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The second seal broke long ago but the one who comes is not the one to be feared.


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A bit ostentatious but I hope that drew your gaze hither.  Good morning everyone!  I hope you all have had a wonderful day so far.  I am ModeGone, secondborn to a man who oft jokingly claimed to be Satan.  Hence the title.  I hail from a family of nerds and whackadoos so it seemed doubly appropriate.


I used to play Reborn but it has been so long that I genuinely do not know exactly when I last did.  I rediscovered it as I did a belated sweep of old favorite (and newly released) Pokemon fangames and to my delight and surprise it not only was still in development but miles improved.  Not that it was poor in the past but the changes and additions so far are wonderful.  T'is a shame that other favorites were (attempted, to be truthful) wiped from the web by C&D orders.  False claims or truly the company protecting its intellectual property the result in the end was sadly the same.


I have always taken pleasure in seeing what other people can and have created whether with an existing setting or from their own design.  I could not even begin to rattle off the never-ending horde of amazing things I have played over the years from the most rigidly defined RPGs to the uttermost bizarre genre-defying titles.  When some friends of mine claim that there is nothing truly new anymore I cannot help but laugh in their faces.  Because I love video games and look upon the indie scene with wonder, I've always wanted to help create something one day.  To my shame while I am skilled at illustration and spritework, my energy for it is sporadic at best and constantly drained at worst.  I can envision a world and rattle off the plans but when it comes to laying out the brass tacks I stare at the screen overwhelmed at the thought of coding.


My family while being tech-geeks and to a lesser degree all gamers (pinball and Robotron respectively for mom and dad) we also were all voracious readers.  I have fond memories as a small child of reading Grecian mythology, well renowned fairytales such as Snow White and a massive collection of fables, and the collective works of Lewis Carroll and C.S. Lewis and Edgar Allen Poe.  As I grew older I touched on a wider base.  Norse and Mayan mythology, for one.  I discovered the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings in my father's study alongside the works of Heinlein, Clark, and Asimov.  Asprin's MythAdventures and Pratchett's Discworld were discovered and added to my collection through porch sales and now long gone used book stores.  The list goes on and on and will never truly end.  Doubly so when it comes to fiction written and published on the internet.


Just as books were a large part of our lives so too were television and film.  Whether it was shows discovered through Toonami, displays of old Merry Melodies and Looney Tunes, friends gabbing about something on the schoolyard, or sporadic channel surfing if the television was not on for games it usually was on for something.  Additionally my father would watch science-fiction television shows around dinnertime whether it was Stargate SG-1, The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, Sliders, Eureka, Quantum Leap, 7Days, or Dollhouse.  He had more of a love of time travel but many things would catch his eye.  Mom is more of a film noir fan and movie buff so when the day is done we often wind up watching TCM where I am given an impromptu lecture on the importance of the movie or facts about the people involved in its creation.  One tale I hear is about frequently is how two popular (and very handsome) actors cast in the same movie resulted in it colloquially being known as the 'Battle of the Blue Eyes'.


My mind draws a blank at this moment so for now I merely bid you all greetings and hope you all have a pleasant day (whatever remains of it on your ends).

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Alright, who had the audacity to break both seals? I wasn't planning on using that sesame oil until next week!


...Oh, hey, a new person from... somewhere. Welcome to these forums, I guess. Feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay! ...Will I have enough oil for my stir fry, though...?

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@LykosHand @Zarc @Dragoknight @FairFamily Thank you all very much for the welcomes and I hope that I do enjoy my time here as well.


Zarc: Thank you and I misread your username as Zorc.  Too many friends talking about the card game recently I suppose.


@Walpurgis Indeed I am that very person you spoke to on the Discord server!  I get a bit more... unnecessarily verbose outside of a chat-based setting.  One would think it would be the reverse as I would have more time to adjust what I say into something simpler and yet here we are.  Thank you kindly for the second welcome!


@Autumn Zephyr Both?  My friend there are four more to go before the end comes although I could be mistaken.  Some could had been shattered with all the ruckus that's been going on.

I am indeed a person.  New... technically speaking I am not new but for the life of me it has been so long that I may as well be new.  Thank you for the welcome and I hope I do enjoy my stay and that it is longer this time.  As for the sesame oil... I think we are out.


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