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Yeah, I'm doing this too.


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What's it like being latino?

Do you like tacos?

If you had to choose between a lifetime supply of pepsi or steak which would it be?

Favorite color?

Favorite games of the following genres: RPG, Fighting, Adventure, Action, Shooter, Puzzle, and Racing.

Where were you born?

How is your life?

Where are you going, where are you going, ________ ? (finish the sentence as your answer)

Favorite TV show?

What is love?

Favorite movie?

Least favorite thing?

Why are you so timid?

What's your serial number?

Are you a friendly robot or a non-friendly robot?

Can i call you Pablo?

Where do you want to go in life Pablo?

Pablo do you prefer sweaters or hoodies?

Rank yourself 1-10 for Looks and Personality

What do you do for fun?

How is working on a lawn fun?

What kind of oil do you use to keep your joints moving smoothly?

Have you short circuited before?

What land are you the royalty of?

How much can you blame RJ for these questions?

If you had to kill someone for the life of your 3rd child would you?

Are you willing to bring upon the apocalypse?

How often do you contemplate leaving your current life behind?

Do you know the muffin man?

How fast is the gingerbread man?

Who shot RJ at 12:48am 1/4/2013 in Assassin's Creed 3?

How often do you curse?

What's your favorite pokemon type?

Shut up, no one likes bug type, seriously what is it?

... what's wrong with you, why do you like bug type you weirdo?

Alright that was a bit harsh, can you forgive me?

How about dinner, steak and pepsi?

Do you want it at my place or yours?

Why won't you love me?

Do you have a bucket list?

Do you have an emergency plan?

Does your emergency plan include a quickly written bucket list?

Who is the 29th president of the united states?

True or False: Potato

Favorite villain of all time, in anything

Would you run a mafia?

Do you run a mafia?

Should i expect to be sleeping with the fishes?

Blub blub gargle gargle?

How many alts do you have?

How many identities have you stolen?

How many more do you plan to?

Do you remember the 5th of November?

How long have i known you?

Who are you?


I don't even?

Favorite pokemon gen?

Favorite game console?

Favorite game franchise?

Do you regret any life decisions?

Do you regret putting this up so i could do this to you?

Do you love me?

What was you nickname as a child?

How cool were you as a kid?

Will you ever wear a suit and tie purely because you want to?

How fancy can you be in 15 minutes?

Do you own a pipe, monocle, or pocketwatch?

What's wrong with you? Why don't you have all three?

Can i kill RJ?

How many more questions should i ask?

How many more will you answer?

Am i the antichrist?

Who would you go gay for?

Who am i kidding, robots don't have genders. What computer do you want in your harddrive?

How many smileyfaces can you make with your keyboard?

What's the lowest number you can count to?

Do you keep your savings in pesos or american dollars?

5 places you want to go before you die?

5 places you would want to die at?

Favorite element out of the traditional 4?

Favorite accent on a person?

How many questions has this been?

How many more are there left?

How many are there right?

Am i a troll?

What fantasy race would you be: Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf, Elf, or Half-Elf?

Favorite superhero?

Favorite song?

Least favorite food? (Hint: Anti-Steak is not a real food)

What would cause you to murder rj in cold blood?

what about in warm blood?

What crimes do you see yourself committing in the next 3 years?

When will the world end?

What are 14 aspirations you want to complete in your life?

How many of those will you actually do?

Ame asks: You should ask, what you should ask. Answer this?

What are you doing?

Thwarting my plans?

Are you?

In 1931, who planned the assassination of the leader of cuba?

Where is Paris, Idaho?

How many fingers does the average human have?

Why is you mouth so magical?

What's inside your closet?

What's inside your closet, when you are inside the closet?

What's it like outside the closet?

What's the stupidest thing you've done in the last 20 days?

What kind of car do you have?

Do you know how to rob a bank?

I jump into your car with a bag full of money while RJ is shooting back at the police on our tail. I tell you to drive while RJ is left behind, what do you do?

What if i was the gunman and RJ had the money?

Would i bail you out of jail?

How many times have you tripped on a flat floor?

Do you exercise often?

What color is your house?

How much money is in your wallet?

How much in your bank account?

What's your bank account information again?

What's your favorite restaurant?

How far is the closest one?

What words do you have trouble saying?

How long do you think it's taken me to type all these questions so far?

What game would you live in if you could?

What book?

What would you do for a klondike bar?

What is your favorite pastry?

Would you poke the pillsbury doughboy?

How often did you get sick as a child?

Do you own a poncho?

A sombrero?

When you grow a moustache is it thin and close to your lip or bushy and curly on the end?

What limb or body part would you be willing to sacrifice if needed?

What do you plan to do with your remains when you die?

What would be your preferred way to die?

How many pets have you had?

Do you have any now?

What country would you destroy first if you had such power?

Are you a prick?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Have you googled any of the answers for these questions so far?

Are you a liar?

Did anyone eat dinner that night?

Do you fuck with the white mage?

What class would you be in Final Fantasy?

You have to take 5 people on a fantasy adventure to save the world, name them and their character class?

Preferred weapon of combat?

Spirit animal?

Spirit pokemon?

Spirit spirit?

Spirit bomb or spirit gun?

Do you chew gum?

What's your father's father's name?

What game series have you always wanted to play but never had a chance?

If you had more time in your daily life what would you do?

What do you watch on youtube?

What do you do on a friday night?

If i threw a crazy party do you think i would invite you?

What webcomics do you like reading?

How much time do you spend on facebook?

Do you keep up with the global ongoings?

How many times have you though about the meat dimension?

Who would win in a fight, a gorilla or a grizzly?

What animal do you hate the most?

What are your weaknesses?

Who would you want as the voice of your conscience: morgan freeman or samuel l. jackson?

How much time do you spend on PO every week?

Why is RJ such a weird person?

This is the 149th question?

When do you plan to build a snowman?

Favorite pokemon of each Gen?

What do you have to say for yourself?

What will you build next time you play minecraft?

Will you ever stream yourself playing some video games?

What kind of music do you like?

Best kind of sandwich?

What kind of meat do you like in your mouth?

How often do you regret not being classy all day e'ryday?

Could you be a good rapper?

What's it like where you live?

What powers does Oysterman have?

Best memory between Frayiki?

Where do you want to go next winter?

