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[IC] PMD: Explorers of Dusk [Not Accepting Sign-Ups]


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June 6, 10:02AM

Everyone is at the middle of a stadium, in front of a big stand. There are approximately 1500 youths, waiting for the results of the competition and the examinations. The grandstands are crowded, and everyone is loudly talking. Aegislashs and Bisharps are all over the stadium, apparently guarding it.
An Exploud goes up the stand, and a Delphox, a Poliwrath and a Cacturne follows behind. The Exploud goes to the front of the stand, taking a deep breath.


The Exploud yelled, in an extremely loud voice. Everyone stops talking and starts to pay attention to it.

“Thank you. Now, the results are going to be disclosed, by none other than the King himself, Julius II!”

A bulky Honchkrow comes flying from the sky, landing with grace on the stand. Some seconds later, a Xatu also arrives, standing right behind of the Honchkrow. The Exploud goes back to their place. Everyone at the stand and at the grandstands starts to bow.

“Greetings, citizens! I, King Julius II, am very pleased to be the one giving the results of this competition! If I say your name, I ask you to come up the stand, and stay behind this line.”
The king points towards a big white line, right behind him.

“Now, shall we start?”

The Exploud approaches the King, giving him a scroll, before retreating again. The King opens it, and takes a deep breath before starting to talk.

“Alcott. Altasal. Amzu. Arasine. Arla. Don. Edwin. Elgar. Elías. Gnell. J-...” the King pauses for a second, before continuing. “Jullien. Leena. Leo. Satha. Sparks.”

After hearing their names, some were surprised, asking themselves how they were chosen, some were happy and anxious, and others didn’t even show any sign of surprise or emotion. But everyone moved up to the stand as their names were respectively said. As each name were said, a round of applause could be heard coming from the grandstands.

After the King was done saying the names, he closes the scroll, and turns toward the winners.

“And now, it’s with great pleasure that I hereby appoint the fifteen of you, to become the 11th generation of explorers! Congratulations! Everyone, a round of applause for t-“

Before finishing the sentence, a tremor could be felt and explosions happened all around the grandstands. People started to scream and run, desperate. Some pokemon using black capes stood up, shooting every type of attack towards the King's direction. Promptly, the Aegislashs that were guarding the stadium formed a circle around the stand, and used King's Shield to make a barrier.

“Ok everyone, it’s time to get out of here!”

The Xatu concentrated for a second, and everyone that was on the stand disappeared.


June 6, 10:13AM

Everyone had been teleported  away by the Xatu. They were, in what it seemed, inside a big greenhouse. Apparently, it was connected to a giant palace, and outside of it, a part of the city could be seen.

“Merlin, Sitra and Heros! Please take the recruits to somewhere safe, and report this immediately! I’m going bring the King to the vault. Cantis, you are coming with me!”
The Xatu said, before disappearing again, together with the King and the Exploud.

“Ok, I’m going to bring the recruits to the hall. Sitra, can you please notify the Commander what just happened?” Said the Delphox, looking at the Cacturne.

“Ugh! Why do I always gotta stay with the boring part? I want to go back there and fight!” Answered the Cacturne.
“No. It’s better  if you stay here, and guard the palace with me. We don't know if their true goal was the stadium." 

"Fine, fine!" 

"Heros, try to get all the reinforcements you can and head to the Stadium immediately. The guards there should have neutralized the terrorists by now, but cautious is never enough. Make sure to prioritize the citizens's safety.”
“Gotcha, Merlin.”

Said the Poliwrath, heading towards the door that leads to the Palace, together with the Cacturne. 
“Now everyone, please stay calm and follow me.”
Merlin started to walk towards the same door, with everyone following right behind. Some whispers could be heard between the recruits.
“What a way to start, huh?” Said a Gastly, that apparently was happy and excited for what just happened.
“Stay quiet, Gnell. Don’t give everyone a bad impression on the first day.” Answered a Grovyle.
“Huhhhhh? You’re so boringggggg… Okay theeeeen…”


June 6, 10:27AM
After some minutes of walking, everyone arrived at a big and luxurious lounge. There were some Escavaliers and Bisharps around, on guard duty.
“Ok, so sit down and be patient ok? We are handling this situation and everything will be fine, I promise. After this situation is dealt with, we will manage your teams and be back to our normal activities. Now if you excuse me, I need to report what happened during the ceremony. Please do behave, as you are inside the King’s Palace. For now try to calm down and introduce yourselves to each other, to make things easier for tomorrow."
As he said this, Merlin walks out, leaving the group of fifteen alone. 

