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You know, I picked up a few small things about King Dedede that could make him deadly. For instance, the Down tilt does a good job at reflecting Gordos that were reflected at you once, particularly at midrange and usually netting a free hit on an unsuspecting person, because if close, you won't react quickly enough and too far, the Gordo disappears. Also his quick combo. The 1-2 hammer spinny thing. If you catch your opponent when they're close enough in the "1-2" motion, you can Down Smash quite often on most characters, and sometimes netting a KO.

Just the little things mate.

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Funny when you mention MK when i had a right recently for glory against one.

Let me say that player was really fun to play. The player was one of the best(in a funny way) for glory matches i had.

No lag, much silliness and just plain fun. I got three replays of the matches i loved. Anyway i just enjoyed all of the matches.

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Oli to me is a counterpick character. I would however argue that he is weaker in smash 4 simply because his match up spread is entirely different.

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Tfw just playing sonic and trying to kill an opponent in 150% in for glory even with throws.

But the opponent knows DI, and is hard to hit with smash attack.

My avatar kinda says that; Come the fuck on die.

I quit maining Pikachu for similar reasons. I had a great neutral game and could rack up percent like nobody's business, but I could never land a kill move easily. Up smash and forward smash are all he's really got, other than Down B (which isn't good to rely on) and landing a Bair off the stage at pretty high percent. And when a character is that reliant on smash attacks to get a kill, that pretty much says right away that they're not for me.

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If you're trying to kill with throws as Sonic, you're doing it wrong.

There was a day when he could kill almost as easily as Ness with his back throw, but those days are long past.

Eh somewhat with the throws. I go always for the smash attack, but it often happened that it won't hit or it's hard because of either opponent is good to dodge, or the lag is annoying me and it's often doesn't work.

I have to sometimes get the opponent into 170% and if i get the grab, just forward throw and done for the game.

Take some time, but yeah that is one option to kill the opponent. Not the best.

I wish i could practice with jab lock or like that, but it's hard for me and the lag makes things even worse.

I heard in previous version that sonic could kill 100% with backthrow. That is some power there.

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Pikachu's dash attack can kill. There is also the down throw into down B combo.

Sonics kill moves are forward smash, up smash, Bair, and Back throw. At higher percentage forward throw. There is also the up throw into up b into up air combo... But pulling it off on someone that knows how to DI is nearly impossible. Gimping with the spring works sometimes too.

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Sonic's forward smash got nerfed a bit, but works well. Up smash is sometimes bit wonky with hitting it sometimes for me.

Sometimes if you want to be risky, go for fair in off stage and if it hit in high percent, it would kill.

Bair is my fav, but can be hard to hit sometimes because if the opponent air dodge or such.

And i know about the up combo, really satified when hit and when it kills.

But lot of times, not so recommendable for me.

Springs works funny, i like it. Hit against the wall, people don't tech it and a nice kill in high percent.

Sometimes i do dair, and it works. But since it's just so hard to hit with the spike confirmed, i use it only for fun.

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Pikachu's dash attack can kill. There is also the down throw into down B combo.

Sonics kill moves are forward smash, up smash, Bair, and Back throw. At higher percentage forward throw. There is also the up throw into up b into up air combo... But pulling it off on someone that knows how to DI is nearly impossible. Gimping with the spring works sometimes too.

Dash attack requires pretty high percent though... Though I haven't heard of D-throw to Down B. I'll have to look into that. I know up throw to Down B works around 90%, but only if they don't DI, so that's pretty useless.

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