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Pokémon X and Y! (Official Discussion Topic)


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Quillidan . Quill + palladin. so there may be something to the knight thing for him.

Dunno what kind of name Braixen is though. wtf. never wanted fennekin, so not my problem. Hadn't really noticed the silly stick till Godot mentioned it.

Frogadier. Bombadier. Kain was a dragoon, Godot. But as jumping strikers, they are similar. A bombardier was/is the guy who aims the payload of bombs from airplanes, so the frog may yet get the air typing I mentioned before. That move was almost certainly Bounce. Not so convinced of the frog's ninja's status, but he seems pretty awesome anyways. I knew Benjamin Franklin Frog would pull through for me. =P

Can't wait to see Tyrunt's final evolution. Cuz you know, none of the fossil pokemon evolve twice cuz they're prehistoric and predate that development in organisms.

Edit: Frogadier attacks by launching small stones wrapped in bubbles. Rock throw + bubblebeam = win.


notice that it says Mega Mewtwo X is bigger than its Y counterpart, and the eyes follow standard anime male/female differences. Smaller, sharper eyes for X. larger, wider, shinier eyes for Y.

Oh and apparently it gets Giga Impact. http://www.pokemonxy.com/en-us/pokemon/mega_pokemon/

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Did some research for ya mael! Looked up the origins of the various names...

Quilladin's english name is a cross between Quill and Palidin, his japanese namme is a mix between Armor and the french word for Chesnut

Braixen's name is a cross between Vixen and the french word for Coal, his Japanese name is a mix between Fox and Tail

FFrogideir is a mix between Frog and Brigidier, his japanese name is a mix between the japanese name for Croak and a title In the Yakuza

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Glenn was never in a Yakuza...

Looked up the other starter's names

Chespin's name comes from "Chesnut Hedgehog"

Fenniken is "Kindle Fox" or "Fox Child"

Froakie is "Bubble Frog" or "Spray Frog"

Not much info there... but a Yakuza frog sounds boss.... though too dark for nintendo imo... *shrugs*

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Team Flare Admins in Action!

Meet the five scientists who are the driving force behind Team Flare! They all have different hairstyles and unique outfits: The purple-haired woman is Celosia, the orange-haired woman is Aliana, the green-haired woman is Bryony, and the blue-haired woman is Mable. The final one of the lot is a man called Xerosic, whose red goggles and hair make quite an impression.

They’re not merely selfishly looking out for themselves—they appear to have a clear goal in how to change the world. What kind of world do they hope to create?

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Brigadier, being a yakuza rank, is almost surely based on the (again) military brigadier rank that precedes it (which reflects the number of troops at his command). So it still doesn't get any extra ninja status from that. And yeah, I know Kero is pretty much the sound a frog makes in Japanese. I was basing my deductions on its English name, moves and descriptions of it leaping high and attacking, like with bounce (jump up high or onto things and then basically dive bombing onto its foe). I'd say the English name Froakie comes from Foam and Croak. So both names come from the sound a frog makes, but the other combined words have different influences.

I knew Braixen was a mixture of some word plus vixen, female fox. I wouldn't know the, I guess, French word the first half of the name comes from. *starts looking at the names with more than a passing glance* Fokko, for fennekin, seems obviously Fox (fok) with ko at the end which denotes a child/puppy/kitten/cub/etc. Otoko no ko (boy), onna no ko (girl). Maybe fok has something to do with kindle in japanese, but the Fennekin, would be based on the desert dwelling fennec fox, which boasts the similar narrow face, petite body shape/size, and oversized ears. And kin of course is kin, so it's like Fox-kin or fox-relative/family.

I think chespin's final evolution will turn out tanky and actually look pretty decent, despite its second evo, but he was never a serious option for me as a starter anyways.

I think fennekin's final evo with grow taller, and more upright, flesh out a bit more, and gain a staff and probably look like a foxy version of Anubis. But without the collar and crown things.

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Well.... those names I threw out where a general summary of all the names in different languages... here is my analysis;

Chespin is Chesnut and Urchin, and Quilladin is Quill and Paladin. There is a theme reguarding bulky spiked grass armor.

Ii think it's final evo will be some bulky armored Hedgehog. The armor will be coated with small pins and quills, this pokemon may be a good "stealth rock/spike" user. He will be either a Grass/steel or Grass/Rock Pokemon with the dream world ability Iron Barb or Sturdy.

Fenniken is Fennic and Kindle, Braixen is Braise and Vixen, there is also a theme surounding Tree Branches, and how This pokemon finds them calming.