“Ok ok ok, so me first! Name’s Alcott! Nice to meet’ya! That was fun, heh?

A Pancham spoke up. After that, a Steenee seemed to have gotten a bit irritated from Alcott’s commentary, and started to speak.

“I wouldn’t say “fun”. A terrorist attack just happened and probably thousands are dead. We were lucky to have been teleported away from there. My name is Leena, by the way.”

“I do agree. We should be grateful to that Xatu, and hope everything went well at the stadium. I am Amzu, greetings.” A Mienfoo said, right after Leena.

Time to make the boring introductions!

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"I know we are still not strong enough but it feels wrong to be teleported here while innocent pokemon are in such danger, or maybe even dead now... My name is Elías." The young dewpider joined the conversation with a worried expression.

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A polished Honedge quietly hovered forward, sporting a neutral look. "A grim day to be inducted into the Guild of Explorers, indeed... I do hope this crisis will be swiftly dealt with. My name is Edwin; I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

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"W-well h-hello, M-my name i-is Sparks..y-yeah it i-is a worrying situation b-but the kings g-guars are well t-trained.." Said Joltik, shyly. He as looking at a Flaafy, that had an aura of calmness. "W-whats y-your name ?" Said Joltik as he awaited the Flaafy's reply.

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"Now now, what's with this gloomy mood?" a roselia none of them knew spoke up. "I, for one, rejoice I passed the examination. Otherwise, I'd have turned a roasted vegetable by now. Wouldn't it be a shame, to have my charming red and blue rose petals turned into boring grey dust?"

Upon landing his eyes on a togetic, who evidently was trying to avoid everyone's attention by standing on the edge of the group, he smirked and approached her.

"Don't you agree, sweet damsel?"

"Uh, um," the togetic was flustered, but asked what was most appropriate and perhaps convenient. "W-what's your name?"

"Leonard, but you're welcome to call me Leo, mi lady."

Leo gave the togetic a kiss on the cheek and the poor thing fainted from over-exertion. The others looked at him with mixtures of curiosity and disapproval.

"I promise I don't have Poison Point," he scratched his head with a hint of embarrassment.

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June 6, 11:01 AM
Enough time for everyone to make their introductions and even chat had passed, and some were starting to get impatient for all that waiting. The Cacturne from before, Sitra, arrives at the hall, approaching the group.

"Ok so uhhhhhhhh... Shit, I forgot what I have to say."

Sitra turns backwards, and goes back to where she came from. The group is left in an awkward silence. Some minutes later, Sitra comes back, weirdly laughing. 

"Hah, just joking!"

Everyone looks at her with a disappointed expression. 

"My my, you guys don't have any sense of humour? Ok so, anyways. That incident in the stadium is being dealt with and the other supervisors are... supervising? Ok, none of this matter. Look, I'm in charge of taking you to the Guild's Quarters. It's not that far, but it's also not close, so get your lazy asses up and let's go!"
The Cacturne walks towards the big door, that was the entrance of the palace. The guards standing near it, open the door, and she heads to the streets. The group follows right behind. The streets are empty and silent, the shops are closed, and the houses are with the doors and windows closed. Sitra stops for a moment, and look towards the group.

"Don't worry, the city is much more lively than this, usually. People are afraid of another attacks, so that's why they are hiding. Also, I'm supposed to explain some things to you, so be prepared for the most boring lesson of your life!"

Sitra starts to walk again, but a bit faster than before.

