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Help with Kiki


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I have been trying to beat her for hours. Nothing I do works, I lead with my meowstic and one shot machamp, lose my golett trying to get hitmonchan to halve its health with hi jump kick cause it doesn;t miss any other way. I try paralyzing but my blaziken still gets outspeed. Nothing works. What am I doing wrong?


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Psychic-types are really good here, since moves like Psychic receive field boosts. Does your Meowstic have the Prankster-ability, and does it know Reflect/Light Screen?


The thing with HitmonLEE (not Chan) is that it has Unburden -ability, which doubles Speed if held item is used. Since Hitmonlee has Normal Gem, it can go first with Fake Out and thus use the Normal Gem, making it extremely fast. Paralysis halves Speed, but if Hitmonlee already was faster than Blaziken before gaining the boost from Unburden, Hitmonlee is still faster.


You could level up Golett, it evolves at level 43 into Golurk. If you can, make use of No Guard -ability and Dynamic Punch. I'd say Meowstic is your best mon in this battle, since Psychic is so powerful. Just beware Sucker Punch and Scrafty. 


What moves do your Pokemon have?

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53 minutes ago, Zargerth said:

Psychic-types are really good here, since moves like Psychic receive field boosts. Does your Meowstic have the Prankster-ability, and does it know Reflect/Light Screen?


The thing with HitmonLEE (not Chan) is that it has Unburden -ability, which doubles Speed if held item is used. Since Hitmonlee has Normal Gem, it can go first with Fake Out and thus use the Normal Gem, making it extremely fast. Paralysis halves Speed, but if Hitmonlee already was faster than Blaziken before gaining the boost from Unburden, Hitmonlee is still faster.


You could level up Golett, it evolves at level 43 into Golurk. If you can, make use of No Guard -ability and Dynamic Punch. I'd say Meowstic is your best mon in this battle, since Psychic is so powerful. Just beware Sucker Punch and Scrafty. 


What moves do your Pokemon have?

Meowstic has both reflect and light screen, but not prankster, along with psyshock and psychic

Golett has stomping tantrum, night shade, dynamic punch and rock smash

Blaziken had bulk up, blaze kick, double kick and shadow claw

Nidoking has thrash, chip away(?), poison sting and double kick

Tangrowth has stun spore, giga drain, knock off, and ancient power

Ampharos has electric terrain, discharge, power gem and thunder wave

41 minutes ago, LemonJones said:

You need a Fearow my friend. Use to be capable of sweeping Kiki with a mere Aerial Ace. It is probably enough to get you through if nothing else works.

I'll replace nidoking and try that

Thank you both for the tips!

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Ok first off i think u might need to do some Ev training. i feel random ev will not help you the further you go. but the problem is friendship berries are quite high up in the department store so you cant reset Ev until u get at least a few stickers. Good news power items are easy to get, 2 stickers and boom power items. Anyways here are some ev training spots which i use pre-renovation. 


Atk: obsidia slums kill everything except makuhita and Trubbish

Speed: woobat at underground railnet(usually i put power item on and whack woobat cause most mons need speed+ATK/SpATk)

SpATK: Mr Seacrest's Garden at peridot Morning and afternoon kill only cherubi

HP: Mr Seacrest's Garden at peridot Night Kill everything except Stunky,trubish and spinarak


Also a swoobat can easily sweep Kiki. with calm mind+Psychic or just spam Psychic cause it is boosted in the field. TalonFlame with acrobatics can also do the trick. Emolga and Jumpluff too can spam Acrobatics. Anyways moves set and ev spread in the spoiler.





Ability: Infiltrator

EV:252 Atk/252 Speed/6 Hp



Bullet Seed/Seed bomb

Leech seed

Sleep powder


You can soft reset to try to get a hoppip with seed bomb cause i think there is a chance of getting a hoppip with egg moves cause i got grassy terrain/helping hand on the once i caught for my grass mono run.




Ability: Galewings

EV:252 Atk/252 Speed/6 Hp



Flame charge


Peck/Quick atack


 just dont evolve fletchling throw it in day care until Lvl 39 when it learn Acrobatics



Item: Sharp Beak


EV:252 SpAtk/252 Speed/6 Hp


Calm mind


Air Cutter

Air slash




Ability: Static

EV: 129 Atk/252 Speed/129 SpAtk



Electro Ball


Light Screen


Good luck hope this helps.

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What you need is this underrated pokemon called Swoobat (I swear, hated this bat until I used it on my main team and didn't disappoint). Calm Mind iirc gets boosted in the Ashen Beach field, on top of it already being boosted with Simple. It gets Psychic at Lv41, so that's a powerful psychic attack right there, and if you're brave enough you can also use Air Slash against Medicham, though it'd do good to recall that it'll lower everyone's accuracy. Another point is that Swoobat is super fast as well, so if it gets the chance to set up at least one Calm Mind, it's guaranteed to sweep most of Kiki's mons, save perhaps for Lucario.

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