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Mega-Z Ring (is avaible way too late in the game)


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Okay, so here's what happened. I beat Pokemon Reborn Episode 17, and then I find NPC in grant Hall with quest for Mega-Z Ring (after some efforts, I finished the quest), Then I find out that Aloraichium-Z is avaible in this game, so I go search for it, and once I finally found it, I put it on my Alolan Raichu (Raichu is my favorite pokemon, so I have both normal and alolan one).


I use the Z-move, and not only it does a lot of damage, it summons electric terrain for 3 turns, letting alola Raichu take full advantage with its ability. I'm very happy because Alolan Raichu (who has been outclassed all this time due to many dark-type moves being used agianst him and his fragile defenses and poor stats) finally got a tool that makes him an extremely useful member of the team, alowing strategy where I can use normal and alolan Raichu in the team and be efficient with it.


But here's the problem, I already beat the game and there's no one to use that avesome move against. My favorite pokemon can be badass, but doesn't get the opportunity.


So I download mod to transfer my team with shared box, used common candies and started over. I planned to make the quest to get the Mega-Z Ring the moment I would get move fly, because I thought that the quest for mega-Z ring is avaible the moment Reborn is rebuild. So I fly back to main hall, and then find out that the quest isn't avaible until I beat the desert and steel-type gym leader, and now I feel disapointed, depressed and don't want to continue playing anymore.

My favorite pokemon with Aloraichium-Z finally had an opportunity to be a badass and become very useful member of the team, but what's the point if the only trainer I can use it against is



the water-gym leader (just one gym-battle that require a very long-annoying and boring puzzle to get to and participate in love-suicude story I don't really care much about).





Now, I understand that this game was meant to be hard, that's why getting strong items and TMs is very hard, but what's the point of making Aloraichium-Z so useful and giving us the Mega-Z ring, if we can't use them until there's no epic adventure to face?


Personally. I think the best time to start the quest for the Mega-Z ring should be


after we can use move fly. It would let us use it against Fairty-type gym leader, invade Meteor base, face merciless desert, fight steel type gym leader and next water-type gym leader (all of those are very hard, so having access to Z-moves and megas would be really great at this point).


At the moment I even wouldn't feel bad if there was a cheating method to transfer Mega-Z ring and Aloraichium-Z to let my favorite pokemon be a badass from the start of the game. If Raichu and Alola Raichu are stuck with poor stats while this game made Aloraichium-Z so great, I would love to have some fun with it.


What you all think. Do you agree that Mega-Z Ring should be avaible ealier in the game to make it worth getting?


And if any of you know a way or mod that I can use to get or transfer Mega-Z-ring to ealier part of the game, I would apreate it. (I already tried shared box mod, but while it let me transfer Raichu with Alorarium-Z put on, it doesn't allow to transfer key items like Mega-Z-ring).





Edited by CommanderX
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I mean, its not like the game is finished or anything. There's still more content that will be added in future episodes. Besides, you could have gotten the Z/Mega Ring before the final gym in Episode 17

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True, the game isn't finished, but the time we can get mega-Z-ring is when our pokemon are already lv85-90, which means that the game is very close to ending. ( Using Z-move against one gym leader after a very long-boring chase-puzzle isn't satisfying in the least.)


What's worse, it has been more than a year since episode 17 and the developer's blog show only 53% progress. It's hard to tell when next episode will be done, more or less the entire game.


What's the point of doing a very long side-quest and next searching for Aloraichum-Z if it will take years before I get to use it in solid adventure.


The most exciting and hardest adventures start after we return to Reborn City when it's rebuild (not to mention that Steel gym leader on her field is five times more dificult than any other gym leader due to extremely powerful seeds and stupidly high bonuses for steel-type attacks. I think at this point it's only fair to have Alolan Raichu that can change the terrain and get doubled speed against such OP gym leader.)


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I agree with the guy above on this, there's a lot more content to come so if you wait, there's plenty of content to use it in. However, if you must use it early. Here's my suggestion.


