asks if I've already been there, and says that he's sure Team Meteor would hate it if we happened to clear all of the rooms, so he tells us to make sure we do that. He leaves, and Titania takes a step towards a machine nearby, sends out Aegislash, and starts slashing at it, saying if only he was standing there. She's so SICK of living a lie, and says that she should thank me for resolving this stupid situation. Aside from the part where Amy jumped off a waterfall, she'll be giving me no thanks for that. However, she's so tired of this. She says that she can't STAND to see somebody else act so... She gives one more slash, then returns Aegislash to its Pokeball. She tells me to forget it, and says that she's just tired. I talk to her, and she says that she'll be fine, saying she's right behind me.


I head over to two grunts, and just as they're about to battle me, Titania shows up and tells them to allow HER to demonstrate how pitiful their resolve is. We battle the two grunts, and just after we beat them, she tells me to stand aside. I do so, and she tells the grunt that it would be so easy for her to end him right now. They back away. and she asks if they understand. She explains what's going to happen: She's going to kill them. She... 'kills' them, and says that the person they were is now dead, and they're both going to go somewhere far, far away, forget all of this ever happened, and truly start living for themselves. She asks if she's clear, and they leave in a hurry. She then realizes that it's really not nearly as satisfying as just killing them outright, and steps aside to leave the door to me. I unlock the door, and we both head inside.


I head down the path, and she says that she'll go on ahead. However, just as soon as she gets across, the path locks itself on her, and she says that she's the one stuck again. She asks if this is some kind of metaphor, because she's not getting it. She says that the Water Control for this room is right next to her, but that's not going to do her much good. She says that she'll take care of that, while I see if I can make any headway, while threatening me not to leave her behind. I push the two southwestern sludge balls to make a path, and then I push the other two sludge balls in an easier path. I cross each sludge ball, and actually make my way towards another door. I follow the path back down into the Peridot Grid, open its shutter, then go into the Opal Grid. I open the Opal shutter, lower the water level, and find the source of why there's so much sewage: a PULSE-Swalot, who's clogging up the system. With that said, I prepare myself to face the most horrifying creature...



Time to end this water pollution once and for all! Forgive me, Swalot!


Stopple PULSE-Swalot unleashes itself, while I send out Seaking. The first thing I notice is that it is level 80, which is dangerous. What's worse is that it turns into a huge, gigantic blob of red. Seaking turns the field against it by Soaking it, and then Drill Runs it down. As Seaking survives on his last, I heal him with a Full Restore (Because Seaking deserves it!) Seaking finishes the job by going on another Drill Run. However, Swalot almost knocks him down again, but he survives as Swalot goes down from its own field. With the gigantic menace defeated, I win the battle!
After the battle, Swalot is destroyed, and the system is now fully restored, which means that water treatment is finally operational. I go ahead and purify the water from the grids, and head back to Titania. She realizes that it was the main turbine after all, and says that they're too predictable. She says with that out of the way, we should be able to flush the system. She flushes out the system, and fills it with clean water. She says that it's been a while since we've had clean water. She also reveals that I may not see it, but one of the gates in the back of this room just turned on. She says that there's a line of them, and she guesses each one of them corresponds to a room in this facility. Once the water is clear, they activate, and when those open, she should be able to get out of there, so it's up to me.
Oh, and as for PULSE-Swalot's number, it's PULSE-03. Team Meteor was smart, and didn't just use PULSE-Muk to poison the lake. They also had to block the system just in case PULSE-Muk was ever shut down.
I head back through each grid, and purify the water. As I do so, I find one of the locked gates, as well as TM37 Sandstorm. Once I clear every grid with clear water, I head back to the room Titania is trapped in, and activate the Beryl shutter, allowing her to pass through, as well as unlocking the Control Office. She says that the whole city should be running clean water now, saying that Amaria would be proud. She says that we should make sure she wakes up to see it now. She heads onward, while I heal my Pokemon and head into the Control Office.
As soon as I step in the room, I find Titania ready to kill Taka, who's trying to calm her down. He tells her that the least she could do is show him some gratitude. She retorts by asking about his complete lack of spine, but he figured that we'd appreciate that he's taken the liberty of having her wounds treated. Titania says that's not the only thing he's taken, and Taka realizes she's talking about the Sapphire Bracelets. She tells him to give them to her, and he tosses them to her without a fight. Titania calls him pathetic, which he agrees, but reveals that his dad is on his way over to collect that because he kinda had to radio it in before. Sooooo, we might have to deal with that soon. Titania says that she's willing to accept that responsibility, and walks over to Amaria's sleeping body. She tells him to give her regards to the men who treated her, but he tells her that he would have, but she kinda already killed them. She picks up Amaria, and walks over to Taka, asking him if he's really just going to let us walk out of here with Amy and the Sapphire Bracelets. Taka says yup without a second thought, but he does have one favor to ask. He says that he kinda needs me to beat him in battle because he's gotta at least make it look like he tried. Titania tells him to just save himself the embarrassment and resign already, saying that he's only making a fool of everyone involved. He says that he is a fool, but he can't just walk out on his destiny. Titania says that the door is right here, and no one's stopping him. He says that his blood is, and his father... He asks us if we have any idea what he would do, and asks us if we have any idea how he would feel. Titania tells him that he would probably feel slightly better than the countless people he's hurt. Taka tells us to forget about it, and to hurry up, beat him, and get out of here already. Titania tells him that if he's not going to stop us, she's not going to enable him to keep cowering from his choices. If we defeat him, we just let him go on like this. Taka begs, and says that he's done every courtesy he could for us down here, and we should just do him this one favor. Titania says that she's done with his games, and says that we should just go. She leaves, and just when I'm about to, Taka begs me to battle him. Since he's been so nice to me out of every Meteor out there... I will do him this favor. He says that we should hurry, and the battle begins.
Taka... You shouldn't keep living like this, but I will battle you, if it means keeping you alive.

Taka sends out Klefki while I send out Hydra. While Klefki Spikes up the whole field, Hydra Dragon Dances and knocks out Klefki with two Aqua Tails. Taka sends out Cradily, while I send out Metagross, who smacks it with Meteor Smash. However, he switches out into Huntail, but two Grass Knots knock it out. Taka sends out Aerodactyl, who unfortunately is faster than Metagross and knocks it out. I send out Amelia, but she gets knocked out by Earthquake and Night Slash. I send out Falcone, and he manages to land a critical hit Sucker Punch, knocking down Aerodactyl in one hit! Taka sends out Cradily again, but Falcone finishes it off with Brave Bird. He sends out Chatot, so it's Bird vs. Bird, but Falcone easily knocks it down with another Sucker Punch. Taka sends out Gliscor as his last Pokemon, saying that defeat was never such a relief. After a Sucker Punch and Brave Bird, Gliscor is down. With Taka's Pokemon defeated, I win the battle!



Taka thanks me, and says that everything's gonna be just fine. He tells me that I should get outta here quick though because he gets the feeling that my friend is going to need me. He says goodbye and wishes me good luck. He leaves through another door, while I follow Titania out of the Water Treatment Center by heading to where I came from. However, as I try going through the door, Shade appears and stops me.



"Forget not: Four screens foretold four souls' fortune forsaken, For, forsooth, from foreshadowed, only two will be taken."



He vanishes, and I head to the entrance. Does that mean only Corey and Kiki will die? I meet up with Titania, and she says that it took me a while. She sees that I fought him, but doesn't care. She tells me that I've made my decision, I can deal with the consequences. She tells me that Deliverance will take them up, saying that it beats the two of us awkwardly hanging onto my Pokemon. What's so bad about Seaking? So, she didn't need me after all. However... She doesn't regret bringing me. She heads up the waterfall, and so do I.


However, as I head up the waterfall, I notice Julia and Florinia on the bridge, with Julia running around. As I finally get back up to Celestinine Cascade, I am done with my quest to save Amaria and Titania!



Now to go back to their house to see if they're okay!






Current Pokemon Stats

A few Pokemon leveled up, and Falcone and Seaking are the MVPs through my time in the Water Treatment Center. I had to teach Seaking Soak and Drill Run, because without Seaking, I probably wouldn't have been able to defeat that PULSE-Swalot, and Falcone swept through Taka's team for the most part. However, after this, I will be teaching Dive again to Seaking when I need Dive.




Name: Falcone

Level: 71

Moves: Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Superpower, Roost



Name: Charles

Level: 73

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Heat Wave



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 74

Moves: Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite



Name: Amelia

Level: 72

Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 65

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 72

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Zero

Level: 60

Moves: Discharge, Lock-On, Tri-Attack, Magic Coat



Name: Auriol

Level: 70

Moves: Close Combat, Swords Dance, Extreme Speed, Ice Punch



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 70

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Metagross

Level: 73

Moves: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm



Name: Seaking

Level: 71

Moves: Soak, Drill Run, Waterfall, Surf



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip

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Chapter LIII: A Reunion With Old Friends, Fern's Chance To Prove Himself, And Team Meteor's Attack For The Sapphire Bracelets!



After I defeat Taka and shut down the PULSE-Swalot, cleaning the water once and for all, I head up to Fiore Mansion. However, on my way there, somebody screams out my name, and I see Julia running up towards me, with Florinia following from behind. Julia asks me how I've been because it's totally been like fourteen episodes since she saw me last. No shit, Julia. Florinia gives me her greetings as well, and Julia runs around, telling me that they originally flew up here because they saw Amy and Tania riding up the waterfall and they were filled with big question marks. However, they saw me too, and that was a giant exclamation point so they HAD to come up. She's really impressed I've made it this far to challenge their sisters because almost nobody even GETS to challenge some of the higher-up leaders because so many of the other ones are off hiding in caves or getting chased by evil doctors. She wonders how anybody SUPPOSED to handle challenging people like that in the first place, and says that she's lucky that she's the first one most new trainers. Florinia agrees, and says that from almost a distance, Ame has been overseeing my endeavors, and will be modifying procedures and policies as necessary. So am I a dirty little lawbreaker, or am I an upstanding citizen? She walks over to me, and tells me that Ame has additionally permitted them to deliver something to me. She gives it to me, and it's... TMX2 FLY?! Okay, first of all, I have NO idea what TMX means, but if it means that it is a TM similar to Flash, I'm all up for it! I'm just glad I have Fly, because fuck Teleporting! Julia tells me that I'm going to need a badge for that, but she thinks I can get it from beating Seel. Florinia corrects her, and says that I have to beat Ciel. However, Julia thinks Rini said what she said, and tells me to just go and beat up wild Seel until one drops a badge. Florinia turns in disbelief, and Julia adds that once I have that, I can come back to the city and say hi sometime because I should SEE what they've done with the place! She tells me that the old Fairy gym leader showed up and was able to rally everyone into helping renovate the city and it's practically EXPLODED with progress. Florinia tells me that while several explosions were indeed involved, they were not an intended re-constructional step. Julia admits that she was the one who exploded things, but says that's not important because most of the people survived, probably. Florinia pauses, and Julia wonders if we're on commercial break. Florinia walks over and detects a helicopter, confirming that Team Meteor is here. Julia takes a look, and is surprised. She promises that she's going to boomboom their faces off if they try to do anything to Amy and Tania. She runs on ahead, and Florinia says that this ordeal may not be easily resolved. She tells me to ensure my preparation before attending to it, and walks on ahead. I heal my Pokemon, and sure enough, I see Solaris and a Meteor Ace. After healing my Pokemon, I head inside.



