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Official Super Smash Bros. Thread for Wii U and 3DS


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The rumor is that the final 4 can only be unlocked on the wii u.

Well that's fake as well, otherwise it makes Sakurai an Obama-level of liar. He said, multiple times, that the character roster is all exactly the same in both versions, the difference being the stages.

Edited by Eagleby18
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I feel as though I'm the only person who's hyped for Pitoo.


I mean, he was an awesome Vegeta charcter in Kid Icarus: Uprising with a unique personality (despite being from Pit's) and his own fighting style (with his own weapons). I know he's going to be as much of a clone to Pit as Falco is to Fox, but I just love it when sub-main characters like Dark Pit get some spotlight. Even in books, games, movies, everything, I always root for the sub characters who don't get the special treatment that the main characters get. Roxas is better than you, Sora!

But, yeah. Pitto +1.

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Full Roster (confirmed by Gama unlocking all characters)


Master Hand on Classic Mode Info

Depending on the intensity, you may or may not have to fight Master Core. On lower intensities, it is just Master Hand. The next difficulty tier forces you to fight Master hand and then Master Core who has three forms (Shadowy Hand, Shadow Clone, Core) after defeating Master Hand. On a later difficulty, I'm assuming you will have to fight only Master and Crazy Hand who have a combined 400 HP instead of each having 150. Intensity 9 is where things get interesting.

If you make it there, you will start the challenge between master and crazy briefly. Once they reach below 250, the real battle begins. They both combine to form this giant titan who can eat you and move the stage. Once that is over, you must then fight this alien lizard thing who bounces around the stage. His next phase is a whole bunch of swords who constantly move around the stage making him very hard to hit. Once that is over, you have to fight the Shadow Clone and then proudly finish off the core.

Master Hand and Crazy also learned a few new tricks. Master hand can now use cards and giant fire balls. Crazy can now rip a hole in the background (I'm not sure what else he can do). I haven't seen Melee's electric attack, or Crazy's roll move, but the rest of the moves are still there.

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Well. I'm disappointed.

I mean. I'm hyped. But at the same time, my favorite is missing from the second game in a row and it's an absolute bummer.

I guess Mewtwo colored Greninja will have to do. I swear every time I get an inkling of hope for Mewtwo it just comes crashing down and makes me sad. It probably wouldn't be as bad if he was never in a smash game in the first place rather than giving him to me and ripping him away. Twice.

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Eagleby, how would that make sakurai a liar if the last four are only UNLOCKABLE on wii u.

Remember they sync up...

The rumor also says that Duck Hunt, dr. Mario, Dark pit, and Bowser jr are only unlockable on 3DS. Kinda sounds like Pokemon and their version exclusive creatures.

The Melee Veteran: Dr. Mario/Mewtwo

The clone: Dark Pit/Dixie Kong

The nice to have newcomer: Koopa kids/ Chorus kids

The bomb shell character: Duck Hunt God/ laser spitting space dragon.

I also want to point out that the character roster, Stage Selection, and Assist Trophy lists are both labeled "completed" when they actually aren't.

The character selection screen is still a cluster fuck and should look like this:


There is a stage missing in the character select screen.

Both new and old assist trophies (minus little Mac) are said to be completed, but are still missing. On top of the fact that most of those missing assist trophy's game franchises and voice actors are credited in the games ending credits.

There is a ton of inconsistencies that tells me that there is more to this game than we think there is. We still have the Wii U version, Amiibo, and potential DLC. One last statement I have to make about the final four is "if they aren't playable, then where are they?"

Ridley, Chorus kids, Mewtwo, and Dixie are all not featured as Stage hazards, Assist Trophies, or even straight up collectible trophies.

Also, the main leaker who stated that they were in the game ONLY PLAYED THE 3DS version.

He said that they have fully functioning models, he just hasn't played them yet...

The leaker is from Europe, Nintendo of japan had sent out only the full 3DS version for Europe and North America to test and Debug. We don't actually know that much about the Wii U version when we think about it.

Nintendo tree house said that they had full roster "mock up game" back in June that they were very closed doors on. The leaker might have seen the entire roster, but wasn't able to test out or try everything that there was to offer. That is why he only had information on Duck Hunt, Bowser Jr., And Shulk. Because everything he told us was 100% on point outside those last 4 characters.

Remember he revealed this information to spite Nintendo, not to spite us.

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Smash 4 demo for North American and European people persons next Friday.

You can test out Mario, Link, Pikachu, Megaman, and the Villager on both regular and Final destination variations of Battlefield.

