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Who Was You're First Shiny Pokemon?


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I seem to run into them more often in Heartgold for some odd reason. Anyway, 1st playthrough of HeartGold (I never ran into any other shinies in any other game) my first random encounter was a shiny Swinub so I caught it, never used Piloswine/Mammoswine till then. Next playthrough, while training my team in Victory Road for the E4, I found a shiny Donphan, caught it, & tansfered it over to Black......1 or 2, I can't remember.

On Pokemon Reborn however, I have yet to run into a shiny Pokemon...........however, I feel like I'm being trolled cause sometimes I see trainers with Shiny Pokemon.-.-

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First shiny I ever had was a Raticate in Gold version. I didn't know what it was cuz I was like, 8 years old, but it looked cool so I caught it. I don't know what happened to my Gold cart though...

Second shiny I ever saw was a Weedle in HeartGold during the bug catching contest. I accidentally killed it and was kicking myself.

The only other time I found a shiny was when I was streaming Crystal version and grinding in Victory Road. I found a shiny Graveler. It's in my highlights.

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In Pokemon Ruby, I ran into a shiny Electrike, but at that time all my Pokemon were level 40 or above and it was level 13 or so, so I couldn't weaken it, wasted all my balls on it, and then knocked it out :/


BUT in Diamond, I was able to wrangle myself a Buizel :D


It's worth noting that, after my failed encounter with Electrike, I turned my game off and back on, put a weaker Pokemon in my team, and stood in that patch of grass looking back and forth trying to find it again for about 20 minutes. Derp.

Edited by Nickaboo92
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First was in Diamond. I was level grinding when I found this thing;


I caught it in order to look at it. After a while in my box, I decided to release it as I thought it was glitched as hell. < Was 10.

Then, I got a Shiny Riolu in White 2;


And finally, a Shiny Litwick in White 2, which became a part of my team just like my Shiny Lucario <3


Edited by Amaterasu
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Well, my first shiny was Zangoose. I mean, I spent hours looking for one, and I didn't just stumble upon it, but I really wanted it so I just looked for it and found it.

Although, after that the first thing I stumbled upon was a wingull. My brother caught it and he was like "look Gary it's green!" so I saved the game and released it. I thought about that for a second and resetted the game, looked at it again, and I was like "no that's still blue, you liar" so I released it again, but then I thought about it again and looked at it harder and I was like "oh, this is green. how about that"

this is, of course, not counting that gyarados you find in Gold version, cause that's scripted so it doesn't mean much xD;

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My first shiny was a Geodude from the first Pokemon game i played, Diamond. I was just walking in a cave to get from one town to the next, hoping not to run into a Geodude or Zubat, then balm my golden rock appeared

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My first shiny pokemon was a spheal, I was looking for a Snorunt in the shoal cave (ice room) and then a purple spheal comes out of nowhere, I was so happy because I've never seen a shiny pokemon in my life, the game I found it in was pokemon Sapphire.

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My first shiny was a shiny Machop.in victory road in leaf green.

Though I almost ran way from it since I was playing on one othe old GBAs I couldnt really tell until I looked closely at it.

I caught it and then procceded to freak out.

Also in a nuzlocke i did I caught my shiny male nidoran. Which was then permaboxed and then sent to another game for ev training.

Edited by Shadyserpent269
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Shiny Zubat found in Rock Tunnel while playing Crystal version. The sad thing was that meant I found the Zubat well after I had beaten the main game and I had already beaten probably 6 of the Kanto Gym Leaders. Pretty sure I just boxed it because while I knew it was special, did not see myself training it to be used for what little was left in the game.

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First Shiny found, Rattata in my gold. No balls, so I had to kill it :/ Second Magnamite, box full... Killed it. Third Slugma, finally my first captured Shiny. None since then though in gold. Emerald: Golbat, Chinchou, Zigzagoon. Then finally after about 3 months Shiny Rayquaza, sold to an IRL friend for $55!! lol... Since then I have not found any wild shiny over 4 years running now...

Edited by Veela Moonlite
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A long time ago, I played Pokemon Emerald to beat it another time then I encountered it in Rusturf Tunnel....Sadly I just found it when I just caught Rayquaza and I only have 5 ultra balls and all of my pokemon couldn't inflict status...Nor would have any moves to just put it in the red.

...Needless to say that was a terrible ride back to home. I haven't encountered another shiny since. ;w;

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First shiny was a Golbat in Victory Road in SoulSilver, decided to train it in victory road until it was ready for the pokemon league.

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First shiny was grimer on a fake leafgreen, then found a shiny phanpy, soon the game deleted itself (sucks cause i had strong pokemon in it). But a few years later later i found a shiny snover in my diamond, then lost my diamond never to be found again (had my empoleon and palkia that were the 1st pokemon i trained to level 100 with no cheats). But in platinum i found a shiny bronzor and i still have it today, named it Shiny too.

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Not including Red Gyarados,

My first Shiny was in Sapphire, it was a Shiny zubat, i didnt have any pokeballs so i couldn't catch it QQ

then there was diamond where i just learned how to put honey on trees and my first pokemon was a shiny aipom

On an unrelated note, in Emerald i caught a Spinda with a heart shaped spot :D on its face

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I killed my first shiny, a Wurple. My second one I ran away from it, because I wasn't paying attention, a Chinchou. I then finally caught a shiny Aron, which my brother decided to erase. These 3 were in Ruby. The next one was a Charmander from Oak in FR, which I still have today; I was at most 10 when I got that one, so I was jumping all over the place. xD

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my first shiny was a meheep in silver then i let a friend borrow it and then deleted my saved game

then a shiny wingall in ruby which i still have on one game i think probably not

then a shiny buizal in pearl then started a new game

and finally just restated infire red shiny pidgy forth pokemon i caught

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