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Official Super Smash Bros. Thread for Wii U and 3DS


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Did Andre check to see if the chat changes if fox or Falco are selected?

I also kinda want some like this for Lil Mac with Doc Louis giving Mac Ring side advice.

And yes, I know about the Easter egg in the taunt.

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Remember that Patch 1.0.3 and we all thought it had gameplay tweaks and it hardly did. Nintendo just announced a balance patch for realsies. Though they didn't specify what was going to be in Patch 1.0.4.

They did however show off some more Amiibos. I personally want to pick up Megaman, Ike, Rosalina, Shiek and Lucario!

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Sonic is in Wave 3. As well as Metaknight, Shulk, DDD, Toon Link, and Bowser. Oh Ya, Bowser is a must have too. Robin, Lucina, DHD, Charizard, and Ness Amiibos and I will be golden!

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Keep in mind that ALL Amiibos are also compatible with Hyrule Warriors - there are certain things that will be unlocked in game by connecting said Amiibos to the game.

For example, I'd imagine using the Ike amiibo would unlock the Blessed Sword Ragnell as a weapon, or hell, might even unlock Ike himself, but this has yet to be revealed.

Amiibos are compatible with many different games depending on the character. For example, Link and Toon Link will be compatible with Mario Kart 8; however, the other Legend of Zelda characters, as far as we know, will not be.

Sonic is in Wave 3. As well as Metaknight, Shulk, DDD, Toon Link, and Bowser. Oh Ya, Bowser is a must have too. Robin, Lucina, DHD, Charizard, and Ness Amiibos and I will be golden!

The Lucina and Ike ones are the only ones I want - but they probably won't do much at least until the crossover with Shin Megami Tensei comes out.

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Apparently the Wii U copies of the game that all of the game critics like IGN and Game Xplain are playing are running on the new 1.0.4 Patch and people watching the people play the game have noticed that some characters are getting Nerfed and buffed... A big one was recently brought to attention regarding Rosalina and Luma.

If you KO a Luma it takes 8 seconds for a new one to respawn. Now in 1.0.4 it takes Lumas 13 seconds to respawn to assist their Mother.

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The thing about little mac is that he's the most chaotic character in terms of matchup; he mostly either has a stark win or a stark loss, barely ever in between. He's basically ridiculously unbalanced in matchups because of his design.

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As a Lil' Mac main, Heavy weights and people with the ability to bully me when I am offstage **leers at Jigglypuff** can ruin my day.

List of Characters who scare me as Lil' Mac...


Captain Falcon


Donkey Kong




King DDD

Marth and Lucina

Pit and Pittoo


Main threats and why....

-DK has long arms and DDD has his hammer. Those keep me from getting close and actually get the chance to do damage to them.

- I don't always win trades with Bowser, DK, DDD, Captain Falcon, Ganon, Ike, and Charizard. they can all hit harder than me and can take a hit way better than I can.

- Captain Falcon and Ganon are weird and can beat me in a slugging contest. Like I throw a punch and they can beat it, it is fucking terrifying.

- Mac struggles with getting around Bowser's and Charizard's Fire Breath. He also has to do something out of his way and overly risky to get past DK's Ground Pound.

- Marths and Pits both have range weapons that out extend Mac's arms, and that can be a huge pain for him.

- The Fire Embro's counters sting when I act all gullible and fall into one... As a Mac player, you don't fall for a counter ever... especially when you are fighting those 3.

- Jigglypuff is all about knocking people off stage and hitting them until they are dead... Mac cannot deal with that at all... AT ALL!!! Captain Falcon, Ganon, Pits, DK, and DDD all are really good at keeping Mac off stage as well...

- Samus has a beastly grab range and can bully mac til' he dies really easy. It is kinda evil actually. Samus is a secret High Tier character that I seem to be the only one playing... KEEP AWAY FROM MY WAIFU SCRUBS!!!

Mac's Strengths...

- Though he is a lightweight, he hits like a heavy! So speed characters can struggle against him. Especially some of the more predictable ones like Sonic, Yoshi, or Metaknight.

- Mac owns the ground and is stupid fast, anything that touches the ground will get a face full of fist. Never rush this character, wait for him to come to you.

- Though I said Ike can give Mac a ton of trouble, same can be said for Ike. Mac is too fast for Ike and Shulk to deal with sometimes, and Mac's armor often says Fuck You to the time it takes them to swing their swords.

