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Favorite map/overworld hub themes in video games.


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Felt like I needed to make another one of these topics to satiate my curiousity and get some foreign opinions in. Anyway, let's keep this short and brief, shall we? Maybe we can try and help each other find some new franchises to enjoy. I picked only three, because I didn't want for this to be too long.


-" Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne ~ Large Map/Real Universe"

This one's really neat, I feel. Kind of upbeat and honestly a bit out of place considering what's going to happen to the world in most Shin Megoomy Tensei games. You're most likely only going to end up hearing it for five minutes or so, because after a particular scene the map themes change for good. It wasn't included in the official soundtrack of the game, which is pretty sad.


- "Shin Megami Tensei IV: Tokyo"

I don't really like the idea of including two map themes from the same franchise in this, as it's probably not fair, but they're too good, so I can't really help it. This one plays after you first enter Tokyo after coming from a lush and prosperous kingdom above the "ceiling", which at first probably sounds rather exciting, until you realize that it's Tokyo in a post-apocalyptic setting and it's survival of the fittest down there together with demons that actively hunt humans. There's also no daylight because the city is covered in a dome that was erected because of the incoming ICBM's that would've destroyed the city otherwise.


- "Final Fantasy IX: Return of the Evil Mist"

Enough with the upbeat themes. I really like this one, because it manages to be calm, foreboding, yet relatively scary considering Gaia got once again covered in the mist which spawns evil creatures that attack people and whatnot. You get the gist of it. It also conveys an "endgame" feel, which is fitting since it's the map theme that will accompany your final hours in the game.


Yee, anyway. I'm done. Looking forward to your input. Didn't really know how to use the spoiler tags, so we're stuck with the embedded links instead.

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