"So.... Where do I start?... Oh yeah, the groups! Y'guys aren't going to go on missions all-together. We will make 3 teams of five, that will be announced today's night. In fact, you probably won't see people from the others groups that much. But well, who cares, right? Just make sure to have a great synergy with the other members of your team and you will be good to go! Also also, each team will have a supervisor. I'm one of them. The other two are the Delphox and Poliwrath you've met before. Uhhhhh... Oh yeah, the missions! Starting from tomorrow, we will start giving missions for you. There are three types of mission, and each one can give you different rewards. The first type, and the most simple one, are the Exploring Missions. They demand you go inside a dungeon, save someone or get an item. Or even search for something about the Shadow Collapse to give to our researchers."

She takes a deep breath, before starting to talk again and walking even faster.

"The second type, is to be honest, the one I like the most. They usually don't involve dungeons, as they are personal requests from the citizens. So you never get bored of them! Talking about bored, the third one is the most boring one. Royal Requests. They are missions given by the king himself. Don't get excited, it's not something fun like slay a dragon to save a princess! Usually he asks us to make trade routes safe or get a royal wine for his royal ass."

June 6, 11:47 AM

As Sitra finishes the talking, she was running, and the others were trying to follow behind her. Some instants late, they arrive at a big white bulding, and Sitra stops in front of it.

"Phew~ Ok, here we are! I know we could have just used a teleporter to come here, but you exercising is always good, right? Ok so, before entering, do you have any questions?"

Most of the group was too tired from all that running to even talk, while others seemed perfectly fine.

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Leo was casually standing when he thought of a funny joke, but he couldn't do it without a partner-in-crime.

Just then, he heard someone behind him asking a question in a voice so low that it didn't quite reach Sitra up in the front. Leo looked behind him, and was puzzled to see no one... until he looked down and found the small joltik, who had introduced himself earlier as Sparks.

"You have a question, eh? Don't worry, I'll ask it for you," Leo winked at Sparks, who thanked him but could not meet his gaze.

"Sitra," he called to catch the guide's attention. "This guy behind me is too shy to ask but he wants to know if you're single!"

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Having overheard Leo's whispers to Spark, and mildly intrigued by the Roselia's shenanigans, Edwin still kept his composure and calmly asked Sitra: "Lady Sitra, would you please tell us how the teams are going to be decided? Shall we choose our comrades?"

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Altasal hummed a tune she didn't fully know before realizing now was the time to ask questions. "No questions here..." Altasal let out a yawn,  before clutching her head like she had a breif headache for the shortest of moments. "Actually, what adventuring gear will we be given upon starting?"

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  On 4/13/2018 at 12:05 AM, Candy said:

Leo was casually standing when he thought of a funny joke, but he couldn't do it without a partner-in-crime.

Just then, he heard someone behind him asking a question in a voice so low that it didn't quite reach Sitra up in the front. Leo looked behind him, and was puzzled to see no one... until he looked down and found the small joltik, who had introduced himself earlier as Sparks.

"You have a question, eh? Don't worry, I'll ask it for you," Leo winked at Sparks, who thanked him but could not meet his gaze.

"Sitra," he called to catch the guide's attention. "This guy behind me is too shy to ask but he wants to know if you're single!"


Sitra looks at Leo, laughing from his flirt attempt.

"Oh, really now? Then tell this guy behind you that this girl right here is single, but she prefers other girls. Sorry~"

  On 4/13/2018 at 12:15 AM, Alistair said:

Having overheard Leo's whispers to Spark, and mildly intrigued by the Roselia's shenanigans, Edwin still kept his composure and calmly asked Sitra: "Lady Sitra, would you please tell us how the teams are going to be decided? Shall we choose our comrades?"


"Good question, good question indeed!" Sitra remarked.

"Well, we supervisors will discuss about the best way to distribute you this afternoon. We try to balance the teams. Y'know, we can't have a team full of support focused pokemon, and neither a team full offensive, but this is Merlin's job and I don't even know what we are going to do. I just follow the flow, y'know."

