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Tier Lists aren't super important, but they exist for a reason. Some smash players are crying and complaining about how important tiers are, but they are... kinda important?

Here is a psuedo tier list that I threw together based on information that I have access to/heard from people who own the japanese version of the game.

A+: Bowser, Greninja

A (Top Tier): Rosalina, Zero Suit Samus, Duck Hunt Dog

A-: Captain Falcon, Lil' Mac

B+: Bowser Jr., Shiek, Metaknight, Pikachu, Lucario, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Pac-Man

B (High Tier): (Dr.) Mario, Yoshi, Wario,(Dark) Pit, Palutena, Robin, Kirby, King Dedede, Fox, Falco, Charizard, Sonic

B-: Ike

C (Mid Tier): Link, Megaman

D (Low Tier):

If a Character isn't listed, then that means that I haven't really heard too much about them...

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Apparently his Knee and Side B are insane, the new game mechanics and his over all ability to do damage is "Top Tier Material"

He was always Upper Mid in Melee and Project M.

I can see him getting nerfed in future Patches.

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havent been paying much attention to this thread recently and this may have been answered already, but how does little mac feel? like is he just a more grounded version of all those combo heavy characters or does he feel like smash's version of Balrog?

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He feels closer to Akihiko Senada or Steve Fox rather than Baltog, TJ Combo, or Dudley. He is fast and combo heavy and is apparently the best character when the fight is center staged. He has a shit off stage game/recovery. But his 5 different smash attacks, speed, combo potential, and amazing dodging ability make him way better than what a lot of people where predicting.

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Just compiling some interesting things people have found.

Captain Falcon

-Raptor Boost kills at 110-130%

-Good tech with grabbing with Falcon is his run grab. It has considerably more range now.

-Some aerials auto-cancel, such as N-Air

-B-Air is a godly move offstage


-It looks like he's reminiscent to Project M

-Aerials are rather laggy still, but have great knockbock. B,N,F Air are good for offstage game

-From what I've heard, Flare Blitz is destructive (of course don't spam)

Dark Pit

-As most people could have guessed, Pitoo here is basically Pit.

-From footage he seems to have less of a multi-jump in the air compared to Pit, possibly Pit being a more mobile/low damage fighter as Dark Pit is a close range fighter that has superior kill moves i.g. Electro-Dash Arm B-Air F-Smash


-He can dunk y'all

-Super Sheet, unlike Mario's Super Cape, has no air momentum. This cuts down his recovery to Tornado and Jump.

-Lack of L-cancels means that his air lag is now apparent. Still his aerials do a lot of damage, and as I said, he still dunks.

-D-Air drills sideways rather than down.

-N-Air is still good.

Duck Hunt

-Barrel, Clay Pigeon, and short hop Wild Gunman are decent zoning moves along side his F-Smash and D-Smash

-Up Air kills, and is rather fast

-In Classic Mode, he spawns in the Living Room. Stay classy Sakurai.

Ganondorf Ganondork

-The game mechanics such as the new edge techs and vectoring gives Ganon a natural buff, among his other changes.

-His normals are safer than Brawl's

-Dark Dive goes farther now for less power.

-Finally gets a sword in his custom moves


-Generally speaking, he is a well rounded character with effective zoning via Water Shuriken and great combos

-Hydro Pump and Shadow Sneak along his air normal moves create excellent edge game.


King Triple D

-happy Gordos go at a random arc. Still good for spacing.


-There is a glitch that makes Gordo stick on D3 special place (can't wait to see his nighttime pleasures)



-F Air is harder to chain. Some characters require the double jump.

-Aura Sphere Max kills lightweights around 55-75%

-Whiffed Force Palm is a good move for spacing.

-Unsure of how good the final kick in extreme speed will be.


-Only thing truly note worthy: Rush Coil Combo Breaker
-Other than that just don't put him in front of Villager


-PK Thunder has a larger hitbox and is faster.
-PSI Magnet "claimed" to be larger.
-Like Ganondorf, new edge tech is a natural buff to Ness.

Robin (I just can't get one thing in here without Robin in a post)

-These are rough estimates on his tome usage




-Thunder is interesting because it seems to go on percentage per shot (Thunder=5% Elthunder=14% Arcthunder=25% Thoron=33.3%)

-Tomes can apparently be caught, thrown, and CAN K.O. at 100%.

