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Pokemon: From Orre to Cavan ( story ).

Ethan Hunt

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Agate Village...24 years ago.


 The boards of the bridge leading up to Agate's entrance creaked under the weight of Thomas' footsteps as he somberly made his way across. Agate was where he spent most of his childhood, it was a second home to him, it's where he learned everything he knew about raising and training Pokemon under his father and his father's long time friend Eagun. Thomas' father, Martin or Marty as he was known by those close to him, passed on almost a decade ago surrounded by the friends and family he held dear, in fact, his father's funeral was the last time Thomas stepped foot in Agate. He still regarded Agate as home, but Thomas wasn't one who handled loss very well, and couldn't handle the memories that hit him whenever he was here, so he never came back.


 Thomas had set aside his traveling to stay close to his father whose health was declining rather quickly, but after Marty's passing he felt the urge to travel again, but this time he didn't travel alone. While Thomas stayed in Orre, he had fallen in love with, and eventually married a childhood friend of his, Anne Brady ,much to her parents chagrin who hated Thomas for reasons he didn't really know. Thomas and Anne traveled to countless places in the span of 9 years, but when Anne told him she was expecting...it changed his outlook. For the past 9 or so years it had just been him and Anne, but now they would have a child? He came to realization that raising a child on the road wasn't ideal so they decided to set aside their journey once more so their child can have a stable home. They bought a house and some land in the Unova Region and settled down while they waited for the child to be born. The thought that he'd get to give his kid their first pokemon and teach them how to train and battle, like his father did for him, excited him to no end. However when time was approaching Anne's due date, Thomas couldn't help but notice something was off, Anne wasn't one to complain so he'd knew if something was wrong she wouldn't tell him no matter how much he'd pry.


 It wasn't till Anne collapsed without warning one morning that he realized she wasn't just going through "simple morning sickness" like she kept telling him. After rushing her to the hospital he realized that the worst case scenario had happened, there was a complication with the pregnancy...and the doctor was only able to save the child..They tried their hardest to keep Anne alive but it was to late. Thomas was so distraught he didn't even look at his newborn son for the first hour of his birth. Thomas blamed himself, it was his fault he convinced himself, if he forced her to go to the doctor earlier despite her objections this could have turned out different, but it was to late. 


 That was 3 months ago, and now Thomas stood at the doorstep of Anne's parents, who disliked Thomas before and was bound to hate him more than ever now, they didn't so much as look in his direction at Anne's funeral. Thomas took a deep breathe and knocked on the door.  "Who is it?" came a voice from inside.. but thomas couldn't say anything, he just waited for someone to open the door. 


 Anne's father, Allen, opened the door to see his son-in-law with a bundle in his arms. "What the..? you have some nerve showing yourself at my home Thomas Winchester! I was sure we made it clear we never wanted to see your face again!". Allen's wife, Carrie, came to the door when she heard Thomas' name and just stood there with a glare that could pierce iron. Without hesitation Thomas moved the blanket to show the child's face. "This is Levi..your grandson, you didn't get a chance to meet at the funer.." Thomas choked up a moment before recomposing himself. " I was hoping he could be raised by family,". Allen and Carrie's eyes widened "I know you're not implying that we raise your son!" Allen shouted, "I am," Thomas looked directly into Allen's eyes as he said it. "This is absurd! Why would we raise your son Winchester? There seems to be nothing wrong with you!".  " I...can't when I look at him all I see is my mistakes personified.". Allen's hands quickly balled into fists "You take our daughter away from us, and now you have the gall to ask us to raise the product of a union we never supported? This is unbelievable!". "I can't do it!" Thomas shouted, "I thought i could but I can't, I have no other family to turn to, you two are the only other blood relatives of Levi, just please..take him and raise him as your own, do what I can't.".  "Your a sad, weak man Thomas," Carrie said.."We'll take the child, as one last favor to my daughter, the least we can do is make sure he doesn't grow up to be a man like his father," Thomas winced but he couldn't argue. "Wait a minute!" Allen said but Carrie interrupted, "Levi is just as much Anne's son as he is Thomas', If he won't take the responsibility of raising his own...I just don't want him to be raised by someone who never knew what his mother was like, while  I never approved of her marrying you, I was only content because of how happy she seemed when she was with you, for whatever reason she loved a wanderer who would never be satisfied no matter where you ended up, just know this is for Anne, not you." 


