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This is my team as you see its called (SHYSMILE ) [For OU] with full of colorful power So lets Start now..

This is the boss Name Latias let see what she can do....


Latias (F) @ Leftlover

Trait: Levitate

EVs:4 HP / 252Spe / 252 SDef

Bold Nature

- Reflect Type

- Roost

- Dragon Pulse

- Calm mind

Reflect type use to change pokemon type same as the user type , Sometimes people said why Bug type , Ice type , Dragon type not Super Effective to Latias but sometimes its not good at ghost type and Tyranitar so i need to becareful by using reflect type Calm mind when reflect type's done dont do it reflect type again nothing effect if i use it twice .If your Hp is low 70% to down i will use Roost after 6 calm mind or 5 calm mind now is the time to use Dragon Pulse .Why i dont use dragon pulse when i use reflect type ? , because dragon pulse pp is so low thats why i dont use it ^_^

My little sweeper Umbreon


Umbreon (M/F) @ Leftlover

Trait: Synchronize

EVs:4 HP / 252Spe / 252 Def

Bold Nature

-Confuse Ray

- Foul Play

- Moonlight

- Toxic

Confuse ray use to confuse opponent .First Move i will use confuse ray by combining toxic and confuse ray it will get more hurt for the opponent moonlight when its 70% low HP, Bulk up, Sword dance ,Dragon Dance ,and all that making attack power Up not passing to my umbreon's Foul Play :D .

*The Next Sweeper Pokemon *

200px-362Glalie.png mm (cute ??) .. :D glalie is cute to right ?

*Glalie (M/F) @ Leftlover

*Trait: Moody

*EVs:4 HP / 252Spe / 252 Def *

Bold Nature

-Ice Beam

- Substitute

- Protect*

- Crunch

:rolleyes: what should i say hm.. First i use Protect then after that moody effect no matter what mood it is but dont low the spd just up , So glalie will do the first turn just use protect and substitute , if not i will sent it back or just continue what glalie do .After power boosting and power lowing the def and eva i will use substitute one more time so that it dont hurt me that way and make me heal by leftlover andi will use Ice Beam first so they dont know what is the other move.Sometimes they senting an ice pokemon so they dont hurt so much well i have crunch move for a suprice attack. ^_^ (I forgot the whirlwind ,and roar)



Volcarona (M/F) @ Leftlover

Trait: Flame Body

EVs: 240 HP / 216 Def / 52 Spe

Bold Nature


- Bug Buzz

-Fiery Dance

- Quiver Dance

(Just like others move for Volcarona ) but for me it against Skarmory and Tyranitar. This set exchanges raw power for bulk and lets Volcarona set up multiple Quiver Dances. It capitalizes on Volcarona's relatively great special bulk, and, when played well, it can easily sweep. Quiver Dance is the boosting move of choice, and it raises Volcarona's best stats, making it tremendously bulky after a few boosts. Fiery Dance is the Fire STAB move of choice and is exactly what this set needs: a strong and reliable attack that may achieve further boosts, thus letting Volcarona sweep better. Bug Buzz is the secondary STAB, hitting Water-types that pack a Fire-type resistance, such as Politoed and Rotom-W. Roost rounds off the set, enabling Volcarona to recover from damage and continue to set up on weak or resisted attacks, such as Jellicent's Scald and Scizor's Bullet Punch.

The Speedy Blaziken


Blaziken (M/F) @ Leftlover

Trait: Speed Boost

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 Spe

Timid Nature


- Hi Jump Kick

-Sword Dance

- Baton Pass

Blaziken help my team to make it strong & fast by its ability and Sword Dance move Hi jump kick is a best fighting moves but sometimes its making theme failed and hurt your pokemon by 50 % low .Sometimes they know blaziken have a hi jump kick they using protect to make blaziken failed , thats why im trying to sence there movement .

Aggron my most weight pokemon


Aggron (M/F) @ Choice Band

Trait: Rock Head

EVs:116 HP / 252 Atk / 140 Spe

Adamant Nature


- Head Smash

-Heavy Slam

- Fire Punch

Back to blaziken after the speeding boost and blaziken is 50% to low i will baton pass it to aggron because of aggron choice band its increase my aggron's attack as what you see blaziken speed pass it to aggron to make it finnish what blaziken starts .Of aggron moves as what you see aggron move is so strong .

So there you go , 6 pokemon with have sence for the team ......

( ^_^ Im so excited what rate should i get ^_^ )

Edited by DGlalie
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Not too bad really, I want to see it in action some time! You do have a pretty major weakness to fighting types though... So I would be careful about that... I would say 3.5/5 I would suggest adding in a Ghost type to help you out, I usually use a Gengar with Life orb and give him Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Thunder, and Energy Ball. Gengar with full 252 EVs in speed and Sp. Atk. make it pretty quick and allows it to pack quite a punch, you can also give it Psychic to further deal with the Fighting types.

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Not too bad really, I want to see it in action some time! You do have a pretty major weakness to fighting types though... So I would be careful about that... I would say 3.5/5


Placeholder for a proper rate.

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Me here

- Regarding Glalie: Perhaps you should try to Baton Pass an Ingrain or Aqua Ring to Glalie. If you can do that (through putting in a Pokemon like Smeargle or Vaporeon) it's pretty much game over, as you can stall until you get to insane levels of everything, Evasion included. Also, you might want to give it Earthquake for stuff like Steel-types, Infernape, etc.

- Regarding Latias: You'll want to replace Reflect Type. Dragon/Psychic has a lot of nifty resistances that you don't really want to lose.

7.5/10 is my rating This team is...really odd, but it could certainly work. Sheesh, imagine passing +6 Attack and Speed to Aggron...*shudders*

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