What languages can you speak?

Spanish is a language? I thought it was a large dish....

Do you like snow?

What's your favorite weather?

When's the most wonderful time of the year?

Who was the Zodiac Killer?

What fruits do you like?

Would you snap into a slim jim?

Am i done asking questions?

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Do you like chewing gum?

What is your favourite smell?

How many different games consoles do you own?

Ricki suggested I ask a ton more question, what do you think of that?

When you eat steak, do you ever not use a knife and fork?

Don't you hate it when you get given a blunt knife when being served steak?

If you could make a clone of yourself, would you?

Would you kill Ricki if he turned into a zombie?

If you were offered 1 million dollars to eat your finger, would you do it?

Milk or juice?

Coffee or Tea?

School or work?

Who is the best tennis player in your opinion?

How much do you wish you didn't post this question thread?

Do you remember our first meeting?

Best memories from OOT?

Best memories from PBC?

Favourite Pokemon type?

When did you first buy a Pepsi?

Where did you first buy the Pepsi?

When did you first eat a steak?

Where did you first eat a steak?

How do you feel about short hair on women?

How do you feel about cyclists cycling on the road when there is a perfectly good cycle lane beside them?

Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in God?

Do you have a religion?

Are my questions getting even more random?

Do you like Honchkrow?

Do you enjoy books?

Favourite book?

Favourite film?

Top hats or bowlers?

Do you like mint?

Baths or showers?

Don't you hate it when Ricki asks tons of questions?

Fuckin' Ricki, right?

Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?

Family Guy or Simpsons?

Do you enjoy Rap music at all?

What talents do you have?

Have you ever wanted to be a princess?

Do you like chocolate?

Do you lift?

Do you work out much?

Ever broke anything?

Favourite smiley face?

Do you enjoy sleep?

Do you enjoy alchohal?

Prime attributes in a woman?

Favourite food other than steak?

Sorry or Thanks?

Yes or No?

Ever done drugs?

Do you like lamp?

Do you enjoy scented candles?

How do you feel about table cloths?

Who is your life mentor?

Do you have a good relationship with your family?

Who is your favourite if you had to pick?

Would you push Ricki off a cliff to save me?

Would you push me off a cliff to save RJ?

Would you push Ricki off a cliff for fun?

If you had to kill someone out of me Ricki and RJ who would it be? (You have to choose)

Knowing that it is Ricki, what would you kill him with?

Would you prefer me to ask happy questions?

Do you like the Happy Mask Salesman?

Do you like Mario?

Hookshot or Longshot?

Bow or gun?

Cop or robber?

Duck or cat?

Hen or chicken?

Goose or tractor?

Who is the best person on Reborn other than yourself?

Do you enjoy fishing?

Have you ever eaten a goat?

Would you eat a goat?

Do you like dogs?

Do you like cats?

Cats or dogs?

Men or women?

Do you use aftershave?

Do you shave?

Who is Bobby Horland?

Do you like toast?

Would you kill Ricki?

Jam or butter?

Jam AND butter?

How are babies made?

Who would you make a baby with?

Would you kill Ricki?

Who is your favourite superhero?

What is your ideal superpower?

Do you like the move superpower in Pokemon?

Favourite Gen in Pokemon?

Doesn't Gen 3 suck?

How much TV do you watch?

Do you go out much?

What happens when you enter Space?

Do you wash your hands after touching a door handle?

Who is your favourite wrestler?

Did you ever wrestle?

I'm done for now but I will return.

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Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum?

What was your favourite birthday?

Can you curl your tounge?

Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?

What would be your dream car?

Are you left or right handed?

What was the last book you read?

What was the last song you danced to?

Have you ever owned a yo-yo?

Have you ever been on a pogo stick?

Have you ever been on a space hopper?

Who was the last person to send you a text message?

Have you ever accidentally injured anyone?

Are you scared of spiders?

Can you down a pint (of anything) in one?

Have you ever been banned from a public place?

How much spam email do you tend to get a week?

If you could learn any language fluently what would it be?

What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life?

As a kid were you ever frighted of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard?

Do you like clowns?

Do you prefer BBC or ITV?

Have you ever been surfing?

Have you ever been snowboarding?

Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley?

Whats your favourite type of foreign food?

Which Foreign country do you dislike the most?

Do you like your music loud or easy listening?

Whats your favourite animated or cartoon program?

Do you sing in the shower?

Are you a clean or messy person?

Whats your prefered playing piece in monopoly?

Can or Do you still play twister?

Can you play chess?

Do you know the dance steps to an annoying cheesey pop song?

Do you prefer straight or bendy straws?

Have you ever entered a talent contest? and did you win?

Do you like poetry?

Are you a bad loser?

Which would you choose? Jelly or Ice Cream?

Whats your favourite type of Pie?

Whats your most used phrase?

Whats your most used word?

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

What would your dream job be?

Which song do you hate the most?

How long does it take you to get ready?

What do you think the greatest invention has been?

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex?

Whats your least favourite feature on the opposite sex?

Who's your favourite Comedian?

What's your favourite board game?

Do you have any lucky items, objects or traditions?

Do you have any superstitions?

Whats your favourite Movie quote?

Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer?

Do you have much of an ego?

Do you wear sunglasses indoors to look cool or stylish? (douche?)

Are you a hat person?

Whats your favourite supermarket chain?

Whats your favourite fastfood chain?

Whats your first thought upon waking up?

What animal would you most like to have as a pet?

Whats your favourite type of tree?

If you could bankrupt one person or company who would it be?

If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be?

Who's your favourite celeb with the same first name or surname as you?

If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in a box?

Whats your favourite flower?

Do you believe in the loch ness monster?

Do you believe in Aliens?

Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public?

Which is your favourite pokemon?


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What do you think of when you poop?

Did you answer the last question of my first post?




Does that count as three questions?

Which of my pokemon nicknames do you like the best?

What pokemon do you hate battling the most?

Would you kill mori for ONE SPACE DOLLAR?

How many Raditz is your power level?

Favorite Persona Characters?

Favorite Tales Characters?

How many people have i nicknamed on SU?

What kind of shirts do you wear?

Are you wearing any right now?

...Can i change that? ;D

Jk, lose the pants?

Drake or Josh?

Love me brotha?