I think the 2nd stage will be slightly taller with a more epic tail, the tree branch will be a little more exaggerated and wil have a ruby or a burning piece of coal on the end of the stick, its dream world ability may be Flash Fire or Drought. Oh ya obviously Fire/psychic... but might be mono fire

Froakie is Froth and Croak, Frogidier is Frog and Brigideir. And to cover something up, his 1st stage evo's name is Gekogashira which is the japanese word Geko which means Croak and Wakagashira which is a title for a newly. Promoted leader of a Yakuza group. It can also be Kogagashira which is a leader of a section or team.

I think mael is on the right track reguarding Froakie's 2nd stage involving a military influence. It also reflects that in his first concept art where Froakie looks like he is Saluting. I also think froakie won't gain a 2nd. Type and will just stay mono Water or *sigh* Water/Fighting. I am thinking he will be bigger and more muscular with the bubbles and foam having a more Scarfy look. He might have a brand new ability be his dreamworld ability... though I can see it having Swift Swim. I can also see this poke learning Aqua Jet, Fake Out, or Sucker Punch... I can also see this poke having Technitian as it's DW ability

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My final evo type speculations are just really simple.

Chespin will become Grass/Dark

Fennekin will become Fire/Psychic,

and Froakie will become Water/Fighting!

Why do I think this? Frogidier is Frog and Brigidier (stated before). Brigidier is a military rank, thus making me (and others) believe it will be Water/Fighting.

Braixen resembles a sort of Witch, and witches involve magical spells. The twig in her tail would be the "wand," and as such, I believe Braixen will become Fire/Psychic!

Chespin.. I have doubts, but with the other two types I have, it's all I have. Grass/Dark? I don't know. Maybe it's evolution will support that. I think it might be Dark as it would give it an advantage against Braixen - a pretty much confirmed Fire/Psychic. Braixen's the same - Psychic > Fighting. Frogidier? Fighting's strong against Dark, Steel, Ground, Normal or Rock. Because of this, a possible other type would be Rock or Ground. But this would not work due to the other two's practically confirmed typing. If it were Ground, it's SECONDARY type would be SE against Fennekin's final evo's PRIMARY type. The secondary types should link together in another type triangle with the types I've stated. Dark > Psychic > Fighting > Dark. Rock is the same, and it would mean Braixen would not be able to do Super Effective damage - another thing that would be out of place.

By the way, when I say the paragraph about Chespin going on to be Grass/Dark, whenever I state Braixen or Quilladin or whatever, I do mean their final evolutions.

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But this would not work due to the other two's practically confirmed typing. If it were Ground, it's SECONDARY type would be SE against Fennekin's final evo's PRIMARY type. The secondary types should link together in another type triangle with the types I've stated. Dark > Psychic > Fighting > Dark. Rock is the same, and it would mean Braixen would not be able to do Super Effective damage - another thing that would be out of place.

By the way, when I say the paragraph about Chespin going on to be Grass/Dark, whenever I state Braixen or Quilladin or whatever, I do mean their final evolutions.

But this has happened in the past; Torterra became Grass/Ground and now had a second move type that could decimate Infernape, and Infernape could decimate Empoleon because he was now a steel type.

Following this logic, Grass/Ground doesn't seem out of place aswell.

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But this has happened in the past; Torterra became Grass/Ground and now had a second move type that could decimate Infernape, and Infernape could decimate Empoleon because he was now a steel type.

Following this logic, Grass/Ground doesn't seem out of place aswell.

Forgot about him. Well, fair enough. Something like this could happen. Just with the other 2 types practically confirmed, I'd expect Chespin to follow suit.

Edited by Amaterasu
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Looking back at it all again, Torterra's grass attacks are neutrally effective to Empoleon because of the steel type (so he had to use ground attacks instead).

I won't really be surprised with these guys might have similar issues, but I'll share my predictions anyway.

I'm guessing that Chespin's final will be Grass/Ground, due to the fact that he gets Mud Shot, and ground is a usually decently tanky type (hippowdon, etc), which compliments what he's most likely meant to be. For those saying it would then be effective against Fennekin... it's been done before. Wouldn't be surprised if it's done again.

Fennekin's final evolution; I'm almost certain that it's going to be fire/psychic type. He gets Psyshock at 2nd stage, which is screaming Psychic, and it fits the whole mage thing perfectly.

Froakie's, I'm a little more open about. I think it'll most likely be pure water; if it was Water/Flying, then Chespin would have to be Grass/Rock to keep it's effectiveness over it, subsequently meaning that Fennekin would be super effective; so I think it getting bounce is more of the whole "frog" thing then it is an implication for it to be flying.

I'm also considering Water/Dark type, because he's, y'know an assassin/military/yakuza-like guy. Oh, and those aren't clouds on him; those are just bubbles. Just so you know.

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