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Taka Quotes (SPOILERS)


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This is two-fold: an appreciation for Taka's sense of humor if you travel the desert with him and one very odd one that may throw some of the Lin theories for a spin. In the midst of the relateable quotes from Taka (my favorite being *the text on the statue is too faded to read* Taka: "Mood.") , Taka explains that Lin has "narcoleptic" and will spontaneously collapse and be unresponsive until she gets up on her own...I am new to Lin theories, but I know many popular ones have a key idea of Lin being some sort of false or fake person. Could this piece of evidence support one of these ideas? Maybe she is some sort of robot? Or a soul-less body? It could truly just be narcolepsy, but seeing as many theories discuss Lin as being a false person, could this and the fact Anna can't see Lin point towards one variation of this theory being true?

Edited by Maxerus
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48 minutes ago, Maxerus said:

This is two-fold: an appreciation for Taka's sense of humor if you travel the desert with him and one very odd one that may throw some of the Lin theories for a spin. In the midst of the relateable quotes from Taka (my favorite being *the text on the statue is too faded to read* Taka: "Mood.") , Taka explains that Lin has "narcoleptic" and will spontaneously collapse and be unresponsive until she gets up on her own...I am new to Lin theories, but I know many popular ones have a key idea of Lin being some sort of false or fake person. Could this piece of evidence support one of these ideas? Maybe she is some sort of robot? Or a soul-less body? It could truly just be narcolepsy, but seeing as many theories discuss Lin as being a false person, could this and the fact Anna can't see Lin point towards one variation of this theory being true?

So kinda like some kind of Astral Projection? when one side of her sleeps the other is moving and awake?

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What if Lin's narcolepsy is a side-effect of whatever happened to her to allow her to survive Titania impaling her? I mean, if the Player's radiance and benevolence makes them immediately visible to Anna, maybe Lin is just the inverse in that Lin is so shrouded in evil/darkness/despair/whatever that she can't see her? I mean, I'm of the mind that Lin is a human (At least mostly), but something weird happened to make her able to survive being impaled by an Aegislash. What if her immortality is kind of like Kenny from South Park, where she feels the pain and is temporarily dead, but wakes up completely fine after a short bit? I mean, at this point, any speculation is kind of like epileptic trees, but still. It's a possibility.


Also, on a sidenote, I will be slightly disappointed if this isn't used for a Lin battle. Cynthia's theme just fits so much better with Solaris (and Elias, for that matter).




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7 hours ago, Velthomer21 said:

What if Lin's narcolepsy is a side-effect of whatever happened to her to allow her to survive Titania impaling her? I mean, if the Player's radiance and benevolence makes them immediately visible to Anna, maybe Lin is just the inverse in that Lin is so shrouded in evil/darkness/despair/whatever that she can't see her? I mean, I'm of the mind that Lin is a human (At least mostly), but something weird happened to make her able to survive being impaled by an Aegislash. What if her immortality is kind of like Kenny from South Park, where she feels the pain and is temporarily dead, but wakes up completely fine after a short bit? I mean, at this point, any speculation is kind of like epileptic trees, but still. It's a possibility.


Also, on a sidenote, I will be slightly disappointed if this isn't used for a Lin battle. Cynthia's theme just fits so much better with Solaris (and Elias, for that matter).

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I am as of late on a Reborn marathon, having completed from the Ice Gym up through Titania in like a week, so my theory gears are all wound up. Sadly, as you say, there isn't much evidence to what is up with Lin, but there's plenty of evidence that SOMETHING is off. Things that immediately come to mind and are big red flags are Anna not seeing Lin, her immortality, the age paradox (which may just be my confusion, I'll address that later), and how she seemingly works AROUND the player rather than against in a way that seems to go beyond protag-armor (such as stating it is important that the player leaves with the bracelets). If interpreted correctly, from these points, we know that Lin is at least biologically and physically immortal, has some inhuman trait about her (whether it being demonically soul-less or just not actually human), and we have something to do with her...


I will also be 100% honest; as someone who loves predicting the future or explaining present traits of a game or the characters in it through theorization and imagery...Lin and the protagonist have me stumped...my best guess for Lin at this point is that the current Lin is some sort of physical embodiment of a force or magic. If I understand the story correctly, there is one VERY weird time paradox: how could Lin be a child younger than Anna, go on to be adopted by Terra's family for her to corrupt Terra, and now be an adult all while Anna and Noel are still children? What I think is that after she electrocuted Dr. Connel and he got rid of her, Lin as a child somehow made her way to the Arceus chamber under the grand stairway (or to some other holy/un-holy place). From there, I think some godly force or evil corrupted her body and is currently using her as a vessel. This makes sense because it would explain her seemingly ageless and immortal traits, could explain the weird voice in that area as the true child Lin that was exiled from the body that was once hers and now is used by this "evil", could be why Anna doesn't see anybody (as there is no soul in "Lin" now, only some evil force), AND in many forms of media, possessed people often have issues functioning properly (such as narcolepsy). 