Hori, Mori, and Ray, good sitcom or bad?

Who's the most attractive man you know?

No homo?

Top 5 trolls in your life?

Do you play music in your head?

Does your head have a cd player, mp3 player, or a radio in it?

What is your metal composition?

Do you need us humans to teach you how to love?

While you be a protective parent?

Do you own any weapons?

Why are their cinderblocks in your room?

What's your favorite cereal?

Do you drink tea?

What size bed do you have?

Big enough for two ;D ?

Would you rather a Muk or a Snorlax?

Can you ride a horse?

Can a horse ride you?

Bro, do you even lift?

How physically fit are you?

If you were being chased by a lion with two other average healthy men, could you survive?

Is this without your latino legs of freedom?

Do you eat cheetos?

What about Nutella?

Favorite kind of bagel... slagle?

Do you poke the bear?

Would you poop on the lawn of your nemisis?

Have you teepee'd a house?

Do you like grits?

Why does no one seem too?

Are you a fan of chili and cornbread?

(4+Your IQ)/your age = 1, True or false?

Is this a Question?

Does this have an answer?

Which is scarier: Landsharks or Seabears?

How many shades of green do you like?

Favorite pokemon move?

How many social networking seats do you have an account on?

Do you like writing?

Do you like drawing?

Would you wear light, medium, or heavy armor?

QQ stands for?

What will you name your first born?

What will you name your baseborn?

Are you the dragonborn?

What's your favorite chat death?

What's your favorite moment on chat?

What are fiddlesticks?

Can you translate chinese?

Are you being chased by the triads?

Do you own a printer?

What kind of science do you like?

What's your favorite kind of bread?

Are you good at making chocolate mousse?

Where has all the rum gone?

Are you a raging alcoholic?

Are you a raging man?

Would you make a terrible hulk?

Are you a terrible person?

Is Phoenix a terrible person?

Are the teletubbies masked murders waiting for the right time?

What can be the greatest dishonor to your family?

What two games would you mash together if you could?

What's your favorite generation of console?

Are you good at Pacman?

Can you name all the ghosts?

When there's something strange, in the neighborhood, who you gonna call?

Favorite mythology?

What is your preferred religion?

Do you practice it?

Vikings or Pirates?

Did you answer that wrong? (if you said pirates, answer this question yes and reevalute your life decisions)

Do you like swimming?

Have you done any sports?

Will senpai ever notice you?

Are robots allowed to do sports?

Did you need a calculator for your tests or do you have one built in?

Why kind of pokemon are you?

How do you do the things you do?

Can you sing the first pokemon theme?

Can you sing the pokemon rap?

What kind of computer do you have?

What kind of lawn do you have?

Favorite kind of tree?

Is it in minecraft?

Would you use a gamecube as an engagement ring box?

How come you aren't a professional boxer?

What kind of conditioner do you use?

Do you like tile, wood, or carpeted floors?

What did Ikaru stream while i wrote this?

Did you ask him?

Do you like golden sun?

Are you boring?

Did you lie when you answered that?

Have you lied in any of these questions?

Have you counted these questions?

I haven't can you tell?

300+) Is this right?

What's the weirdest name you've had for a teacher?

What's your favorite subject?

Can you name 10 US presidents that aren't on any currency?

Sniper or Shotgun?

Would you rather be lost at sea or lost in the desert?

Are you good at solitare?

Are you good at any card games?

Are you a bad gambler?

Do you lose your stuff easily?

Did you ever stop the hamburgler?

Is the purple mcnugget thing mentally retarded?

Has the McRib ever REALLY been "brought back"?

What's the most time consuming thing you do?

Do you fake breathing to use air to clean your fans?

Do you run of linux?

What's the name of the shamwow guy?

Why did Bill Mays die?

What's your favorite demon in SMT games?

Do you like chinese food?

Do you call mexican food, just food?

Have you ever won at minesweeper?

What's your ranking on ladder?

What's the most dangerous pokemon competitvely, in your opinion?

How do you think the new college will go?

Do you play billiards?

What about ping pong?

Beer pong?

Pong the video game?

Are you good at any of the above four?

What's your favorite pokemon pun?

Favorite pun in general?

Will you trade your soul for an immortal body?

Do you believe in magic?

In a young girl's heart?

Would you harness this magic if it meant her death?

What kind of mage are you?

What kind of fruits can you fit in your nose?

What kind of tissues do you like to use?

Are you mentally sane?

Is anyone?

Would you P90X?

What armed force would you join if you had too?

How tall are you?

How fat are you?

How tan are you?

How you are you?

Do you know what jailbait is?

Do you like to go fishing?

Would you eve want to own a carnival?

Would you wrestle an alligator for the last pepsi in the world?

Would you then use it's skin to make fine boots to wear while you drink said beverage?

Would you bone a princess?

How many names do you know Mori by?

Favorite MMO?

Bacon pancakes?

When did you last celebrate a STD?

Have you played Legendia yet?

What's wrong with your life?

What's wrong IN your life?

What do you sleep in?

Do you shop on Amazon?

Do you have good karma?

Would you fight for your country?

When will mexico be in it's next war?

Do drug wars count?

Do you love lamp?

Do you really?

Can i show you the world?

Is it shining, shimmering, splendor?

Is L for the way you look at me?

How many likes would this get one Facebook?

Why won't your mom love me?

Do you still have the giant chair or are you just really tiny?

What is the word?

Is it bird?

Do you like nyan cat?

How long have you listened to it?

What kind of music do you like?

What kind of people do you like?

Would you play LoL to save a child's life?

Would you kindly?

How many things have i referenced thus far?

How many games do you have on Steam?

Do you like smogon tiers?

Are you tired by now?

Would you give Ame a piggyback ride if she hurt her ankle?

How many times have you saved Hyrule?

Are you a good judge of character?

Are you a good jury of character?

Do tums ever help you?

Do you use advil or tylenol more?

What words do you pronounce more?

How many times have you been in quotebook?

Do you think i would answer any of the questions i've given you?

Should i do on of these thingies?

Is revenge a dish best served cold?

Would you call it an entree or a dessert?

Do you follow your nose to find fruit loops in the grocery story?

Is math hard for you?

Did you learn english or spanish first?

What's the most offensive question i've asked?

Would it matter if i apologized?

What is your internet provider?