- With the exception of Samus, anyone else who relies on long range and projectiles are often screwed when fighting Mac. He is too fast for them to charge, shoot, or prepare any kind of trap. He literally Darts past it or Wave Dashes throw it all. He is Rosalina's and Villager's Worst Nightmare imo. Ness and Duck Hunt Dog can shrug him off, but he is still at an advantage in that match up. ROB can give him trouble since Rob has a ton of powerful long armed attacks and hard hitting smashes. Most of those characters need a bit of time to think or plan out what they are going to do, and Speedy Characters like Mac is way too in your face to take that noise.

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I actually have some pretty big issues when playing Lucina vs Little Mac, issues I don't have when playing other characters like Falcon/Ike.

Lucina has a fairly short reach compared to Marth and whiffing attacks leaves her more open than most (this'll happen a lot vs a Mac that knows how to use his speed). She's also fairly light, which is another issue, not to mention her grab range sucks. Lucina has to rely on timing attacks as her reach, though not the greatest, still seems to be just better than Mac's. Playing Lucina into Little Mac is a matchup I don't like as I will end up being too reliant on my Counter, which generally isn't good...

My favorite picks into Mac are Falcon and Sheik, where I can go speed-for-speed and try to catch him off balance.

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Sakurai likes to write montly articles where he talks about development in smash. Wanna know who he talked about today? Mac!

Sakurai said that he is reading about so many people complaining and crying about how OP he apparently is, but then Sakurai looks at Mac's Win/Loss Ratio in Tournament scenes and the Statistics he gets when people use him online.

Lil Mac only got to second place once in an american tournament last month, and out of every character in the game, Lil' Mac has the highest Loss Ratio out of everyone.

Sakurai stated "Many people rush to this character believing he is an easy win, when reality is he is a very difficulty character with lot's of weaknesses to overcome."

Screw it, I'll cover Little Mac based on my own personal experience rather than by true analytical stats.


- Ground fighting in general. Lil Mac destroys anything on the ground bar none. His non-special combos, smashes, and movement speed are all extremely fast.

Watch out for ROB and Robin, Mac can't dart past the Gyro or Arch Fire. Bowser and Charizard can also force Lil' Mac to back off with their fire breathing.

- Jolt Haymaker. His side smash has a super armor ability. If he uses it like in the very beginning, he ignores attacks, plus you can control to an extent when you can punch. Opponent throws a projectile, you wind-up Jolt and SUCKER PUNCH!

Personally I wouldn't Recommend this. Most projectiles don't actually leave the user open and if Mac throws this out and misses, he is wide open. The last thing Mac wants to do is get hit. That is both Punch Out!! and Smash Logic. I personally prefer using his Pseudo Wave Dash to get past projectiles and counter attack with a short combination attack. I only use his Haymaker if I am facing the center of the stage. I am a very Risky player, but I ain't that risky.

- A little bit of priority. His speed on attacking is relatively high.

He doesn't have priority perse, he has armor on his smash attacks. And yes, his smash attacks are faster than most attacks. Which is why some people spam them so much. In my personal Experiences, He doesn't our reach Marth, DK, and DDD and he can't out-slug Ganon, Bowser, and Captain Falcon. Choose your opponents wisely.

- A Counter move. Counter moves are almost always a plus, preventing up smash spamming or even suprising your opponent if they don't think you'll counter. It also covers a small distance, retaliating from projectile attacks as well as absorbing them (like Mega Man's stick bomb)

I would never counter a projectile unless it is a large one like Samus's Charge Shot or Robin's Thoron. I rather side step them, as a Mac player you always want to be pushing forward. You don't want your opponent to have any sort of control on the situation. (which is why he gives most range characters issues) I use his counter to "prevent situations that are obviously dangerous" and as a recovery. More on using Mac's Counter as a recovery later...


- FRIGGIN RECOVERY. If Little Mac gets knocked around the map, you might not even need to be smashed to get knocked out. Up smash is a joke and better saved as anti-air on the ground. Sometimes Side smash is better for recovery if distance is needed over height.