As I head inside, the camera moves up to Team Meteor as Blake gets out of the helicopter with Sirius and Solaris standing on the roof. So Solaris WAS on that helicopter before when Blake retreated! Solaris confirms that the aerial unit is in place. Fern steps out of the helicopter, and Sirius tells him that now will be the moment to prove himself. While an Orderly steps out of the helicopter, Fern smugly says that he doesn't need to prove anything, and tells Sirius to not call him "boy", because the name's Fern. He tells them to remember it, but Blake fires a snide remark by saying that they'll remember it after he does something worth remembering. Fern snaps back at him by saying that they should forget him after what happened in Ametrine. Blake laughs and says that he likes Fern, and Fern's damn glad he does. Solaris breaks up the argument and reminds them that their objective is to recover the Sapphire Bracelets and withdraw at once, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. He asks them if this is clear, and Blake obeys, but says that once again, they're cleaning up his stupid son's problems. Solaris assures them that his son's incompetence will shortly be remedied, but for now, they move, for the purification of our world. Solaris heads inside, while Sirius promises for the creation of a new world. However, once Solaris is inside, Sirius calls him an old fool, and Blake doesn't even know how Sirius stands that guy. Sirius dismisses it, saying it's no matter, but tells them to move.


I head inside, and Julia is telling Titania about the news. She tells her that Team Meteor is probably going to do something really bad, and we need to stop them. Titania tells her that we knew they were coming, but she just didn't expect it to be so soon. Julia has a plan, and says that we should lure them in here and blow the whole place up on their faces, and then the rest of us can sneak out unharmed. Titania tells her that Amaria was injured and is in her room in the back. However, she hasn't woken up yet, and we can't move her. Julia is surprised, and she wonders if Amy is going to be okay. Titania doesn't know, but she's not about to give up on her, saying that there's no way in hell she's letting Team Meteor get her again. Julia says that there's only one thing to do...



"Fight, fight fight; we'll win the day! We'll send those Meteor-jerks away!"



As Julia hops around and cheers, Florinia understands the situation, and begins analyzing the structure of the mansion. Titania tells her that there's nothing to analyze, and tells us to just take up defensive positions at the house exits, saying that we won't even let them in. Florinia corrects her, however, and hypothesizes that Team Meteor will create additional entrance routes. Titania asks her if she'll ever stop talking like that, and says that it's been how many years, and she's STILL overreacting. Julia says that now is not the time for that, and listens to Florinia's plan. Florinia moves over to the upper level, and tells us to establish a perimeter there. She tells them that herself and I will form the primary line of defense, while Julia will fortify our back line in case of entry from the north-east back room or the eastern wall. Julia asks about the wall, and Titania says that they'll break the windows. Julia understands, and begins preparing, while Florinia explains that Titania will remain with Amaria in expectation of confounding circumstances. Titania says that's fine with her, and heads into the other room.


Just then, Solaris approaches front entrance. EVEN THOUGH HE CLEARLY WENT FROM THE SECOND FLOOR! He sees that they are not unexpected, and then makes it simple. He demands for us to give them the Sapphire Bracelets, and we will be left in peace. Or they will take the Sapphire Bracelets, and we will be left in ruin. Julia tells him to forget it because there's no way we're giving in to an old creep like him. She tells him to get out of here before we boom their faces off, and he understands. He initiates the rest of Team Meteor to attack, and Team Meteor aces break the windows and two of them approach us. Florinia and I face them off and defeat them, but more arrive.



Sirius arrives, and announces that this farce ends now. He pulls Fern with him, who's yelling at him to let go of him, asking him what he thinks he's doing. He pleads to his sister Florinia for help, and Sirius gives the ultimatum of the Sapphire Bracelets for Fern's life. Just then, another window breaks, and Julia sees that they ARE in the back, just as Florinia calculated. Julia tells us to leave it to her as she goes to the back to fend off the Meteors. Sirius asks Florinia for her answer, and Fern begs her not to turn her back on him like this. Florinia says that he is incorrect, and as the Orderly arrives, Fern asks her what she's saying, and she tells them that her position is unchanged. As an explosion goes off, Fern tells her sister that she's cold, as he walks up to her and says that he knows she's a wannabe robot, but he thought she at least had some feeling left. Just then, Blake is blown back, and tells Julia to calm the fuck down. He tells Walrein to seal the door, and as he sends it out, it does. He turns over to me, and sees me again, much to his dismay. Solaris tells Blake and Fern to remove the obstacles. Blake complies and steps forward, while Fern obeys his command, calling him boss, much to Florinia's surprise and horror. She asks him if she is to correctly conclude that he is following instructions of this group, and he tells her that he is. He reveals that the whole hostage thing was just an act to get a rise out of her. However, even aside from that, he smugly says that it turns out he's the most valuable ally they could have. He reveals that he even gave them the whole layout of this place on the way over. He says that he always hated having to come here with her, but he guesses it all paid off. Florinia is still surprised, and says that this error shall be remedied at once. Fern tells Flobot to bring it on because he's not afraid of her. With that said, the battle begins.



I'm going to enjoy wiping the smirks off of you and Blake's faces, Fern... You want to prove yourself? Bring it.




Blake and Fern send out Walrein and Haxorus while Florinia sends out Hippowdon and I send out Falcone. Falcone Sucker Punches Haxorus, while Haxorus poisons Hippowdon with Poison Jab, and Walrein unfortunately knocks out Falcone and Hippowdon with Blizzard. I send out Metagross and have it Meteor Mash Walrein, boosting Metagross' attack, while Florinia sends out Torterra, but it gets knocked out by Walrein's Blizzard while Metagross avoids it. Florinia sends out Tropius and knocks out Haxorus with Tropius' Body Slam while Metagross knocks out Walrein with another Meteor Mash. Blake sends out Weavile while Fern sends out Krookodile, and Weavile knocks out Tropius with Ice Shard. Florinia sends out Breloom while Metagross strikes Krookodile with Meteor Mash. Unfortunately, just as Metagross is about to attack Weavile, Weavile knocks out Metagross with a critical hit Knock Off. However, Breloom knocks out Krookodile with Drain Punch, I send out Charles, but switch out for Seaking as soon as Fern sends out Rhyperior. However, Breloom knocks out Weavile with Drain Punch, and Blake sends out Rotom-Freeze. Fern switches out for Scizor while both Seaking and Breloom dodge Rotom's Blizzard and Breloom strikes Rotom with Drain Punch. Rotom tries to fry Seaking with Thunderbolt, but Lightning Rod takes that attack like a trooper, boosting Seaking's Special Attack while Seaking finishes Scizor off with Waterfall. Fern sends out Roserade while they both gang up on poor Seaking with attacks, knocking him out. However, Breloom avenges Seaking by knocking Rotom out with Drain Punch. I send Charles out while Blake sends out Jynx. Charles burns both Roserade and Jynx to a crisp by knocking them out with Heat Wave, while Blake sends out Mamoswine and Fern sends out Rhyperior, which is a new one for him. I send out Hydra, and Breloom strikes at Rhyperior with Giga Drain. Hydra finishes off Rhyperior with Aqua Tail, and Mamoswine knocks out Breloom with Icicle Crash. Fern sends out Serperior, while Florinia sends out Ferrothorn. Hydra knocks out Mamoswine with Aqua Tail while Serperior Protects itself. Blake sends out Froslass, and both Hydra and Ferrothorn gang up on it by knocking it out with Bite and Gyro Ball. I decide to let Hydra get knocked out by Serperior's Leaf Storm, but I send out Charles while Ferrothorn paralyzes Serperior with Thunder Wave. Charles then finishes off Serperior with Heat Wave. With Fern and Blake's Pokemon defeated, Florinia and I win the battle!



Blake's pissed, while Fern threatens that both of us are going to regret crossing him. While more explosions go off, Florinia tells Fern that regret is unnecessary, and contrariwise, his defeat is a marked success. She tells him to consider what procedural mistakes he has committed and to remedy them immediately. Specifically, his allegiance to this organization Team Meteor. Solaris sees that I remain as troublesome as before, and says that he should have eliminated me when he had the chance. Fern tells him that he's giving me too much credit, and to blame his sister instead. He turns over to her, and tells her that he doesn't know what she thinks she's accomplishing here, but they're changing the world. He asks her that in their new world, to guess who's going to be at the top. He snaps, and says that it won't be her. He goes on even more, saying that she should've turn when she had a chance, and says that they could've done this together, but SHE threw that away. He tells her that she didn't even care about him, and asks her what if his life really was in danger. He tells her that some sister she is, and tells her that she really is dead inside. He thinks that she really is a stupid robot now, but she says that he's incorrect. Fern snaps, and asks if that's what she wanted to be, but she almost breaks down too, saying that he's still incorrect. Fern yells at her, telling her not to try to lie, and says that she's just weak, so she tries to hide from herself. She almost breaks down even more, still calling him incorrect, but quieter. He asks her if she's not afraid to hurt him if that's what it takes, and calls her a selfish coward. Florinia turns away, and Fern says that he's done here. He walks away, and says that he'll meet up with the rest of Team Meteor later. He tells them that in the meantime, they can do whatever they want to her because he has no sister anymore.


Fern leaves, and Solaris tells Sirius to do what the boy said, to remove her. Sirius sends out Seviper and orders it to poison her with Poison Fang. Seviper strikes, and knocks her back. Solaris steps forward, and says that he'll deal with me himself. However, just as I step forward, Julia breaks through the ice, and steps right in front of Blake. She scolds Blake for blocking her in like that, and says that wasn't very nice. Blake tells her to settle down, and asks what she is on, and her response is coffee as she pushes him off the edge! He curses to himself, and she notices that Rini is out cold. She sees Sirius, and assumes that he did it, so she sends out Electrode to attack Seviper and Sirius, blowing Sirius away. Just then, the Orderly walks over to Solaris, and says that he will assist him. Just then, the battle begins with Julia assisting me.



Solaris... I'll enjoy kicking your ass once more. You want these Sapphire Bracelets? You're going to have to go through us to get them!




New World Orderly John sends out Whiscash, Solaris sends out Scizor, Julia sends out Electrode, while I send out Falcone. Electrode attacks Whiscash, while Falcone knocks out Scizor with Brave Bird. Solaris sends out Tyranitar, but Falcone knocks it out with Superpower. Solaris sends out Excadrill, who knocks out both Electrode and Whiscash with Earthquake, but not Falcone, as Falcone knocks out Excadrill with two Sucker Punches while John sends out Kecleon and Julia sends out Eelektross. Unfortunately, Kecleon uses Rock Slide, and knocks out poor Falcone just as Falcone was getting into it. I send out Seaking while Solaris sends out Gyarados. Gyarados builds up with Dragon Dance, then knocks out Seaking with Waterfall as Kecleon also knocks it out with Rock Slide as Julia Volt Switches Eelektross for Rotom-Fan, while I send out Hydra. Gyarados knocks out Rotom with Waterfall, and Julia sends out Magnezone while Hydra Dragon Dances. Gyarados shakes the field with Earthquake, knocking out Kecleon and misses Magnezone due to the Air Balloon it is holding. Just then, Magnezone knocks out Gyarados with Flash Cannon and a little help from the sandstorm from Tyranitar before. John sends out Eelektross, while Solaris sends out Mandibuzz. Mandibuzz almost knocks out Hydra, but survives thanks to the Focus Band he was holding. Hydra attacks Mandibuzz with Ice Fang, and thanks to the help it got from Magnezone, that almost knocks it out. However, as Mandibuzz tries knocking out Hydra, Hydra survives again with the Focus Band! Magnezone knocks out Mandibuzz with Thunderbolt, but Eelektross knock out Hydra with Flamethrower. Solaris sends out Garchomp, who knocks out Magnezone with Earthquake, while Julia sends out Eelektross again. Garchomp knocks out Julia's Eelektross with Dragon Rush, while Charles burns John's Eelektross with Heat Wave. Julia sends out Bronzong, but unfortunately, it does not have Levitate, as it gets knocked out immediately by Garchomp's Earthquake. Julia sends out Heliolisk, while John sends out Magnezone after Charles knocks out Eelektross with Heat Wave. Unfortunately, Charles gets knocked out by Garchomp's Stone Edge, but Heliolisk paralyzes Garchomp with Glare, so I send out Amelia and have her Flash Garchomp. Her Psychic almost knocks out Garchomp, but fails to, as she then gets knocked out by Magnezone's Magnet Bomb. I send out Metagross, and while Metagross knocks out Magnezone with Hammer Arm, Heliolisk knocks out Garchomp with Dark Pulse. With Solaris's Pokemon defeated, John sends out Slowbro, who gets knocked out instantly by Heliolisk's Volt Switch, which is probably powered up by its Electric Terrain it placed a while ago. With Solaris and John defeated, Julia and I win the battle!



