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Le New League Team (For League)


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Blast's team 099.gif

At a glance: 196.png373.png392.png593.png479-wash.png376.png


Espeon (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Magic Bounce

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Psyshock

- Shadow Ball

- Morning Sun

[This Espeon is used basicly just for damage, and then heals with Morning Sun, basicly, it Psyshocks verything in its path until it dies, not meant to be alive all battle, just to kill as much as possible]


Salamence (F) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Moxie

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Outrage

- Fire Fang

- Aerial Ace

- Shadow Claw

[My main sweeper, Fire Fang for Titania and Laura, Shadow Claw for Shade and Anna, Outrage and Areial Ace for STAB, this whole team revolves around this guy, she kills basicly anything with its odd movepool]


Infernape (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Iron Fist

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Fire Punch

- ThunderPunch

- Mach Punch

- Stone Edge

[Another sweeperish pokemon, just punching things and whatnot, made to be beside Salamence, both teaming up, finishing eachothers jobs, so the other can move on]


Jellicent (M) @ Choice Specs

Trait: Cursed Body

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef

Hardy Nature

- Ice Beam

- Energy Ball

- Hydro Pump

- Shadow Ball

[Not really a wall, but an attacker, really just here to revenge kill Psychics, Ghosts, and Rock/Ground pokemon, not to wall]


Rotom-W @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Volt Switch

- Hydro Pump

- Pain Split

- Shadow Ball

[Not much to say about this one, just an attacker who Volt Switches when in trouble, also when low on HP, can Pain Split and outspeed to kill]


Metagross @ Leftovers

Trait: Clear Body

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 SDef / 4 Spd

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Hone Claws

- DynamicPunch

- Meteor Mash

-Zen Headbutt

[Yet another attacker, raises Attack and Accuracy, then a very heavy attacker, this guy is my mid-late game sweeper, 2 Hone Claws and Dynamic Punch hit almost everytime]

Not sure if this works but: Main Synergy: 373.gif196.gif392.gifThis is just what I see, not sure if it works, but oh well

Edited by Blast
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I'm sorry mash but. No one cares.

anyways the team.

5/17 league badges.

Specs jelli really is not that good it can be a very good staler.

With will-i-wisp or toxic it works anyway.

And the move set just are not that good over all.

Edited by rotomfan63
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I'm sorry mash but. No one cares.

anyways the team.

5/17 league badges.

Specs jelli really is not that good it can be a very good staler.

With will-i-wisp or toxic it works anyway.

And the move set just are not that good over all.

Actually, all auth care because it's a rule for RMT. Don't try to tell an auth that no one cares.

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I put alot of effort in to it, just not technologicly advanced, so I don;t know how to do the fancy things.

>A lot of effort

The RMT Guidelines have links to pokemon sprites that you can copypaste into the RMT. I don't see how that requires so much effort.

And the descriptions are like one line each. Explain your reasons for choosing each pokemon, explain what sort of team this is and say how the pokemon work well together: For example, you could say that Espeon's Magic Bounce ability helps to keep Salamence away from stealth rocks.

Even THAT isn't that hard.

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Spec Jellicent is really cool, I would suggest Scarf > Specs and Water Spout > Hydro Pump. Also, Jellicent has a Hardy nature you'll wanna fix that. You might also want to consider Bullet Punch > Meteor Mash on Metagross for the reliable +1 piority.

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forgive my french but. Can we stop being dicks?

There's a difference between "being dicks" and asking them to bring the RMT to the standards set in the guidelines.

To be perfectly honest, I can't really help you. The descriptions are so incredibly minimal that I don't know where to go with it. I suggest that you fix that if you wanna move forward with this RMT.

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You said you didn't want jellicent to be a wall, yet you made him bulky as fuck lol

Terrible sets for infernape/salamence. MixMence with Outrage/FireBlast/Earthquake/DragonClaw is probably what you could see everywhere, and it's for a reason lol that set gives excellent coverage for what you might find in this league (Not particularly familiar with this whole league thing, but I'm guessing it covers every type).

For infernape you can use CloseCombat/Overheat(Fire Blast in case you need him to stay a little longer)/StoneEdge. Last spot can depend on what you really need (I notice you're lacking priority moves, so you can keep mach punch). Basic evs (max attack and speed, rest in sp attack) with it being either naive/hasty.

Another suggestion: I don't think you'll need rotom's shadow ball, since nearly everytime you'll stick to VoltSwitch and HydroPump. I'd recommend you to switch it with Will-O-Wisp (better move, helps you in the long run to stop sweepers, etc.)

Not that much of a bad team. I'm well aware the metagame is different in Reborn than Beta, so I guess this team will work.

Edited by Blade
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1. Just because Aerial Ace is STAB doesn't mean it's good. Outrage / Dragon Claw / Earthquake / Fire Fang is way better on mence.

2. Also, If you're using fire punch on mence just to prevent recoil, you're better off running special with Fire Blast / Focus Blast / Vacuum Wave / Grass Knot. Or HP Ice/Electric instead of Vacuum wave, your choice.

3. Also, run Max SpA and HP on jellicent because specially defensive specs is just bad. nothing else need be said about that.

4. Also, run physically / specially defensive rotom if it has leftovers. Offensive leftovers is really a waste. If you want it to be offensive run Trick over pain split and give it a scarf.

I actually run LO Espeon in sun though. it's pretty great :]

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  • I can understand why you'd run Hone Claws on Metagross, but Agility would be better here. Agility Metagross, as Xiph's shown us, can be a destroyer of worlds. Also exchange DynamicPunch with Ice Punch and you have an awesome Dragon counter.
  • Your team lacks support, big time. I'm all for completely changing up Rotom to a set with Pain Split / Will-O-Wisp / Hydro Pump / Electric move (like Volt Switch or Discharge). Discharge is a spread move, but you'd ideally want an Electric immunity like Garchomp or Electivire to go with it. Perhaps look at giving Jellicent Toxic as well.

I'll PM you a revised version of this RMT, we can see what you think.

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