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[IC] PMD: Explorers of Dusk [Not Accepting Sign-Ups]


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"Ha! In that case I'm all gucci. You should've told us earlier so my tears wouldn't smudge my makeup," Leo relaxed when he heard Merlin's explanation, but his latter comment caught the attention of more than one. "Of course I'm joking- I don't wear makeup. This is all natural beauty."

Among those who had looked at him, he spotted the flaaffy that according to Sitra's announcement (or not) would be in his team. He curved his lips and winked at her to see her response, which had always been either an awkward blush or complete and utter rejection. However, Altasal did neither of those; she simply kept staring at him as though she hadn't even seen him wink at all! Leo was rather disappointed.

And here I thought she'd be the recipient of my affections, he thought. I guess I'll have to conform with the cute shy joltik from earlier.

Leo scanned the room for Sparks the joltik, and eventually found him at the corner farthest from him possible. He waved his red rose at him, but the small guy just shrunk into a yellow pebble.


Once the supervisors left, Leo thought he'd have time to stretch and just relax. However, someone just had to stir up drama.

On the other side of the room, he heard a murkrow angrilly fluttering her wings and shouting some nasty stuff to three other pokemon.

"Look at that," Leo whistled. "I guess whoever is in Jullien's team will have a hard time getting it together. Maybe Team 3 isn't bad after all."

He wasn't interested in stopping the fights, however, since that was unnecessary trouble. Besides, he couldn't deny that part of him wanted to see if Jullien could walk the talk and really take out three of the 15 best fighters of his generation.

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Bothered by the argument and Gnell's attitude throughout the day Elías stepped in. "She might be the king's daughter, but that doesn't mean she isn't fit to be here, she had to go through the competition like the rest of us. At least let her show what's she capable of before judging her like that. Being a member of the guild is not just a fun occupation or a hobby, you have to face adversity and danger on a daily basis, a good father would never allow his daughter to be here if she wasn't strong enough to begin with."

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After hearing Edwin's words, Sparks felt a bit more confident in his abilities. Later on they had a very long and boring tour of the guild. Everyone was so bored they didn't notice he attached himself to Altasal, the Flaaffy. After they were assigned to their respective teams he headed towards his room to check up the gear I've never worn a scarf before...or any clothing for that matter, i guess i'll just have to get used to it. He thought for a bit, then he headed back where his future teammates were hanging around. He was lost in his thoughts, when a familiar Roselia waved at him, of course Leo's earlier actions didn't make Sparks feel anymore comfortable around him. He will have to befriend him though, so he walked towards Leo and said in the best non-shy voice he could make "Hello comrade, d-did you enjoy your m-meal?" 

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After the supervisors' departure, Edwin reviewed in his mind the 4 teammates he would have to work with. "Hmm... the Flaafy, this shy Joltik, this... peculiar Roselia, and the Dewpider... that is a most interesting line-up."

He then noticed the altercation between Jullien and several other pokémon, as well as Elias' intervention. "Speaking of the Dewpider..."

Edwin hovered closer to this group, listening to their argument, but chose to not intervene for now. He wanted to see whether Gnell, Alcott and Elgar would back off by themselves or not, before deciding to take anyone's side.

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Altasal finished humming and scarcely noticed Sparks climbing onto her. She gave him a passing glance before her attention focused elsewhere and forgot of his existence. The elsewhere that her attention focused was the scarves they would receive. "I wonder, is it cashmere or perhaps cotton? Maybe even wool! Would it carry a charge if it was wool? Which wool is it from? Maybe it is even a nice Cheshire fabric. Maybe a cotton-wool, or a wool-cotton. Is that a thing? It would make a nice, if odd, scarf. And now these people babble about unimportant things. I don't like birds. I really don't. But I have to admit, this Murkrow's hat is nice. It's a nice hat indeed. Maybe if they could see that, they would be calmer." 


"Nice set of hat feathers."

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Jullien looked at the Dewpider, surprised by their words.

"...Thanks.." She looks back at the trio, with a determined expression. "But I still want to fight! I'll prove to you that I deserve to be here!"

"Well, 3vs1 isn't really a cool thing. We are not that much of assholes, y'know. So how about this? Me, Alcott and Elgar against you, the Dewpider, and..." Gnell looks around, and sees the Honedge close to them. "And that Honedge!"

"Ohhh, that will be fun!"

"Guess I can't refuse it, then."

"Hmph. Fine by me. Will you two accept it?" Jullien looks at Elías and Edwin.

Some pokemon from the other teams approaches the group, forming a circle around them.

"H-Hey guys... Maybe fighting is not the best option here..." Said the shy Togetic.

"No. Let them do it. Sometimes fighting is the only way to respect each other. It would also be a good training. And I kinda want Gnell to be taught a lesson." Arla, the Grovyle, answered to the Togetic. 

