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I'm afraid Jigglypuff will be out this game, as much as that disappoints me. I can't see any reason to why Sakurai would put her in.

I'm surprised Chrom hasn't shown up yet, but I feel like he is an obvious choice to either replace or join Ike.

I thought Toon Link and Lucario were wasted spots quite truthfully. I understand Wind Waker received an HD remake on Wii U, but there is no reason for Lucario to be over Mewtwo, especially with the emphasis Nintendo put on Gen 1 for this new generation.

I was hoping that my favorite hero in gaming history, Lloyld Irving, would make an appearance. With Namco Bandai directing the story and with a new remake of Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (even though they were on PS3), I thought he had a great possibility, but sadly it doesn't seem likely.

Hopefully, Isaac from Golden Sun will enter the ring. The only characters they have had from a rpg was from Mother, and it is a non-traditional rpg at that. I was thinking they would try to add some variety. I guess Pokemon is technically an rpg but I don't really consider it to be a true one.

I also think fighting on the back of the dragon from Fire Emblem: Awakening would make an awesome stage in the 3DS version.

Also, anyone else find it weird that Captain Falcon hasn't been introduced yet? He's a smash icon.

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I find it wierd that we haven't see. Ice climbers or Yoshi. But ness and Captain falcon might be unlockables. The odd thing reguarding characters is that we don't know if characters are going to be unlocked or locked from the start. It's a consistent trend to only keep characters locked by DLC, or DLC is for characters that sakurai or whoever didn't realize there was such a huge fan outcry for. If Isaac isn't in the game, he might be DLC along side snake, waluigi, and maybe even Mewtwo

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Jiggly was also not intended to be in Brawl, she, Wolf, Toon Link, and Sonic were all last minute decisions, and since the wii didn't have the ability to do DLC, they delayed the entire game 6 months

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hey, found a super secret stash of screen shots sent out after the direct...

there are some that Caught my eye, most of these things were neither confirmed in the Direct or through Miiverse photos...


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Just a tldr, Sakurai stated that the character roster would be about the same size as Brawl, and Brawl had 35 characters. We've currently seen 29 from the new Smash, so there's probably 6 more slots for characters to be in.

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I did not expect this at all. I am very excited to see how he/she will turn out as character, definitely looks like a total badass.

(Still waiting for Lloyd Irving though, because you know one Bandai Namco character needs to be in the game)

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64 had 12/15 characters, 4 unlockable, 3 that didn't make the final cut

Melee had 26/30 characters, 11 unlockable 4 that didn't make the final cut

Brawl had 39/46 characters, 14 unlockable, 7 that didn't make the final cut

Reminder, if DLC was an option at these times, those characters who got cut most likely would have been added.

Right now smash 4 is sitting on 29 characters. We have 2-4 months until release and 1-2 more Nintendo directs. I personally would like to believe that there will be 45-50 characters this time round with potential for DLC.

Some brain dead choices for this game are...

Wario (might see him in May)

Ganondorf (fuck ghiraham and demise)

Metaknight (might see him in May)


The Ice Climbers


Captain Falcon

Mr. Game and Watch

Some that may potententially get cut...


Jigglypuff (she almost got cut in brawl)



Lucas (**feels the presence of maelstrom angrily glaring at him**)



Snake (might be DLC)

Characters that the Nintendo Direct that might have deconfirmed...


Ridley (QQ)

Dark Samus



Tom Nook



Characters who have a pretty damn good chance for this game...


Chrom or Robin



Characters who are highly requested and have a decent chance to be added

Bowser Jr.

King K. Rool

Ghiraham or demise (uuuuuuuug please no *throws things around*)




Genesect (ew)

Black Shadow



Isaac or Matthew (plsplsplsplsplspls)

Captain Rainbow



Dillon (plsplsplsplsplspls)


Lloyd Irving



(There is this one Dood in Kid Icarus Uprising that actually looks kinda cool that I have seen people ask for that I do not remember the name of)

Characters people want that have no chance in hell...

Geno ( :( )

Paper Mario

Banjo and. Kazooie

Vaatii (funny how people forgot how much they wanted this character when skyward sword came out)

Yuga (eeeeew no stop)

The metriod hunters. (Why?)

Dark Pit

Roy (why do so many people want him? His game sucked :/ )

Wonderful Red


Crono (you would be surprised how many people actually want him)

Sora (rabid kingdom hearts fanboys scare me)

Goku, Naruto, or any anime character who's publishing rights belong to Namco Bandai, just... No...

Agumon or any digimon ( :( )

Crash and Spyro (why?)

The Angry Birds (yes... There is a rather healthy fanbase that wants this character... Brb hanging myself)

And ladies and gents, that is all I have to tell you guys

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My personal honest opinion is that 4 or 5 vets will be cut and we will probably get at least 10 newcomers but no more than 15 before we see DLC

If you do the math that is 44 minimum and 50 maximum this is not with out reason. If they do make the roster around 35, then that means that they would have to cut 10-14 characters...

Not only will that be a bad move, it would be painfully disappointing.

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Err...as much as I like the F-Zero series I have a doubt about Black Shadow, especially after how cartoonily idiotic the story mode of GX made him look.

Probably a better chance of Samurai Goroh, Zoda or even Super Arrow making the roster before Black Shadow IMO.

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My personal honest opinion is that 4 or 5 vets will be cut and we will probably get at least 10 newcomers but no more than 15 before we see DLC

If you do the math that is 44 minimum and 50 maximum this is not with out reason. If they do make the roster around 35, then that means that they would have to cut 10-14 characters...

Not only will that be a bad move, it would be painfully disappointing.

...wait, what?

Where are those possibly "cut" characters coming from?

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