 If Allen disagreed he didn't say anything, he just stood there. "That's all I ask for," said Thomas as he placed Levi in Carrie's arms. "I'll be going now,". Thomas turned and walked away. He had only been walking for less than a minute when he seen a familiar face standing in his direct path. "Eagun? It's....been awhile old timer,". Eagun began walking towards him "Little Tommy, I heard someone say they saw you in town so I figured I'd say hello..I'm sorry for eavesdropping but i heard it all...and honestly..I am very disappointed Tommy, I didn't think you would ever turn your back on your own son, your Father would be even more disappointed," Thomas hung his head "Well I'm sorry, but I'm not like dad, even if I did keep him I wouldn't be a good father to him..not by myself,". Eagun placed a hand on his shoulder "Son, I wish you wouldn't do this,". "I wish I could make you understand, Eagun," Thomas answered.  "I've traveled the world as a trainer myself, Tommy, me and Marty put alot of miles behind us, won alot a battles, we had countless adventures, but I never saw Marty's eyes light up the way they did as when Katie told him he was gonna have a son, he was the happiest I ever seen him, from your birth, to your first footsteps, even up to when you won your first battle, just when I thought he couldn't be any more proud of you, you won your first Colosseum challenge and he almost busted from laughter, I was there, I saw the look in your eyes when he lifted you up and shouted that's my boy!, there's nothing quite like the bond of a father and son, Thomas? are you really fine with knowing young Levi will never hear those words from his father, even knowing how happy you were when you heard them? If so, you're not half the man I know the Winchesters to be."


 Thomas didn't say a word, he took a look back at the house and back to Eagun..."I wish I could make you understand, Eagun,". "I don't understand and I don't want want to understand how a man can willingly do this, Thomas," Eagun retorted. "For what it's worth, Beluh and I will help keep an eye on him, Allen and Carrie aren't trainers so if Levi ever has a dream of a becoming a trainer, I'll do everything I can to make sure he can live that dream."  "Thank you, Eagun, and before I change I mind," Thomas reached in his large duffel bag and pulled out a thick case. "Inside this case is an egg from Anne's Lycanroc, I didn't trust Allen and Carrie to take care of it , but it was intended for Levi when he is old enough, can i trust you with it? This case is built to keep the egg from hatching while it's closed, if he shows sign of wanting to be a trainer, will you open it and give it him?" Eagun nodded and took the case, "I'll take care of it." "I probably won't ever come  back to Orre again so...goodbye,"


 Thomas turned and walked the direction out of the village while Eagun turned and made his way toward his home...



Edited by Ethan Hunt
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AGATE VILLAGE 12 years later.


 Trainer 1: "Leavanny use X-scissor !"


At it's trainers command, the Leavanny sprung into action covering its arm with a sickly green aura formed in a X and struck the Mightyena.


Trainer???: "Don't think you'll win just because you have a type advantage! Mightyena use fire fang!"


Mightyena quickly stood back up, after letting out a fearsome roar, the area around its mouth erupted in a fiery aura, the leavanny tried to avoid the incoming foe by leaping but the Mightyena's speed closed the distance in an instant.  Mightyena caught leavanny in mid air with it's fire fang and with a swift motion hurled the leavanny. 


Trainer??? "Oh NO!"


The trainer's attention was so focused on winning the match she didn't realize how close the battle had got to one of the nearby houses till her mightyena threw the leavanny through the window at the front of house. 

 The two trainers nervously looked at each other. 


Trainer ???: "We've done it now ain"t we?"

Trainer 1: "I can't belie.."


  The trainer"s words were cut short by the incoherent yelling of an older man storming out the front door with the young man's unconscious leavanny in his arms 


Man: "You blasted kids! look what you did do my window! Why in the hell were you brats battling so close to my house!?!?"