By Later I mean now... a ton of people have a strategy where they knock Mac off stage and bully him before he can get back on to give him "shit out of luck" recovery. Actually... you can use this to your advantage! Mac's Counter actually propels him forward and gives him a bit of invincibility as he does it. He can also use the Haymaker or the Uppercut recovery immediately afterwards giving him a max total of 4 Jumps! However, if you do this once, a smart opponent will give you the middle finger and jump towards you as they know you are about to counter, jump backwards safely back on the stage. Douchebags... Another thing to remember is that if you are playing Omega stages and get put on Gerudo Valley or the Boxing Ring and you are unsure about making back to the stage. Try walljumping from the Horizontal platform. It might just save your life.

- Jolt Haymaker MISS! If you've ever done a Jolt Haymaker too close to the edge, you know what I'm talking about. Mac flies off the edge while you scream "God dammit," spiraling out of control till BOOM! No chance of recovery.

I always go for a run and grab if I see someone edge hogging. A fun note, Mac's Down Smash beats everyone's "get back up from the ledge" attack.

If I pull off a grab, I will either toss them to the center of the stage, or try and go for a down throw into Uppercut Combo.

-Stall attackers. Bowser and Charizard with their friggin Flamethrowers. They annoy Mac to no end, allowing little to no movement.. The Jolt Haymaker can alleviate this sorta, but in the end, you gotta avoid it altogether.

Bzzzzzzt! Wrong answer, the Fire Breath has just wide enough of a hitbox for the Jolt Haymaker to not work. As a matter of fact, Mac actually can make matters worse by haymaking the dragons. The best route to this is to; A. wait for the Fire breath to peter out and back try to get behind Bowser or Charizard to pummel them. or B. The Dragons won't keep using fire breath when they see it miss and starting to waste. They will instead pull the fire back and try something else... they are wide open during this time period, Mac is the best at Punishing Opponent's Mistakes.


- Mac has terrible grab, but then again he's not a grabber to begin with.

Still Use it though. Most people's strategy is to shield and let Mac come to you, then Counter attack... Use that to your advantage.

- Grabbers will be an obvious pain, such as a skillful Mega Man. Dunno how, but MM is a stupidly good grabber.

Megaman, Samus, and DHD might seem like good grabbers when what they are REALLY doing is forcing you to do get defensive by shooting something at you and making you shield. They then run up to you and grab you. Also being that they are range characters, Mac has to get close to them to win. So they will shield you as you run up to them, and grab you as soon as you whiff your attack. Megaman's Grab is okay, but a smart Megaman player, as well as Samus and DHD make themselves seem more like grabbers than you might initially think they are due to their mind games.

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I really don't like Olimar.

I'm not sure why, but I just really don't like him as a character.

That being said, I could be generic and say I want Roy back...

But how about Bayonetta, she's Nintendo now? I know that would never happen. As Yahtzee put it the rest of the Nintendoverse is so sexless Bayonetta would tear a hole in Space/Time.

As for new characters I seriously think could be good I would say maybe Claus from Earthbound or Isaac from Golden Sun? They could be interesting.

Love playing Marth though.

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Anyone got tips for beating the giant of Master Core on lvl 8? Having trouble.

Don't get grabbed. There's two attacks that do this - the one with the rift and the other one where his arms float around. They won't KO you most likely, but they do a LOT of damage.

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based on the two games I played recently... I could only surmise that it made everything lag the fuck out.

Also, if you read... it makes any and all saved battle vids... well, you cannot watch them anymore. You cannot replay anything that was recorded before the most recent patch.

Why doesn't anyone mention this, but this is kind of... wtf? I get the idea that yeah, characters play a little different now and you don't want people trolling with vids of what is impossible now but... c'mon.

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Sorry that I forgot to mention that Mael :(

Some important peoples got ahold of smash 4 Wii U early, and have been testing things out and posting some videos of gameplay. Apparently the new game is running on the some different balancing and coding than the 3DS currently is. Which is predicted to all appear in the 1.0.4 Patch...

FYI most of the changes removes glitches and Exploits.

Here is some character specific things people have noticed...



An exploit in the game called Item Canceling was found where people could use Item throwing to cancel their landing lag. Landing Lag is a part of the game where people stumble as they hit the ground. Making them vulnerable when they end whatever they do while Airborne. Link used this Exploit to his advantage by pulling out and throwing a Bomb just as he landed. Item Canceling will soon be gone.