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Dr. Mario's complete move set:

Dr. Mario is essentially Mario with his Melee move set. He looks hella cool and fun despite not being the best choice for a clone character. I love his intro, victory poses, and Taunts. Mario is going to be hella good and fun in this version of the game.

Banjo and Kazooie's

Duck Hunt Dog's complete move set:

DHD is not going to be top tier, but he can definitely hold his own. His zoning tools look amazing for controlling space and keeping his opponents off of the stage. As a heads up, his neutral B and Side B can be detonated any time he wishes!

Those moves are the outlaw and the "kick the can" move. Imagine how annoying it will be to fight these guys when they have all of that shit on the stage.

I love his animations and his smash attacks are hella creative!

Pac-Man on N's Castle:

Cool stage and music! And then there is Pac himself, he is looking pretty sweet actually. His Side B where he draws the pac-dots and eats them looks hella powerful. As well as his fire hydrant and fruit. They look like great gimping and zoning tools. He has some good looking Normals as well. And not damn those smash attacks look great! I also love how his grab has the Galaga rays.

As for his final smash... It looks cool, but is meh in utility.

An online match

The match starts to chug towards the end, but it runs pretty well being that this an American gamer in California Smashing with Japanese players.

I also love Lucario's new look and animations. He looks much faster and more powerful.

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Koopa Kid's move set:

My impressions;

I refer to them as the Koopa Kids rather than Bowser jr. Because that is exactly what the character is. The character changes visually when you change their look. They are even referenced by the announcer as individuals, despite just being different skins for the same character.

The koopas have good Zoning tools and hard hitting moves making them a mix of power and zoning play syles. They also remind me a bit of Tron Bonne from the MvC games. The reason why is because she fought in her robot, Gusto, and the Koopa Kids fight in the Koopa Klown Kar, aka the KKK.

Though they seem slow, they have a decent amount ranged tools like the cannon and Koopa bots. This allows them to play defensively or space people out to their liking. They also have hard hitting attacks to punish people who approuch them in a clumsy manner.

I also noticed that their grab range kinda sucks. So you might not want to rely on it.

The final smash looks amazing and the X moves with the screen. So if the screen zooms in and out or pans around, the X will move with it.

Lastly, after playing Mario Kart 8 I have grown rather fond of Roy Koopa. Though I like the idea of Roy being a playable character in the game, I don't like the idea of playing him in the clown car. I am also mixed about the fact that bowser jr. Is in the clown car vs. Fighting on foot with the paint brush.

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So I've finally found footage of Milotic showing up in N's Castle. She just appears out of nowhere, sits there for a minute, and flys away, seemingly doing nothing at all?

I don't buy it. I think you need to do something while she's there, and it makes her do something awesome. Anyone with a Japanese 3ds, start expiramenting!

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I watched a rather good full match of N's Castle. What I saw...

When the Castle appears, these stair/ladder things from the castle branch out and turn the arena into a temporary walk off stage

Reshiram will appear and set the stage on fire.

Zekrom will appear and bolt the stage causing it to tilt and look like this: __-----****

Milotic will appear and... uh... look pretty?

Also, my opinions on Pac-Man are constantly changing... He looks OP as fuck.

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I love how megaman plays... I might post a "how to combo and set up" post later.

For a second, I thought you meant you cashed in a Japanese copy of the game. But you probs got the demo...Wonder if we can play if each other sometime? Well I would say that if I knew if we can play online =P

Also, while I'm happy on how Robin and Shiek looks in game, I hate the nerfs to Falco that they did. Blaster cancels got removed, D-Air now has a windup (though just as strong as Ganon's), and he can't do chain grabs due to system changes. While changes like Phantasm no longer leaving him helpless and distance on Fire Bird being increased are useful, he lost quite a bit of power. I'm hoping later down the line, people will find lots of power in Falco, but for now he seems to be average.

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I heard some say "everyone who sucked in previous smash games are amazing now"

I heard that Ness's buffs are fantastic.

Mewtwo Douche King stated that he believes that Bowser, Zero Suit Samus, and Duck Hunt God are the best that the game has to offer.

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Please tell me Wario's special move set have remained relatively unchanged

Not much changes to Wario, in fact he seems relatively buffed. His Forward Smash changed from the arm rush to a longer ranged punch. Both tilts are slightly faster. Really the only nerf is that his wheels are no longer items.

Also #LevinSword

edit: I mean up and down tilt

Edited by The Radiant Aeon
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