Look around in the Mod Market on the forums, find something that lets you use the Debug Menu, then use it to add the Mega-Z Ring. Easy as that. Did that on a fun run I decided to do, to see how far I could get with using only one over leveled Mega Evolved mon.

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11 minutes ago, CommanderX said:

What's worse, it has been more than a year since episode 17 and the developer's blog show only 53% progress. It's hard to tell when next episode will be done, more or less the entire game.


Um, it's only been 4 and half months since episode 17 dropped.   It's been a year and 4 months since episode 16.   Ame is making very good progress if it's in the fifties, though she doesn't have to implement Gen 7 mechanics and make all the sprites.




I would like it a tad earlier, with the idea of getting it sometime before Adrien, though I guess it wouldn't give the DJ 


time to recover from losing his eye,  and would make eventing  doubled if Ame had to program  slightly different sprites and dialouge depending on when you did the quest.


The spacing of Mega stones and z crystals are mostly fine as-is.  

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18 minutes ago, seki108 said:

Um, it's only been 4 and half months since episode 17 dropped.   It's been a year and 4 months since episode 16.   Ame is making very good progress if it's in the fifties, though she doesn't have to implement Gen 7 mechanics and make all the sprites.




I would like it a tad earlier, with the idea of getting it sometime before Adrien, though I guess it wouldn't give the DJ 

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time to recover from losing his eye,  and would make eventing  doubled if Ame had to program  slightly different sprites and dialouge depending on when you did the quest.


The spacing of Mega stones and z crystals are mostly fine as-is.  

I don't mind spacing of mega stones and Z-crystals. With move surf, dive and fly,


I can get Aloraichium-Z the moment I return to renowated city.

It's the time I get to use them that's waaaay to late. Having acess to Z-moves and mega-evolutions when pokemon are already reaching lv90 is just too late.


Still, it's a pity that changing the events so that the quest is avaible way ealier would require so much work. It would be really nice to use Z-moves and mega-evolutions the moment we get move fly


and fight against team meteor reach its climax rather than against a single gym leader that I found unlikeable and annoying. (I like Titania a lot, enough to forgive her being so unfairly OP, but her friend just started to annoy me. Her backstory is the only one I couldn't bring myself to care about).



27 minutes ago, chaoticangel97 said:

I agree with the guy above on this, there's a lot more content to come so if you wait, there's plenty of content to use it in. However, if you must use it early. Here's my suggestion.


Look around in the Mod Market on the forums, find something that lets you use the Debug Menu, then use it to add the Mega-Z Ring. Easy as that. Did that on a fun run I decided to do, to see how far I could get with using only one over leveled Mega Evolved mon.

I'll try to look for the Debug Menu as you advices. Sadly, I didn't think to secured my old saves before starting the game over, so I'll need to get to that quest all over again. I after the disapointment I expereinced, don't feel motivated enought to do it anytime soon.

(I actually find it a bit sad. The game creator found a great way to make Alolan Raichu's ability and his Z-move extremely useful, but using it comes so late that it would as well not be there at all).

Edited by CommanderX
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Valid points. Problem is, the debug menu mod has been discontinued, episode 16 is latest episode it can safely be used, in.


Bigger problem is the availability of good TMs. Especially since TM moves stopped being breedable.


And of course, mega stones for the real badasses... Like Charizard, Garchomp, etc.


Reborn is getting 2 more episodes and the post-game content. Actually, this is more than enough content, to utilize our favorite killer-mons. This way, end-game will literally become the end-game and we will unleash all good stuff, in one go. At least, let's hope that next episode unlocks all pokemon lines, minus legends/mythicals...

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38 minutes ago, Kenneth said:

Valid points. Problem is, the debug menu mod has been discontinued, episode 16 is latest episode it can safely be used, in.

Can’t remember which mod pack it was in but I’m using one in episode 17 so there us definitely one debug menu mod  for 17 available.




Edited by chaoticangel97
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43 minutes ago, Kenneth said:

Valid points. Problem is, the debug menu mod has been discontinued, episode 16 is latest episode it can safely be used, in.