John says that he did his best, and while Solaris says that my purpose is asinine, he respects my ability. John apologizes to him, and just then, a Meteor grunt shows up, and reports that the helicopter has been destroyed. Solaris is surprised...



"Onto victory, we will zoom, cuz I made that thing go boom, boom, boom!"



Apparently, Julia planted bombs in the helicopter, and blew it up while she was battling with me. How that even works, I don't know, because she was up there fighting Blake and the others... Unless she had a twin sister or clone or something, I'm not even sure how this works. Titania steps outside, and sees that Florinia is unconscious. She says that nothing's happening in there, and she's heard too much ruckus to keep on waiting, wanting to knock some skulls. Solaris speaks to Sirius, and tells him that we have established a formidable defense. Sirius agrees, and Solaris doesn't believe that they will be able to break past it. However, he's planning to inspire us to break it for them. Sirius understands this, and Titania says that it's not going to happen. Sirius says that it is indeed our choice. He tells us that we can leave and scatter ourselves... or we can burn to death here. He sends out Chandelure, but then says something odd... He says that it's funny because this will be the second house he would burn down for the sake of the Sapphire Bracelets. Wait a minute... He orders Chandelure to incinerate it, and Titania bets that the last house didn't happen to have a built-in Water gym. Titania sends out Excadrill and orders it to use Fissure. Excadrill comes out, and wrecks the whole place with Fissure, filling it with water. Everyone gets to higher ground, and John asks Solaris if he's okay. Solaris is silent, but then silences him, saying that he is unharmed, if drenched. However, he is pained. He is pained at the disgraceful performance their team has displayed today, and he is beside himself at their renewed failure to protect this land. Solaris thinks to himself, and hesitates to involve Lin, but he does not see another option. He then orders Team Meteor to retreat for today, and just when they're leaving, Blake complains and says that they're hoofing it. Sirius snaps at him, telling him that they are not accepting complaints from him right now.



Titania returns Excadrill to its Pokeball, and Julia wonders if Florinia is gonna be okay. Titania checks on Florinia's condition, and would normally say yes, but says that Florinia has a history of being more greatly affected by things than she needs to. Julia snaps and walks over to her, telling her to stop it already. Titania tells her that she will stop when Florinia does, and Julia says that it is NORMAL for people to be hurt when their friend blows up on them, in case Titania didn't know. Julia tells Titania that Florinia trusted her, and she betrayed her. Titania seems to think it is a recurring theme lately, and Amaria comes out, wondering what all of the yelling is. Julia is happy to see Amy awake, and she wonders what happened in here. Titania lies, and says that they're... redecorating, but Amaria seems to like it. She wonders who I am, however, and I step forward as Titania introduces me again. Amaria tells me that it's very nice to meet me, and welcomes me into their home. Julia asks if we haven't met already, and she thinks that we haven't. She asks Julia why, and she just guesses she assumed. Titania asks Amaria if she knows who she is, and Amaria says that she is the love of her life. Titania is surprised, and asks her what the last thing she remembers before waking up is, and she's wondering why Tania's asking all of these weird questions. Titania tells her to answer, and she thinks for a moment. She then remembers that she was going to go down to Obsidia today and help Rini with the plant stuff down there. However, Julia is concerned, and Titania tells her to move. She then heads into the other room, and Amaria wonders if there's anything wrong. Julia breaks it to Amy, and tells her that the Obsidia incident was resolved a long time ago... And she met me during it... Amaria is confused, but Florinia wakes up, saying that Amaria has post-traumatic retrograde amnesia. Julia turns around, and is happy to see Rini's okay. Florinia says that she is indeed functional, and to disregard her sub-standard performance. Amaria asks if she thinks she has amnesia, and doesn't understand because she thought she went to sleep like normal... Florinia explains that Titania reported that her personage had suffered injury. Amaria doesn't remember anything like that, but she says that she does have a splitting headache if that means anything. Florinia explains that traumatic brain injury may result in diffuse axonal injury and/or retrograde amnesia, stating that it is a logical conclusion. Amaria asks if she forgets a bunch of things and people, like me, and says that she's tired. She then tells us that she needs to sleep for a little bit, and apologizes to us, especially to me, but she's just really tired and confused, so she'll be up in a little bit. She heads back to her room, and Florinia says that she must depart as well. Julia wonders why, and wonders if she has "retrogravy amnesty" too. Florinia says that she will be attending to Calcenon City, understanding that Team Meteor has established operations in Labradorra City, and hypothesizes she will most likely encounter Fern there, and he does require correction. Florinia gets ready to leave, but Julia says that she should stay behind and make sure that Amy's okay. She wishes Florinia good luck.



"Luck is merely an illusory essentialization of statistics, and is inherently good nor bad, regardless of wishes. Nevertheless, farewell."



Florinia leaves, while Julia worries about everyone. However, she promises to keep her spirits high, and starts cheering again.



"OTS, we'll win this fight! Everything will be all right!"



She tells me that she'll wait here until Amy feels better, and asks me to check on Tania. I head outside, and talk to Titania, who tells me that she's so tired of this. She tells me that it's one thing that Amaria found out about her facade and tried to off herself, but she was actually glad to have that shackle lifted off of her. And now, everything that we just went through has been completely voided by her losing her memory, making Titania stuck again. She rams into the huge boulder, and says that she can't keep living this lie, but she's not about to let Amaria kill herself twice. She promises that she'll figure something out, but in the meantime, she's leaving. She tells me that she's taking the Sapphire Bracelets as far away from here as she can, and if Meteor wants them, they're going to have to come and get them, promising that they'll regret it if they try. She sends out Skarmory, and flies away.



I head back inside and tell Julia that Titania took off, and she sighs. She tells me that if Tania wanted to keep the Sapphire Bracelets safe, she probably would go to her gym in the desert. She says that it's sort of a bizarre place, but it's fun, too. She also tells me that if I want to get to the desert, I'll probably need to go through Reborn City, which is a problem cuz of Agate City being closed... So, she says that all I need to do is beat Seel. Ciel, Julia. Ciel. She tells me to get the badge, and I can fly back to Reborn City. She asks me what I'm waiting for, and so I leave for Agate Circus...




Before I conclude this chapter, I just want to express my thoughts at the situation. First of all, Orderly John. Why the hell is this man try to kiss up to Solaris' ass? He is Sigmund's right-hand man! Like, you mess with Sigmund, you mess with John! But during the invasion, we see him in new clothes, obeying Solaris' every command! WHAT IS THIS?! He's totally stabbing Sigmund in the back, because after Sigmund joined Team Meteor, EVERYBODY joined Team Meteor. Hell, it wasn't even for a permanent stay, but now it seems like it, because why ELSE is Sigmund still there?! And if you leave Team Meteor, it's not like you can live to tell about it! Like, SHIT IS REAL, BOYS AND GIRLS AND NON-BINARIES!!!


And as for Fern, that boy is about to SNAP! He completely disowns his sister, and leaves her for DEAD in the hands of Team Meteor. What kind of sibling DOES that?! By the time we end up going into Victory Road, this boy's probably going to go INSANE! Like, DAMN!


And HOW THE HELL DOES JULIA PLANT EXPLOSIVES ONTO TEAM METEOR'S HELICOPTER, WHEN CLEARLY, SHE IS FIGHTING THEM ALL BY HERSELF UP THERE?! She probably has a twin or clone or something (Florinia might be smart enough to actually make clones, who knows?) because how many Meteors were even fighting her?! I swear, Team Meteor is weak as hell except for Solaris. At least Solaris almost knocked out all of my Pokemon this time!


And as for Sirius burning down houses... HE WAS THE ONE WHO BURNED DOWN THE BELROSE MANSE, NOT CHARLOTTE! Because of him, Charlotte is forever scarred, and constantly believes that she did it. She wasn't psychotic to begin with, his actions MADE her that way! Sirius, you old bastard...

Anyways, that's enough from me. Time to get my next badge, and then fly to Reborn City!






Current Pokemon Stats

Each of my Pokemon leveled up, and I taught Amelia Shadow Ball again because she'll probably need it. Once again, Seaking is a fucking trooper! Same with Charles and Hydra! Falcone did pretty good too, but let's face it, he gets knocked out pretty easy in double battles. Hydra survived two hits with its Focus Band, Charles wiped the floor with Heat Wave, and Seaking just kept taking attacks!



Name: Falcone

Level: 73

Moves: Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Superpower, Roost



Name: Charles

Level: 74

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Heat Wave



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 74

Moves: Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite



Name: Amelia

Level: 73

Moves: Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 65

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 72

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Zero

Level: 60

Moves: Discharge, Lock-On, Tri-Attack, Magic Coat



Name: Auriol

Level: 70

Moves: Close Combat, Swords Dance, Extreme Speed, Ice Punch



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 72

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Metagross

Level: 74

Moves: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm



Name: Seaking

Level: 72

Moves: Soak, Drill Run, Waterfall, Surf



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip

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Chapter LIV: The Dazzling Performer And The Last Of The Agate Ace Triumvirate, Ciel!



After protecting Amaria and the Sapphire Bracelets from the hands of Team Meteor, I head back to Agate Circus and go back inside the Big Top. I go back to the office, and the first thing I see is a telecom system next to the door, instead of the gym guy. I activate it, and the person I speak to on the other end is Ame. She says hello, and sees that I've made it to the gym. She tells me that this telecom system connects right to the Grand Hall, no matter where I am, so whenever I get to a gym, I can call in for advice. So much better than the gym guy already. She sees that I need to fight Ciel, and tells me that this won't be the first time I've fought on this field, so I should try to keep in mind everything I've used before against Samson. She also tells me that unlike Samson's all-out offense, Ciel plays more defensively. She warns me that many of Ciel's Pokemon have bulky set-ups, so they can be hard to power down. However, Ciel is a performer at heart, and it shows in her battles, as she prefers to use dancing and sound-based moves. And being in an arena, it's the perfect place for those things to get her going. I don't think that's the only thing that gets her going... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ame tells me that if I can set up and knock her down before she even gets in the air, I should do well. However, she warns me that if Ciel gets her act in the air, it's gonna be a long way down for me. She wishes me luck, and then the call ends.



