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So I got the game! Its super fun and I currently main Shulk.

I'm playing some For Glory, and its great, close games usually.

i only have one complaint

Link and Toon Link are pains in the asses, and I don't enjoy playing vs them. They just run around and shoot you, hitting you away or running away to the other side of the stage if you get close. I can understand they're just making use of the things they've been given, but it's so annoying. I've won plenty against them, and I'm developing a strategy, but holy shit its annoying. Any tips or strategies? ._.

Edited by Anethia
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I personally have difficulty myself. I would suggest making use of the Speed arte if you are using Shulk. Normally when I fight the links, I just switch character. My best characters against the two are Mega Man and Yoshi.

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What Godot said.

Also remember that Link is slow, and Toon Link doesn't have a whole lot of launching power outside of side smash. As Shulk you do fairly well against Link because he has trouble getting into range to finish. Toon Link is 3fast5monadoboy but Shulk is the better air fighter.

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sorry to ask two questions in a row (thanks for the tips)





attacks way too fast

moves way too fast

combos me to shit

kos me at low percentages

dodges fucking everything

His side smash seems to do ridiculous amounts of damage and knockback with even a slight bit of charge, easily ko'ing me at about 60%. He does way too much damage for me to handle, and is so fast he effortlessly combos me and I can't escape. I've tried Shulk and ZSS. About to try Shiek. Those are basically my mains.

Help? ._.

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Zone his ass. Characters like Falco and Ness do really well vs Falcon because they can zone him so well. Shulk can also zone fairly well, but is combo fodder vs Falcon if he doesn't get a counter.

You will also want to keep the fight on the ground as much as possible. A lot of Falcon players are predictable since they just run at you all the time and will try to dashgrab or dash attack into you to set up combos. Thus you can dodge pretty easily. He's also all-melee and leaves a number of openings in his attacks. You're at his mercy once you're in the air though so get back to the ground when you can.

Also, playing heavy characters vs him can be a headache as he combos almost as well as Fox. Nimble, light characters are more forgiving vs him.

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So I seem to have settled on a Pikachu main with Ike/Palutena as secondary options. I need to spend some time playing against people who actually know what they're doing at some point, though. Right now I pretty much just wreck my family/friends in any 1v1, but it's still obcvious to me that I've got a ways to go compared to the people you see at tournaments. :/

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Zone his ass. Characters like Falco and Ness do really well vs Falcon because they can zone him so well. Shulk can also zone fairly well, but is combo fodder vs Falcon if he doesn't get a counter.

You will also want to keep the fight on the ground as much as possible. A lot of Falcon players are predictable since they just run at you all the time and will try to dashgrab or dash attack into you to set up combos. Thus you can dodge pretty easily. He's also all-melee and leaves a number of openings in his attacks. You're at his mercy once you're in the air though so get back to the ground when you can.

Also, playing heavy characters vs him can be a headache as he combos almost as well as Fox. Nimble, light characters are more forgiving vs him.

Its funny you say this, because I've been having a lot of success w/ ZSS. I can work up advantages and almost win, but its that annoying side smash/elbow smash he does. It ko's me at low percentages and is constantly the death of me. I've noticed they use it near the edge a lot, so I'm trying to remember that, but its seriously annoying. Doesn't help he's the most popular character. I'm learning Ness, so if he does well, thats great for me. Thanks for the tips! :]

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Falcon is Tall and has no range, I personally don't agree that Fox and DK do well against him because fox can only hurt him by getting close and Falcon has equal range in his attacks that Falcon has and Falcon's attacks beat fox's. Also DK is way too easy for Falcon to beat up and combo around. The last thing that most falcons do is the running grab. If you can bait it, you can punish him hard for it.He also has preset predictable recoveries.

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Also, my best character against Falcon is Mac, He can outspace him and out prioritize him. Unfortunately Mac and Fox are both "fast Fallers" which makes them easy to combo despite their agility and size.

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If you aren't feelin them combos in for glory quite yet, here's a video that you can look to for a bit of inspiration, featuring a couple of appearances from our Melee pals Mew2King and Bizzaro Flame.

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I've gotta say, that one where Mario pushes Ganondorf across the stage was pretty sick. Also, I didn't think Pikachu could QAC on Battlefield? He did in this video though...

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... Did I see Palutena and Yoshi jab cancel... I didn't know they could do that, I only though Fox, Ike, Shiek, and Lil' Mac could do it viably... I main Yoshi and my roommate mains Palutena... TO THE LAB!

Also I knew Pikachu could quick Attack cancel like that and discovered it since the demo. I kinda wish lucario could extreme speed cancel, but nooooo.

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Upon further research, I have learned that Pikachu can QAC as long as he hits the very edge of those platforms. As a Pikachu main, I have some practicing to do now. ^_^

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Did a bit practicing and testing with Yoshi's jab cancel. He might be able to down smash, grab, or up tilt out of the jab... Or kick... And follow up with a variety of combos... This is gonna be fun. :)

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I have been curious for a while as to how to counter pick competitive stages and one element I didn't know a whole lot about was Blast Zones, aka the parts where you die.

Did some research and asking around and found out the following:

Battlefield and Kongo Jungle have larger Blast Zones period. The Ceiling on Kongo Jungle is insanely high, so If you like to kill from the top of the Screen... good luck in Kongo.

However, if you do like killing from the top of the screen, pick Town and City or Halbred. Those stages have considerably lower ceilings.

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I have been curious for a while as to how to counter pick competitive stages and one element I didn't know a whole lot about was Blast Zones, aka the parts where you die.

Did some research and asking around and found out the following:

Battlefield and Kongo Jungle have larger Blast Zones period. The Ceiling on Kongo Jungle is insanely high, so If you like to kill from the top of the Screen... good luck in Kongo.

However, if you do like killing from the top of the screen, pick Town and City or Halbred. Those stages have considerably lower ceilings.

Guess I've got to try CPing Town & City now with R.O.B.

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Do those of us who bought both versions of Sm4sh and completed the Nintendo E-Club offer get Mewtwo for free? I'd imagine so, if he's going to be open to the general public (By paying). The only other option would be that only E-Club members get him, which would be pretty dumb for a fighting game.

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Ah, cool. Though unfortunately, I missed the deadline for the CDs. (I didn't know that Nintendo was going to put a deadline on them, or I would have bought the game sooner. :( ) I made it in time for Mewtwo though.

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