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Who Was You're First Shiny Pokemon?


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I should probably talk about the only shiny I really care about since I'm an ex-shiny collector.

It's the shiny Dewgong that I caught as a Seel in Firered. It's on my Black 2 cartridge right now, and if Gen VI is backwards compatible, it's gonna move onto Y.


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  On 1/9/2013 at 2:13 AM, Neo said:

I should probably talk about the only shiny I really care about since I'm an ex-shiny collector.

It's the shiny Dewgong that I caught as a Seel in Firered. It's on my Black 2 cartridge right now, and if Gen VI is backwards compatible, it's gonna move onto Y.


I think i'l get X and my shiny now LvL 100 Beedrill will go there ASAP!

EDIT: and can't wait to see him in full 3D.

Edited by rotomfan63
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i never found a shiny... but i legitimatly found a Mew in Yellow... why not

only shinies i have are gifts, Right now i have Mew, Lucario, Charizard, Metagross, and Mudkip

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This is my story of graveler:

Sitting on the bus last year in 5th grade on SS when im running through some cave blips up with pokemon encounter. I say to my friend,"Ugh, another stupid pokemon. I need a max repel." So i look at it and ,"WHOA! HEY HEY HEY ALEX LOOK AT THIS!!!!!" He turns and says,"WHOOOOOOOOAAAAAA!!! DUDE CATCH IT!!!!" I say,"Ok." And ended up catching it with probably 2 or 3 pokeballs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The first shiny I ever saw was a Spearow outside Victory Road in LeafGreen. I didn't think anything of it and killed it because level grinding. After I found out what a shiny was, I was kicking myself until Emerald. I caught a shiny Graveler in the Magma Hideout and then on my second playthrough a shiny Lotad right before Petalburg City, which I couldn't bring into Pearl due to it being unable to forget Surf, even at the move deleter.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My first Shiny Pokémon, was actually a Shiny Totodile in Pokémon Crystal. I didn't know what Shinies were at the time, so I assumed it was just a new color scheme in general. It wasn't until years later when I was playing Pokémon Emerald that I realized... Holy mother of Muk.

After that, my second Shiny was a Shiny Grimer. Which, oddly upset me because I prefer the Grimer Line's Original Color Scheme.

To this day I've had a total of 9 Non-Event Shinies: Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr, Grimer/Muk, Spearow/Fearow, Joltik/Galvantula, Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree, Spinarak/Ariados, Tyrogue/Hitmonlee, Elekid/Electabuzz, Terrakion.

Most of them have been obtained Gen IV+.

In Pokémon Reborn I have three that I caught in a sequence. Bellsprout/Weepinbell, Venipede, Spearow/Fearow.

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It was a Zubat in Rock Tunnel while playing Crystal. Never did I think I would be so disappointed by my first Shiny. Oh, it wasn't because it was a Zubat. It was because I caught is so late in the game that I didn't/couldn't use it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

first shiny i ever got was charmander, i too thought my game was messed up( i was 10 and it was pokemon firered) but i played anyways so i could brag to the one kid at school about my 'one of a kind pokemon' and like most 10 year old douche bags, he made a new save file and deleted him forever :(. i had no idea he bacame a badass black charizard because i only got it to lvl 34 before the unspeakeable happened. A littlle side note off-track about the story. I still go to school with that asshole, only i'm 6'4 on the basketball team with good grades, and he's struggling to get d's and his face looks like a horses ass.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

My first shiny was a shiny Geodude on Gold, in that route near the beginning, south of Blackthorn. Goddamn I loved that thing so much. Trained it all the way to Golem (I was lucky enough to have a neighbour who played pokemon at the time and I got him to trade and trade back). After that I didn't see any more shinies until R/S/E when I got a shiny Sunkern in the Safari. Back then I wasn't overly fond of them, but Sunflora has since become a favourite of mine because of one I used in a nuzlocke. Anyway, after that I found a shiny Buizel on my Diamond and thought I was being very clever when I named him Bui because Buí's the Irish for yellow...and shiny's Buizel's yellow...yeah. xD I also ran into a shiny Seedot while playing a hack (the shiny chance wasn't edited), which was cool.

On Reborn, I think I have like two shiny Pidgeys, a shiny Beedrill, a shiny Skitty, a shiny Weezing and a shiny Grimer.

Edited by Ashka
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