Do you use wireless or a wall plug?

How early do you wake up?

How early do you go to bed?

Do you go on newgrounds?

What's your youtube account?

What kind of balls do you like?

Would you ever lead an army against something you felt was wrong?

Viva la Resistance?

Ed, Edd, or Eddy?

Favorite old cartoon?

Do you keep lots of tabs open on your web browsers?

What browser do you use?

How many books have you read all of last year?

What superpowers would you have?

What was your favorite movie on VHS?

Do you have any dreams or aspirations?

How would you feel if they were crushed?

Can you twist off the lid to the pickle jar?

How big is your fridge?

Did you ever return Uly's batteries?

How many more days left at McHellhole?

Are you gonna go out with a bang?

What Hidden Power do you use most commonly?

Did you ever play farmville?

Have you used money on special content for internet games? (bucks on farmville, hats on TF2, etc)

Will you answer all of these within an hour?

Should i keep going to stop you from doing that?

Will i make a third post later?

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  1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. What's it say?
  2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
  3. Before you started this survey, what were you doing?
  4. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
  5. Without looking, guess what time it is
  6. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
  7. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
  8. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
  9. Did you dream last night?
  10. Do you remember your dreams?
  11. When did you last laugh?
  12. Do you remember why / at what?
  13. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
  14. Seen anything weird lately?
  15. What do you think of this quiz?
  16. What is the last film you saw?
  17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
  18. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
  19. Tell me something about you that most people don't know.
  20. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
  21. Do you like to dance?
  22. Would you ever consider living abroad?
  23. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
  24. Who made the last incoming call on your phone?
  25. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
  26. Last time you swam in a pool?
  27. Type of music you like most?
  28. Type of music you dislike most?
  29. Are you listening to music right now?
  30. What color is your bedroom carpet?
  31. If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would you do?
  32. What was the last thing you bought?
  33. Have you ever ridden on a motorbike?
  34. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
  35. Do you have a garden?
  36. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
  37. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
  38. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
  39. Who sent the last text message you received?
  40. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
  41. What time is bed time?
  42. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
  43. How many tattoos do you have?
  44. If you don't have any, have you ever thought of getting one?
  45. What did you do for your last birthday?
  46. Do you carry a donor card?
  47. Who was the last person you ate dinner with?
  48. Is the glass half empty or half full?
  49. What's the farthest-away place you've been?
  50. When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
  51. Have you ever won a trophy?
  52. Are you a good cook?
  53. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
  54. If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
  55. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
  56. Do you touch-type?
  57. What's under your bed?
  58. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  59. Think fast, what do you like right now?
  60. Where were you on Valentine's day?
  61. What time do you get up?
  62. What was the name of your first pet?
  63. Who is the second to last person to call you?
  64. Is there anything going on this weekend?
  65. How are you feeling right now?
  66. What do you think about the most?
  67. What time do you get up in the morning?
  68. If you had A Big Win in the Lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
  69. Who would you tell first?
  70. What is the last movie that you saw at the cinema?
  71. Do you sing in the shower?
  72. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
  73. What do you do most when you are bored?
  74. What do you do for a living?
  75. Do you love your job?
  76. What did you want to be when you grew up?
  77. If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be?
  78. Which came first the chicken or the egg?
  79. How many keys on your key ring?
  80. Where would you retire to?
  81. What kind of car do you drive?
  82. What are your best physical features?
  83. What are your best characteristics?
  84. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
  85. What kind of books do you like to read?
  86. Where would you want to retire to?
  87. What is your favorite time of the day?
  88. Where did you grow up?
  89. How far away from your birthplace do you live now?
  90. What are you reading now?
  91. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  92. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
  93. Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
  94. Do you have pets?
  95. How many rings before you answer the phone?
  96. What is your best childhood memory?
  97. What are some of the different jobs that you have had in your life?
  98. Any new and exciting things that you would like to share?
  99. What is most important in life?
  100. What Inspires You?

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I think I'll toss another couple questions onto the pile.

Which do you prefer, Fantasy or Sci-fi?

Favorite book series?

And, uh... Oh. When are you going to get tired of us trolling you and finally snap?

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... *Sigh* I should of never expected this to be taken seriously. xD But oh well. ^^;

Okay, putting them in spoilers.

Mori, Round 1:

How do you feel about Dinosaurs?

Considering they were so badass that only a meteor could stop their power, they've got respect in my book.

Have you ever been on a boat?

I have a boating license, so yes. We own one for our oyster business down in Virginia.

Favourite band?

Please, you ALL know that I am practically musically stupid. But... I have grown rather partial to Gary Moore and the Gregory Brothers.

Favourite out of Me, RJ and Ricki? I know it's me but I'd just like to hear it anyway.

I dunno. You've all got your moments, and after this question-fest, I'm leaning towards RJ.But I love all three o' ya, no homo.

Huggy, Round 1:

What's it like being latino?

Uh, I'm only half latino. But same as being anything else, I guess? People ask me what I am a lot. xD

Do you like tacos?

I am the creator of Shirtless Taco Day. Of course I like Tacos.

If you had to choose between a lifetime supply of pepsi or steak which would it be?

Pepsi. I wouldn't have the time to cook all the steak and it would spoil.

Favorite color?

Hmm... Blue or Indigo.

Favorite games of the following genres: RPG, Fighting, Adventure, Action, Shooter, Puzzle, and Racing.

Persona 4, Blazblue:Continuum Shift Extend, Banjo-Tooie, No More Heroes 2, Borderlands 2 OR Team Fortress 2, Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, and Mario Kart Double Dash. List is subject to change constantly.

Where were you born?

Baltimore, Maryland

How is your life?

Decent enough. Lot less stress than before.

Where are you going, where are you going, ________ ? (finish the sentence as your answer)

Why won't you look me in the eyes when we make love.

Favorite TV show?


What is love?

Baby don't hurt me! Don't hurt me! No more!

Favorite movie?

Always going to have a HUGE soft spot for Happy Gilmore. So Happy Gilmore.

Least favorite thing?

Spiders. ._.

Why are you so timid?

I dunno. I've just never really had --any-- much confidence.

What's your serial number?

I'm not a robot.

Are you a friendly robot or a non-friendly robot?

I just told you that I'm not a robot. @.@

Can i call you Pablo?

