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Shiny trade


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Hello everyone, 


I have all these shinies to trade for other shinies I don't have yet or some with good IVs. Some of my pokemon have good IVs. I am also looking for a Dragon scale or other interesting items.


I am waiting for your offers :) 


Edited by julien
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2 hours ago, luis said:

what items/pokemons do you need?

I'd like to have goomy, scyther, torchic, snorlax, machop ... in priority. I'll edit if I think about something else. But any pokemon I don't have is okay. In terms of items, i'm interested in evolution items and priority to dragon scale as i've been looking for it for a while.


49 minutes ago, SuperGNOMIE said:

I have a shiny pidgey if you are interested, unfortunately it got bad IV's if you care about that.

Yes ok! which pokemon do you want for it?

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What would you like for the Dragonite? Or what don't you have that you'd like to trade it for?


Edit: I just hatched a spare shiny Deino if you'd be interested in that.

Edited by Zero1Six
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Hello! Sorry I couldn't answer before but now I have plenty of time and I'll react faster :) 


On 11/04/2018 at 5:49 AM, Zero1Six said:

What would you like for the Dragonite? Or what don't you have that you'd like to trade it for?


Edit: I just hatched a spare shiny Deino if you'd be interested in that.

Shiny Deino would be perfect! 


On 11/04/2018 at 1:12 PM, SuperGNOMIE said:

Honestly suprise me! Since im only half way into the story, im not to busy with shinys right now. 

When are you avaible to trade? 

Ok ! send me a message when you are ready! 


On 12/04/2018 at 6:23 PM, StarryDreamerKitten said:

If possible I would like Drapion, Kabutops, mimikyu, Abra, Greninja, luminion, milotic, anorith, riombee, togemaru, jynx

Let me know what all you want on return. Have any item you could want as well

Do you have shiny : cloyster, archeops, bewear, lycanroc? In any case, every shiny I do not have yet will be ok :) 

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On 4/13/2018 at 7:40 PM, julien said:



Hello! Sorry I couldn't answer before but now I have plenty of time and I'll react faster :) 


Shiny Deino would be perfect! 


Ok ! send me a message when you are ready! 


Do you have shiny : cloyster, archeops, bewear, lycanroc? In any case, every shiny I do not have yet will be ok :) 

Cloyster maybe as for rest no I have no gen 7's except for a normal alolian Persian I will on a list of what shinies I do have sorry for the late reply however spent the entire day painting with my old man yesterday and most of today

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  • 1 month later...

@julien its a french name.... t'es francais?


i have a shiny wimpod and beldum both with very decent ivs, then i have a chimchar, bouffalant, and noctowl and crustle. 

i am very interested in the tyranitar, the charizard, the espeon and maybe flygon or slakoth. 


please let me know what you are willing to give for my pokemons !

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Are Dragonite and honedge already traded? I also would like Pinsir, Krookodile, Oshawott, Swampert, Sceptile and Shiftry. Also, does A-Vulpix has good IVs? I already have a A-Ninetales, but the shiny is dope xP . I have those shinies for trade:


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This trade forum still going? Got a few boxes of ones you might not have, if you still have these available, they're the ones i'm looking for in priority.

Alolan Vulpix / Togepi / Eelektross / Bisharp / Raichu 

P.S. Sorry for the disorganized boxes ❤️


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Is this thread still working, id quite like that ghastly. Anyway I got a couple of Shiny Pokemon let me know if anything catches your eye. Happy to trade with something worthwhile. Also got a shiny  Aolan-Vulpix.


Also looking for Dratinini, Larvesta, Ghastly, Axew (IV or shiny does not matter)

Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at 21.46.17.png

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20 hours ago, Neml said:

This trade forum still going? Got a few boxes of ones you might not have, if you still have these available, they're the ones i'm looking for in priority.

Alolan Vulpix / Togepi / Eelektross / Bisharp / Raichu 

P.S. Sorry for the disorganized boxes ❤️


I have a shiny togepi if your willing to trade A grimer or A Diglett could even possibly put a list of ones I have in return if I could get both off ya

15 hours ago, Gecko said:

Is this thread still working, id quite like that ghastly. Anyway I got a couple of Shiny Pokemon let me know if anything catches your eye. Happy to trade with something worthwhile. Also got a shiny  Aolan-Vulpix.


Also looking for Dratinini, Larvesta, Ghastly, Axew (IV or shiny does not matter)

Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at 21.46.17.png

I have a normal Gastly, Dratini, larvesta and Axew possibly a shiny Axew if you don't get a reply from @julien

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6 hours ago, StarryDreamerKitten said:

I have a shiny togepi if your willing to trade A grimer or A Diglett could even possibly put a list of ones I have in return if I could get both off ya

I have a normal Gastly, Dratini, larvesta and Axew possibly a shiny Axew if you don't get a reply from @julien

Awesome. I will take them all. Let me know what you would like. You wouldn't happen to have a Larvitar would you. 


Let me know when you might be online...

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Hey guys,


I have a problem with my save since a few days, it doesn't load when I open the game... I will keep you in touch as soon as it is over, but I have an older save on another computer with quite the same pokemons with lower levels except 4-5  that I won't have so let me know if you still want to trade  


@Lukasrid ouiiiii !

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/10/2018 at 11:16 PM, julien said:

I'd like to have goomy, scyther, torchic, snorlax, machop ... in priority. I'll edit if I think about something else. But any pokemon I don't have is okay. In terms of items, i'm interested in evolution items and priority to dragon scale as i've been looking for it for a while.



Do you still have a shiny or normal dragonite.

I will trade a shiny goomy holding a dragon scale for it

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