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So who here plays Falco?

Apparently this tech is stirring a lot of buzz. And bowser's kids have something similar...

I had heard of that while browsing on the smash reddit.

I managed to pull it off today on a Ganondorf but it's definitely not something you can do every game. It certainly isn't as impactful as, say, Rush Cancelling, by the looks/feels of it. Greatest impact of this tech is when you have the opponent near the ledge, which is where the opponent will want to steer clear of, whenever possible, when fighting a Falco.

If someone can somehow make this part of a combo, then THAT will become an issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You seem to have forgotten how average I am at this game in reality

Cept when I tryhard against you. :P

Now to give my post some meaning, here's a useful montage of KOs featuring Ganondorf's up tilt.

Good move to master as with a good read not only does it KO most of the time, but it obliterates shields as well

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Also the lil Mac combo is harder to do if you are fighting a smaller opponent.

I have went for it and pulled off parts of it before in a real time match, but I normally shorten it for safety measures. I usually just go straight for the upper or try to set it up if I have the KO punch.

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You seem to have forgotten how average I am at this game in reality

Cept when I tryhard against you. :P

Now to give my post some meaning, here's a useful montage of KOs featuring Ganondorf's up tilt.

Good move to master as with a good read not only does it KO most of the time, but it obliterates shields as well

All I see is a compilation of lucky hits.

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Also, one of the worlds biggest smash tournaments, Apex is happening this weekend, what is interesting is that Nintendo is coming and bringing game Demos. They also said that they have some special announcements before the Melee finals begin.... curious...

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For those interested, Apex happened despite all the mishaps and nuisances from Mother Nature, and featured tournaments for all four smash games (not counting Project M). For those interested, here's what the top 16 of the Wii U tournament were playing:

(Click here for more info)

1. Diddy Kong / Captain Falcon

2. Rosalina and Luma / Olimar

3. Sheik / Captain Falcon

4. Sonic

5. Sheik

6. Diddy Kong

7. Duck Hunt / Little Mac

8. Pac-Man

9. Greninja

9. Fox

9. Pit / Robin

9. Diddy Kong / Palutena

13. Mega Man

13. Sheik / Luigi

13. Diddy Kong

13. Mario

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Game mechanics and balancing. From an advanced or intermidiate viewpoint, Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4 are completely different games.

Melee is fast and everyone feels super heavy. It also has many super advanced techniques that were not intentionally programmed in the game. These fan created techniques gave the series some hardcore super fans.

Brawl is slower and catered more to a beginner crowd. Most of the "Advanced Techniques" where removed. The characters are also lighter or "floatier." The thing I dislike about brawl is that the game gives the player too much control of their characters so that things like Hitstun are almost non-existent. Brawl mechanics are also known for being broken in a bad way. I strongly dislike how combos are impossible, some attacks simply just don't work, and some elements to the game can be cheated by certain players. I personally get really irritated and salty when I play brawl.

Smash 4 and Project M are somewhat but not really slowly making Brawl and Melee irrelevant.

Project M takes the things that the game designers didn't intend to be a thing in Melee, and remade brawl as a true sequel to Melee that a ton of fans wanted the game to be.

Smash 4 essentially works off of everything that Melee did right and everything Brawl did right that the programmers created intentionally. This makes smash 4 in some ways a true-er smash experience. Though not by any means the best. If you want to be apart of the smash scene it is wise to learn both Smash 4 and Project M.

Speaking of which... I need to practice my Wolf and Ivysaur...

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Hermaigerd! You just don't understand! Dis iza pro tekneek 2 make all da noobzor rage!

Or the Mash Potato Samurai can just stop being a baby and actually acknowledge that we need things like this to stay patched and updated.

Haruda: OMG I LUV MAKING GAMES! Can't wait to start updates and a potential sequel!!!


Boon: **series of criptyc message that lands up not making sense in the end**

Sakurai: I like making games... But I don't want to... But I want to... But this is my last game... And I need a successor... But if anyone else takes over I will commit suicide!

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