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Ryan and Serenity's Co-Op RMT [League]


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Ryan C here.

Time for my next RMT, even though I still haven't done the final Monocolor series entry yet. In fact, I can't even be bothered to do one myself! Yeah, that's what my life's come down to. But anyway, this next RMT was made in tandem with the wonderful Serenity for her next attack of the Reborn League.

S e r e n i t y ' s N e x t R u n


Here's the team in the trainer card. Below is the more in-depth version of this group of jolly ol' Pokemon that will accompany Serenity on her next journey around the Reborn League. Despite the fact that no one in season 2 has beaten the Reborn League with a rain team, she was quite confident that it could work if it was done right - so here it is.

Hidden in the spoilers are just ideas for each Pokemon, but don't take it like it will be the only one run - the EVs / Natures / Items / to a lesser extent Abilities will be changing to adapt to the leaders. The EV spreads aren't that appealing anyway, since I made them. :P

186.gif (M) @ TBD

- Surf

- Ice Beam

- Encore

- Protect

Politoed (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Drizzle

EVs: 252 HP / 68 SAtk / 188 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Surf

- Ice Beam

- Protect

- Encore

Classic defensive Toed. Surf is a spread move made to destroy, hinging on the fact that Water is resisted by every other Pokemon on this team. Ice Beam is for coverage and helps fend off Grass-types. Protect would be to scout and to shield against an inevitable Thunder or other kind of Electric attack. Encore messes up the other Pokemon on the opponent's side, locking them into a move resisted by the other guys, allowing for mass Sporing or set ups by Sceptile or Dragonite.


  • Water Absorb: Useful against Amaria, since she will most likely set up rain herself. If not, talk about an awkward Clear Skies battle. But nevertheless, it would come in handy there.
  • Damp: What gym leader would use Explosion or Selfdestruct?
  • Drizzle: Rain powers the entire team, and this ability provides fuel for the...uh...fire? Anyway, this will be the choice ability 95% of the time.

591.gif (F) @ TBD

- Spore

- Rage Powder

- Giga Drain

- Hidden Power [ice] / [Ground]

Amoonguss (F) @ Black Sludge

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 176 HP / 252 Def / 80 SAtk

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Rage Powder

- Giga Drain

- Spore

- Hidden Power [ice]

Staller. Really does not get hurt at all by Politoed's Surf, even in rain. Spore stops an opponent dead in their tracks, and with no sleep clause in League, it can be freely spammed. Rage Powder draws attacks and other good things to Amoonguss's bulk, and most importantly gets lethal Electric and Grass attacks, also I guess Ice attacks to an extent, away from teammates. Giga Drain is STAB and adds some more stall-a-lol to Amoonguss, infuriating some opponents. Hidden Power would be for coverage. Right now my main idea is [ice] but we may consider something else, like [Ground].


  • Effect Spore: Useful on physical-heavy leaders, such as Titania and Samson who will be touching Amoonguss a lot.
  • Regenerator: All things considered, this ability is only on par with Effect Spore in League due to the nature of Doubles and Triples battles. But it can still be useful in Singles.

131.gif (F) @ TBD

- Waterfall

- Avalanche

- Curse

- Rest

Lapras (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Hydration

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Waterfall

- Avalanche

- Curse

- Rest

More stall? Sure, why the hell not? Only this time, there's some more offense involved. Apparently, Lapras in rain has saved Serenity "like 80 times", and there also should be some offensive presence, so that's why we didn't just jump on Vaporeon. Waterfall will be the main attack Lapras uses, guaranteed. Avalanche is very useful because Lapras will almost always be going last barring in a Trick Room situation. Curse creates bulk on both sides of the defensive spectrum. Rest hinges on having Hydration as an ability, as it means instant recovery and relief from burns.


  • Water Absorb: Can be used against Amaria, taking away her STABs.
  • Shell Armor: Can prevent the wayward crit from destroying Lapras through Curses, but even then it's outclassed by Hydration.
  • Hydration: What makes Lapras as annoying as it is. It makes Rest an awesome move.

479-wash.gif @ TBD

- Hydro Pump

- Thunder

- Trick

- Hidden Power [ice] / Will-O-Wisp

Rotom-W @ Choice Specs

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Trick

- Hydro Pump

- Thunder

- Hidden Power [ice]

Rotom brings to the table offensive presence with perhaps some support as well. Hydro Pump and Thunder are the power STABs, and in rain they both get different yet equally appreciable boosts. Trick passes a bad item off, perhaps ruining a wall. Hidden Power [ice] is what we're leaning towards for the last move choice, but after looking at this for a few minutes, I'm starting to think that Will-O-Wisp would be a better fit; however HP Ice takes care of Grass-types, who would otherwise give it a world of trouble.

