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Favorite Lets Players!


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I figured since we have some topics involving youtube, and most of the time, lets players come up. So I figured it'd be nice to let people know your favorite. Wasn't sure if a topic for this has been made already, if so just take this down.

Anyway, should be obvious the goal of the topic here; Post your favorite lets player, or players if you have more than one. As well as posting your favorite videos from them. I'll start. My favorites are TheRadBrad, and Vash12349.


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TheScarletSword is a terrible LPer. He is worse than PewDiePie FFS.



Diabetus is one of my personal favorites with his SMG2 let's play being lots of fun to watch and is actually really laid back with that nature fitting the nature of a lets play since it's really just playing the game and not being horrible at it.

ProtonJon while doing MARIO HACKS and being an RP subject. His Donkey Kong LP is actually pretty good and he is actually good at is.

Now my favorite bad Lets Play is ElectricalBeast's Mario 64. Just watch and see for yourself.

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  • 5 months later...

I have a few LPer's that I like to watch:

Chuggaaconroy for starters. lol. He's too good.XD

I go to HCBailey for the RPG's since I'm a RPG fanatic. lol.

NintendoCapriSun is great, especially his blind playthrough of Pokemon Saphire, his very first Pokemon game.~

I watch Superjeenius from time to time.

Stephenplays is ok, I just wish he'd stop with Skyrim.

Diabetus & Retsupurae in general are great!

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I recently discovered a channel named versus where 2 lpers (joshjepson and attackingtucans) race each other trying to complete a game first. They already played all the 3D mario titles and just finished ocarina of time. Check them out sometime, they are pretty funny.

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um i dont wanan post vids but i will list out some of my faves

first honorable mention for shofu because although he isn't exactly one of my faves he is the reason i knew wtf pokemon reborn was don't remember why he was how i found out about it he just was......

ok fave lpers nickaboo92 two beset friends play smosh games BrainScratchComms and SGBlikestoplay (Team elliot bitches) oh and i guess the great clement even if he's a prick with his oppinoins some times

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first lets player I ever saw was chugaconroy and his F.Red playthrough, and I rank him very high.....Even though I only follow his pokémon lets plays XD

Then comes shofu, even though i just found out about him die to the infamous "powerful staraptor".....

I also follow pewdiepie, due to his OCASIONAL funnyness (not always good, but also not the worst)

There's also Robbaz, king of sweden XD YongYea.....Hell, i follow so many

But my nº1 lets player IS without a doubt GophersVids....I mean, Gopher is great, not only at LP, but also in all his other videos....Not exactly Pokémon related (at all) but still a great LPlayer...The perfect example that you CAN play games, no matter how old you are....


(I have no idea how to make the video show like you guys)

Edited by GenshiD
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