I talk to Samson, who greets me. He wishes that he had news for me, but he doesn't. He turns on Terra's computer, and says that no matter how many times they check, they still can't find Terra. Ciel comes in the room, and greets me. She asks me if I was able to take care of my friends, and says that would be more than they could say. Samson is not so sure if we can call Terra a friend at this point, and Ciel walks over and tells him that the point was less the "friend" and more the looming threat that he may have deleted her outright. She snaps, and says that they would have to go back to being the Agate Ace Doublet, which is not nearly as attractive-sounding. Samson turns over to her and implies that if she doesn't like the sound of that, they could always be the Agate Ace Couple. Ciel scoffs at his advances, and tells him that didn't work out for him before, and asks him what makes him think it'll work now. He says that his rugged good looks and dazzling charm will make it work, but she just ignores him. She then comes up with a deal for him: She tells him to find a way to un-delete Terra, and then they'll talk. Samson says that's a steep price, and adds that he's finally been able to get a decent sleep since she's been gone. Ciel asks if he was that busy with her, and is disappointed in him that he had the audacity to ask her out right after Terra vanishes. Samson shoots a snide remark back at her, saying that he's sure Terra would've enjoyed those nights even more if that was the case. Ciel snaps a witty comment back, but then Samson asks her who the expert on Position 52. She then patronizes him, saying that even with just half of the poses she holds in mid-air on a daily basis, she's got far more than 52 positions at the ready, but he doesn't get to see half of them. He accepts that challenge, and goes back to trying to un-delete Terra.


Just then, the Ringmaster appears, and asks if Samson's had any luck. Samson reports that he's had none, and the Ringmaster says that's too bad, although the number of on-site injuries has really dropped since she's been gone. She says hello to me, and wonders what brings me here today. She realizes that it's time for me to battle Ciel, and Ciel says that she would be lying if she said that she hadn't been looking forward to it. The Ringmaster tells me that my last performance was a stellar success, but she hopes I have a Battle Pass for Ciel. Ciel asks me if I do have one, but I don't... Too bad Amaria and Titania didn't have THAT while I was defending them from Team Meteor! Hell, Julia and Florinia could have easily given me one! She sees that I don't, and the Ringmaster reminds me that it is policy that I can't fight without one, and asks if we went over this before. Just then, Ciel walks over to me, and slips me the Battle Pass-Suspension! She 'sees' it, and says that I clearly just lost it for a moment, saying that we're all good. Riiiiiight... The Ringmaster is speechless, but says that she'll make the preparations now. She leaves, while Ciel tells me to call that an investment in her career. Samson says that was smooth, while Ciel says that he's one to talk. Ciel then tells me to let her know whenever I'm ready, and we'll get this show on the road.


I talk to Samson again, and he says that this is useless. He tells me that Terra's floated off somewhere, whether that be to some other network, or a recycle bin. Maybe Team Meteor helped her escape? Anyways, I talk to Ciel, who asks if we shall dance, and I say yes. She then tells me to show her every thing I've got, and the show begins.



When we head out to the Big Top, the crowd is wild and filled with hype. The Ringmaster announces and directs everyone's attention to an exciting, exclusive challenge to the esteemed Agate Ace Triumvirate of leaders. She announces that in the left corner... they have a returning challenger to Agate... Me!!! And in the right corner... They've seen her prancing through the stage, and not just the stage--the very air itself! Dancing through the skies and hearts the same... She is Agate Circus's very own spotlit starlet... Ciel!!! The crowd goes wild for Ciel, as she thanks everyone for coming, calling her fans too kind and too generous. The Ringmaster announces that this will be a 6-on-6- Singles Battle, and wonders how their performers dazzle them today. Ciel doesn't intend to disappoint, but expects the same of me, wanting to see my very best. She tells me that this is my moment, so I should show her what I can do. With the crowd wild, the battle begins.


Very well... Allow me to give you all an amazing show... With you in the front row center, Ciel. Let's dance!



Skydancer Ciel sends out Togekiss while I send out Falcone. Falcone strikes with Steel Wing, which I had taught it before the battle in honor of his metallic wing, while Togekiss strikes with Aura Sphere, almost knocking out Falcone. However, I decide to attack with another Steel Wing from Falcone, and she doesn't even use a Hyper Potion, much to my surprise. Ciel sends out Archeops, but before it could even use Rock Slide, Falcone Sucker Punches it down to the ground. After Archeops faints, Ciel sends out Noivern, who also gets Sucker Punched to the ground. Ciel sends out Talonflame, who ends Falcone's happy streak by knocking him out with Acrobatics. I send out Seaking, who almost gets knocked out by Talonflame's Acrobatics, but almost knocks out Talonflame with Waterfall. Ciel starts healing her Talonflame with a Hyper Potion, while Seaking lands a critical hit Waterfall on it, knocking it down. As Ciel sends out Gliscor, I keep Seaking in, and let him get knocked out, so I can send out Hydra. As Hydra builds up with Dragon Dance, Gliscor tries to knock him out with Acrobatics. However, I heal Hydra with a Hyper Potion, and he knocks out Gliscor in one hit with Ice Fang. Ciel sends out Altaria as her final Pokemon, but with a new twist... She tells me to hold my applause, and that I've yet to see the final act. With PULSE-Pokemon being similar to Mega Evolution, it's actually time for Mega Evolutions, as Ciel Mega Evolves her Altaria into... Mega Altaria! However, that doesn't even do anything because Hydra knocks it out with another Ice Fang. With all of Ciel's dazzling Pokemon defeated, I win the battle!



Ciel bids me bravo, and says that I've stuck the landing. The crowd goes wild as the Ringmaster announces that I seize victory this time. Ciel says that she doesn't regret it in the least, and says that I've done a good show. The Ringmaster announces that my prize today is the Suspension Badge! I receive the Suspension Badge, and the Ringmaster tells me that the Suspension Badge bestows obedience of Pokemon up to level 80 for its trainer, AND the ability to use the machine Fly! However, she says that there's more, as I have also won the TM for Acrobatics! That explains why almost all of her Pokemon had Acrobatics... Fitting, for a performer. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) She says that it was a flashy show for a flashy performance. Yes... a flashy show, a flashy performance, AND Acrobatics. Very flashy and fitting indeed... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I get TM62 Acrobatics, and the Ringmaster announces that for those in the audience anxious for their moment with Ciel-- Find those Battle Passes. She thanks everyone for coming, and the show ends.

In the Circus Office, the Ringmaster congratulates both Ciel and I for a very well done performance. Ciel says that it was naturally well done, BUT the Ringmaster tells her not to do more stunts like that in the future. Ciel asks if it's her, and says that she hasn't a clue as to what the Ringmaster might be referring to. The Ringmaster explains that the only reason she went with it is because they ARE short on performances with Terra gone. Ciel thanks the young master for her benevolence and mercy, but the Ringmaster tells her to just go back to sassing Samson because she's got a closing ceremony to do. Samson says that it was nice, but Ciel doesn't want to hear it. She tells him that her battle was better than his, and she laughs. Samson shuts down the computer, and thinks that they can agree that both of their battles beat getting lost in a digital void. I certainly enjoyed exploring inside it, and catching a Shiny Porygon.. AND battling Mewtwo. He says that he's going to go blow some steam, and he leaves. Ciel thinks to herself, and supposes that I have business too. She says that it's been quiet here lately, but supposes it's to be expected. She says that it's lonely at the top, and sees that I intend to go back to the city. She wishes me best of luck, wherever I go.


Just then, a door or stairs open, but I go ahead and talk to Ciel who walks over to the couch. She says that she will not say she misses them, uncouth and hapless as they both may be... She says that she doesn't need to say that she misses them for everyone to know, but perhaps she should work on her acting after all. I start to leave, but then I see that it is the conclusion of Episode XV. I have Fly, but I will be unable to use it on the field until Episode XVI is released. However, I can feel free to explore otherwise. I'm still locked out of Agate, but I can still bypass it while waiting for Episode XVI. However, pre-Agate HM areas may not be functional until they can normally be reached. However, in order to use Fly upon the release of Episode XVI, I MUST return to this room. Until then, I enjoy a nice teaser...




"Today, the heart of Reborn falls. How marvelous..."

That means that I DEFINITELY have to go back to the city... I gotta take a good look at the place, too!






Current Pokemon Stats

Some of my Pokemon leveled up, considering I only used three Pokemon in this battle. Falcone and Hydra are my MVP's for this chapter, but Seaking is still a pretty good trooper! I taught Steel Wing to Falcone just for this battle, so now he has Roost again. But with that said... Episode XV is finished!




Name: Falcone

Level: 74

Moves: Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Superpower, Roost



Name: Charles

Level: 74

Moves: Wing Attack, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Heat Wave



Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out



Name: Hydra

Level: 75

Moves: Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite



Name: Amelia

Level: 73

Moves: Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Teleport



Name: Archer

Level: 65

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash



Name: Corey

Level: 72

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch



Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam



Name: Zero

Level: 60

Moves: Discharge, Lock-On, Tri-Attack, Magic Coat



Name: Auriol

Level: 70

Moves: Close Combat, Swords Dance, Extreme Speed, Ice Punch



Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 72

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look



Name: Metagross

Level: 74

Moves: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm



Name: Seaking

Level: 73

Moves: Soak, Drill Run, Waterfall, Surf



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform



Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl



Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip

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  • 8 months later...

Thought this was dead?  So did I.  Seriously, when I first came to the new forum, I couldn't even find this thread at all, I was stressed, it was not fun.  But then I hear word that it IS here, but just archived.  And now....  After a long day of working my ass off from my job, we are back! 


Special shoutout to Amethyst, THE One and Only who NOT ONLY fixed the archiving problems that the more older playthroughs faced (Reborn included, yes, this was made like, three years ago now?  Holy shit), but also released Episode XVI, which I will OFFICIALLY start after I beat Pokemon Moon.  Or when the spoiler lock is done, or whenever.  Do not worry, I will still do the post story for Alpha Sapphire, and continue on Rejuvenation (Which is also fixed now too, don't worry fam), and all of that.  I know school, work, and other things can take up quite a huge chunk of my time, but never fear!  Slowly, but surely, each story will be done one way or another (Yes, I'm talking about them post-stories, too, I see you bois!).  But once again, I can shape these playthroughs into bootiful beautiful masterpieces!


Until then, Soon™

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  • 1 year later...

OKAY, soooooo back in Episode 15, I decided to take the path of battling Taka, thinking that would lead to the extra story.  It did, until it changed in Episode 17.  With me wanting to complete all of the Anna and Shade stuff, I decided to go back and NOT battle Taka this time.  Don't worry, I'll still be doing both paths.


Basically what Taka does is get upset that I didn't help him, so he just leaves.  As for the attacks up in Fiore Manse, it was a liiiitle harder this time since I didn't get that exp from Taka, but I managed (I almost lost against Fern and Blake if Florinia's Ferrothorn hadn't beaten Fern's Serperior).  Seaking was still a trooper, even working hard against Solaris' team.  It deserves a spot in my team.  As for Ciel, I haven't battled her yet, but I'm probably gonna win anyway, so it's whatever.


From what I heard, Episode 17 is a HUGE gamechanger, and I'm excited to actually start playing again.

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  • 3 months later...

Chapter LV: The New And Improved Land of Reborn, Making Reborn Great Again!