  On 4/13/2018 at 12:27 AM, DigitalAmber said:

Altasal hummed a tune she didn't fully know before realizing now was the time to ask questions. "No questions here..." Altasal let out a yawn,  before clutching her head like she had a breif headache for the shortest of moments. "Actually, what adventuring gear will we be given upon starting?"


Right after responding to Edwin, Altasal asked a question.

"Uhhhh... I don't really remember. I think you will receive a Guild's Badge, a Wonder Map and a Treasure bag. Together with it you will receive a guild's scarf, that is obligatory to use while in duty. Yeah I think that's all. We will explain what each item does in tonight's meeting. Does someone else have a question?"

"I do have a question." Jullien, the pink Murkrow that hadn't said much the entire day, said.

"Then go ahead and ask!"

"Why did we get teleported away from the stadium?! We could have helped them!"

"Well, Nirva, the Xatu that teleported us, was obviously protecting the king. And it would also be a disaster for the kingdom if something happened with the new recruits on their first day. Also, it's not like you guys could have done anything against that terrorists. Our guards are very well trained, and having you there probably wouldn't help them."

"But w-"

"Ok, ok! Question time is over~ Now if you please follow me, it's time to meet the Guild's Quarters! This is where you will sleep, eat, and get missions from. Please refrain from breaking anything or fighting outside of the battlegrounds, as our Boss can be a bit.. scary."

June 6, 12:10 PM

Sitra approached the gates to the building, and entered it as they opened. The group followed, and as they entered, they could see the space much more clearly. At the middle, there was the big white building that could be seen from afar. It looks like a big college. In the front of it, a beautiful garden, one that usually would only be seen in dreams. At the left side of it, there were arenas, three, to be exact. Probably the battlegrounds Sitra had told them about. To the right, minor buildings, apparently shops or something like that, could be seen. Some pokemon were standing in each one of them. A Claydol was standing right outside of the front door that leads to the main building, and approached Sitra and the group as they came in.

"Greetings, Sitra." Said the Claydol, without showing any sign of emotion or expression.

"Yo, Marcus! Those behind me are the new recruits." Sitra said, as she turned towards the group.

"Marcus here will be pleased to make a tour through our grounds. But I believe you are hungry by now right? Marcus, before starting the tour, lead them to the Guild's Canteen, ok?" 

"Understood. Please, follow me." 

Marcus leads the team towards the building. The halls are white and clean, having big windows to the outside. After one or two minutes, the group arrived at a big space, crowded with pokemon. Everyone apparently is talking between themselves, and eating. When the recruits arrive, everyone at the cafeteria stops talking for a moment, and looks at them, before starting to talk again. At the other side of the cafeteria, A Hariyama is standing behind a buffet. Next to it, a sign, with the phrase "MEAL OF THE DAY: MASHED POTATOES AND MAGIKARP MEAT".


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"Too bad you don't stand a chance mate," Leo looked behind him with a grin, but Sparks had already scuttered away perhaps with trauma. "O well, I wonder if I'd have a chance though. I look pretty feminine after all."

Leo stuck his tongue out and kept walking with the crew.


When it was time for lunch though, the cruel reality dawned upon him. Magikarp meat.

"You know, there is something particularly disturbing in eating the weakest members of our communities," Leo commented to Edwin, who happened to be standing next in line to him to get his food. "I can't help but compare them to us and how we are endangered by the shadow pokemon."

Leo sat down next to Amzu the mienfoo, and stared down on the plain mashed potatos before taking a bite.

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"I would prefer not to eat magikarp, could you please just serve me mashed potatos? Even if on land we don't meet them often, fully aquatic pokemon are not that different from us..." The hariyama granted his wish and Elías sat down om the table with his mashed potatos and started to eat timidly."There has been so much going on today that I didn't even realized how hungry I was" Elías tried to take a bigger bite, but in doing so a small portion of mashed potato escaped and ended floating around his watter bubble. He was able to catch it almost instantly but the embarrassment was enough to keep him from trying that again in a while. "S-Sorry about that."