"Hey! Arla, why are you so mean to me?!" Gnell said to Arla. It seems that both of them know each other for a long time.

"Because you deserve it, Gnell."



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Edwin scratches his crossguard pensively with his cloth, considering the three would-be-opponents in front of him.

"Very well. Three against three is only fair, and I am not one to back down when offered a spar. I'm counting on you, Elias and Jullien. Let us settle this honorably."

Hovering next to his allies, the Honedge slid out of his sheath and adopted a battle stance. "En garde!"

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Leo was pleasantly surprised that Sparks talked to him, but the turn of events revolving the princess caught their attention, so it wasn't time for chit-chat.

Leo sat on a nearby chair, motioning Sparks to come sit with him. Watching the group of six, he only hoped he had something to munch on.

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Battle Start! 

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"Well, someone needs to start it, right?!"

Elgar takes impulse, and starts running towards Edwin's direction! [Elgar uses Flame Wheel on Edwin]

"And I'm going to take care of you myself, little princess!" 

[Gnell uses Clear Smog on Jullien!] A blast of Poison Mist is launched against Jullien, who tries to defend, but still took most damage of the hit. [Jullien takes 19 damage!]

"Damn you..."

Jullien starts to fly, and charges herself towards Gnell, with her wings spread. [Julliens uses Wing Attack on Gnell!]

Meanwhile, Alcott decides not to attack yet, and instead, [Uses Work Up]. Alcott's Attack and Special attack raises one stage!



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Surprised by the velocity and power of Elgar's charge, Edwin barely had time to brace for the impact, and still took most of the damage. [Edwin takes 24 damage]

"Ugh! Not bad, but your spectral friend will still pay the price of his rudeness!" and with these words, he lunges blade first toward Gnell. [Edwin uses Pursuit on Gnell]

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Gnell, who somewhat defended himself from Jullien's attack, taking 21 damage from it, had a surprised face for a moment, when he  got attacked by behind from Edwin's Pursuit, taking 30 damage, and faiting almost instantly. He muttered to himself "..W-Why...", before falling on the ground, uncounscious.


"Gnell! Dammit! You'll pay for that!" Says Elgar, as he easily dodges Elías's Bubble beam, charging towards Edwin once again. Elgar uses Flame Wheel on Edwin!

"I won't let you!" Jullien charges towards Elgar,  using Drill Peck to intercept the attackJullien succesfully intercepts Elgar's Flame Wheel, hitting him and dealing 35 damage, throwing him back for a considerable distance.

"Dammit..." Said Elgar, trying to get up from the attack.


"I think this is not going the way we wanted to, huh? Well."

Alcott concentrates for a bit, charging energy on his fists. Alcott runs towards Elías, and uses Storm Throw!


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Having witnessed how Jullien repelled the assault and dealt considerable damage to Elgar, Edwin exclaimed "My sincerest thanks, Miss Jullien!"


Knowing all too well that both Alcott and Elgar wouldn't be kept at bay for very long, the Honedge chose to focus, twist and twirl in the air, sharpening his fighting spirit. [Edwin uses Swords Dance]

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Elías is incapable to succesfully defend against Alcott's attack, but still takes it well. [Elías takes 14 damage] 

He ignores his attacker and tries to hit the ponyta again. [Elías uses Bubble beam on Elgar] 

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Vulnerable and in critical condition, Elgar is unable to dodge Elías's Bubble beam this time, fainting instantly after receiving the hit.

"Well, well. Who is the weak now?! Only one left!" Jullien charges towards Elgar with all her speed, using Drill Peck.

Unfortunately for her, Alcott sidestepped it, and she hit the ground instead.

"Well, if I can't win this fight, I'll at least take out one of you with me..." Alcott uses Storm Throw on Jullien, who is still on the ground and unable to dodge it!


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"Not on my watch!" Edwin throws himself between Alcott and Jullien, trying to to intercept Alcott's move with an attack of his own, but the Pancham overpowered him and knocked him out instantly.

[Interception; Edwin takes 72 damage and faints]

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"Well, that's unfortunate for you." Alcott said, as he knocked out Edwin, who didn't know that Alcott had Scrappy as ability.

Unfortunately for him, Alcott got hit by a very powerful Bubble Beam, taking 32 damage. Right after Elías's Bubble beam, Jullien got up from the ground, and charged towards Alcott, using Drill Peck. "Time to end this little game!"

Alcott even tried to dodge Jullien, but was still a bit confused from the last attack, and got hit by a close range Drill Peck, taking 62 damage.


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All win conditions have been met! Jullien, Edwin and Elías are the winners!

June 6, 7:41 PM

The pokemon around were surprised by the battle, and started to clap.

"Well, that will teach them to not underestimate the others." Said Arla.