254.gif (M) @ TBD

- Leaf Blade

- Acrobatics

- Drain Punch

- Swords Dance

Sceptile (M) @ Flying Gem

Trait: Unburden

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Leaf Blade

- Acrobatics

- Drain Punch

- Swords Dance

Man, I love Sceptile. If it comes in at the right time in the OU tier, it can take a huge chunk out of rain or sand teams, or possibly even dismantle them completely. It's like a much angrier Virizion. Thus Sceptile was a personal choice of mine. Leaf Blade is STAB and will be doing quite a bit of damage whenever I can find a place to let it loose. Acrobatics works with Unburden, the whole reason I use Sceptile, to double up Speed and hit hard at the same time. Drain Punch works with Sceptile's okay special bulk, but is mainly geared for smashing Tyranitar and other sand commodities such as Excadrill. Swords Dance is something that may be used facing something that would likely switch out, such as Choice Rotom-W locked into Thunderbolt. The item choice is a two horse race; either Focus Sash or Flying Gem.


  • Overgrow: Useless on Sceptile.
  • Unburden: Incredibly useful, as this will let Sceptile outspeed every +2 and Swimmer out there. And I guess Chlorophyll user, too. Oh, and of course Excadrill, which will be handy since Sceptile will be Drain Punching its lights out.

149.gif (M) @ TBD

- Dragon Claw

- Hurricane

- Earthquake

- Dragon Dance

Dragonite (M) @ Lum Berry

Trait: Multiscale

EVs: 124 HP / 220 SAtk / 164 Spd

Rash Nature (+SAtk, -SDef)

- Dragon Claw

- Earthquake

- Hurricane

- Dragon Dance

League teams just are not complete without a mixed attacker. Dragonite brings the element of mixed attacking to the table. With physical prowess, a lethal special STAB useful in rain, Dragonite's 100 base Special Attack, and Dragon Dance, Dragonite's this team's jack of all trades. Dragon Claw is the physical STAB and hurts a lot, in addition to getting nice coverage with Earthquake. In addition, those two attacks are boosted in power by Dragon Dance, so Serenity can focus EVs on attacking from the Special side. Hurricane is that special side, and is a great STAB backed by rain and nice Special Attack.


  • Inner Focus: Extremely useful against Samson as his strategy is to Fake Out the entire opposition on turn 1 so he can do other devious things, like Trick Room. With Inner Focus, Dragonite can take a Fake Out and blow away one of his Pokemon with a STAB Hurricane. Aside from that, I guess the only other leader that Serenity might want to use this against is Aya.
  • Multiscale: This is likely what she will be using against every other leader, and for obvious reasons.

Importable with current sets:

Politoed (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Drizzle

EVs: 252 HP / 68 SAtk / 188 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Surf

- Ice Beam

- Protect

- Encore

Amoonguss (F) @ Black Sludge

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 176 HP / 252 Def / 80 SAtk

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Rage Powder

- Giga Drain

- Spore

- Hidden Power [ice]

Lapras (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Hydration

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Waterfall

- Avalanche

- Curse

- Rest

Rotom-W @ Choice Specs

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Trick

- Hydro Pump

- Thunder

- Hidden Power [ice]

Sceptile (M) @ Flying Gem

Trait: Unburden

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Leaf Blade

- Acrobatics

- Drain Punch

- Swords Dance

Dragonite (M) @ Lum Berry

Trait: Multiscale

EVs: 124 HP / 220 SAtk / 164 Spd

Rash Nature (+SAtk, -SDef)

- Dragon Claw

- ExtremeSpeed

- Hurricane

- Dragon Dance

And with that, we would like your input! Have at it!

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Not a bad team at all, although from what I can see it relies a ton on having rain up. Seeing as there is a lot of weather changing in League like Sunny Day, you might want to add Rain Dance to someone to make sure you win the weather war. Otherwise you might get wrecked pretty badly.

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Ok so.

Sesmitoad is an amazing force in rain during league. It has Swift Swim to boost speed and Water Absorb to take in surf. What's more, it can run as a mixed sweeper wall. Being part ground, it resists Electric moves as well, ruining Discharge.


-Drain Punch

-Earth Power/Earthquake

-Surf/Hydro Pump

-Icy Wind/Blizzard/Sludge Bomb

Another force would be Cradily. Storm drain soaks up Surf, and gives it +1 to SPATK.