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Standing in line next to Leo, Edwin replied: "Oh, well, that is an interesting comparison. Shadow pokémon do not usually attack our kind because of hunger however, so the situation may not exactly be the same. I understand your compassion for the Magikarp species, though. Alas, time and again the weakest fall prey to the strongest. It seems survival of the fittest is a timeless paradigm."

When his turn came to receive his meal from the Hariyama, Edwin politely refused the Magikarp meat and potatoes, pointing out how the Honedge anatomy was ill-suited for the consumption of solid food, and obtained a bowl of berry juice instead.


Joining his comrades at their dining table, the young Honedge settled next to the Joltik named Sparks, and while sipping the juice through his cloth, asked the small pokémon: "Sitra appears to be an... interesting supervisor, to say the least. I hope to be part of the team she'll be in charge of. What do you think, comrade?"

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Altasal got a decent sized portion of potatoes and a smaller helping of Magikarp from the Hariyama before sitting down next to Elias. Mid-bite, she turned and stared at the spectacle of the floating mashed potato. “Curious. Everything is different under the water. Perhaps sight is different too? Quite curious.” Altasal hadn’t realized she said these thoughts out loud.

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Sparks was still a bit embarrassed from Leo's joke, but he was trying to busy himself with his lunch, a bowl of mashed potatoes, when a wise-looking Honedge, asked him a question. "H-hi! Y-you're Edwin, r-ight? N-nice to m-meet you, my g-good sir," Said Sparks, after he thought for a second, he did not know anyone here, and so he had to think before he talks. The Honedge, seemed like a good example to follow, knowledgeable, trustworthy, and calm. U-hm excuse m-my talking like this b-but i-im not v-very comfortable, m-my apologies..Oh I do hope s-she g-gets selected to b-be my team leader as well, she seems well trained and s-strong"

Said Sparks, trying to sound composed, after all he needed to get rid of his shiness, it wouldn't do him, or his team mates, any good. If he wanted to be in synergy with his team he had to stop being this shy.

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Listening to Sparks and sipping the last drops of berry juice, Edwin answered "Pleased to meet you as well, friend. Fret not, I'm sure your abilities must be remarkable, since you made it to the final 15 recruits."

Nodding slightly with his pommel, he added: "Hopefully, they will soon tell us which team we are assigned to. Let's hope for the best."

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June 6, 1:07 PM

When everyone was done eating and talking, Marcus took the big group to a tour through the guild's ground. The tour was slow, boring, and seemed to be endless, while Marcus's personality wasn't helping. The group was taken to see almost every part of the guild, hearing each little detail. Some were almost starting to fall asleep.

June 6, 3:12 PM

After two hours of a a tour that could even be called torture, Marcus finishes showing the 2nd floor of the guild. 

"And with this, the tour is over. The only place you didn't visit yet is the Boss's Office, and hope that you never have to. The meeting that will reveal your teams and give you the guild's gear will happen at 6PM, right here. Please, do not arrive late. You now are free to use the Guild's facilities, and if you have any questions, you can meet me at the entrance, where we first met. Farewell."

As he said this, Marcus walks down to the 1st floor, walking to his post. The group scatters around, trying to find something to do for the next 3 hours.

June 6, 6:00 PM

When the time for the meeting finally arrives, everyone is reunited at the dormitory's hall. The three supervisors arrives, standing right in front of the group.

"Sorry for making everyone wait. It's now time to reveal the teams, distribute your gear and explain how things will work from now on. Without any further ado, let us start."

Merlin looks at Heros and Sitra, nodding.

"I will be the supervisor of Team 1. The members are: Jullien, Gnell, Amzu, Arla and Elgar."

"Team 2. Don, Leena, Alcott, Arasine, and Satha. You supervisor is none other than me. Don't disappoint me."


"Sitra... please..."


Merlin and Heros looks at Sitras with a disappointed face.



"Anyways. Let me explain to you what is going to happen now. Tomorrow, each team will go to a dungeon, and we supervisors will go with you, but we won't do anything unless needed. Your objective is simply to clear the dungeon, eliminating all Shadow Pokemons inside. Those dungeons are supposed to be relatively easy, and will be just a test to determine if you are strong enough to already take exploring missions. We will also use the results to determine the leader of each team."