Trainer???: "I'm sorry sir its my fault, it was my pokemon that threw leavanny, it's all my fault I'll pay for the window I promise"


 The young woman bowed her head as show of respect, but the man's temper didn't seem to cool off, after aggressively dropping leavanny on the ground in front if it's trainer, he started angrily pacing towards the young woman till the sight of Mightyena's bared teeth caused him to slow his pace.


 Alex: "My name is Alex, if you don't want Mightyena to mistake you for a threat I'd suggest cooling your temper, he just recently evolved and I can't fully tame his  aggression yet, I'm deeply sorry for the window I told you I'll pay for it"


 The man either outright ignored her or was to mad to hear what Alex just said, he continued hollerin' and without hesitation Mightyena leaped towards him, Alex reached for mightyena's ball but her reaction was nowhere fast enough,the man fell back holding his arms up in fear anticipating Mightyena's sharp teeth to cut his arms till he heard a familiar voice call out 


Voice: "Rockruff! Quick Attack!" 


 The Mightyena was struck in the mouth by the brown blur that seemed to come out of nowhere, It didn't do much damage to the mightyena but it stopped it in it's tracks giving Alex enough time to return it to it's ball.


Alex: "I-I-I tried to warn you, I'm sorry"


 The man stood up, his face as red as a cheri berry, but before he could yell some more a woman's voice came out of the door way.


 Carrie: "Allen if you don't stop all that screaming I'm gonna wallop you myself!"


Allen: "Her beast tried to attack me!"


Carrie: "She told you what would happen, and you didn't pay her no mind. If Levi's reaction was a second slower you'd be a chew toy right now!"


Alex: " I'm sorry, sir, ma'am. I swear I'll pay for the window."


Carrie: "I heard you the first time honey,"


Alex: " He's only been a mightyena for 2 days, his newfound aggression is still surprising to me, I haven't quite got a handle on him yet"


Carrie: "Don't worry about it hun, I've had Allen for 40 years and I'm still training him"


 Alex let a chuckle slip out but quickly composed herself when she saw Allen wasn't to amused at his wife's joke. Allen turned and made his way back toward the house, no doubt cursing under his breath. Alex's eyes drifted to the Rockruff, who scurried back to the side of the young brown haired boy standing outside the door. 


 Alex: " That was quick thinking kid, if you hadn't been there I could've been in a lot more trouble, that's a rather unique pokemon you got there, did I hear you call it a Rockruff? I have to say it's my first time seeing one of these it must be pretty rare."


Levi: "Thanks miss. They're actually native to the Alola Region,  so I'm told"


Alex: "How'd someone so young get a pokemon from that far away?"


Levy: "Eagun told me it was a gift from my Mom, he gave me an egg, said it was from my mom and it hatched into rockruff here" 


 Rockruff let out a playful yelp as it trotted toward Alex, she bent down and gave it a few rubs behind it's ears.


Alex: " It's adorable, Levi. You're a trainer too I assume?''


Levi: " Well.."


Levi's words were cut short by Carrie.


Carrie: "You two come in here and clean this glass up, I'll have dinner ready in 30 minutes, young lady if you're hungry I'll fix you up a plate.''


Alex: "Oh..why thank you ma'am."


Levi: " We'd better get started, it shouldn't take long, wished that other guy didn't run off so fast, he could've helped."


Alex: "Haha, Alright.."



Edited by Ethan Hunt
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Agate Village 12 years ago.


Two of the elderly bystander's who watched the incident with the Brady's window were sitting outside the poke-center with a cup of coffee watching the sun set, one of them broke the silence with a chuckle.


Old Man: "Boy! you see the look on Allen's face when that Mightyena jumped at him? It was priceless!'


The other old man almost choked on his coffee thinking about again


Old Man: "That old stick in the mud, it should do him good to get ruffed up once in awhile, if he ain't scolding that kid he is complaining about something, life's to short to be so angry all the time"


Other Old Man: "You got that right, if I was little Levi i wouldn't have intervened, that boy has the makings of great trainer if the Brady's would let him, Eagun said so himself."