-Rock Silde


-Giga Drain


Or consider Toxicroak. I don't actually tried using it before but it helps in singles.

Other choices:










Whimiscott (Sets up rain as well and Hurricaneeeee)

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I'll reply to Summer first.

  • I honestly don't like the prospect of using Seismitoad. If we go with the Swift Swim version, then we're relying too much on weather; if we go with the Water Absorb version then that's something that Politoed and Lapras already do better. We might consider another Ground-type though, perhaps Gliscor.
  • I ran Cradily on a sand team once upon a time and it really can't do its job too well. That and I don't see too much of a point in adding another Grass-type when Bennett can give her a hard time as it is.
  • No to Gastrodon because Water immunities are kinda redundant here even if the ability enhances Special Attack. Manectric, maybe, but I would sooner use Galvantula. Scizor, meh, maybe; I would sooner choose Lucario though. Ferrothorn I actually had on my mind for the longest time but eventually I axed it in favor of Amoonguss. Roserade is a neat choice, I'll get back to her on that. Tentacruel again was one of the Pokemon I had on my mind, I forget why we killed it off. Jynx is too physically frail to be of good use in League. Same with Raichu. Most leaders have countless tricks up their sleeves for taking out Pokemon like Jellicent, but I'll think about it. Whimcisott can't learn Rain Dance.

Monkey's next.

  • Crustle's weak to Water. I know it's a Smasher, but Serenity shouldn't be too concerned as she can exploit that weakness fairly quickly.
  • The Electric armada, yes, it can give Serenity some trouble. But if she exposes those other weaknesses, she'll be fine.

Onto classy Mr. Vex.

  • The only one who actually needs rain on this team is Lapras; aside from that it ain't too bad. Rotom can get screwed up by sun, though, but in other weather should be fine. As for Rain Dance, Amoonguss would be a good candidate. I'll check it out.

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To me it feels like the leaders are going to counter-team the hell out of you. All of your team resists water, which is great, if you ever make it to Amy. However, small synergy issues, might prevent you from getting there.


Keep that in mind.

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I'll reply to Summer first.

  • I honestly don't like the prospect of using Seismitoad. If we go with the Swift Swim version, then we're relying too much on weather; if we go with the Water Absorb version then that's something that Politoed and Lapras already do better. We might consider another Ground-type though, perhaps Gliscor.
  • I ran Cradily on a sand team once upon a time and it really can't do its job too well. That and I don't see too much of a point in adding another Grass-type when Bennett can give her a hard time as it is.
  • No to Gastrodon because Water immunities are kinda redundant here even if the ability enhances Special Attack. Manectric, maybe, but I would sooner use Galvantula. Scizor, meh, maybe; I would sooner choose Lucario though. Ferrothorn I actually had on my mind for the longest time but eventually I axed it in favor of Amoonguss. Roserade is a neat choice, I'll get back to her on that. Tentacruel again was one of the Pokemon I had on my mind, I forget why we killed it off. Jynx is too physically frail to be of good use in League. Same with Raichu. Most leaders have countless tricks up their sleeves for taking out Pokemon like Jellicent, but I'll think about it. Whimcisott can't learn Rain Dance.

The whole point of having Rain at all is to use it (?) Basically what I'm seeing here is each set working on it's own, It works ok in Singles maybe, but I fail to see how the team works together. As far as I'm corncrened, Sesimitoad is the one that can pull the team together. Since you don't have a weather abuser, Sesimtoad could be one, and it even functions out of rain. It takes Discharge that your Rotom could have, and it welcomes Surf, making it an ideal team member in a Rain team. Don't look down on Cradily, It's an amazing force when used right.

Manectric, maybe, but I would sooner use Galvantula

The whole point of Manatric is to counter weather. Flamethrower and HP Ice can throw off your opponents whil Thunder and VS does decent STAB. It soaks Discharge as well.

By now you should understand: I've been hinitng at giving Rotom Discharge and adding in a few Poke s that benefit/resist to Discharge.Maybe its just not your style, I'm cool. All I want you to do is give them a try and come back after really testing them.

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  • I see what you're doing with Manectric. Anyway, the point of rain on this team is to be like a cool side thing, not for it to be the team's soul. I have that and I'm screwed.
  • The Thunder move on Rotom is to take advantage of the boost rain gives. I used Discharge in a previous league run on Rotom, and I paralyzed too many of my own Pokemon for me to suggest it again.

Hey, right now I'm not saying no to anything barring Gastrodon.

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