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DoTA 2.

Wild Monkey

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Lately my friends have been forcefully shoving this game at me and I must say, I don't hate it as much as I thought I would, but I don't like it more than League. My first day of playing was MUCH worse than my first day at League, I felt shell shocked honestly! I started with Sniper who is kind of similar to Caitlyn with the Tristana range increase passive. I fell flat on my face with that one. My friends then asked me to try Juggernaut, and instantly (with item building help with my friends) I felt right at home with Juggernaut, my first game playing as him we still lost (since certain heroes snowball in ways that League could only dream of) but I ended up doing much better than I had anticipated. Today, I decided to play Dragon Knight, who is actually similar to Shivana, but with a stun and different abilities all together. I did OK as Dragon Knight I guess, but I still didn't feel the same cheer that I felt with Juggernaut. Then I decided to try one of the game's most overused Ranged carry, Drow Archer. This frosty archer makes Ashe seem like a joke! She has a Silence, a slow, and MAD dps! I plan to play the Gyrocopter (Corki) character soon as well! Anyways, if you have ever played DoTA 2, who were your favorite heroes? What was your best score (my friend went 28-0 as an assassin class tonight o.o)? Or have you ever thought of playing DoTA 2? I honestly still like League of Legends better, but DoTA is still a very fun game and definitely worth checking out!

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The game is most confusing if you go to it from league.

But Meepo is teh bestz

And drow ranger*

Other favorites phantom lancer, axe, naix (lifestealer), nyx, shadow shaman, lina, and sniper.

I really like most heros and the skills that go with them.

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I'm the opposite, I like Dota 2 a lot better than League. I will only play League if I have a stack of like 4 or 5.

The thing about playing worse your first time definitely happens to everyone. I was pretty bad when I started but after a while you learn the more advanced mechanics and you can start doing pretty well.

My favorite heroes are Bounty Hunter, Windrunner, and Puck. Nature's Prophet is fun too. But I'm also practicing with more solo offlane heroes like Beastmaster, Dark Seer, etc.

Drow Ranger is honestly pretty overpowered right now, she got too much buff in one of the last patches and her aura is just ridiculous now. But its easy to win games as her and she's pretty simple so she's a good starting point.

Anyway, if anyway ever wants to play some matches, or if anyone needs an invite (I got 6 more.) feel free to add me on steam.


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