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Pokemon Insurgence Discussion Thread

Filthy Casual

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I got you fam.  I got it on the Windows version so far, should I try to get the Mac version for you guys too?


EDIT: Currently, it is taking much longer to upload it than it was to download.  It will take me quite a while.

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Well, the good news is that it shouldn't take much longer, I'd estimate maybe two or three more hours.  That, and with the account that I still need sleep, so yeah.  I'll keep my computer on so that it can upload, but because I still need sleep, it might take a little bit longer for me to upload (I'll try to get up early enough for it though!).

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Well, after @Trevore mentioned uploading it to Mega, I decided to do that one, since I already have an account.  Tell me if the link works, since I might have to redo the link if the encryption system wasn't done correct.  Trevore said he is still going to get the Google Drive link, in case Mega doesn't work for some people.




Also, just to note, this is from the official torrent, but I can't imagine it would be different than the official download.

Edited by seki108
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Save the reps for me until after I get the job done.  46 minutes left of uploading, and it should be safe to upload.  Should be.  I'll admit, the download time was much faster on mega than it was downloading it from the site.  Might be even faster than the google drive, no doubt.  Regardless, that one is still going to go up.  There is still the matter of MAC, but we'll cross that road soon enough.

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So who have you all got for your teams, and who might you be adding? Here's who I've got:




Mega Gengar


Heatmor (lol)

Armored Flygon



Who might get replaced (DON'T CLICK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET SPOILED):


Gigalith may be replaced by Delta Metagross

Heather by a delta fire type, wherever I can find one



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Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I bring to you, Pokemon Insurgence.  Fresh off the official download, here is the Google Drive mirror link:




Special thanks to @seki108 for uploading the Mega mirror, and special thanks to you all for your patience.  It was much harder uploading than it was downloading, but now I can finally rest.  As for MAC, help would appreciated, but I might start that later today.  Let me know if the link works, if not, I might have to fix permissions.


Also, give it up for post 1,100!

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I am currently downloading the mac version to put up a mirror link or two for that, since the file size is much bigger than the windows version.  My internet seems to be quite a bit slower than it was yesterday, so this may take a bit of time to do.

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I know this seems silly, but I thought this would be a good place to talk about everything in 1.2. Remember, place things in spoilers. This also means it is only your fault if you check on the spoilers. With that being said (and these are MAJOR spoilers, so do not click if you don't want to be spoiled)...


OMICRON IS THE CANNON GAME! THE KING HAS VICTINI! I'm so happy that my Omicron team may just be considered cannon.


Delta Geodude looks awesome!


I love how the Infernal Cult is shaping up to be a legitimate threat!



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6 minutes ago, Yagami said:

I just checked the "Battlers" folder and I was amazed with the design of the delta pokemons.There were so many design that I am not even sure if you can get all of them in the current version.

Omg. I feel so stupid but THANK YOU SO MUCH! Now I just have to deduce the typings. Haha.

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I downloaded it via the MEGA file provided above, but for some reason, the game is constantly crashing for me upon starting up on 1.2, while 1.1 works perfectly fine. Anyone else having the same issue?


I guess I'll try redownloading in the morning.


EDIT: I already checked the official forums, it doesn't look like anyone else is having the same issue, so most likely my download got corrupted somewhere.

Edited by Alilatias
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