Princess Peach


Like stated above, Item Canceling will soon be a thing of the past and Peach benefited from this just as much as Link did with her Turnips. Though Bomb Canceling doesn't affect Link as much as Turnip Canceling Affects Peach, I don't think Peach will become any worse of a character because of this, she will stay a sleeping top tier character.

Peach also has a few other slight nerfs.

Her Aerials now stale differently. Stale is used to reference when an attack becomes weaker with overuse. It is a mechanic that is unique to smash. This was mostly done to prevent Peach from having an Infinite Combo. Her infinite wasn't game breaking, but it was still a pain in the ass to have around.



Satan I mean Yoshi had a glitch involving his egg toss and using it as a Recovery. He would sometimes teleport all weird and brokenly and soon he will no longer do that.



Wario has a strange exploit where he can control how he body flies after being hit by certain attacks. People dubbed it "Burst Canceling" that will be gone soon.

Rosalina and Luma


This is the only true Nerf being done that will change a way the character is played.

In the previous build of the game, a fallen Luma took 8 seconds to respawn.

In 1.0.4 Lumas will not take almost double the time to respawn (it is somewhere between 12-13 seconds).

This will make fighting Rosalina easier and potentially keep her from being less of a BS top Tier character.



Robin had an exploit where they could using their thunder spell to add an extra jump to their recovery. That will be gone soon.



All of the glitches and exploits noted above I knew about... but this one I didn't.

Apparently Greninja and Lucario can alter their landing in some odd ways. Greninja using it with his Side B somehow and he apparently will not be able to do it anymore. **shrugs**

Lastly, here are some exploits worth Mentioning that were left in the game for some reason...



Megaman can still Rush Cancel to break out of combos. Megaman can Up B and keep himself from being combo'd.



Sheik can still Chain Grab. As a matter of fact, with the use of a Gamecube Controllor, Chain Grabbing is even easier for her.

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For those of you curious about the WiiU game's soundtrack, here's a site with all the music!


BUT...I know this website doesn't work for some people, especially people on mobile sooooo...I'VE MADE MY OWN LIST! Feast your eyes! Music is sorted by its game of origin (unless it was in a previous Smash Bros.)!

Updated at 11/21

Super Smash Bros.


  • Menu
  • Classic: Map
  • Classic: Stage Clear
  • Master Hand
  • Master Core
  • Classic: Final Results (Success)
  • Classic: Final Results (Failure)
  • All-Star Rest Area
  • Smash Tour
  • Target Blast
  • Multi-Man Smash
  • Practice Zone
  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Final Destination v2
  • Trophy Gallery
  • Trophy Rush
  • Trophy Shop
Returning from Brawl:
  • Menu
  • Boss Battles Theme
  • Subspace Emissary: Boss Battle 1 (Duon/Galleom)
  • Subspace Emissary: Boss Battle 2 (Tabuu)
  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Cruel Brawl (listed in this game as "Cruel Smash")
  • Practice Zone
  • Home-Run Contest
  • Trophy Gallery
Returning from Melee:
  • Menu
  • Menu 2
  • Battlefield (listed as "Menu [Melee] ver. 2")
  • Final Destination
  • How to Play
  • Trophy Theme
Returning from SSB64:
  • Credits (Brawl Arrangement)
  • Credits

Super Mario

Returning from Brawl:

  • SMB3 Airship Theme
  • SMB3/SMW Castle/Boss Theme
  • SMB Ground Theme (Koji Kondo arr.)
  • SMB Ground Theme v2
  • SMB Underwater Theme
  • Mario Bros.
  • Mario Tennis/Mario Golf
  • SMW Title/Ending
  • New Super Mario Bros. Ground Theme
  • Luigi's Mansion
Returning from Melee:
  • Princess Peach's Castle
  • Rainbow Cruise
  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Athletic (Super Mario World)
  • Dr. Mario
Super Mario Bros. / The Lost Levels / Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Ground Theme / Underground Theme
  • The Lost Levels Medley
Super Mario World
  • Boss Theme
Super Mario 64 / Sunshine
  • Bob-Omb Battlefield
  • Delfino Plaza
  • Ricco Harbor
Galaxy / Galaxy 2
  • Good Egg Galaxy
  • Good Egg Galaxy (Arranged)
  • Sky Station Galaxy
  • Main Theme (Galaxy)
  • Main Theme Galaxy 2)
  • Champion's Road / Credits (listed under 3D World)
  • Comet Observatory
  • Bowser Jr.'s Fort
  • Fated Battle
3D Land / World
  • Ground / Beach Theme (3D Land)
  • Super Bell Hill
  • Great Tower Showdown 2
New Super Mario Bros.
  • Athletic / Ground Theme (NSMB 2)
  • Ground Theme (NSMB 2) (Original)
  • Ground Theme (NSMB U)
Mario and Luigi:
  • Try, Try Again
  • They're Pretty Tough, Should We Be Careful!?
  • The Grand Finale (Bowser's Inside Story)