Bigger problem is the availability of good TMs. Especially since TM moves stopped being breedable.


And of course, mega stones for the real badasses... Like Charizard, Garchomp, etc.


Reborn is getting 2 more episodes and the post-game content. Actually, this is more than enough content, to utilize our favorite killer-mons. This way, end-game will literally become the end-game and we will unleash all good stuff, in one go. At least, let's hope that next episode unlocks all pokemon lines, minus legends/mythicals...

How are the two problems actually, well, problems? The most powerful TM's are, naturally, going to be pushed to the very end of the game specifically so you get a feeling of progression or, if you really want those moves, to use Mons you'd otherwise not use because they get the moves naturally. As for the Mega Stones, again, a feeling of progression.


As for the issue of the Mega Z-Ring being too late...I don't necessarily agree with that. Besides a few Pokemon-specific Z-stones, we only start obtaining them in the Desert, one Gym Leader before one can obtain the ring itself. Plus, we get it three Gym Leaders after the first leader gets a Mega Evolution, which I think is a fair amount of time delay. As someone who straight up doesn't care about Mega Evolution and not a huge fan of Z-Stones, I don't think them being pushed back so long is a huge problem, honestly.


Also, I have a feeling that we'll get all the remaining non-obtainable non-Legendary/Mythical Mons to become obtainable in E18...except for Scyther/Scizor, because I feel like it's still too powerful even for end-of-E18 stuff.

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I do agree that some content is pushed back in very odd ways. Who is going to revisit the grand hall after beating Titania unless they know the mega ring is there.


I mean, I guess you may want to go make a donation or something. So I can kind of see that. 

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3 hours ago, Anstane said:

How are the two problems actually, well, problems? The most powerful TM's are, naturally, going to be pushed to the very end of the game specifically so you get a feeling of progression or, if you really want those moves, to use Mons you'd otherwise not use because they get the moves naturally. As for the Mega Stones, again, a feeling of progression.


As for the issue of the Mega Z-Ring being too late...I don't necessarily agree with that. Besides a few Pokemon-specific Z-stones, we only start obtaining them in the Desert, one Gym Leader before one can obtain the ring itself. Plus, we get it three Gym Leaders after the first leader gets a Mega Evolution, which I think is a fair amount of time delay. As someone who straight up doesn't care about Mega Evolution and not a huge fan of Z-Stones, I don't think them being pushed back so long is a huge problem, honestly.


Also, I have a feeling that we'll get all the remaining non-obtainable non-Legendary/Mythical Mons to become obtainable in E18...except for Scyther/Scizor, because I feel like it's still too powerful even for end-of-E18 stuff.

I feel you and honestly, i can partly, relate to that; somewhat. But i seriously disagree with Scyther. Thing is one sneeze of a hint of fire away, to fainting. Extremely overrated and all that. Also, damn thing is nowhere near being a legendary, a mythical, or even a pseudo and there are many people who think of it, as their favorite mon (that other guy said he was waiting for Scyther, ever since episode 10; that must be really cruel). But you know, you have a point there; we are given a legendary pokemon already, so they might delay Scyther more, as an excuse, of sorts. I seriously hope thought for that NOT to be the case, even if i would never main Scyther line myself.


The only thing i myself have a problem with waiting for the good stuff, is that by the time we get them, they already will be nerfed hard. Among others: Gengar? Poor thing went and lost Levitate... Talonflame? Gale Wings got rekted. Mega Kangaskhan? Parental Bond took a hit in the, well... Even the moves of Legendaries have taken a hit (Darkrai, or something). It won't be anywhere near as fun, getting them "later", compared to have gotten them in time (generation 6, or episodes 15-16, to be precise). Now we will never feel the full satisfaction of using those beasts.

