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Advice when breeding Axew


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So I've been playing through reborn and I've gotten to the academy on the other side of the azurine lake. I got lucky with finding an Axew egg as the police man sidequest reward and I really really wanna get that beautiful haxorus for my team. So my question is, should I go for an adamant or jolly nature and should I get mold breaker or rivalry as I'm not sure what'll be more useful. PLEASE NO SPOILERS!!!! Thank you all in advance

Edited by Somokai
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11 minutes ago, Somokai said:

So I've been playing through reborn and I've gotten to the academy on the other side of the azurine lake. I got lucky with finding an Axew egg as the police man sidequest reward and I really really wanna get that beautiful haxorus for my team. So my question is, should I go for an adamant or jolly nature and should I get mold breaker or rivalry as I'm not sure what'll be more useful. PLEASE NO SPOILERS!!!! Thank you all in advance

Personally, I'd go with Adamant, since Dragon Dance can increase Speed.  I'm not sure if that's the competitively viable choice, but it's solid reasoning.


Mold Breaker all the way, since it can nullify a good many abilities and isn't reliant on opponent's gender.  Once again, DD takes care of increasing both attack and speed.

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Just to let you know though that natures can be changed somewhere (given you don't want spoilers ;) ) and there are also ability capsules in game, so they're not super important. I think breeding for nature can save you quite a lot of patience and time though...

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I would go for Adamant and Dragon Dance Also cause boosted speed can be useful. As for ability well any ability will do since u can get ability capsules from pick up pokemon or buying them some where in later parts of game but not advice to buy cause not worth it since using pick up pokemon would be much more effective.As for moveset putting in spoiler cause dont want to take up space.




Ability:Mold Breaker/Rivalry


Items: Persim Berry/ Lum berry/Wide lens 


Dragon Dance/Sword Dance

Outrage/Dragon claw

Poison Jab/Shadow claw

Night slash/Iron tail/low kick/brick break/Slash


Ok SD or DD is basically yer choice if u go for SD i would highly suggest going jolly nature instead. DD u can go for Adamant. Once you unlock move re learner replace Dragon claw with Outrage. Poison jab TM is quite far so shadow claw until u get poison jab TM. Slash for last slot if u lazy to breed egg moves.Iron tail/Night slash. Iron tail you will need to have an aron to breed it down or if u lucky the axew comes with iron tail. Night slash only available if u started with treeko and use heart scale to relearn it or i the axew comes with night slash. Brick break and low kick are gonna be available in later part of the game.




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If you're mainly worried about wallbreaking, Adamant all the way. Just keep in mind that Haxorus is not really fast (if compared with its gargantuar 147 base Attack) and he's quite frail, so you'll be vulnerable while setting up Dragon Dance, so if you're most worried about outspeeding mons (positive natured (in speed) 85 base speed mons and neutral nature 100 base speed), you should consider Jolly. Mold Breaker is, by far, its best ability due allowing you to hit levitating mons with Earthquake Bulldoze later in the game.


Personally, I would go for this set (italics stands for items/moves for later in the game):


Haxorus @ Metronome/Persim Berry -> Draco Plate/Dragon Fang -> Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Dragon Dance  (Obligatory setup due Haxy's average speed)
- Dragon Claw/Outrage (Personally, I prefer Dragon Claw over Outrage to prevent locking you into a move and allowing a fairy to switch into you safely and revenge killing it. Also, you don't really need the raw power offered by Outrage if you're always planning to setup DD. Yes, I usually prefer to play it safe, but that's your choice)
- Iron Tail -> Poison Jab (Coverage against fairies, if you want to breed for it, you need a male Aron to pass down the move)

- Taunt/False Swipe/Outrage -> Bulldoze (Temporary utility move until you get a better coverage move)


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Adamant is great for wallbreaking, but Jolly can help Haxorus get a vital first hit. If you go Adamant, Dragon Dance can patch up your speed, but that relies on surviving a couple of turns first. I suppose it depends on personal preference in the end.

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