"Another thing. We've left the guild's gear on your respective beds, inside your dormitories. You will receive a backpack,a guild's badge, a map and a guild's scarf that fits your size. The badge allows you to enter places that normal citizens wouldn't be able to enter, and the higher the rank of your team, the most influence your badge will have."

"Also also! I'm sure Marcus showed you the Trading Post on the floor below. There you will be able to change your shadow gems for pure, shiny and beautiful money! The bigger the gem, the more money you receive. I know I don't need to explain this because it's obvious as fuck and everyone should know this by now, but you get shadow gems for "killing" Shadow Pokemon, and the stronger they are, bigger them gem that they will turn into when killed."

"And with this, I believe everything has been explained. If you have any questions, please do not be shy to ask. If not, head over to your dormitories, because you will need all the rest you can get for tomorrow." Merlin finishes saying, waiting to see if anyone has questions.

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"I-I do have a question..." Replied Elías with a serious tone. "Are the people that were in the stadium alright? I know this is not what you meant when you asked if we had any question, but I'm still worried about what happened.

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  On 4/13/2018 at 10:48 PM, Walpurgis said:

"I-I do have a question..." Replied Elías with a serious tone. "Are the people that were in the stadium alright? I know this is not what you meant when you asked if we had any question, but I'm still worried about what happened.


Merlin looks at Elías, a bit surpised for the question.

"Well..." Says Merlin, looking to the ground, with a sad expression.

"The guards took care of the terrorists, and they are being interrogated right now. For the people, most got away. A lot got hurt, but have no risk of death, but... I won't lie to you. The number is still not exact, as we are still looking for survivors, but we think the number of deaths is something between... 1000 and 1200..."

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"Ah... well, this is most tragic news" said Edwin sadly, his cloth hanging low. "Alas, I doubt we could have helped a lot, surprised and unprepared as we were. Not to mention, inexperienced."

His voice regaining some strength, the Honedge continued: "Regardless, it will be an honor to fulfill our duties under your supervision, lady Sitra. I do not presently have questions, but perhaps some of my comrades do."

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Elías expression tightened. He couldn't avoid thinking about all those young pokemon that participated along with him in the competition and all of their families and friends looking from the grandstands, especially his own. 

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"Holy Roseli, 1000-1200?" Leo, who had been playing with his petals, stood up at once. "Man, not cool. My parents and Fer were there. With Fer's luck, I'm sure he is one of the... the..."

A tear escaped Leo's eye and from there cascades followed.

"Maybe I'm not happy to be part of the guild after all. I'd have rather turned a roasted vegetable together with Fer."

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June 6, 6:52 PM

"Don't worry about your families. We've made sure to prioritize their safety. I suppose you don't have any more questions, so I'm going to end the meeting now. Also, before I forget. Wandering around the guild after 10 PM is prohibited. Please, stay in your rooms after that time."

As he said that, Merlin wandered off. Heros and Sitra followed him. Whispers could be heard between Alcott, Gnell and Elgar, right after the supervisors made their leave.

"Isn't her the King's daughter? She doesn't look that strong... Hah, we got so unlucky to be in the same team as her!" Elgar, the Ponyta, whispered.

"I know right? She probably used her father's influence to get here... What a loser..." Gnell answered, 

"Yeah, I heard that s-" Before Alcott could finish the sentence, someone touched his shoulder from behind.

"Why don't you said it in my face? I can hear it you know." Jullien appeared from behind them, looking upset.

"Careful guys! She is angry and is going to throw her father's crown on us! Run!!"

"Hahahahahahaha! I bet she is going to call her sudits to punish us or something like that!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Wow Princess, no need to be angry y'know."

"No need to be angry?! What do you even know??"

"G-Guys let's try to be c-calm ok...?" Arasine, the Togetic, tried to lighten the mood.

"You know what? I bet I can take out the three of you all by myself!" Said Jullien, totally ignoring Arasine's request.

"Hah! I want to see you trying it!"

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