...No?  Sorry, just wanted to make a fun, creative title...  But we are finally into the contents of Episode XVI in this story, even though I jumped from Episode XV to Episode XVII, but still!  On with the story!  Now I originally was going to do a chapter of tiny stuff I still needed to do BEFORE doing the story for Episode XVI, but I guess it's turning out to be much more than I thought!


As I exit from the Big Top's computer room, I am overwhelmed with the flow of cheery, happier music of the city.  However, that's not all I get, as I receive content of the PULSE Dex, and Field App Notes!


First, I teach Charles Fly, then fly to Calcenon City.  Turns out Charlotte is watching out for Meteor instead of Saphira, who is sleeping.  I see Cain and Hardy, who are out looking for Anna and Noel.  Cain says that that they went missing all of a sudden, but has a lead on what happened.  Anna said that Nostra had something to show her, and that they'd be right back.  However, things aren't looking good, as they've been gone for a long while...  Hardy says that both of them are MIA.  He says that they rolled out of the east exit from Calcenon, but there is no trace.  He suspects Meteor got them, just like Aya, and is determined to bring them down.  I then head back to Eclipse's house, and I am FINALLY able to go to her room.  I then grab the mysterious item... the SHINY GEM.  As if I haven't already found shinies.  Seriously, just today, I found a shiny Donphan, and I was trying to AVOID wild Pokemon.  I take one look at Eclipse's lifeless body, and leave.



Eclipse... I know you were a Meteor, but if there is any way to revive you, I would.  I would even use Arceus' power to save everyone and make Reborn great again myself.  #MRGA



With that said, I finally fly to Reborn City.



Holy shit, the city looks BEAUTIFUL!!!  The flowers, the trees, the buildings, the people!  EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!! Make Reborn Great Again has launched with a successful start!  But there is still more work to be done before Reborn can truly be great again!  Starting with 7th Street...



Out of curiosity, I head down to the spot in 7th Street where there is a healing machine and a PC.  However, I find a ladder, and it takes me all the way down to a new part of the Water Treatment Center.  I find TM58 Skydrop, then head through the door, unlocking the door to the room Taka was in.  With nothing else at the moment, I leave.


I go to the PC, drop most of my team in there, and talk to a new face near the black market.  He remembers me from when I saved him in Beryl when he was trapped.  He's in a place like 7th street because he's still on official business with the police.  He reveals that they've known about this place for quite a while, and there was some debate on whether or not they should step in during the city's restoration, which may yet happen.  However, for the time being, the chief's orders were to just monitor and leave it alone.  It is understandable, because if the people here think that the police don't know about this place, they'll keep their business here.  This way, the police can keep watching them, collect evidence, and be able to nail them when it really counts.  If they were able to pull a bust here, then after a while, the people would find some other cranny the police don't know about to do their shady business, and the police would lose control that way.  He tells me to leave this to them, and they'll make sure this place doesn't fester too much.  He tells me to take care, as Reborn's got a lot riding on me.


With that nice reunion, I head on over to the black market in the corner.  Yeah, I've got a bust of my own to settle!  All the Pokemon are up for sale, using shards.  The trader's got a strict policy: He doesn't say where he gets them, and he doesn't say where he sells them.  Umm... Isn't he selling them right in front of me?  He also obviously got them from Team Meteor, these were all in Blackstream Factory!  Well, except for that perfect Shiny Ditto I saved...  So for sale, we have Cyndaquil, Jigglypuff, Makuhita, Lickitung, Loudred, Vanillite, Roggenrola, and Abra.  Yup, all from Blackstream Factory!  I start off by buying Cyndaquil, who comes from Sanford.  I name him Cinder, then I get Jigglypuff, who comes from Santiago.  I name her Jiggles, then proceed with the next.  I buy Makuhita next, who comes from Felicia.  I name him Mako, and buy Lickitung, who comes from Myles.  I name her Felicia, and move on to the next one.  I buy Loudred next, who comes from Lillin.  I name her Mary, then move on to the Vanillite, who comes from Eustace.  I name him Cream, and buy Roggenrola next, who comes from Mr. McKrezzy.  I name her Roxy, and finally buy Abra, who comes from Arzelle.  I name her A Bra.  Seriously, the pun is already there.



After I buy out the whole black market, I leave.  Just then, Arc shows up, and asks if I remember him from the nightclub.  He says that he's been keeping his eye on this place for a while, and there's something fishy about it.  He's seen me buy from the guy a few times, but I don't seem like his typical customer.  Arc is sure that the Pokemon this guy is selling are stolen, and he isn't ABOUT that life.  Most of the trader's customers don't care a thing about Pokemon, and they usually end up abusing them.  Arc informs that if these Pokemon really are stolen, it might not be practical to find their original owners, but at least we can get them to a good place, which is where I come in.  He gives me the mission of buying up the rest of the Pokemon.  Which I already did...  He won't sell them to Arc because he's raised hell here in the past.   Once we clean his stock, Arc is going to bust in and clean his clock and make sure this guy gets shut down for good.  However, he sees that I already did it, and says that he owes me one for sure.  He can rest a bit easier knowing the Pokemon will be taken care of no matter what.  As for the guy, he won't do anything out in the open, but putting it shortly... Next time I'm around 7th Street, I won't be expecting to see him again.  Arc gives me a Lucky Egg as a little thank you, and tells me to do what I will.  He also says that if I ever get into the nightclub, I should hit him up for sure.



While I'm still down in 7th Street, I stumble upon a facility with three scientists.  The first scientist says that they can pull something off with the help of the Aether Foundation's data, but he can't help but feel nervous.  One miscalculation could cost not only the whole project, but all of their lives, too.  He feels like he should just double-check their measurements again.  The second scientist says that they've been tremendously lucky so far, and if they can just secure a few more components, they should be able to create a perfect match. I then talk to the lead scientist, who appears to be talking to the subject in question, promising that they won't leave it in its state for long.  She then turns to me, and sees that street trash blew in.  She wants me to leave, so she battles me with Mimikyu, Tsareena, and Mismagius.


After I beat Nadira's Pokemon, she still thinks I'm here to steal their research, and she won't allow it.  What do you take me for, a thief?  She says that she's worked too hard to bring this to life just to let it go again.  She shows me the creature, and says that it's taken months to get this far and even now, all they have is the main body, control system and framework.  She asks if I know what it is, and knowing DAMN WELL what the Aether Foundation is knowledgeable of, I would assume that is a Type: Null that they have in their possession.  She thinks I'm still there to take it, but it's no use like it is now.  She sees I could be a blessing to them, for they've had some setbacks in development, and their funding has really run dry.  She'll do anything she can to finish him, but if they can't get the right parts, then they're at an impasse.  All they need now are the organic components to bring him to life.  She sees that I'm clearly a competent trainer, and asks if I would be willing to help her finish her baby.  I say yes, and she considers herself lucky.  She knew I would understand, and thinks that the tasks that she has for me will be perfectly in line with my skill set.  First, she asks me to find her a Carvanha.  Any will do, and she'll take it from there.  Even hacked ones?  Even if not, I can always breed one from Archer.  Don't worry, it's completely safe... Right?  I give her a Carvanha, and she can feel it coming to life already.  She says that she'll handle it from here, but there is another Pokemon they need.  Nadira needs Unfezant this time, either gender will do. 


I talk to the scientist walking out the door, and he says that even though he signed onto the project, he can't help but question the ethics of it.  Especially when we bring the live material in, he wonders.  I bring her back an Unfezant, and she says it's gorgeous, and how even more gorgeous it will become.  Nadira says that I'm a treasure, and there is just one more thing she needs.  This time, she needs a Luxray.  I go and find her Luxray, and bring it back.  She gets shivers from all the excitement, and says that she'll get right to work.  She'll need time, but if I come back a bit later, then our precious will surely be ready.  She also adds that this is much less painful than what most women go through, and maybe she's lucky after all. 



I can't help but notice both of the other scientists slowly leaving as I go and catch her the Pokemon for her.  Maybe it IS dangerous...  I feel even more bad for Nadira...  She wasn't able to have her own child, so she had to make a creature and call IT her child...  It's gonna come back and bite her in the ass, I'm sure.



I come back a little while after, and see her by the machine's door, which is now open.  Nadira welcomes me back, and says that she's missed me.  Okay... So much for the outsider treatment from earlier...  Now I'm legit concerned for your safety.  Then again, what do I know?  I'm just a soulless, blank, silent protagonist.  She says that everything is finished now, and he's inside, looking perfect.  She asks me if I want to meet him, and she can't wait.  We head inside the machine, and it gives a roar.  Nadira says that he's so beautiful, and says that we really did it, her and I.  She states that everyone else disappeared, but I'm still here.  No shit everyone left, this thing seems dangerous!  And now she says that we have this perfect baby to call our own.  She thinks I'll make a wonderful father, saying that we'll take good care of him together...


...Before getting viciously mauled by it, blood everywhere, music coming to a complete stop. 






She realizes that her "perfect baby" still had the memories from those Pokemon after all. 



I mean, those Pokemon were literally made by my own hands, I technically am the father of it.  I should probably be the one murdered for making fake Pokemon solely for this purpose, BUT HEY... at least I'm not trading them to people or battling with them, right?  ...Right?  I mean, I'm only doing this JUST to make it a little faster for me.  It's been AGES since I've done this playthrough, after all, and grinding is not how I want to start where I left off...  ...Hate me if you want, I'm just gonna keep going.  Shutting up now.



She understands, but tries to defend by saying that what she did to them was... she only wanted to love him, because she could never have a child of her own, so...  She tells me to please take good care of it... ...and then she dies.  It then goes to attack me, and I send out Charles.  It's probably a good thing I still have Dragon Rage on him, or I would fear trying to take out Type: Null.  I whittle its health down to red, then throw a bunch of Luxury Balls at it because I'm rich as hell.  I eventually catch it, and name him Goddard because I'm fucking Jimmy Neutron over here.


With one solemn look at the facility, I leave in silence as I say my goodbye.



You know, Nadira, one thing you might have not known was that you did create the perfect child.  You created a Shiny Type: Null... One that I am sure will evolve into a god with many different forms... And I must find these memories for it to obtain.  I will create new memories for it, and make it the Perfect Child it was meant to be.  Thank you... Nadira.



I head outside, and Archer, my good boss from the Aqua Gang.  I talk to him, and he says that they haven't seen me around in a while.  He was starting to get worried that something had happened to me.  Even if I'm here now, a lot has been going on.  He says that everything has changed, except 7th Street.  But that just goes to show that this place isn't as safe as they thought it was.  He informs that the Aqua Gang has been kept busy, but not with our usual method of business.  From the beginning, the whole operation was just an underhanded way to fix the city.  When the city started fixing itself, Archer had the gang get involved.  However, somewhere between purses and picks, and mortars and bricks, he realized that even if they fix the city, nothing will fix them because they are a crime rate.  The Aqua Gang is a pattern of habits that pull each other into backwards lifestyles with shallow justifications.  And so, he's decided to disband the Aqua Gang.  He knows that it's not simple, as studies show that recidivism among gang members is particularly high unless they have adequate alternative social and economic structures.  In other words, nothing is going to change unless they all have somewhere else to go instead.  For instance, if they had new jobs, which would cover both halves of their needs fairly cleanly.  He's already talked about all of this with them, and they aren't taking it seriously.  He'll continue to try to get through to them, but he has a task for me: They don't really have the motivation for normal work, but if I can find something that would interest each of them, that might change.  He wants me to talk to everyone, figure out what kind of place they might want to work, and bring them an application from that place.  It's not like they'll ask for an application though, so I will have to be direct about it by using it from my inventory.  Then once that's done, just to come talk to him.


