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Pokémon X and Y! (Official Discussion Topic)


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I still think it is dragon

and when you say Sylva means meadows.... that makes me think of the plains in magic the gathering... and Plains usually associate with the normal type in my eyes

Technically I think Silva is supposed to be more of "forest", but idk

Also, >plain


I see what you did there

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Normal/Flying or Pure Flying.


Notice that there's a type advantage with each pair that's lined up. Electric is only Super Effective against Water and Flying, and we've already got Vaporeon. (There's no way this thing is a ground type)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not to mention Electric/Dark, Dragon/Fighting(FINALLY!!!!) and Fire freaking Water!

Also, anybody else see the name Skarmish and jumped to the conclusion of a Skarmory Pre-Evolution? I was so scared for a second :c

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*may not actually be spoilers, but I guess we'll find out in a few days.

What's in a name? My predictions:

Fennerva- hello I'm not ninetails, I swear.

Bubbaboom- sounds like the water starter is gonna use sound based attacks like a water type loudred. dem loud croaks.

Gyrove- grass and flying with a little bit o' rapid spin? How does one do a flying hedgehog? and don't friggin say sonic

Dogsnout/Daschunt- wiener dog pokemon

Catrawl/hooklyne- angler pokemon? perhaps another jellyfish, manowar style?

Scimincer and Chryscross- Pinsir and heracross evos?

Maniackle- ghost with chains who laughs a lot, ghost/steel. =3 I can't help but think of the muppet christmas carol now

Prowleon/Houndoomed- new cat and dog. mayhap houndoom evo?

Reptoil/oozard- poison ground lizard. Gila monster perhaps? Obviously, a greasy pokemon.

Lunate/lycrest- Lunatone and solrock now have a dark counterparts. beware.

Koalossus- sounds like the name heatran should have had. tiny hope it could be a torkoal evo. I doubt it.

Pyrophos/Fraptor- new fossil pokemon

Eyedol- psychic version of claydol. =|

Sylveon- normal, female eveelution, which in turn means

Bouson- the normal male eveelution. totally inb4'd it.

Mothedral- volcarona, ice style

Olympen- Empoleon's new buddy, but with more ice cubes. Now we totally need a killer whale pokemon to eat them.

Sawk and Throh with new evo's

Chorustar- singing water pokemon? Siren or perhaps sea angel?

Whaleon- an orca pokemon? well, the coloring would probably fit with a ghost type... fingers crossed.

Shamroc- grass/dragon... I got nothing except the image of a leprechaun stuck in my head. hmmm. maybe it'll have a mane in the shape of a 4leaf clover.

bug/dragon? hell if I know, unless loldragonflydragon

Warhog, ground/fighting- say hello to Pumba Mr. Pig.

Cocojo/Cocomando, grass/fire- coconut meets luau fire dancer????

Fugilis water/poison- hard to say. sea snake? those things are venomous as hell... oh wait, fugue- pufferfish pokemon. GF says FU to quilfish.

Snowmanitan- alternate Darmanitan form/evo. duh.

Guardion- something badass.

Mirrong- Alternate Bronzong evolution. Or... female evolution? ladies and their mirrors...

Idom/Egom/Superegom- this pokemon brought you in part by proud sponsor Dr. Freud. It's totally a couch, lol. JK. probably a haze/formless pokemon or very humanoid.

Xerneas as psychic/rock? that thing from princess mononoke? Suddenly very skeptical of this list.

Vortron- the giant molecule pokemon, see klingklang and expect something similar

Serpreine- Sounds legit, a dark poison snake.

*reads the note at the end*

oh, heracross and pinsir PRE-evo's. I was close. buggler???

maybe one of those three is scyther pre-evo? although with the way those 3 are going, could be a completely new pokemon and its evo's. =/

Also, anybody else see the name Skarmish and jumped to the conclusion of a Skarmory Pre-Evolution? I was so scared for a second


This. normal/flying... it's totally gonna be the pre-evo. I saw it and thought it was an actual evolution, not pre-evo till I saw the typing. You know, how its feathers/wings get stabbed by thorns so that it starts to grow its metallic quills? Yeah. That. So still no eviolite skarmory, thank mewtwo.

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This. normal/flying... it's totally gonna be the pre-evo. So still no eviolite skarmory, thank mewtwo.

I noticed the typing after (like.. I saw the name; jumped to the conclusion, then proceeded to notice the typing), which is why I mentioned it q:

But a skarm pre-evo would be sitting at around 100-110 base defense at the very least. With eviolite, that's scary enough for me :c

In any case we should all keep praying to arceus in the hopes that skarmory will never be able to make good use of eviolite.

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I noticed the typing after (like.. I saw the name; jumped to the conclusion, then proceeded to notice the typing), which is why I mentioned it q:

But a skarm pre-evo would be sitting at around 100-110 base defense at the very least. With eviolite, that's scary enough for me :c

In any case we should all keep praying to arceus in the hopes that skarmory will never be able to make good use of eviolite.

Koalossus needs to be a torkoal evo so torkoal can use eviolite

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Also, anybody else see the name Skarmish and jumped to the conclusion of a Skarmory Pre-Evolution? I was so scared for a second :c

It was even #666

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Houndoomed was bound to be fake anyways.

doomed to be fake*

Also, kind of sad; some of these seem like they would have been pretty cool ):

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mewtwo's new forme revealed on 'Pokémon Smash!'

Pokemon Smash has just revealed the new Mewtwo forme, as you can see below. It appeared to use moves that its normal form can already use, such as Psywave, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, and Focus Blast (it used six different moves, but probably just for demonstrative purposes).

Pokemon.com just uploaded a video of the forme, calling it “A New Pokemon with a Familiar Look,” which is odd since if it were a new Mewtwo forme, they should have called it “An Old Pokemon with a New Look.” Since neither Pokemon Smash nor Pokemon.com specifically called it Mewtwo, it may not actually be Mewtwo – perhaps it could be a new clone of Mew, such as Mewthree? However, this ambiguity might just be a marketing tool to keep speculation running high, which Pokemon is of course famous for. It does replace Mewtwo on the 16th movie poster, so it is most likely still Mewtwo.



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