No, I already have one ginger girl who calls me that, I don't need another.

Where do you want to go in life Pablo?

My name is not Pablo. @.@ But I really just want to get a nice job, find a nice girl to be with, and relax. Nothing too high bar. Just live life while you have it.

Pablo do you prefer sweaters or hoodies?

Stop calling me that, but Hoodies.

Rank yourself 1-10 for Looks and Personality

Looks is a 4 or 5, Personality is I'd say a 7 or 8.

What do you do for fun?

Video games, Tennis, go to the movies, hang with Alex, the usual stuff.

How is working on a lawn fun?

... It's not.

What kind of oil do you use to keep your joints moving smoothly?

Not a robot!

Have you short circuited before?

*Sigh* Dammit Ricki.

What land are you the royalty of?

Well technically I'm descended from an English Duke, but that's from a LOOONG way back.

How much can you blame RJ for these questions?

Hopefully not a lot... RIGHT RJ?

If you had to kill someone for the life of your 3rd child would you?

... You're assuming I'd have more than one or two. Two is my max.

Are you willing to bring upon the apocalypse?

*Shrug* Possibly. Depends on how bored I am.

How often do you contemplate leaving your current life behind?

Uh... I dunno. Not too often, but it's not like it's never come to mind.

Do you know the muffin man?

Yes and he makes glorious muffins.

How fast is the gingerbread man?

Faster than you.

Who shot RJ at 12:48am 1/4/2013 in Assassin's Creed 3?

Bugger if I know, I tune out yours and RJ's game ramblings 50% o' the time.

How often do you curse?

Like a sailor. Sophie yells at me when I do though, so it's curbed... slightly...ish.

What's your favorite pokemon type?


Shut up, no one likes bug type, seriously what is it?

... Still bug ya ruddy troll.

... what's wrong with you, why do you like bug type you weirdo?

Because a lot of the pokemon in it look pretty cool.

Alright that was a bit harsh, can you forgive me?

No never. </3

How about dinner, steak and pepsi?

I'd love that.

Do you want it at my place or yours?

Or we could go out and get it.

Why won't you love me?

Because you're a terrible person. xD

Do you have a bucket list?


Do you have an emergency plan?

Always have a backup, tis my thinking. So yes.

Does your emergency plan include a quickly written bucket list?

... Maybe.

Who is the 29th president of the united states?

Warren G.Harding

True or False: Potato


Favorite villain of all time, in anything

Hazama, from Blazblue. I just love the insane trolly villains.

Would you run a mafia?

... Yeah.

Do you run a mafia?


Should i expect to be sleeping with the fishes?


Blub blub gargle gargle?

Ricki, get your head out of the toilet.

How many alts do you have?

Quite a bit, actually.

How many identities have you stolen?

Not as many as you'd expect.

How many more do you plan to?

*Shrug* Iunno.

Do you remember the 5th of November?

Not paticularly. Must of been uneventful.

How long have i known you?

Same as RJ. About 2 years now.

Who are you?

I am Frederico Jacob Carreon Slagle, average guy extrordinare


You heard me.

I don't even?

I like to be fancy, okay?

Favorite pokemon gen?

Tough one. But I'd have to say 1 just because it started it all and without it, we wouldn't have the others.

Favorite game console?

Either my Gamecube, PS2, or PS3.

Favorite game franchise?

Shin Megami Tensei. Any of it.

Do you regret any life decisions?

A few. But doesn't everyone?

Do you regret putting this up so i could do this to you?

Little bit. It would of been nice to been taken seriously for once. ^^;

Do you love me?


What was you nickname as a child?

... Fred, same as my nickname now.

How cool were you as a kid?

Suprisingly very. I was way more social.

Will you ever wear a suit and tie purely because you want to?


How fancy can you be in 15 minutes?

... I'll get my suit.

Do you own a pipe, monocle, or pocketwatch?

I own all 3.

What's wrong with you? Why don't you have all three?

I do have all 3.

Can i kill RJ?

We've discussed this. No.

How many more questions should i ask?

Why even ask this? You already did a ton afterwards.

How many more will you answer?

All of them.

Am i the antichrist?


Who would you go gay for?

Neil Patrick Harris

Who am i kidding, robots don't have genders. What computer do you want in your harddrive?

Not a Robot!

How many smileyfaces can you make with your keyboard?

A lot.

What's the lowest number you can count to?


Do you keep your savings in pesos or american dollars?


5 places you want to go before you die?

Copacabana Steakhouse, England, Portugal, France, and Canada.

5 places you would want to die at?

Home, in a hot tub, in the arms of a beautiful lady, On a mountain, and Copacabana Steakhouse.

Favorite element out of the traditional 4?


Favorite accent on a person


How many questions has this been?

I was supposed to keep track?

How many more are there left?

I dunno.

How many are there right?

Shutup Ricki.

Am i a troll?


What fantasy race would you be: Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf, Elf, or Half-Elf?


Favorite superhero?


Favorite song?

Hello Again, by The Gregory Brothers

Least favorite food? (Hint: Anti-Steak is not a real food)

Tomatoes. Or Peppers. Or Fish. One o' the three.

What would cause you to murder rj in cold blood?

... I can think of something.

what about in warm blood?

Uh... what?

What crimes do you see yourself committing in the next 3 years?

Not any, really

When will the world end?

When the heart stops beating

What are 14 aspirations you want to complete in your life?

... I can't think of 14 off the top of my head. Get a girlfriend, graduate college, get a nice job, sample the steaks of the world, travel to Europe, and fufill my promise to someone. Is 5 good enough?

How many of those will you actually do?

I hope to do every one of those except the steak one.

Ame asks: You should ask, what you should ask. Answer this?

... Wait, did you ask people for questions? No wonder I've got so many. @.@

What are you doing?

Answering these.

Thwarting my plans?

After Tea Time.

Are you?

Later, yes.

In 1931, who planned the assassination of the leader of cuba?

I want to say Fidel Castro... not sure.

Where is Paris, Idaho?

In Idaho.

How many fingers does the average human have?

8. Thumbs don't count as fingers.

Why is you mouth so magical?

It just is.

What's inside your closet?

A lotta stuff.

What's inside your closet, when you are inside the closet?

... A lotta stuff. xD

What's it like outside the closet?

