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Official Super Smash Bros. Thread for Wii U and 3DS


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Since this seemed to slide under the radar, a list of some of the stages has been posted on the site. It includes a few stages in the WiiU version, and the 3DS version, as well as three stages that will appear in both games.


Also spotted this, some information on solo play on the 3DS. It details a revamped classic mode (with the return of the Intensity system from Kid Icarus Uprising) as well as Stadium modes.


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Anyone remember that Ackalacka kid? Remember how he used to yell and debate with me about how important the Marx/Nightmare character from Kirby was so cool and influential to Nintendo's history and needed to be a playable character?

Remember how I told him "OH I Remember that character! He might be cool as an assist trophy" and that Acka kid got really insulted by it and told me that I was an idiot for ever considering that...



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Anyone remember that Ackalacka kid? Remember how he used to yell and debate with me about how important the Marx/Nightmare character from Kirby was so cool and influential to Nintendo's history and needed to be a playable character?

Remember how I told him "OH I Remember that character! He might be cool as an assist trophy" and that Acka kid got really insulted by it and told me that I was an idiot for ever considering that...



We have come full circle

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No one has all the answers. I wouldn't even trust CoroCoro. Magazines can and have pulled things out of their ass in the past, even CoroCoro (though it was not smash bros related). You can't trust any of these mags 100% of the time.

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Nah I am just screwing with ya guys, thank god this crap character is deconfirmed... I mean... oh nooooz!


Ghirahim from Skyward Sword is confirmed as an assist trophy... also... who is that pokemon on the statue by the door?

This Pokemon Stage does look a lot like the arena you first encournter Ghirahim in Skyward Sword.

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The Pokemon on that statue plinth, is Servine from a side perspective, giving it that kind of "eeveelution" body type from afar.

Having played Skyward Sword, that most definitely looks a lot like the place you initially fight him, even though it's clearly a Pokemon stage.

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They often do fun little things like that.


When they announced the fairy bottle item from Zelda. They had a picture of Peach trying to stop Bowser from picking it up.

That was a referance to the Mario game that just released at that time, 3D World. In that game Bowser captured and bottled fairies to give himself magical cat powers transforming himself into Meowser.

When Lucina got confirmed, they had a picture of her giving Luigi a super intimidating glare. That was a referance to the Mario Kart 8 Meme, The Luigi Death Stare.

It was like Lucina was saying "YOU CALL THAT A DEATH STARE!?! THIS IS A DEATH STARE!!!"

I would never want to face her in a fight...

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Glaring tiger, angry waifu?

Honestly, it's been a very long time since I've been excited by any of the things nintendo has released about the game. New Character reveals or gtfo, Nintendo. I'm tired of these meager bread crumbs.

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Honestly, it's been a very long time since I've been excited by any of the things nintendo has released about the game. New Character reveals or gtfo, Nintendo. I'm tired of these meager bread crumbs.

Don't worry mister Maelstrom, when everyone and their moms import them japanese shit early and then we will get the full roster.

Or we can wait til a week before release. Actually the latter is the more probable one.

Edited by The Radiant Aeon
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What'd you expect? It was announced a damn long time ago, there's only so many ways in which they can keep people fixated on the game over such a time span between announcement and release; though that span in itself could be considered a flaw.

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This came from today's pic of the day, it was all about music...

"Choose your songs and play with features on the bottom screen. You can listen to character voices, too. One of the new highlights for this feature is the "Play in Sleep Mode" option in the upper right. If you turn this on, you can listen to the tracks with your headphones even when your Nintendo 3DS is closed. The L and R Buttons will let you skip tracks. This means you can use it as a portable music player. Enjoy listening to the tracks you love by putting all songs in loop, shuffle, or selecting your favorite tracks!!"

This is the feature I always wanted in a portable game T-T

Sakurai you beautiful man!

There is so some sample tracks on the official website. The themes of Multiman Melee, the Pokemon X and Y stage, and the Spirit Tracks stage.

Also underneath the list of songs, we have a list of composers with a small history...

First one mentioned is the lead composer to Xenoblade.. Huh...

I know that there are tons of random ass games that the designers worked on in that list and it doesn't tell us anything. But a lot of people are looking at that ONE mention above.

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