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Pokemon Insurgence Discussion Thread

Filthy Casual

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7 minutes ago, Damien said:

I successfully beat Delta Volcarona (THANK GOD FOR ICE BEAM) but where do I go after that? Sylvan said Amphirite city but nuffin' is happening. Help?

Did you beat the Timeless? Those trainers are next. They are fought where you caught Mew.

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4 minutes ago, Damien said:

So I heard that there is more story AFTER you beat the E4 and

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. I beat em' on a NARROW landslide thanks to Delta Gardevoir but where? I looked at a legendary guide and it says there is still some story but WHERE exactly?

The timeless are where you fought and caught Mew. You fight them next.

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14 minutes ago, Damien said:

Already beat em'

Looks like the region is yours to explore, then! You can talk to the scientist club and do their one mission to help activate the next region, or begin to hunt for some of the legendaries. Since you beat the Timeless (including their leader), Orion may have given you a call. It may be worth it to check it out.

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16 minutes ago, Filthy Casual said:

Looks like the region is yours to explore, then! You can talk to the scientist club and do their one mission to help activate the next region, or begin to hunt for some of the legendaries. Since you beat the Timeless (including their leader), Orion may have given you a call. It may be worth it to check it out.

Just ONE question? Where can I get Zygarde?

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    Can someone help me ? I know that insurgence isn't a pokemon game from this forum , but I have no other choice . My save file has been corrupted and there is no way for me to revert back to an older version . It happened while I was opening up the game and then it started lagging really badly , it gave me the " the script is taking too long " message and , due to past experiences , I tried to shut down the game but then it gave me a " saving failed " and my game was corrupted . What can I do to restore my game ?


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 You can try  accessing your previous save file. First backup all your save files. Then go to C:->Users->Username->Saved Games->Pokemon Insurgence.

In the insurgence folder, delete/(or rename it to anything else) your current "Game.rxdata"file and rename your previous save file(Eg. Save_0_Backup_3.rxdata) as "Game.rxdata". By doing this when you open your game again , you will be able to play from your previous save file.

Warning:Only try this if time between your last and current saves is not too large , otherwise you would have to play all those previously done events again. 

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         I do not have back ups ( don't know how to do them manually) and as I said there is no way for me to revert (that i know of ).I should clarify , I have checked the faq page and apart from the last line (the one that directs you to windows ) , which I do not understand , I have attempted all other methods mentioned but I have not had any success . For the record , here's my save file 



You can try  accessing your previous save file. First backup all your save files. Then go to C:->Users->Username->Saved Games->Pokemon Insurgence.

In the insurgence folder, delete/(or rename it to anything else) your current "Game.rxdata"file and rename your previous save file(Eg. Save_0_Backup_3.rxdata) as "Game.rxdata". By doing this when you open your game again , you will be able to play from your previous save file.

Warning:Only try this if time between your last and current saves is not too large , otherwise you would have to play all those previously done events again. 



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Hello ya'll. I am playing Pokemon Insurgence, latest complete version, on Mac with the wine program, but there seems to be a issue.

If the wine program continuously keeps reporting "a serious problem" every time I initiate a move in a battle and forces the game to close, what do I do? I really want to see this game to the end.

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Anyone want my Pokemon? I'm about to delete my save, and want to see if anyone wants my team. I have an Espeon, Gengar, Gigalith, Heatmor, Armored Flygon, and Lanturn for my main team.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this problem: (version 1.2.3)


After returning to the Dream World and facing Darkrai (whether I catch it or I defeat it or I flee) I can't battle Damian, the dialogue just continues without any transition.

Reverting to 1.2.2 didn't solve the problem.

Edited by Corso
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4 hours ago, Alilatias said:

So I haven't played this game since the very last patch that was released, uh... I think it was 2 years ago? Now I'm so hilariously lost that I might as well restart.


I hope that mystery gift Mareep is still there though, but I imagine it's not.

Great!, You must :) 

But unfortunately, The mystery gift you mentioned isn't available now :[ [You get something special which has good IVs, not going to tell what you get though : p]. That means, Your Imagination is absolutely correct!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm stuck in the game and I'm not sure if I updated right. Previously I just finished up in the dragon ruins and I believe I'm supposed to head to Oranos town next, but there is no path in that direction. Maybe I didn't update correctly or I'm just not seeing which way I'm supposed to go. Please help.


Edit: So there's an issue with applying the patch. I've extracted the patch into my Pokemon Insurgence folder, but nothing's changed. On an Insurgence help page I read that I need version 1.2 to use the most recent patch, but I have an older version (1.1.6). Anyone have an idea of how to apply the patch with this older version?

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17 minutes ago, Froiky said:

So I'm stuck in the game and I'm not sure if I updated right. Previously I just finished up in the dragon ruins and I believe I'm supposed to head to Oranos town next, but there is no path in that direction. Maybe I didn't update correctly or I'm just not seeing which way I'm supposed to go. Please help.

The path should be here:



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19 minutes ago, Froiky said:

So I'm stuck in the game and I'm not sure if I updated right. Previously I just finished up in the dragon ruins and I believe I'm supposed to head to Oranos town next, but there is no path in that direction. Maybe I didn't update correctly or I'm just not seeing which way I'm supposed to go. Please help.

There is supposed to be a path to the right, there's a gap on a wall you can go through.

Edited by Zargerth
Follow Seki's advice!
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