Uh. Normal, I guess?

What's the stupidest thing you've done in the last 20 days?

... Oh. Um. I almost lost one o' my best friends, does that count?

What kind of car do you have?

1994 Ford Tempo

Do you know how to rob a bank?


I jump into your car with a bag full of money while RJ is shooting back at the police on our tail. I tell you to drive while RJ is left behind, what do you do?

Never leave a man behind. RUN THE COPS OVER!

What if i was the gunman and RJ had the money?

... Same thing. But if you were in the way, oh well. xD

Would i bail you out of jail?


How many times have you tripped on a flat floor?

More times than I should.

Do you exercise often?

As of late, yes.

What color is your house?

Outside, white. Inside, peach.

How much money is in your wallet?

About 40$.

How much in your bank account?

In all 4 combined? About $3500

What's your bank account information again?


What's your favorite restaurant?

I am VERY partial to Red Lobster.

How far is the closest one?

45 minutes away.

What words do you have trouble saying?

I dunno. Sometimes if I say words with double letters like hammer repeatedly, eventually they get tricky for some reason.

How long do you think it's taken me to type all these questions so far?

A long time.

What game would you live in if you could?

You know. Despite the Death Game concept, SAO would be nice...

What book?

Harry Potter.

What would you do for a klondike bar?

Depends. Is it Mint Chocolate Chip?

What is your favorite pastry?

Chocolate-stuffed Croissants.

Would you poke the pillsbury doughboy?


How often did you get sick as a child?

Not often.

Do you own a poncho?


A sombrero?


When you grow a moustache is it thin and close to your lip or bushy and curly on the end?

Facial Hair doesn't like me.

What limb or body part would you be willing to sacrifice if needed?

Probably my left leg. It's already screwed up enough.

What do you plan to do with your remains when you die?

Dunno... never thought about it.

What would be your preferred way to die?

Underwater sex in a hot tub with a beautiful girl.

How many pets have you had?

About 11.

Do you have any now?

Yes. A golden retriever named Dolly.

What country would you destroy first if you had such power?

Probably one no one's heard of.

Are you a prick?

I'd like to think not...

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

A lot.

Have you googled any of the answers for these questions so far?

No. But I did use my history text for the president one.

Are you a liar?

I try not to be.

Did anyone eat dinner that night?

No. No one ate dinner that night.

Do you fuck with the white mage?

Depends. Is it a she?

What class would you be in Final Fantasy?

Red Mage

You have to take 5 people on a fantasy adventure to save the world, name them and their character class?

Ricki: White Mage

RJ: Black Mage

Mori: Warrior

Sophie: Paladin

Poe: Rouge

Preferred weapon of combat?

My fists or a Sword.

Spirit animal?


Spirit pokemon?

You've told me Xatu. I say it works.

Spirit spirit?

... What?

Spirit bomb or spirit gun?


Do you chew gum?


What's your father's father's name?


What game series have you always wanted to play but never had a chance?

Guilty Gear.

If you had more time in your daily life what would you do?

Go out more or Game more.

What do you watch on youtube?

Abridged Series, Let's Plays,and Random Stuff.

What do you do on a friday night?

... Be on Reborn. ^^;

If i threw a crazy party do you think i would invite you?


What webcomics do you like reading?

Dumbing of Age, Brawl in the Family, Manly Guys doing Manly Things, Shortpacked, Multiplex, Gaia, Three Chord Dorks... the list goes on.

How much time do you spend on facebook?

I normally have it idled in a tab in case someone needs to chat.

Do you keep up with the global ongoings?

Not much.

How many times have you though about the meat dimension?


Who would win in a fight, a gorilla or a grizzly?


What animal do you hate the most?

Do Spiders count?

What are your weaknesses?

Undisclosed. But some people say I'm too nice.

Who would you want as the voice of your conscience: morgan freeman or samuel l. jackson?

Morgan Freeman.

How much time do you spend on PO every week?

... A lot. ^^;

Why is RJ such a weird person?

We all are wierd.

This is the 149th question?


When do you plan to build a snowman?

When it Snows

Favorite pokemon of each Gen?

Mewtwo , Heracross, Ninjask, Gallade, and Volcarona

What do you have to say for yourself?


What will you build next time you play minecraft?

I dunno...

Will you ever stream yourself playing some video games?

Probably not. No equipment to do so.

What kind of music do you like?

Rock. Blues. Jpop.

Best kind of sandwich?

Roast Beef.

What kind of meat do you like in your mouth?

*This has been censored by Rule 7*

How often do you regret not being classy all day e'ryday?

But I am.

Could you be a good rapper?


What's it like where you live?


What powers does Oysterman have?

More than you could ever imagine.

Best memory between Frayiki?

Any o' our Skype chats.

Where do you want to go next winter?

Mmm... Europe would be nice.

What languages can you speak?

English and Spanish

Spanish is a language? I thought it was a large dish....

You troll.

Do you like snow?

Yes. Although it's rather cold. @.@

What's your favorite weather?

I like the heat

When's the most wonderful time of the year?


Who was the Zodiac Killer?

I dunno.

What fruits do you like?

Apples, Pears, Raspberries, Blackberries.

Would you snap into a slim jim?


Am i done asking questions?

Apparently not.

During the time it took me to answer those, I've been roped into doing errands. I shall do the rest when I return.

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*Sigh* No one is going to read this anyway...but oh well. Round 2!

Mori, Round 2:

Do you like chewing gum?


What is your favourite smell?

The smell of a er... nicely cooked steak. ^^;

How many different games consoles do you own?

13 of them. I'd say which, but you didn't ask.

Ricki suggested I ask a ton more question, what do you think of that?

Dammit Ricki.

When you eat steak, do you ever not use a knife and fork?

In private, I do like to go animal style sometimes yes.

Don't you hate it when you get given a blunt knife when being served steak?


If you could make a clone of yourself, would you?


Would you kill Ricki if he turned into a zombie?

Yes, and then kill the Zombie.

If you were offered 1 million dollars to eat your finger, would you do it?

... Depends which finger. But probably.

Milk or juice?


Coffee or Tea?


School or work?


Who is the best tennis player in your opinion?

Statistically, Nadal is. But personally, I am a fan of Querry.

How much do you wish you didn't post this question thread?