I talk to Pierce first, and he doesn't like it one bit.  He just wants to find a place that's quiet, to leave him in peace.  I then talk to DeFacto, who completely ignores the job-seeking ideals Archer now has.  However, he does add that a slightly more intellectual line of work would be a boon for him.  Knowledge is the seat of personal growth, but aside from which downcast countenances are the most likely customers, there's little to be learned here.  I then talk to Razzy, who is actually positive about getting a job.  He wants to work at a place that is upbeat and nearby.  He still lives with his parents, so the closer the better.  I finally talk to Mannie, who doesn't know what to do.  He's only good at doing what he's told, and he needs specific instructions.


I know just the places!

Pierce: Apophyll Academy

DeFacto: Beryl Library (I mean, he's a pretty smart guy, right?)

Razzy: Sweet Co. (Which replaced Yuryu's building)

Mannie: Construction (Might have to do this one later)

Archer (Because why not?): Silph Co. (Painfully obvious, might have to do this one later too)


I first fly to Apophyll, and learn that Victoria's been doing great as Sensei.  She was one of the first volunteers for the city's reconstruction project, and I hear that they're always accepting new students.  I get an application for Pierce, then fly to the Beryl Ward.  I head to the Abandoned Power Plant and find a scientist there.  He's figuring out how to re appropriate this plant for the city restoration project.  However, the back room seems to be locked.  Which I unlocked ages ago.  He's already called down to the Grand Hall, and nobody has the key.  The plant belonged to the Yureyu company, so they would have the key, but they no longer exist.  However, I show him the key, and he gives me the Zap Plate.  I visit the library, and talk to the receptionist.  She has applications on the desk.  I take several, then talk to Gothitelle, who says I can take the Gothita that wants to see the world.  She also asks if I remember what she said...


"You will meet the void.  It will embrace you.  That much is inevitable.  What happens after that, however... That, not even Arceus must know."


Will I die at some point in the story?



I then go ahead and grab a bunch of applications all over the city because why not.  It'll make Adrienn happy.  However, I find a scientist who is able to fix the corrupted Pokeball I found ages ago.  He explains the process of Pokeballs, and says that the Pokemon can be corrupted as well if the ball is corrupted.  The data corruption is already at 96%, and he says that a Magnet Powder will help save it.  I give him the powder, and the data corruption is already at 98%.  Then as we try opening it, the corruption is at 99%.  However in just the nick of time, we save it.  We save a Ralts that was inside.  With less than 1% it could have survived.  With no trainer, it is safe to say Ralts is mine now.  I name him Justice, and leave, searching for more job applications.


I fly to the Jasper Ward, and a woman lost her engagement ring.  She threw it in the lake over a misunderstanding, but don't worry, I got this.  I fly over to Apophyll and start surfing on Lips, who I named from Seaking for humor.  I start surfing throughout Azurine Lake, and find a few caves where I find some neat items.  I then keep surfing until I find some dive spots.  Bingo, now I can really explore what's under Reborn!


I dive underwater, and find out something shocking...  Several buildings have been buried down here, and I find several rare items in them.  I find keys to other houses down here, shards, relic artifacts, etc.  I also find TM16 Light Screen in a separate dive spot.  When I get to the next set of sunken houses, I find TM 44 Rest and move onto the next set of houses since I can't unlock anymore houses for now.


The next set of houses I find are between the Peridot Ward and Apophyll, in Azurine Lake.  I find a Pokemon in a drawer who is sick.  I heal it with an antidote, and a Mudkip comes out!  Since I already have one, I take it with me anyway.  I even see it has two 31 IV stats!  I explore deeper, and find more.  I find a Splash Plate, and I eventually do find the diamond ring that was thrown to the lake!  AND the Oval Charm!






I head back up since I found all the stuff I needed to find, including one more key for another spot on the island.  I head back up, and make my way to the cave in the middle of Azurine Lake, Azurine Cave.  As soon as I walk in, I start to get a chill.  Realizing what I can do, I go and grab a Vanillite from the PC, and train it until it learns Blizzard.  I have it use Blizzard, and it freezes all of the water, with the exception of the waterfall.  However, I slide to the left and I find a mound with a TM and three Pyukumuku guarding it.  I fight the one at the center, and... it's level 100.  THIS PYUKUMUKU IS MINE!  After a while (because it KEPT KILLING ITSELF IF I DIDN'T HAVE GENGAR AND A TAUNT USER WITH ME), I finally catch him, naming him Pyukumuk, King of the Pyukumuku.  It is fitting, because he is a SHINY Pyukumuku that is level 100. I then grab TM40 Aerial Ace.  I climb up the waterfall on Lips, and find a Razor Claw and an Icicle Plate as I climb the second waterfall.  Freezing the water gives me access to a new cave, where I find the Alolaraichunium-Z, and an Audinite!


I leave the cave, and surf to Azurine Island, where I find TM88 Sleep Talk, seeing as I missed it before and accidentally slaughter an Amoongus.  (I thought it wasn't the only one!).  As I surf between Apophyll and the Coral Ward, I also find the Fist Plate on one of the beaches.  I eventually find my way to perhaps the last set of sunken civilization.  I go key hunting, and find an Eviolite in one of the houses.  I also find TM28 Leech Life in another.  I even go back to one of the locations that was previously locked to find a Glalitite.  I surf between the Coral Ward and Apophyll again, and actually find a dive spot I missed, where I find a house containing a Primarium-Z, and a field effect note for the Underwater Field!  Last but not least, I find a Weakness Policy on the beach.  With all of that said and done, I think it is time to fly back to the Jasper Ward.


I fly back to the Jasper Ward, and she is shocked I found the diamond ring.  She says I am a true savior, and says that she chanced upon something interesting... in which she considered doing something drastic in order to pay for a custom replacement.  She gives me some "Classified Information" and says that at least she won't have to be responsible for it.



Well it's a good thing you gave it to me...  From the sounds of it, you were probably gonna do some things...  I mean, "Don't tell anyone?"  I know for a FACT that Kinsoku Jikou is a reference to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya!  ...What?  I saw the coding, ya sneaky dogs...  I'm so proud...  I know EXACTLY what to do with it...



I stroll through the Peridot Ward, and find a suspicious house.  I find a bookcase blocking a doorway, and I THINK it has to do with the Beryl Wall.  So I head to the Beryl Wall down in 7th Street, and a passageway is opened up.  I head through it, and I'm back in the house.  However, while exploring the Beryl Wall, I also find a 'Rare Candy.'  Remembering that somebody down there wanted their fix, I head over there and give it to the guy, but then all of a sudden, my candy is stolen!  I find him in the corner of 7th Street, and battle him for it.  I get it back, and give it to the rightful customer, who gives me a SHINY Piplup!  I name him Pierce, and head back to Peridot from the secret passage.



I stroll some more when all of a sudden I find two men in the shady looking building I found the two Meteor grunts in when they were stealing the baby Pokemon.  I knew I should have taken Igglybuff instead...  The officer stops me, and states that this is a private space, asking how I got here.  The man behind him says that the door was left unlocked, telling him to be more careful in the future too.  The officer says that he'll just deal with me.  He searches me, and finds the confidential information I was previously given.  He assumes I was the thief, and says that it was a good thing the door was open.  The mysterious detective sees that one mistake solves another, and the officer tries to arrest me on the charge of theft of confidential documents.  After battling me, I end up winning but not after a loss, since I didn't want to go ALL the way back to Azurine Cave where I last saved.


After I beat him, the detective commends Officer Seer for acting without hesitation.  However, he must also learn to fully understand a situation before rushing into it.  He walks over to me and tells me to pardon his junior's hastiness.  He reveals that they are with the International Police.  He is about to introduce himself, but then just goes by his code name, Looker.  He says that they've come to Reborn after hearing about a certain organization that might be harming Pokemon.  His partner is still in training, so they might not be much help in the end.  Seer apologizes, but Looker says that if he thinks like a detective, then there will be no need for apologies.  He goes onto business, but not before asking me for my name.  I tell him my name, and then tell them how I came about the confidential information.  He is intrigued, and Seer asks if they should believe something like that.  Looker commends him for being alert on any red herrings, but does not believe I am lying, as I remind him of many other trainers he's met.  He believes I can be trusted, as I am returning the information.  He sees that it's still sealed, and sees there is nothing to worry about.  He thanks me for my assistance, and Seer says that it was his responsibility for losing the information.  He rewards me with a Pink Pearl, and during his search for the files, he found that.  He's not sure if it is valuable, but he hopes it can serve as his apology.  Looks like a Spoink's pearl...  I'll probably just give it to its owner.  Looker sees that it's all settled, and they must head back to work.  There is also much to be learned, so progress may be slow.  He says that it was a pleasure to meet me, but they must bid farewell and that maybe we will see each other again.  They leave, and I pick up the item in there, which is a Mind Plate!


I fly over to the Coral Ward and head to a warehouse, where I find a girl with a Spoink.  She says that her Spoink lost its pearl, and without their pearls, Spoinks usually get really, really tired.  I feel so bad for this Pokemon...  If it stops bouncing, too, it dies.  She gave it a crystal ball to replace the pearl for a while until they find it, which to her surprise, I have it.  We give it to Spoink, and it goes back to normal.  She gives me the crystal ball, and I leave.


I learn that one of the lighthouses is inaccessible, and the other has a sealed door.  Nothing is impossible, as I somehow dive behind the inaccessible lighthouse, and find a way in.  I climb to the top, and I get a key to the other one and an Electrizer.  I unlock the door to the other house, and dive.  I find a Popplio being attacked by a Huntail and a Gorebyss.  I battle them, and Popplio wants to join me, which I accept.


I fly over to the Jasper Ward, and I get stopped by two "guardians" as I try entering a building.  They jump down from the building and say that a great fortune was stolen from there, so they're here to protect the place from future harm.  They battle me, and one of them looks like they're floating.  I beat them after two attempts (I didn't want to lose the Popplio!)  They were hoping to guarantee themselves a cut of the reward for finding whoever stole the fortune.  They realize that the fortune the old broad spoke of probably wasn't worth that much anyway.  They leave, and I head inside.  I go in one of the rooms, and I find TM51 Steel Wing. 


I then head upstairs, and find a woman who is surprised at the unexpected visitor.  She means no disrespect, but she is at a loss.  She asks if we met, and sees that we have not.  She introduces herself as the Miracle Eye Medium, Miss Direction.  She says that where other people are born

with the ability to know things that happened in the past, she is born with the ability to know things that will happen in the future.  But for those of them who can see the future, the past and present are a mystery.  However, she appears to be in a crisis.  Her fortune has gone missing, and without it, she cannot see the future, nor the past.  Until she gets it back, she is stuck in the present.  However, she knows I have the Crystal Ball she seeks, and so I give it to her.  With it, she feels like herself again, as it is the fortune she sought.  I tell her of the two "guardians", and she reveals they were nothing but goons trying to get her treasure.  She says she will give them a warm welcome, and she gives me an "R Key".  She says that if I need a reading, I can always come to her.  As thanks for my help, it will come at no cost.  However, I may already not like the outcome.



Curious, I ask her for my fortune.  She hopes that what she sees is different this time, as it sometimes is.  However, it is not.  What she sees in my future... is hard for her to understand.



"It is a future where you do not exist.  It is a future where there were never any traces of me existing.  This is strange, because you are the only one I will ever see such a thing for.  But let me tell you about this world you are not in. 