Old Man: "You know who that kid is right?"


Other Old Man: "I know he's their grandson"


Old Man: "Do you remember Ol Marty?"


Other Old Man: " I sure do."


Old Man: "Well Levi is also Marty's grandson through his son Tommy"


Other Man: "You don't say, i thought he favored someone familiar, so how'd he end up with the Brady's?"


Old Man: "Well the way I heard it, Tommy showed up at their doorstep 12 years ago not long after Levi was born and dropped him off and he was never heard from again."


Other Man: "That's a shame, he's a good kid"


Old Man: "He still has that fire in his eyes, he needs to be out there. If he hangs around Allen much longer he'll put that spark out"


Other Man: "Well maybe he will someday"




  Alex took the last bite of her pie that Carrie had baked for dessert.


Alex: "That was delicious Mrs. Brady, you've been to kind"


Carrie: "Think nothing of it girl, Allen left for Gateon Port to pick up the window, I'm sure he'll be eager to hand you the receipt"


Alex smiled, and looked at Levi who barely touched his slice. She couldn't help but notice he stared at her alot throughout the evening, but she knew it wasn't in a weird or creepy way, but more inquisitive than anything else. She could tell he had something on his mind he wanted to ask her but he never spat it out. When he saw her look at him his eyes dropped back his half eaten pie.


Alex: "Hey Levl, something on your mind?"


Levi looked over shoulder to see if Carrie was within earshot, when she went to other room Levi turned back.


Levy: "How long you been a trainer?"


Alex: "Umm...a couple of years, but I've just started to take it seriously a few months ago, just travelling around Orre, battling as many trainers as I can, actually I plan on leaving for the Hoenn Region and challenge the league there"


Levi's eyes widened


Levi: "Hoenn? why not take on the colosseum challenges here?"


Alex: "I've lived in Orre my whole life, I want a change of scenery for once, you know?"


Levi: "Yeah..I know..I've wanted to be a trainer forever...but they won't let me leave, they say it's to dangerous, I thought if i could show them how well i could raise Rockruff they'd let me become a registered trainer, but grandpa hates pokemon and grandma doesn't like the idea of going on a journey, in fact the only times I've been aloud to leave the village is to run errands at Gateon Port, but they won't let me go alone. The people here came close to convincing them to let me go last year, but after the cipher incident here they dug their heels in even deeper, If I was just allowed to properly train I could've helped then, If it wasn't for that guy with the snag machine showing up it would be untelling what would have happened here. I like the people here...but I want to have my own stories, like the old men that hang out in front of the center and Mister Eagun, I want to be as strong as the guy who saved us, stronger even"


Levi heard footsteps of his grandma walking back to the dining room and he went back to fiddling with his pie. Alex couldn't help but for feel for him, it's hard having a dream that you're forced to ignore, he could make it she thought...even though it was one command, his reaction time and Rockruff's synergy with Levy was impressive, it was almost like the Rockruff knew what his trainer was thinking the split second he thought of it and was already on the move before Levi could finish saying his command, even though it didn't really hurt her much more experienced mightyena, it still surprised her that he got caught off guard like that by a much smaller and weaker pokemon. If there was a way to help him out she would..but what could she do? She doubted she could say anything the grandparents haven't heard before.


Carrie: "I hope you haven't been filling Levi's head with tales from the road, I have enough trouble with folks around here giving ideas"


Alex: "No ma'am, just casual talk"


Carrie: " Good, Allen should be back any minute now, when he does you're free to leave"


Alex sat back in her chair thinking,  "What can I do..."

Edited by Ethan Hunt
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Agate Village 12 years ago



 Alex handed Allen the money for the window she broke, as she slipped her back pack over her shoulders she took another look at Levi, then at his grandparents.


