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On an unrelated note, I fought a Toon Link player that was doing something cool that I want to share. His bombs have a weird explosion animation where they leave these very cartoony Smoke trails. This Toon Link player was throwing bombs at where he wanted to be and stand behind the smoke so I couldn't see him. He wasn't doing this to hide himself, he was doing this to Mask his attacks. Is he doing an up smash? Is he charging an arrow? Or is he just standing completely still waiting for me to approach him? Hell if I know... but nether the less, it was really cool. Have you guys faced any other players that did something cool like that?

Couple things I did yesterday that caught me off guard...

As Lil' Mac I threw my KO punch at my opponent, and it landed! I was so hyped... then I found out that I was playing Alph (aka Olimar Alt) and I had only hit one of his Pikmin...

Yoshi's Forward smash apparently can dodge incoming attacks... When Yoshi performs his side smash he leans back and smacks the opponent with his head. I was fighting a Robin player and she shot a massive thunder ball thing at me as I got close to her and started releasing my side smash... to my surprised when I was doing my side smash Yoshi completely dodged the thunder during his "leaning back" animation and KO'd the hell out of Robin...

Yoshi confirmed for Neo...

#Everything and Anything can be a Lie

#Matrix Dodge

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Food for thought. Two big smash 4 tournaments just went down, one in Japan and one in New York.

The top 3 New York tourney winners were using...

1st Diddy Kong

2nd Robin

3rd ROB

Top 4 in Japan were...

1st Diddy Kong

2nd Palutena

3rd Lucario

4th Ganondorf

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"ganondorf isnt good"

"he's too slow"

"power for speed tradeoff isnt worth it"

suck my ass haters :[

I'm pretty good with ganon... but even I know he's not really top tier. He's just really damn good at fighting most people who've never fought a good gannon before.

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I'm thinking of dropping Palutena.=/ Her tilts lag as much as a normal Smash attack, she can't kill hardly till very high percentages, weird specials (default), I'm just having an awful time with her.-.- At least I have Rosalina, Zelda, ROB, & Dr.Stylish.

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I am leaning on Fox, Yoshi, Lil' Mac, Robin, Samus, Bowser, and Shiek the most atm.

Though I did get pretty good with Ike, Lucario, Charizard, Rosalina, Sonic, and Pikachu.

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I used Sheik just a bit in Brawl, but mained her & Zelda at once in Project M. I haven't played much Sheik this game, but I know she looks to be really good from what I've seen on some tourney's before the US release.

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As a Shiek main I hafta admit. I am not really feeling Shiek. When I want to play a speed character who isn't lil Mac, I go Fox or Yoshi. Shiek has a great poke game and "keep people off stage" game. But she is kinda boring to me atm.

Smash 4 is a very stylish game compared to previous entries and Fox and Yoshi's Rush down, combos, and agro tactics fit my personality well.

Also Mael, Kaito, and Inuki are douches.

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Send me your friend code and I would be happy to play with you. Also, people in Europe, Japan, and the U.S. seem to have different tastes. I see tons of Lil' Mac, captain falcon, Ganondorf, and Bowser family online. I also never fought a DDD. There are tons of characters I haven't fought yet now that I think about it.

Some of the European people I fought seemed to like Shulk and Robin. I also faced some hella good Marios.

I also hate fighting Pits. And DHD is a douche.

Almost no one I fought online knows how to deal with my Yoshi or Samus though :P.

I also surprise a lot of people by actually being good with Lil' Mac.

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Aight I'll do that. My FC is also in the Gamertag & Friend Code thread.

A good Lil.Mac is a pretty scary thing to fight against. lol. As for Pit, I just prefer Dark Pit as far as personality goes as he's much less annoying imo.

I recently got an XL so playing Smash feels alot better to me now.

BTW, anyone here likes using custom moves? Just curious.

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I played long enough to rack up 50 ko's before it wouldn't match me up with people and I had to get stuff done. DdD gave me the most trouble till I used ness. His ness gave my Mac a hard tie but I got him. The other trouble I had was a zss against my kong. To be honest I saw some decent variety. Falco fox ddd zss Marty ness cpt falcon Had a lot of rematches with ddd and zss till I convinced me they couldn't win, as close as they got

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Also, now I'm curious, I apparently contributed 3 points to the Bowser cause for the last conquest. I got 1000 coins. Did you guys do this and get anything more/different? I really only did a few battles and that kinda gave me a lot for just 3 points. Currently got 10 pts for the Brawler cause. pretty sure I should have more but idk. it has a time thing that says I can contribute again in so many hours and minutes. Which is a shame, cuz now that I went into For Fun Teams from For Glory Rival... I've been killing people left and right.

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