Honestly? Quite a bit. @.@

Do you remember our first meeting?

Afraid not mate, sorry. @.@

Best memories from OOT?

Definitely our first war against Realgam United where we tied them. Twas fun.

Best memories from PBC?

Oh uh... probably the fun times in OOT. Oh and uh. Meeting Miku. I'd admit that if I hadn't met her, my life would be REALLY different. ^^;

Favourite Pokemon type?

In your attempt to troll me, you're going to repeat questions... Bug.

When did you first buy a Pepsi?

Don't remember.

Where did you first buy the Pepsi?

​Don't remember.

When did you first eat a steak?

​Don't remember.

Where did you first eat a steak?

​Don't remember.

How do you feel about short hair on women?

Depends. Does it fit them? Who's the women in question? There are a lot of variables.

How do you feel about cyclists cycling on the road when there is a perfectly good cycle lane beside



Do you believe in ghosts?


Do you believe in God?

Eh, a little.

Do you have a religion?

Not really.

Are my questions getting even more random?


Do you like Honchkrow?


Do you enjoy books?


Favourite book?

Uhh... Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, I guess.

Favourite film?

Repeat... Happy Gilmore.

Top hats or bowlers?

Top Hats.

Do you like mint?

Quite a bit, actually.

Baths or showers?


Don't you hate it when Ricki asks tons of questions?

Yep... course you're doin' the same.

Fuckin' Ricki, right?

Yeah. xD

Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?

Uhh.... Lord of the Rings.

Family Guy or Simpsons?

Futurama over both, but Family Guy.

Do you enjoy Rap music at all?


What talents do you have?

I um... I don't really think I have any... None that I can think of anyway...

Have you ever wanted to be a princess?

No. Every time I change names to Kiki or something is for the sake of a joke.

Do you like chocolate?

It's delicious.

Do you lift?

Not really.

Do you work out much?

Err... from time to time.

Ever broke anything?

The hearts of women everywhere, mate. xD

Favourite smiley face?


Do you enjoy sleep?

I don't do it much,but yes.

Do you enjoy alchohal?

Eh. It's kinda bitter tasting...

Prime attributes in a woman?

Oh. Um. Well. Personality is key to me. I love a girl who's upbeat and bubbly and can snap me out of any sort of funk I get into just by being around her.

Favourite food other than steak?


Sorry or Thanks?

I tend to say sorry a lot more. ^^;

Yes or No?


Ever done drugs?

Marijuana, courtesy of people I hung out in high school. It was wierd...

Do you like lamp?

I like lamp.

Do you enjoy scented candles?

Yes, they're very nice.

How do you feel about table cloths?


Who is your life mentor?

I... dunno...

Do you have a good relationship with your family?

Uh... with my mother yes. Little brother, eh. Dad, not really.

Who is your favourite if you had to pick?

Favorite What?

Would you push Ricki off a cliff to save me?


Would you push me off a cliff to save RJ?


Would you push Ricki off a cliff for fun?

... After this? Yeah.

If you had to kill someone out of me Ricki and RJ who would it be? (You have to choose)


Knowing that it is Ricki, what would you kill him with?

Death by Poison.

Would you prefer me to ask happy questions?


Do you like the Happy Mask Salesman?

No. He's a creepy bugger.

Do you like Mario?

Sonic and Luigi are better, but yes.

Hookshot or Longshot?


Bow or gun?


Cop or robber?


Duck or cat?


Hen or chicken?


Goose or tractor?


Who is the best person on Reborn other than yourself?

Miku because she didn't ask any questions. @.@

Do you enjoy fishing?


Have you ever eaten a goat?


Would you eat a goat?

... Depends. Do they taste good?

Do you like dogs?

Own one, so yes.

Do you like cats?


Cats or dogs?


Men or women?


Do you use aftershave?

I use cologne sometimes

Do you shave?

No, don't need to.

Who is Bobby Horland?

Bugger if I know.

Do you like toast?

Eh. S'alright.

Would you kill Ricki?

After this? Yes.

Jam or butter?


Jam AND butter?


How are babies made?


Who would you make a baby with?

... *Cough* Yes. Well. Um. Oh, my food is done!

Who is your favourite superhero?


What is your ideal superpower?

Psychokinetics and Teleportation.

Do you like the move superpower in Pokemon?

Nah, it's not my cup o' tea.

Favourite Gen in Pokemon?

Repeat... Gen 1

Doesn't Gen 3 suck?

It's okay... not my favorite gen.

How much TV do you watch?

Eh, not much really.

Do you go out much?

Not as much as I'd like. ^^;

What happens when you enter Space?

You die a lonely death.

Do you wash your hands after touching a door handle?

Not really.

Who is your favourite wrestler?

I dun have one.

Did you ever wrestle?


Okay. Headache. Doing rest later.

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Do you ever wish you could eat shampoo because it smells so good?

Have you ever eaten shampoo?

Do you pick the pines off the Christmas Tree?

Zubat or Geodude?

Do you believe CD's are out of date?

Do you pirate?

Are you a real pirate?

Do you like snakes?

Have you ever been on a horse?

Do you think Ricki is a horse?

Would you make rope out of Ricki's hair?

How often do you stay up 24 hours?

Do you enjoy the taste of medicine?

What do you think about boxes?

Would you hide me from the police if I was on the run?

Would you shoot someone you hated if you knew you could get away with it?

Do you think Porygon is a piece of shit?

Do you enjoy Normal type Pokemon?

Is your handwriting neat?

Do you ever scream?

Blinds or curtains?

Hate it when the sun covers the screen?

What temperature do you enjoy water?

Cold showers, yes or no?

Do you hate swimming in the sea?

Do you believe in mythical monsters living in the depths of the sea?

Best dream you've had recently?

Do you ever feel bad swearing?

Do you swear in front of children?

Have you ever been in trouble with the police?

Breloom or Volcarona?

How much do you enjoy Stealth Rocks?

Do you enjoy our Skype conversations?

How much light do you let into your room?

Speakers or headphones?

What do you wear to bed?

Do you ever sit thinking to yourself?

Do you ever go over the top with deodorant?

Class or cool?

Do you give fucks for what other people think about you?

Wired or wireless?

Are you wired or wireless?

Do you ever listen to sad music when unhappy?

Do you cry easily?

Do you listen to happy music to cheer you up?