Mario Kart

Returning from Brawl:

  • Mario Circuit
  • Luigi Raceway
  • Waluigi Pinball
Double Dash!!:
  • Rainbow Road
  • Mushroom Gorge
Super Circuit / DS / MK7:
  • Rainbow Road Medley
  • Toad Circuit
  • Mario Kart Stadium
  • Mario Circuit
  • Cloudtop Cruise
  • Rainbow Road


Returning from Brawl:

  • Obstacle Course (all seasons)
  • DS Wildlands
  • Yoshi's Story Ending
Returning from Melee:
  • Yoshi's Story
Returning from SSB64:
  • Yoshi's Island
Super Mario World 2:
  • Yoshi's Island + Intro
Yoshi's New Island:
  • Main Theme
  • Bandit Valley
Yoshi's Woolly World:
  • Yoshi's Woolly World (Original)
  • Yoshi's Woolly World

Donkey Kong

Returning from Brawl:

  • 25m
  • Donkey Kong
  • Donkey Kong Opening
  • Jungle Level
  • Jungle Level v2
  • Bramble Blast (referred to here as "Stickerbrush Symphony")
  • Battle for Storm Hill
  • King K Rool / Ship Deck 2
Returning from SSB64:
  • Kongo Jungle
Donkey Kong Country:
  • Jungle Level (Jazz)
  • Jungle Level (Tribal)
Donkey Kong Country Returns / Tropical Freeze:
  • Jungle Level
  • Main Theme (Vocals)
  • Gear Getaway (Original)
  • Gear Getaway
  • Mangrove Cove
  • Mole Patrol
  • Swinger Flinger

The Legend of Zelda

Returning From Brawl:

  • Great Temple
  • Hyrule Field (Ocarina of Time)
  • Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
  • The Legend of Zelda Medley (Title)
  • The Dark World
  • Hidden Mountain / Forest
  • Tal Tal Heights
  • Song of Storms
  • Ocarina of Time Medley
Returning from Melee:
  • Temple
  • Great Bay (Legend of Zelda Main Theme)
Legend of Zelda:
  • Main Theme / Dungeon
Ocarina of Time:
  • Gerudo Valley (Original)
  • Gerudo Valley
  • Saria's Song / Mid-boss Theme
The Wind Waker:
  • The Great Sea / Menu Select
Twilight Princess:
  • Main Theme
  • Midna's Lament
Spirit Tracks:
  • Full Steam Ahead
Skyward Sword:
  • Ballad of the Goddess (Original)
  • Ballad of the Goddess / Ghirahim
A Link Between Worlds:
  • Lorule Field
  • Yuga Battle - Hyrule Castle


Returning from Brawl:

  • Dialga/Palkia Battle at Spear Pillar
  • Team Galactic Battle
  • Red/Blue Main Theme
  • Pokemon Center
Returning from Melee:
  • Pokemon Stadium
  • Poke Floats
Diamond / Pearl / Platinum:
  • Battle! Champion Cynthia
Black / White series:
  • N's Castle Medley
  • Route 10
  • Route 23
X / Y:
  • Battle! Wild Pokemon
  • Battle! Trainer
  • Battle! Team Flare
  • Battle! Champion Diantha
  • Victory Road


Returning from Brawl:

  • Mute City
  • Fire Field
  • White Land
  • Devil's Call in Your Heart
  • Climb Up! And Get The Last Chance!
  • Dream Chaser
  • Planet Colors
  • Shotgun Kiss
  • Brain Cleaner
Returning from Melee:
  • Mute City
  • Big Blue
  • Mute City (Original)
  • Mute City
  • Red Canyon

Star Fox

Returning from Brawl:

  • Credits (Star Fox)
  • Main Theme (Star Fox 64)
  • Corneria
  • Star Wolf
  • Area 6
  • Area 6 v2
  • Space Armada
Returning from Melee:
  • Corneria
  • Venom / SF64 Main Theme
Star Fox 64:
  • Star Wolf / Sector Z
  • Space Battleground
  • Break Through the Ice
  • Area 6 / Missile Slipstream


Returning from Brawl:

  • O2 Battle
  • Boss Series Medley
  • Revenge of Meta Knight
  • Legendary Air Ride Machine
  • Gourmet Race
Returning from Melee:
  • Green Greens
Dream Land:
  • Green Greens v2
Adventure / Nightmare in Dream Land / The Amazing Mirror:
  • Butter Building / Kirby's Adventure Medley
  • Forest / Nature Area
Super Star:
  • King Dedede's Theme
  • The Great Cave Offensive
Air Ride:
  • Celestial Valley
Return to Dream Land / Triple Deluxe:
  • The Adventure Begins
  • Through the Forest
  • Floral Fields


Returning from Brawl:

  • Vs. Ridley
  • Main Theme / Brinstar (Metroid)
  • Ending (Metroid)
  • Ending (Super Metroid)
  • Sector 1
  • Norfair
Returning from Melee:
  • Brinstar
  • Brinstar Depths
Metroid / Zero Mission:
  • Title
  • Escape!
Prime series:
  • Vs. Meta Ridley
  • Hunters (Multiplayer)
Other M:
  • Burning Lava Fish
  • Nemesis Ridley

Fire Emblem

Returning from Brawl:

  • Attack!
  • With Mila's Divine Protection
  • Shadow Dragon Medley
  • Fire Emblem Theme
  • Preparing to Advance
  • Winning Road - Roy's Hope
Returning from Melee:
  • Fire Emblem
Shadow Dragon / Genealogy of the Holy War / Thracia 776 / The Sacred Stones:
  • Meeting Medley
  • Fight 1
Mystery of the Emblem:
  • Mystery of the Emblem Medley
Genealogy of the Holy War / The Binding Blade:
  • Coliseum Theme
Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn:
  • Crimean Army Sortie
  • Against the Black Knight
  • Victory is Near
  • The Devoted
  • Time of Action
  • Eternal Bond / Ike's Theme (unconfirmed, was in Brawl)
  • Id~Purpose*
  • Conquest -Ablaze-
  • Duty -Ablaze-
Everything from Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn and Awakening are the original songs. Everything else is an arrangement.

* - shortened greatly in 3DS version, full track expected on WiiU version.


Returning from Brawl:

  • Snowman
  • Mother 3 Love Theme
  • Porky's Theme (Mother 3)
Returning from Melee:
  • Mother
  • Polyanna (I Believe In You) / Mother 2
  • Magicant / Eight Melodies*
  • Smiles and Tears*
  • Onett / Winters
* = These were previously arranged for Brawl but were removed from the game. They were remixed for this game.

Kid Icarus

Returning from Brawl:

  • Underworld
  • Skyworld
  • Title
Kid Icarus:
  • Kid Icarus Medley
  • Wrath of the Reset Bomb (original)
  • Wrath of the Reset Bomb
  • Dark Pit
  • Dark Pit's Theme
  • Magnus's Theme
  • Destroyed Skyworld
  • Hades's Infernal Theme
  • Boss Fight 1
  • Space Pirate Ship
  • Thunder Cloud Temple
  • Lightning Chariot Base

Animal Crossing

Returning from Brawl:

  • 2:00 a.m.
  • Go K.K. Rider!
  • The Roost
  • Title
  • Town Hall / Tom Nook's Store
Animal Crossing / Wild World:
  • K.K. Cruisin'
  • Plaza / Title
New Leaf:
  • Bubblegum K.K.
  • Tour
  • Kapp'n's Song
  • Outdoors at 7 p.m. (Sunny) / Main Street
  • Tortimer Island Medley


Returning from Brawl:

  • WarioWare, inc.
  • WarioWare, inc. Medley
  • Ashley's Song
  • Ashley's Song (JP)
WarioLand: Shake It!
  • Ruins
Game & Wario:
  • Gamer


Xenoblade Chronicles:

