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...This is goodbye.


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Kay, I think this will work better than a status, and could explain better.

I'm leaving Reborn.. and won't be back in the foreseeable future. I mean.. I love this place. You've all been here for me when things got tough. But I can't stay.. for a few reasons. Between falling behind in schoolwork, attempting to have somewhat of a social life, doing community service so I can actually go on a school trip to Washington D.C., drama in the family, and the fact that I tried to get LoL and sorta blew up the laptop's internal workings, and the fact that I sorta don't feel.. welcome anymore, I won't be around.. until mid-May, maybe later.

I'll still be around the forums.. possibly. If you need my Skype or anything.. PM is your new best friend.

I've really had a blast. Between League, Nonary, and just hanging around the server.. you guys are amazing, not a thing could change that. I'll miss you all.. so much.

I guess I should go. It's getting cold, and my fingers are getting numb, and I dint.need to walk back inside with rears frozen to my face. So goodbye, Reborn, all of you.. until we meet again.


Edited by Silver~
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Well, people gotta do what they gotta do. Their lives outside of Reborn, as much as the truth might hurt to people like Kendall, is always more important.

But yeah, we'll see ya later. With emphasis on "later", because look what happened to Jenni, Cloud, and N8...

EDIT: you shouldn't have let Roo get your Skype...

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