Do you enjoy video game music to listen to casually?

Think you could beat the League if you tried hard enough?

Favourite leader?

Xbox, Wii or PS3?

Do you enjoy Animal Crossing?

Does it piss you off when people say #yolo?

How easily do the people you dislike annoy you?

Do you ever wish you could abuse your power as an admin?

Did you go the park when you were a kid?

Did you ever own a skateboard?

Do you watch DVD's on the TV or your PC?

How fast is your download speed?

Do you ever get creeped out by randoms in main?

What would you be doing now if you never found Pokemon Online?

Top 10 people you wish to meet most in real life?

Did you ever sing?

Did you enjoy Pokemon Snap?

What is the worst time you've made it into work?

Are your parents proud of you?

Did you ever get into a fight in school?

Do you like making a lot of noise?

If you were a millionaire what would the first thing you would do be?

Do you believe experimenting on animals is wrong?

Would you prefer they experiment on Ricki?

Do you like any sauce on your food?

Indian, Chinese or American fast food?

Do you enjoy spending time with your family?

Would you prefer just to escape through to your room and go on PO?

Would you ever get a hooker?

Big plans for this year?

Okay I'm done, moving onto RJ now. Have fun.

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Pepsi cures all headaches.... Post 3, featuring Round 3 of Mori's

Mori, round 3:

Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum?

Ah... unfortunately no. ^^;

What was your favourite birthday?

The only one I actually had friends for. My 6th.

Can you curl your tounge?


Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?


What would be your dream car?

Ferrari would be nice...

Are you left or right handed?


What was the last book you read?

Do Textbooks count? Cause I actually haven't read since break started...

What was the last song you danced to?

... Gangam Style. << It was a group thing when we were bored in Chem...

Have you ever owned a yo-yo?

Yeah... it gave me a black eye. ._.

Have you ever been on a pogo stick?

Yep! :D

Have you ever been on a space hopper?

... A what? o.o

Who was the last person to send you a text message?

Uhh... my friend Gabby.

Have you ever accidentally injured anyone?

I accidentally broke my friend Jimi's arm...

Are you scared of spiders?

Absolutely friggin terrified. ._.

Can you down a pint (of anything) in one?

... Gentlemen, get me a pint of pepsi or raspberry tea and I'll show you.

Have you ever been banned from a public place?

... Hey, when the steakhouse said "All you can eat", I take it at face value. Okay?

How much spam email do you tend to get a week?

Quite a bit. o.o At least 20...

If you could learn any language fluently what would it be?

Considering I can already speak english and spanish. I'd say either japanese, portuguese, or french.

What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life?

Benjamin Franklin.

As a kid were you ever frighted of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard?

Oh god as a kid I was terrified that a vampire or something would pop out of my closet and bite me while I was sleeping.

Do you like clowns?

Eh. Sorta. Not the creepy ones. Or the Burger selling pedophile ones.

Do you prefer BBC or ITV?


Have you ever been surfing?

I live near a beach. O' course.

Have you ever been snowboarding?

Yeah, I used to be real great at it until I screwed my leg up a few years back.

Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley?

Elvis. Hail to the King, Baby.

Whats your favourite type of foreign food?

Rephrase this. Because currently, i'm saying Chinese food.

Which Foreign country do you dislike the most?

I don't hate any foregin country... I guess North Korea?

Do you like your music loud or easy listening?

why not both?

Whats your favourite animated or cartoon program?

If anime counts, Yu Yu Hakusho. If not, Futurama.

Do you sing in the shower?


Are you a clean or messy person?

Eh... both, if that makes sense. ^^;

Whats your prefered playing piece in monopoly?

The boot. So I can BOOT them to the curb. Ahahaha bad puns. xD

Can or Do you still play twister?

I can, yes. I'm rather flexible.

Can you play chess?

Mhmm. It's fun. ^^

Do you know the dance steps to an annoying cheesey pop song?


Do you prefer straight or bendy straws?


Have you ever entered a talent contest? and did you win?

Hah! No and no.

Do you like poetry?

Some of it.

Are you a bad loser?

Eh... depends...

Which would you choose? Jelly or Ice Cream?

Ice Cream

Whats your favourite type of Pie?


Whats your most used phrase?

Ahahahahaha. ^^; OR Sorry. ^^; OR. No worries. ^^ Pick one.

Whats your most used word?


Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

Taylor Lautner. Cause we get compared a lot. o.o

What would your dream job be?

Computer technician.

Which song do you hate the most?

I don't like most rap...

How long does it take you to get ready?

Not very. 5 minutes tops.

What do you think the greatest invention has been?

Whoever came up with the bright idea of the internet.

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex?

The eyes. Just looking into them, you can see everything about a woman. They're really quite beautiful.

Whats your least favourite feature on the opposite sex?

I don't know... they're all rather nice.

Who's your favourite Comedian?

Ooooh. Tough one... Adam Sandler or Aziz Ansari

What's your favourite board game?

Monopoly, cause time trolling.

Do you have any lucky items, objects or traditions?

Erm. Yes. ^^;

Do you have any superstitions?

Yes, actually.

Whats your favourite Movie quote?

" I'm no Hero. " - MGS4

Wait... what do you mean that wasn't a movie? o.o It had more cutscenes than gameplay...

Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer?

Chuck Norris

Do you have much of an ego?


Do you wear sunglasses indoors to look cool or stylish? (douche?)

Hah, HELL no!

Are you a hat person?


Whats your favourite supermarket chain?

Food Lion.

Whats your favourite fastfood chain?


Whats your first thought upon waking up?

"Bloody hell, what time is it..."

What animal would you most like to have as a pet?

I'd love a pet fox.

Whats your favourite type of tree?


If you could bankrupt one person or company who would it be?


If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be?

Ze heart of a beautiful lady, oh ho ho ho~

Who's your favourite celeb with the same first name or surname as you?

... I don't know any GOOD ones with the same first or last name as me. Feel free to help me learn some.

If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in

a box?


Whats your favourite flower?

Simple, yet elegant, I'm a fan of Roses.

Do you believe in the loch ness monster?


Do you believe in Aliens?

Yes. I must live up to Aliens guy, after all.

Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public?

Yeah. They honestly do...

Which is your favourite pokemon?

Mewtwo, now and forever.

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