  • Gaur Plain
  • Gaur Plain (Night)
  • Xenoblade Medley
  • You Will Know Our Names
  • Mechanical Rhythm
  • Time to Fight!
  • One Who Stands In Our Way
  • Engage The Enemy


Returning from Brawl:

  • Stage Clear / Title
  • World Map (Pikmin 2)
  • Environmental Noises
Pikmin / 2 / 3:
  • Pikmin Main Theme
  • Stage Select
  • Forest of Hope (Pikmin 2)
  • Garden of Hope (Pikmin 3)

Nintendo Retro

Returning from Brawl:

  • Flat Zone 2
  • 3D Hot Rally Title
  • Tunnel Scene (X)
  • Tetris Type A
  • Tetris Type B
  • Lip's Theme
  • Clu Clu Land
  • Gyromite
  • Ice Climber
  • Shin Onigashima
  • Famicom Medley
Returning from Melee:
  • Mach Rider
  • Flat Zone
  • Jogging / Countdown
  • Minor Circuit*
  • World Circuit
Duck Hunt:
  • Duck Hunt Medley
Wrecking Crew:
  • Wrecking Crew Medley
  • Wrecking Crew Retro Medley
Balloon Fight:
  • Balloon Trip
  • Balloon Fight Medley
The Mysterious Murasame Castle:
  • Mysterious Murasame Castle Medley
NES Remix 2:
  • Main Theme
* - This is a new arrangement, unlike the Minor Circuit theme on 3DS which takes the music directly from Punch-Out!! for the Wii.

Newer Nintendo

Returning from Brawl:

  • Battle Scene / Final Boss (Golden Sun)
  • Excite Truck
  • PictoChat
Golden Sun:
  • Overworld Theme (Dark Dawn)
Baten Kaitos Origins:
  • The Valedictory Elegy
Wii Sports:
  • Title Theme
  • Opening Theme
  • Wii Sports Medley
  • Wuhu Island Theme (Wii Sports Resort)
  • Wuhu Island Theme v2
  • WiiFit Plus Medley
  • Mischievous Mole-way
  • Rhythm Boxing
  • Super Hoop
  • Skateboard Arena
  • Bath Time Theme
  • Bath Time Theme (Vocal Mix)
  • Light Plane
  • Light Plane (Vocal Mix)
  • Turbo Jet
Brain Age:
  • Brain Age
  • Brain Age 2 Theme
Soma Bringer:
  • Attack
Glory of Heracles:
  • Glory of Heracles
Dillon's Rolling Western:
  • Main Theme
Style-Savvy Trendsetters:
  • Main Theme
  • Pop Fashion Show
The Wonderful 101:
  • Jergingha - Planet Destruction Form
AR Games (3DS):
  • Dragon Battle
Nintendo Land:
  • Main Theme
Captain Rainbow:
  • Tomorrow's Passion
Art Academy:
  • Swan Lesson
Jam With the Band:
  • Performance

PAC-MAN and Namco Friends


  • PAC-MAN (Club Mix)
  • PAC-MAN's Park / Block Town
  • Bravoman Retro Medley
Libble Rabble:
  • Libble Rabble Retro Medley
  • Metro-Cross Retro Medley
Namco Arcade:
  • 80's Retro Medley 1
  • 80's Retro Medley 2
Yokai Dochuki:
  • Retro Medley
Sky Kid:
  • Sky Kid Retro Medley

Sonic The Hedgehog

Returning from Brawl:

  • Angel Island Zone
Sonic The Hedgehog:
  • Green Hill Zone
Sonic Adventure Series:
  • Open Your Heart
  • Live & Learn
  • Escape From the City
Lost World:
  • Windy Hill - Zone 1
  • Wonder World
  • HIS WORLD (Instrumental)
  • Knight of the Wind
  • Reach for the Stars
  • Right There, Ride On
  • Rooftop Run
  • Seven Rings In Hand
  • Sonic Heroes

Mega Man

Mega Man:

  • Mega Man Retro Medley
  • Cut Man Stage
Mega Man 2:
  • Mega Man 2 Medley
  • Mega Man 2 Retro Medley
  • Air Man Stage
  • Quick Man Stage
Mega Man 3:
  • Mega Man 3 Retro Medley
  • Spark Man Stage
  • Shadow Man Stage
Mega Man 4:
  • Mega Man 4-6 Retro Medley
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