As for the protagonist, I feel like we are going to get some sort of Undertale-grade reveal (as in very metaphoric and supernatural). I feel like that we are something INCREDIBLY integral to the Reborn universe beyond just being the protagonist. The biggest things that suggest this to me are the unexplained and coincidental nature of our arrival (random inexperienced trainer brought to a dying region (oh also, I think in-game Ame knew this too) at the last second who is suddenly the largest hero)), Anna's discussion of our aura, and (based on if Lin is some sort of fucked up, supernatural creature) how Lin treats us to the confusion of other Team Meteor members and other supporting characters (such as seemingly letting us go in Tanzan or pretending we are a team and letting us keep the bracelets in Titania's Gym). This, mixed with the odd, reality-changing nature of the couple prophecies in the current game, lead me to believe the dynamic between us and Lin is going to be something world-shattering. 


Tl;Dr: The mysterious nature and backstory of Lin mixed with the themes of rebirth and supernatural power lead me to believe that Lin's body is home to some name-less evil force that exiled young Lin from her body (in order to explain the age paradox). If this is at least somewhat true, I believe that the foil that is us will also be revealed to be something of similar power/supernatural ability. 

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Wait...I just thought of something. We remember that Adrienn spent ten years down in the Citae D' Arc Astrae or however you spell it without aging at all, or even feeling it. What if the inverse was true for Lin? What if after somehow stumbling down there, Lin spent only hours or days that were like ten years to her, both mentally and physically? I mean, it's not out of the question that the Lin we've met is still the same exact Lin that was in the orphanage, considering that even orphanage Lin was a total sadistic sociopath. And, while Lin was down in the Citae, what if she was somehow touched by the power of Giratina, who was explained to have previously wreaked havoc in Reborn in ancient times before settling in the Southeast? It was said that Giratina reversed things, so it's not entirely out of the question that Giratina (intentionally or otherwise) reversed Lin's mortality (somehow). But at this point, we're just doing some Wild Mass Guessing.

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I've heard that one before, but I think that can be disproved with the nature of Adrienn's absence. You see, it was deduced in-game that when you enter the Astrae, you become frozen in time unless you are in possession of/near one in possession of one of four keys. Adrienn wasn't while El (who went ahead with Luna and Gardevoir) and the player (who went with Cain and Radomus later) were. Time started for Adrienn when El arrived, which is why he felt it was only hours. So I don't think that happened to Lin (and maybe it wasn't the Astrae that could have given her some supernatural powers, if they are indeed mystical). 


As I said, it is a strange case. There's not much room for wild guessing as this universe has strict bounds (such as the magic of the Astrae) that are only broken in extreme cases or comedic ones (like Terra, mostly). So just about every wild theory is easily proven wrong. But there are still so many explanations that fit the in-game universe that I can see why although we know something is up with Lin, we have no idea what. As there is technically something that proves and nothing that disproves a multitude of theories (such as the robot or time travel or possession theories). 


I wonder if Ame had ever read or seen some of the Pokemon Alchemy Theory/Symbolism videos that were popular during the time leading to Sun and Moon? I wonder if some of the story elements will start to merge around that, seeing as Alchemy has similar themes (four elements, creation and rebirth, playing God, immortality, pagan religion, etc)

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We only have one (known) case of time warping in the Citae, so it's possible that it works differently for different people. Or perhaps, the Meteor, which had absorbed the time (somehow) that Adrienn had spent down in the Citae had forced that time on Lin regarding purity of spirit..? I mean, Adrienn is one of the purest and just..good characters in Reborn, getting beaten out by MAYBE Anna. Xe's like....good personified. Meanwhile, you have Lin, who's a total sadistic sociopath, maybe getting punished by the Meteor for being so evil? I don't know, it's basically trying to find a specific needle in a needlestack.

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sorry if I come out as ignorant but where in the game is it mentioned about lin being in the orphanage? I traveled through the desert with taka(except the gible cave) and dont remember any such thing as these dialogues. Am I missing something or is it just my luck that they were mentioned in the one part I didnt go through?

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