Applauses could be heard coming from the stairs. 

"Well, well, well..."

Sitra appearead, with a disappointed face. 

"S-Sitra.. I can explain.." Said Jullien, scared of the punishment they were going to receive.

"Really? How can you explain the fact that there was a fight and nobody invited me to watch it?!" 

"..." Jullien didn't know if Sitra was serious or not.

"Be glad that I was lucky to see the entire fight. I've heard some noises coming from here, and as I know how teenagers can be pervs, I came here to check you out. But then I see a fight and duuuuuuude... What a great demonstration of power!"

"Aren't you angry with us?" Jullien said, still not believing that Sitra wasn't going to punish them.

"Why would I be? This fight was 100% legal! Everyone had consent in it, so it's ok. Too bad for those poor little dumbasses tho. They really got a beating. Especially those two." Sitra points towards Alcott and Edwin. 

"Well, I'm taking them to the infirmary. Tomorrow, they will be in their 100%! There's nothing that Bonbon, our trustworthy Hariyama can't cure!"

Sitra approached the fainted pokemon, placing them in her right shoulder, like when someone carries a sack. 

"Well, see you tomorrow kiddos! You better go to sleep now~"

Sitra walks away, going down the stairs. Everyone scattered around again, and Jullien was surprised by Sitra's reaction to the fight.

"That was... unexpected. Hey, thanks for helping me. I'm really glad, no one had ever defended me. If you ever need something, please tell me. Also, tomorrow I'll make sure to say thanks to your friend, Edwin. I feel a little bad for him, though. Well, I'm really tired because of this fight, so I guess I'm heading to sleep. Good night, Elías, and thanks again!"

As Jullien said that, she headed over to her dormitory.



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"It was very noble of Edwin to not refuse to fight despite being unwillingly involved. I hope he feels better tomorrow, that hit was incredibly hard and he clearly didn't see it coming... nor did I. I guess we kind of subestimated our opponents too. Sleep well!" Elías headed towards his dormitory, yawning. A lot of stuff had happened that day, he clearly needed to rest.

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Sparks sat near Leo and watched the battle unfold. It didn't take long for the battle to end but, his teammate Edwin took a lot of damage and fainted. He went to the infirmary, and stood next to Edwin, waiting for him to recover and wake up. "Please be okay Edwin, don't g-give up on u-us" He said, hoping that the Honedge might be hearing him.

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Altasal walked through the calm aftermath of the battle and followed Sparks, curious to where the yellow bug was leading her. She wandered into the infirmary and plopped down next to the downed Honedge. She stared at Edwin's cloth with a determined stare. "He looks so cozy and comfy simply lying there, napping. Oh how I wish they would permit me too. He looks more snug then a...Kriketune in a rug. Is it Kriketune? It might be Kriketot, actually. A Kriketotune, then. And this cloth. Is it silk? Or is it cotton. It certainly can't be wool. It looks like it could be a nice pillow. But the Maracture might yell at me for napping...." Altasal wandered out of the infirmary and stumbled into her dorm. Making sure her gear wasn't  in the way, she dropped onto the bed. 

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"Boy that was some fight," Leo said while applauding.

Sparks decided to go to the infirmary to check on their teammate Edwin, who had been knocked unconscious, but Leo shrugged and chose to go take a much needed sleep. It wasn't as if the guy would wake up or get better faster if he went there, and he was still just an acquaintance for whom Leo felt no reason to sacrifice rest for.

"I need to rest or my quick-wit will fail me tomorrow," Leo stretched as he tucked himself to sleep. "Can't allow myself to pass on comedy opportunities."

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June 7, 8:03 AM

Part of the team was peacefully sleeping in the dormitory, when suddenly...

"HEY, WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Sitra appeared by the door, yelling. Edwin and Sparks were right behind her. Edwin hadn't any wounds on him, and appeared to be alright.

"Do you know what time is it? IT'S 8 AM!!! The other teams already left to the dungeon two hours ago! I was too busy sleeping to come wake you up. Now get your  lazy asses up, and go get ready. We were supposed to walk there, but I'm going to spend my money and call a taxi because someone here doesn't know how to be responsible! Meet me outside in 15 minutes." Sitra then leaves the room, leaving Sparks and Edwin there.


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Following Sitra with his unique eye as she left, Edwin then turned to his companions. "Well, having her as a supervisor isn't going to be a peaceful experience, that much is certain, but at least we won't have to walk there unlike the other teams. Good morning, comrades! I hope you are well-rested."


Nodding his pommel towards Sparks, he added: "Thank you for staying at my side as I was recovering, my friend; I appreciate your solicitude."


Swiftly hovering closer to Elías, Edwin then asked him how the end of the fight went, and whether he and Jullien were successful in defeating Alcott.

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