During a time that this ward is still garnished with a deadly flora, a boy with a beaded tooth necklace steps forward to destroy the chaos.  He earns friends to fight alongside him.


A man with spiked bracelets...


Another with azure hair...


A girl blessed with a sleeping star...


And a taciturn woman in a black and red suit.


Together they cut the tainted roots away from this city, purge poison from the lake, and chase fire from the mountain peaks.


And then...  The city streets crack, spiked bracelets splinter in the fissure below.  Shining armor strikes.  Azure hair is re-dyed red.  An enemy of his own blood stands before him, and beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again.  The sleeping star invokes a wish.  From there, the suited girl disappears.  And that future follows shortly after."


"...From looking through your time, that is all I can see.  I hope that you come to understand it better than I will."



What... the... FUCK.  FERN is the hero of Reborn if I didn't exist?  And although it is a tragic future, he actually is a hero.  Maybe if I didn't exist, the world would be better off...  OF COURSE IT WOULDN'T, DIDN'T YOU ALL HEAR THIS WOMAN?!  EVERYBODY FUCKING DIES.  If there is one thing I do feel, is that I feel even more sad for Fern.  If we weren't around, he actually could help change Reborn in a good way rather than side with Team Meteor.  And the people who are with him?  Let me guess... Arc, spiked bracelets.  Cal, blue/red hair.  Anna, girl with sleeping star.  And black and red suit woman?  I don't really think it's Charlotte.  Maybe it's the ringmaster from Agate?  Doubtful.  Maybe its someone we've never seen before?


What I got from this is that these five heroes went on to do what WE do.  Stopping the PULSES, saving Reborn, but then something went wrong.  Something went wrong to the point where Arc dies, Cal betrays and joins Team Meteor with Blake (Or at least that's what I got out of that), and Fern is defeated.  Anna makes a wish on Jirachi, and the mystery woman disappears before everything else does.  Strange, but I feel like this sort of thing might either happen in an alternate dimension, or in our own future.  And I was actually thinking this was the past, and we were a second chance to save Reborn or something, who knows for sure.



With that said, I leave in hopes of finding the owner of the R key.  I head to the Peridot Ward and see that Blacksteam Factory has become a shelter now.  While I'm there, I actually find a familiar face... Randall!  He's glad I made it out of that creepy cult place, he escaped too.  He fell back on some habits, but here he is, doing better than ever.  He says that this place is a blessing compared to Arceus.  The staff was nice, and he got to collect all sorts of books.  He's got books back home, too.  He wants to actually go back home, but he lost his house key.  Which I have.  The ID people thought he was bamboozling them, and fate doesn't want him home.  But that's also why he picked up Klefki, who is a magnet for lost keys.  He checks every now and then, but then he sees the key on me.  He says I'm a better Klefki than Klefki is, which means he can now go home.  He says that Klefki might get bored now since he's not traveling around anymore, and says I might get more use of her.  I name her Boo Boo Keys, and she is SHINY!  Level 60, and she is holding a key from the Sanctum!  After that, I talk to the old main on the third floor, and he explains how Blacksteam changed into a shelter.  I then leave for Chrysolia.


Since we are on the theme of water for this chapter, it seems appropriate that I fly to Tanzan Cove.  I find the fisherman there who gave me the Old Rod from way back when, and he says that he's traveled far and wide until he found the perfect place to fish.  There's nobody home, so he'd make himself comfortable for a while until they get back.  Good luck with the big, gaping hole, buddy.  I dive in the water, and I see bodies.  I see five of them, as Simon told me in the past, and they each have an ID...



Winter Green... or Billiard Irving Grossbury (Make up your mind, kid!)


Chad Fournier...


Minta Alkaev...


Michaela Hermann... (Who also gives me a Spooky Plate from her corpse...)



I then find Tara's body, but her ID is missing.  I head back up to talk to the fisherman, and he is shocked that I'm looking for bodies.  He sternly tells me that he's not going to ask questions no matter what he fishes up, so I don't need to kill him off as a witness or anything.  He knows I didn't kill anyone either, and he says he'll cooperate.  He says that there are a bunch of Whiscash down in the lake, and one of them was pulling something around under the surface.  He didn't think of it much at the time, but whatever I am looking for might have been grabbed by one of the Whiscash, meaning that it must have eaten the evidence I'm looking for.  He says it's not going to be a stroll in the lake to recover it.  He gives me a Super Rod, saying that if I fish one of them up, I should bring it to him, and he'll do the dirty work of searching for me.  He warns me that there are a LOT of Whiscash in the lake, so there is no guarantee we will even find it.  I go and catch a Whiscash, and bring it to him.  Unfortunately, it wasn't the one.   However, I find one that actually has it, and he gives me Tara's ID Tag.  He's glad he could help me out, and he asks if I'll let him live.  I mean, I wasn't going to kill you, so yeah? 


I fly back to the Peridot Ward, and talk to Simon.  He just wants to forget everything, but then I flash the ID Card, and he's shocked I was actually able to retrieve it.  He reads "Tara Copperman", and he pauses.  He says that's his last name, and says he has much to reconsider.  He thanks me for being as good of a friend to him as I was an adversary.  He's sure it wasn't easy to get this, considering the circumstances, so he gives me TM06 Toxic in return.  He says it was being passed around the other Meteors as he left, but he imagines I'll get more use out of it now.  He then says that if it's all the same to me, he's going to go think about his life choices.  He leaves, and off I go.





I know what I can do before I do anything else!  I have a Type: Null, I'm gonna go memory searching!






Current Pokemon Stats:

Some of my Pokemon leveled up, and some learned new moves.  Quite a few new Pokemon joined the team, too!  Although it seems that this chapter was more aquatic themed than I was expecting, we're coming back with an amazing start!




Name: Falcone

Level: 74

Moves: Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Taunt, Roost




Name: Charles

Level: 75

Moves: Fly, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Heat Wave



Name: Pierce

Level: 15

Moves: Water Sport, Peck, Icy Wind, Agility




Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out




Name: Hydra

Level: 77

Moves: Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite




Name: Amelia

Level: 73

Moves: Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Teleport




Name: Boo Boo Keys

Level: 60

Moves: Play Rough, Magic Room, Heal Block, Switcheroo




Name: Archer

Level: 65

Moves: Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash




Name: Corey

Level: 72

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch




Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam




Name: Zero

Level: 60

Moves: Discharge, Lock-On, Tri-Attack, Magic Coat




Name: Auriol

Level: 71

Moves: Close Combat, Swords Dance, Extreme Speed, Ice Punch




Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 73

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look




Name: Megaman X

Level: 74

Moves: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm




Name: Seaking

Level: 74

Moves: Soak, Dive, Surf, Drill Run



Type: Null

Name: Goddard

Level: 50

Moves: X-Scissor, Take Down, Metal Sound, Iron Head



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform




Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl




Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl




Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip


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I don't even know if it's the first written Reborn playthrough out there, but what I DO know that since it is an old playthrough, things might look off or so.  That's because it was around since before the site changed its look.  When that happened, it seemed to compact everything together, making paragraphs and spacing seem really tedious to have to do all over again.  Once I finish up with the new stuff I haven't gone through yet, I'll most likely go back and polish it so it looks like what it was before.  Maybe I might make one on Hardcore once I'm done with this and Rejuv's (Which might be coming back soon as well)

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter LVI: Reliving Memories Of Stickers And Training, The Perfect Child!



After setting out to find memories for Goddard, I realize that I still need stickers!  I fly to Apophyll, and a girl is in need of a TV.  I go and steal the community TV in the main hall, but then another girl is upset, and battles me for the TV back.  I beat her, and she's forced into doing work, but I tell her I'm doing this for a girl in her dorm.  It turns out that they are roomates, meaning that the TV would still go to her anyways.  She then goes to where she was before, denying she saw me, and that we never battled, and I was never here.  She tells me to take the TV and go quickly, so I haul the huge TV down to the girl in her room.  Even she is shocked, as I actually brought her a TV.  Yup, just picked up the whole fucking TV and just carried it down here...  She is extremely happy as I quickly set it down and she hopes she doesn't get in trouble.  She gives me a Department Store sticker, but SINCE I am here, I'll study a bit.  I talk to each of the people reading books from the shelves, and they each read me something interesting...



"The Value of Loss and the Danger of Victory": "For Trainers, many emotions can be attached to the outcome of a battle: Joy, disappointment, excitement, relief, embarrassment...  Truly, the tumult of combat is a sculpted roller-coaster of emotions.  However, in that chaos, many people lose sight of what it is that really matters.  The moment a battle concludes, it ceases to be meaningful in itself.  For combat itself, what is important is the coming wars.  As such the purposes of the previous fight's result are often distorted by emotion.  To win many fights may be exciting, but it also spells the impending loss.  On the other hand, to lose is a blessing.  A loss becomes an opportunity for growth.  And of course, personal growth will propel you further and higher into life than you could ever imagine.  Remember, always learn from your losses.  If you are able to do so, then you have secured an even greater victory."


"Balance of the Mind and Body": "The body and the mind are two very powerful tools.  Yet, so often do many people focus too much on one or the other, they neglect to keep the balance.  Remember that everything in the internal world is reflected on the external world.  To lose balance within yourself is to lose the balance of life.  The mind and the body are two halves of the same coin.  They must work together, and be strengthened together.  Too often do people flip the coin hoping that it may
land on the side of their choosing.  However, this is a needless gamble.  When you strengthen both the body and mind, no matter which side the coin may land on, you will still be strong."


"A Brief Review of Energy": "Energy exists in many forms, but it is seldom adequately appreciated.  One form of energy that is often neglected is that that exists not as power or potential, but the very spirit of being.  When you form a fist and strike, you are transferring energy.  The energy transfers through your body.  If you strike a target, it transfers into the target, damaging it.  This is commonly understood.  But consider the transfer of energy if you do not strike a target.  What happens to it?  In answer, the energy still transfers even if no target is struck.  The very action of punching itself carries a force which is understood universally.  Even if you do not punch someone so much as punch at them, some part of them will still feel the impact of the punch's energy.  It may not manifest as physical pain or damage, but the energy will continue to flow, as always it does."


"How to Meditate": "Meditation is simply the art of clearing your head of thoughts.  Although this sounds simple, it can be very difficult for the unpracticed.  To begin, play calming music, or find a quiet place, or place with some other natural rhythm (for instance, the rhythm of waves dancing on the beach).  Find a comfortable seated position, and close your eyes.  Then simply think about nothing.  When you first try this, you will quickly realize how difficult it is for you to stop thinking.  Thoughts will drift in and out despite your efforts.  This is normal.  But each time you find yourself thinking again, force yourself to return to a blank slate.  For beginners, it is also sometimes helpful to instead think only about the rhythm of one's breath.  Continue in this way to practice clearing your head and keeping it free of distraction for as long as you wish to meditate."



With all of this knowledge, I speak to the girl on the balcony, who came back after being gone for a while.  She gives me a Meditite, and since I'm already here, I head off to explore Apophyll to find memories for Goddard.  I head into the cave I previously explored, and I find TM41 Torment and the Dragon Memory, while also finding some rocks I can blow up.  I then leave and fly to Spinel Town.


When I head to Spinel Town, I apparently get the Department Sticker right away, even though I am SUPPOSED to save the person after she warps away, and I have to get her medicine after she injures herself.  Maybe I did this one before, I don't remember.  Since I am here anyways, let's re-explore Chrysolia!


