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Writing Tips


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I've always wanted to write a story basically following what my characters do in games; following the path they took, decisions made, inner thoughts and reactions,  not sure if that counts as a fanfic but i digress,  I'm a pretty good writer but I always want to get better, any tips you guys might have for me?

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Writing has two options: you write for yourself alone or write for others to read. Both are enjoyable, but writing for others is def more difficult, because you have to grab their attention, and keep it for a heccin' long time.

My sole tip (since I'm not that great of a writer anyways): don't be afraid to digress from the canon storyline.

Add your "flavor" by making the original cast do actions that they don't do in the game. I mean, the game is set so they have to do stuff the same everytime, but writing allows you to take the story and make it your own (not really, but ya kno what I'm sayin'). I dunno about others, but I def can't read stories that are just a narration/dialogue of what happened in the game - I already know the story. Even if you just make your own character do or think in a way that doesn't follow the usual narrative, it's still too predictable for me... I'm not a good reader so I'm pretty picky hehe

Anyhow, that's just my two cents. Dunno if it works, but I hope it does :eyes:

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You could (and people have) take many classes on writing and still never touch on worthwhile techniques. It's a vast subject that can be approached from many directions. Having written a full novel myself, I'll give you the one I find most important.


Just write, even if you think what your writing sucks. It's impossible to become a skilled writer without a lot of practice.

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I suggest you read up on some narratives first to get an idea of how you want to write your own.


You can maybe pick up a couple techniques along the way.


Other than that, just go for it. Remember, everything is a first draft. You can always go back and change things.

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