-Never care about Levin Sword or Arcfire usage. Those recharge in a few. And Bronze Sword is good for combos. Elwind should be used sparingly however, as you have less than Little Mac recovery at this state.

-Jab Combo can K.O. though Wind Jab is subject to pop outs.


-Lumas have proved that Star Bits are nutritious and make strong bodies, as the Lumas are STURDY AS FUCK. Really. They can take all kinds of hits.

That's all I want to say on this post.

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There was a recent mechanic that was found called the "Rage Effect." What this means is that not only is the percentage of the opponents are being factored in KBs but also the percentage of the attacker. This is essentially a comeback feature that Sakurai implemented along with the steam effects to indicate how powerful will the player's power will be. The higher the percent, thus the more steam released, the more powerful the attack.

CLASH Tournaments made a video regarding the Rage Effect. Come watch if you're curious

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kay so ive played the demo. mario feels as strong as he was in the previous games but it feels like his fireballs got a huge nerf :[[[. mega man is p shit imo. pikachu is mmmmmmmmeh at best. and link feels the same although his bombs feel like they dont do as much.

and i refuse to play villager

Edited by JellyMan
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I love some of the new characters like Robin and Shulk (Fan of both games) though I'm a little irked at some of the clone choices, especially since the Koopa Kids showcased how far away you can take an alternate character. Why Dark Pitt, Dr Mario, and Lucina weren't just alts and their specials choosable in the character customization menu while Alph and the other Koopa Kids are alts of Olimar and Bowser Jr. respectively makes absolutely no sense to me.

I'm curious if we're going to see alt DLC, like Daisy as an alt for Peach and Wolf for Fox which you would think was a given, or at least I did :/

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For guys who follow the tournament scene, a recent Japanese tournament ended 5 days ago. Being one of the first tournaments for Smash 4, a lot of analysis was made from the matches. Something interesting to note however is the top 8 line up. The characters that made up the top 8 are:

Greninja, Pacman, Rosalina, DHD, Bowser, Wario.

This line up is interesting as five of these characters (minus Wario) were speculated in Japan to be fairly good. After some mining, I formed a bit of a list from current talk in the community. They include current popular (as in those strong in the currently) characters, characters that are considered powerful (those who can fight the top or even be one of the top) , and characters considered "slept" (unpopular characters that are considered good) on.

Popular: Rosalina, Bowser, Greninja, DHD, ZSS, Pacman, Sheik,

Top Contenders: Robin, Wario, Captain Falcon, Ness, Meta Knight

Powerful: Bowser Jr, Lucario, Shulk, Fox, King Dedede, Lil Mac, Marth, Villager, Jigglypuff, Dark Pit

Sleepers: Yoshi, Sonic, Lucina, Falco, Wii Fit Trainer, Kirby, Pit, Toon Link, Charizard, Pikachu, Palutena

Edit: I guess I should add some honorable mentions, and reorder the initial list.

I also added Palutena at the bottom of the "sleeper" list as there are many mixed reviews of her and the whole "custom moves" ordeal. Either way she is able to shut down Mega Man and Link's projectile game pretty nicely, so I'll add her here.

Edit2: I'm also going to demote Wario and Robin, and promote Captain Falcon, Ness, and Meta Knight to "Top contenders" which any of them can be "Popular" but lack enough players or information to place them at "Popular." Finally, before I get any sort of attention, this is not a "tier" list per say but rather a "Popularity" list (hence why I say popular a lot.)

Honorable Mentions: R.O.B. Zelda, Dr. Mario, Samus, Luigi, Ike, Peach

Edited by The Radiant Aeon
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I saw that tourney on Event Hubs. Dat Pac-Man yo!

Also I was toying around with the demo to see if I could use some of the tricks they were using with Pikachu, Link, and Mega. I only found minor success with Megaman.

There was also a smaller tour in the U.S. and the top 2 were really.... Odd

#Zelda and Megaman yo!

The Megaman player essentially became a celebrity after that tour. He really fleshed out that character.

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I guess he means until he finally gets his 3DS version of the game...

Well normally the game would release tomorrow here in germany (October 2nd) ... but in an hour I will go to my electonics-store of my trust and pick it up for myself... they don't take it seriously with release dates and always put them into the shelf a one or two days earlier

(I got my copy of Pokemon X 4 days before it's actual release that way xD)

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