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6 hours ago, Kenneth said:

I feel you and honestly, i can partly, relate to that; somewhat. But i seriously disagree with Scyther. Thing is one sneeze of a hint of fire away, to fainting. Extremely overrated and all that. Also, damn thing is nowhere near being a legendary, a mythical, or even a pseudo and there are many people who think of it, as their favorite mon (that other guy said he was waiting for Scyther, ever since episode 10; that must be really cruel). But you know, you have a point there; we are given a legendary pokemon already, so they might delay Scyther more, as an excuse, of sorts. I seriously hope thought for that NOT to be the case, even if i would never main Scyther line myself.


The only thing i myself have a problem with waiting for the good stuff, is that by the time we get them, they already will be nerfed hard. Among others: Gengar? Poor thing went and lost Levitate... Talonflame? Gale Wings got rekted. Mega Kangaskhan? Parental Bond took a hit in the, well... Even the moves of Legendaries have taken a hit (Darkrai, or something). It won't be anywhere near as fun, getting them "later", compared to have gotten them in time (generation 6, or episodes 15-16, to be precise). Now we will never feel the full satisfaction of using those beasts.

Except most of the nerfs aren't too massive. Gengar? Turns out Cursed Body is just as good of a move. Sure, weakness to Ground, but disrupting important moves with Cursed Body is just as valuable. Talonflame not having Gale Wings anymore being permanent sounds like a major nerf...until you realize Talonflame is already fast as hell, outspeeding damn near everything. I'm not going into the Megas/Legendaries (Though, uh, how was Parental Bond nerfed? Pretty sure it's just as busted, especially now that we got Power-up Punch.)


As for the issue of Scizor specifically, well, that's the thing. Not all Pokemon are going to have Fire moves. All it needs is to go in on one of those Pokemon, use Swords Dance (that it learns naturally) three times, then use Technician-boosted Bullet Punch until everything is KO'd, and Scizor is powerful enough to more or less OHKO everything when fully set-up. Sure, that's no different than many other Mons, but Scizor is special because it's very high bulk and extremely good defensive typing means it gets a very easy time setting up compared to literally everything else.

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8 hours ago, Kenneth said:

I feel you and honestly, i can partly, relate to that; somewhat. But i seriously disagree with Scyther. Thing is one sneeze of a hint of fire away, to fainting. Extremely overrated and all that. Also, damn thing is nowhere near being a legendary, a mythical, or even a pseudo and there are many people who think of it, as their favorite mon (that other guy said he was waiting for Scyther, ever since episode 10; that must be really cruel). But you know, you have a point there; we are given a legendary pokemon already, so they might delay Scyther more, as an excuse, of sorts. I seriously hope thought for that NOT to be the case, even if i would never main Scyther line myself.


The only thing i myself have a problem with waiting for the good stuff, is that by the time we get them, they already will be nerfed hard. Among others: Gengar? Poor thing went and lost Levitate... Talonflame? Gale Wings got rekted. Mega Kangaskhan? Parental Bond took a hit in the, well... Even the moves of Legendaries have taken a hit (Darkrai, or something). It won't be anywhere near as fun, getting them "later", compared to have gotten them in time (generation 6, or episodes 15-16, to be precise). Now we will never feel the full satisfaction of using those beasts.

You can say that about literally any Pokemon with a 4x weakness. Calling it 'extremely overrated' is downplaying just how brutally this thing sweeps. All it needs is 1 Pokemon without fire coverage and it has won. Simple as that. It's high bulk and near unrivalled combination of power and strong priority are what make it the best sweeper in the game.

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Honestly, I was expecting to get the MZR after the credits rolled. Reborn isn't about having all the S-tier mons and steamrolling your opponents, it's about making do with what you have. Think about it this way: in XY and ORAS, were you ever legitimately in danger of losing after you got the Mega ring?


Z-Ring is somewhat more justifiable, but it's so strong vs. those single PULSE battles, who don't have the support Pokemon the SM trail bosses had. 


All of gen 6 was incredibly easy, as are most of the games if you play them optimally. You basically have to deny yourself access to different parts of the game to create challenge. Reborn lets you go all out and still have a chance at getting crushed.

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