First thing's first, I visit Serra in her estate.  However, she is nowhere to be seen, so I go upstairs and check every room again.  I find the Bug Memory in Bennett's room.  I wonder how that loser's doing...  If I know anything, it's that we'll most likely be seeing him next episode, complete makeover.  Calling it now.  I leave and head to the museum, where I find an Eevium-Z in a room on the second floor of another building in front of the museum.


I head to the Chrysolia Springs, which were completely revamped since way back when, since I'm doing Episode XVI's content.  I get confused at first, but then realize I'm supposed to push rocks into holes and over water springs to spring myself to higher places.  I find several items as I explore, such as the Red Card, the Razor Fang, I also get the Flame Plate, then find a way around to get to a room with thick steam.  I make my way through, and find the Fire Gem and a Magmarizer.  Eventually, I get TM43 Flame Charge.  In another part of the sauna, I find a Flame Orb, and when I make it to the last sauna room, I find a Cameruptite! 


I re-explore Mysidia Railcave, and this time I follow the path with two rocks rather than the path that the rails don't face.  Instead, I am taken into a room where I find TM100 Confide, and a Field Effect I already had.  I also find a hidden Ability Capsule and a few rocks to mine and blow up.  After that, I leave.


I head to the depths of Tanzan Mountain to find more rocks to mine, as well as a Seviper who's just drinking acid.  I catch it, then leave and fly to the still dark Vanhanen Castle, where I find the Psychic Memory in the room that Elias was in when he was teaching chess.


I then head to Iolia Valley, and explore.  On the way, I find a Protector, which is useful for evolving a Rhydon later on.  I mine a few rocks I missed, and punch some more walls.  I find an unstable room, and find the Dark Memory in it.  Just over the waterfall, I find some Dark Material...  I'll come back later to see if I can find some more.


I fly to the Beryl Ward and head to Rhodochrine Jungle.  I find the Dread Plate in the cage I was trapped in ages ago, and head into a cave where I find a Hyper Potion and the Rock Memory.  In addition, I also find TM01 Work Up on a bridge, and a Meadow Plate hidden in a bush. 


I head back in the city, and I find a girl's parents, who tell me all about her.  Her mother tells me that they've been so lonely after their daughter took off to join her place in the world.  She thinks that it's normal for parents after their kid leaves the nest, and she's happy her daughter's off living her life.  However... she's changed drastically over a short period of time.  She says she would be lying if she said she hadn't thought drugs were involved, but she always came up totally clean.  Strange, children can be.  I talk to the girl's father, and he asks if I'm challenging the gym league.  He adds that their daughter is a gym leader too, and she's actually a lot of things.  From computer technician, to even being a lion tamer at Agate Circus!  He says that they are SO proud of her, and that she's a real peach; I'd absolutely love her.  Yup, I sure do, considering how crazy and rawrsome she is.  Probably even more so in bed.  I talk to him again, and he says that for a while, they were really worried about her.   He notes that she would always lock herself in her room, and she was so shy she wouldn't talk to anyone.  She wasn't the type to make friends at school, but she never went anywhere else, so she just stayed in her room and played video games all day.  They always asked, "what kind of a future would someone like that have?"  Then just one day, all of a sudden, she told them she was going off to pursue her life's secret dream of joining the circus.  And she did great!  He concludes by saying sometimes you just gotta let kids do their thing until they're ready.  I talk to the mother again, and she says that maybe their daughter changed as a result of meeting that girl...  She says the timing makes sense, but wonders how a kid like that could have such an impact on her.  She would say that one never knows what might become a formative experience, but it doesn't quite add up.  She rationalizes that maybe if she went into social work after they tried adopting that orphan girl, would make sense, but the circus?  Where would that come from?  She says it's almost like she became a completely different person overnight!  She shrugs, and says that as long as she's happy.  After meeting such a delightful family, I leave.



HOLD UP!  I KNOW that they are Terra's parents!  Now, I don't want to get too much into this shit right now, but that orphan girl they tried to adopt?!  That's gotta be somebody close to Terra, and I think you all know what that means...  I'll be analyzing this shit soon, but that's some DEEP stuff right there!



I fly to Agate Circus, and find a construction worker blocking off to the path of the Ferris Wheel.  He says that it's still not running, and he says that Terra put a number on it.  Again.  He wonders why Terra would go and put Alolan Exeggutors in every cart of the ride, but he should have learned to stop asking questions after the Wailord incident.  He also says that they were cleaning when they found something in the junk.  He was asked to dispose of it, but he thought it was still useful.  He gives me the Fighting Memory, and says that they've got to get her under control.  They've prohibited her from being around the Ferris Wheel ever since the time opened and found the entire structure perfectly intact, but upside down.  In retrospect, she might have just taken that as a challenge.


I fly to Calcenon City, and head out to where I fixed the stairs to the shortcut entrance.  I head into the room I found the Electrizer and Magmarizer, and find the Ghost Memory.


I evolve Goddard into Silvally, and then head off to Celestinine Mountain from the Cascade, and find TM21 Frustration.  I head left and make my way to Citrine Mountain.  I skip past the Skuntank because I'm saving him for later, and make my way up to the second floor.  I keep riding the waterfalls upward, finding items along the way, until I make it to the third floor.  I mine the rocks, and grab the Amplifield Rock, TM23 Smack Down, and the Grass Memory.


I head back to Celestinine Mountain, and I climb the ladder to the second floor.  I go to the dive spot, and make my way to the waterfall, where I go up to the next floor.  I then push the boulders into the walls with Charles, and slide on the ice through.  I climb the waterfall up to the fourth floor, and find rocks to mine, TM67 Smart Strike, and the Water Memory.


I fly to Ametrine City and head to the storage shed that Heather was trapped in.  In there, I find a machine that dispenses the Flying Memory!  What would Blake be doing with something like this?  Maybe he thought it was the Ice Memory...


I head back, and see a girl who's lost her necklace.  I also see an old man who's worried about a certain Pokemon.  I head up the mountain, but I find a Lucario on a roof!  It runs off, and the old man knows I saw it.  Whether by treachery or tragedy, it was abandoned by its trainer here and it resents humans.   He says that it decided to live in the chilled caves of Ametrine, rather than accept help from humans.  He says it might be impossible to catch, but if I'm determined, he's sure it could be found somewhere.  However, before I go off and find it, I head to the Pokemon Center to heal and switch out Pokemon.  In the building next over, there's a bunch of computers, and the admin is freaking out over viruses.  He says that it is a new type of virus, and I take it on myself.  Sure enough, it's a group of Missingno.  I defeat three of them in a row,  The system admin thanks me by giving me a Department Store Sticker, and I head on my way to find Lucario and that necklace.


I fly to the Lapis Ward and by the girl a Floral Charm.  I give it to her, and she makes a new necklace, giving me the Banettite as thanks.  I head to the eastern side of the mountain, and find Lucario with an egg, meaning it's a mother.  She pushes me away, and leaves with the egg.  I head back to the old man, who is surprised it is a female.  He guesses that it's seeking someone to look after its child, since it seems awfully close to the city.  Perhaps she realizes that this place is no place to raise a child.  He says that it'll seek temporary shelter in a cave.  I climb Ametrine Mountain, and find a small pathway that was once blocked off.  I follow it, and find Lucario, who challenges me to a battle.  Even though she is level 85, she isn't too difficult to fight, since Charles just burns through her.  After I defeat her, she takes a long while to consider, then bows her head slightly.  She disappears, and I head inside the cave.  I find the egg, along with the Fairy Memory.  I head back to the old man, and he is surprised it fled and left the egg to me.  He hopes Lucario will be well, and says it is up to me to raise the egg with the care Lucario herself did not receive.  He hopes it has a better life.


I fly to Route 1 and head inside the Nature Center, where I find a scientist who dropped his glasses in the woods... even though it looks like he's wearing glasses.  I find the Wide Lens on the third floor, and I am also given the Itemfinder.  Why have I not had this before?  I then head inside South Aventurine Woods, and traverse through the maze, fighting Heracross and Pinsir, clearing paths for Tauros to run through until I find the nerd's glasses.  I do the same for North Aventurine Woods, and I find a Sharp Beak and the Sharpedonite, perfect for Archer!  I go and return the glasses, and receive a Department Store Sticker.


Last, but not least, I finally grind out my Pokemon.  Piplup evolves into Prinplup, then Empoleon.  I grind Goddard to catch up as well.  With that all said and done, I believe it's finally time to get on with the show!




Before I conclude this chapter, I want to analyze some lore and shit.  What the FUCK happened to Terra that made her change so much?  Terra's family tried adopting LIN.  It sounds pretty obvious that a YOUNG LIN would go and persuade Terra to join the circus.  BUT THAT'S JUST HOW IT STARTS.  THEN, Terra joins Team Meteor there.  Because something is DEFINITELY up with Agate Circus.  Back in Episode XII, the Ringmaster said that her father mysteriously disappeared... In addition, around the circus, people talked of the history with how Agate Circus was formed.  Remember when they said that the man found crystals in a cave, and sold them to somebody for a shit ton of money to make Agate Circus?  I'm guessing that certain somebody was Team Meteor.  With Terra in Team Meteor, and given the history, who is to say that Samson and Ciel aren't agents of Team Meteor as well?  Who is to say that the RINGMASTER isn't a member of Team Meteor?  I mean, she DOES kinda look like ZEL (Well, Zero's case) a little bit, who's to say they aren't related?  But anyways, Lin rises in rank, so does Terra, so on and so forth.  Calling it now, but when we stop the sleeping signal, there's going to be a MAJOR conspiracy regarding Agate and Team Meteor...  Can't wait to write that one!


It's time to pay Ame a little visit now!







Current Pokemon Stats:

Some of my Pokemon leveled up, Goddard got some new memories, and I evolved Poseidon and Goddard.  Now Goddard is almost the Perfect Child, but he just still needs more Memories.  I just got all the ones I could at the moment.




Name: Falcone

Level: 74

Moves: Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Taunt, Roost




Name: Charles

Level: 75

Moves: Fly, Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Heat Wave



Name: Pierce

Level: 75

Moves: Surf, Metal Claw, Icy Wind, Agility




Name: Persian

Level: 64

Moves: Taunt, Cut, Bite, Fake Out




Name: Hydra

Level: 77

Moves: Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite




Name: Amelia

Level: 73

Moves: Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Teleport




Name: Boo Boo Keys

Level: 60

Moves: Play Rough, Magic Room, Heal Block, Switcheroo




Name: Archer

Level: 71

Moves: Surf, Crunch, Ice Fang, Slash




Name: Corey

Level: 73

Moves: Rock Smash, Poison Jab, Strength, Sucker Punch




Name: Henry

Level: 31

Moves: Teleport, Disable, Psybeam, Charge Beam




Name: Zero

Level: 60

Moves: Discharge, Lock-On, Tri-Attack, Magic Coat




Name: Auriol

Level: 75

Moves: Close Combat, Swords Dance, Extreme Speed, Ice Punch




Name: Eevee

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack



Name: Gengar

Level: 72

Moves: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Mean Look




Name: Megaman X

Level: 74

Moves: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm




Name: Lips

Level: 74

Moves: Soak, Waterfall, Dive, Drill Run




Name: Goddard

Level: 75

Moves: X-Scissor, Multi-Attack, Air Slash, Iron Head



Name: Ditto

Level: 5

Moves: Transform




Name: Bulbasaur

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl




Name: Mudkip

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Growl




Name: Tepig

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip


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