Alex: "You know if Levi wanted to register to be a trainer I wouldn't mind if he tagged along with me till he got a solid start"


Levi's eyes lit up, Allen scoffed, and Carrie shook her head


Carrie: "I'm tired of you traveling trainers trying to influence Levi, he doesn't need to be out there"


Alex: "Why not? I was younger than him when I started, and it wasn't that long ago a 11 yr. old in the Kanto region became the regional champion"


 Allen: "Yeah and look at you...before tonight you look like you haven't had a good meal in awhile, the bags under your eyes tell me you haven't had a decent nights sleep in awhile either, is traveling with a bunch beasts really worth being improperly fed and rested? We let our daughter do it and we never saw her again"


Alex: "I'm just saying, Levi has what it takes, he's quick thinking, well-mannered and pretty sharp. I'd make sure nothing happens to him till he got..''


Carrie: "Enough child, as we said, as long as he's a child under our roof he won't engage in this nonsense"


Levi took a deep breath and stood in front of his grandparents, Carrie was taken aback by the determined unafraid look he had his face, the way he was looking at her gave her flashback to when Thomas told them he was gonna marry Anne whether they liked it or not...


Levi: "This is the only thing I ever wanted to do, and I don't want to wait any longer"


The Rockruff trotted up to Levi wagging it's tail, and Alex noticed the synergy again..the Rockruff's bond with Levi was so strong it was sharing the same emotions as him.


Levi: " If mom really left this Rockruff for me to raise, wouldn't you think she wanted me to do this? I'm gonna become a trainer sooner or later whether you like it or not, so why keep holding me back"


Whether you like it or not he says, even the same words Thomas used toward us. Carrie thought to herself.


Allen:" You know what? I've had it with you anyway."


Carrie was snapped out of her thoughts by Allen's words what's he doing 


Allen: "I never wanted you here anyway, I thought we put this behind us last year, but if you want to be as fool hardy as your deadbeat father, go ahead just don't expect us to welcome you back when you fail"


Carrie: "You watch your tongue Allen Brady!"


 Alex was taking aback by his outburst, and judging from Carrie's reaction she wasn't expecting it either.


Allen:" If getting that brat out will finally get these beast tamers to get off my back then more power to him, I'm tired of having this conversation, kid! start packing whatever's yours, first thing in the morning you better get out of here"


 Levi usually cowered down at Allen's outbursts but this time he just stood there unfazed. Alex stood there wishing she kept her mouth shut, why would she try to help a kid she didn't know anyway? She didn't realize she'd open a can of worms this big when she offered to help Levi get started, she turned and walked away before the trio's yelling turned into a battle royale.


I thought my family had issues, she thought to herself as she wandered the village looking for a place to spend the night.


The next morning...


 Levi stood in his room, finally he was allowed to leave, but it wasn't on the terms he had hoped for, while he admitted he'd miss Carrie, he still couldn't wait to get away from Allen, he had treated Levi with contempt for as long as he could remember, even though he was only 12, he couldn't imagine how anyone could be so bitter and so angry, but it didn't matter anymore. He made sure he had everything he needed in his bag, when he was confident he was ready he slipped on his open fingered gloves and made his way to the door. He walked out and took a look back to see if Carrie would see him off...but she didn't come out. 


 Levi walked up the house in tree in the center of the village and knocked on the door. Eagun opened the door to see young Levi standing there geared up.


Eagun: "Well now what have we here, young man?"


Levi: "They're finally gonna let me do it, I'm gonna become trainer"


Eagun: "Wonderful! I've been waiting for this! You'll do fine out there, once you get some training in don't forget to come back here, I'd like to battle you myself"


Levi: " I'll be sure to do that, I can't wait! But I have a question where do I go to get registered?"


Eagun: " The HQ Lab would be the place to go, when you go there see Prof. Krane, tell him i sent you and I'm sure he'll set  you up. You could go to Mt. Battle as well, but the HQ lab is a much easier trip"


Levi: " Thank you, I'll do that, I'll cya around"


Eagun stood there as Levi left, he couldn't wait to see Levi comeback and challenge him to battle, It would be the 3rd generation Winchester he'd face in battle...3rd generation he thought, the thought of that reminded him how old he was getting..oh to to be young again he thought...


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