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Your Real Life Pokemon Team

Ethan Hunt

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This Idea is ripped from the series of videos from poketubers a few years ago where they listed if they were real trainers what trainer class and pokemon you would have if you were a real trainer.

I thought it could be fun here, so if you were in the pokemon world, what would your trainer class be? You can use made up or existing trainer classes from the games.


For myself, If i was a trainer, I'm sure when I was younger I'd be challenging the League, but these days I'm more interested in the traveling and studying aspect of the world, learning the mythologies and tracking roaming legendary pokemon is probably what would take up most of my time, so lets say my trainer class would along the lines of Wanderer, and my team of six would be..


1.  Raichu: Raichu has been a favorite of mine since the beginning of the series, I love it's small but tough design, It may be considered one of the weaker electric types but it can still pack a punch, let's say Raichu was my first pokemon.


2. Lycanroc-Dusk: I'm a big fan of wolves, love these animals and I love all three Lycanroc designs but dusk form is one of my favorite pokemon period, plus it has a better move pool than the other two.


3. Sceptile: One of my favorite starters, and the first time I used a grass type on a team, it is one of my favorites as well, this will be my mega.


4. Darmanitan: I missed out on gen 5, gen 4 and 5 was an awkward time for me in particular because i was in that stage wondering if i was to old to be enjoying pokemon and everyone in my age group dipped out so it wasn't fun for me anymore, it wasn't till gen 6 and fan games i started getting familiar with gen 5 mons and Darmanitan in particular has become one of my favorite fire types, It is a  real heavy hitter.


5. Haxorus: Another gen 5 five mon i really like, this thing will definitely be my main powerhouse  when things get heated.


6. Staraptor: I'd need a flier for sure and staraptor is my favorite bird, was so glad I got a pidove so I could evolve it into a powerful staraptor.


I know half of my team would be weak to Ice but I'd figure the others would be more than capable of handling any major ice threats.


 So what kind of trainer would you be? gym leader is also an acceptable trainer class

Edited by Ethan Hunt
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So for me, my team would consist of mainly Pokemon I really enjoy using. My class would just be a general Pokemon trainer. I am a believer in using Pokemon that you really enjoy using rather than just using those considered the best. Having said that, here's who my team would be:



1) Achilles the Swampert


As a lot of you know, this is my all time favorite Pokemon. Not only that, it's from my all time favorite region, and is even my all time favorite type. Swampert is a incredible tank with an incredibly typing that's only weak to one type. That typing, however, is an incredible Achilles heel, hence the nickname. Who knows? If needed, I could even use this as a mega.


2) Hendrix the Vileplume


Before gen 3 came along, Vileplume was my actual favorite of all time. I really love using this guy! He has a fun type, and is actually a pretty decent sun sweeper. In addition, if not a sun sweeper, he can still troll with Effect Spore, something I've used in OU myself just to piss people off.


3) Coltrane the Raichu


I hate how much attention Pikachu gets. In almost all forms of media, Raichu is portrayed as the Drago-esque character that the Pikachu has to overcome. Even Alolachu is made out as a bit of a villain in the newer season! However, that'll never stop me from appreciating this awesome Pokemon!


4) Nova the Flareon


This is my favorite Eeveelution by far! While I understand it's technically worse than the others, I don't particularly care. I love Flareon's design, as well as it's good attack stat. In addition, with Chlorophyll Vileplume, it can actually get a boost from it's moves. 


5) Lieutenant the Wobbuffet


BY FAR my favorite psychic type. If I could describe Wobbuffet, it has both the potential of Brawl Meta Knight and Brawl Ganondorf. Wobbuffet requires precise predicting from the trainer, but if used correctly, it can cause devastating results. Not only was I able to KO four of Red's Pokemon with this thing (in the high 40s), but I later went on to kick Lance's ass in the rematch with Counter and Destiny Bond.


6) Baron the POWERFUL Staraptor


This one is self explanatory. I need a flying type, and Staraptor fits the mold. Strangely enough, I despise gen four. However, Staraptor is one of a select few Pokemon from that generation I really enjoy. As such, he gets the honor of taking up the final spot of this team.


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I see myself as an Ace Trainer. The thought of a good battle always get my blood boiling and also, a part-time traveler as well because, I love exploring new places and discovering a different culture.


My Team:


Blaziken: My all time favorite starter pokemon. This pokemon is practically the incarnation of fearless powerful fighter. I always picture myself winning a league with pokemon as my ace.


Garchomp: My all time favorite pseudo-legendary. This pokemon is the embodiment of power and pride. Having this powerful beast as my partner and always gets me Excited.


Aegislash: A pokemon that truly protects and attacks. I always pitcure myself a knight and what better then having a pokemon that truly represent the the blade of promised victory.


Milotic: I never been the most good-looking guy to look at but me and feebas never let that stop us. We trained long and hard be better than we'er were once before. I dreamnt one day I can swim with this beautiful creature.


Espeon: Espeon has always been my favorite eeveevolution. Having this Gorgeous pokemon as my partner by my side would be a dream come true.


Crobat: Constantly picked on for being one of the most annoying and worthless pokemon as a zubat. Me and this pokemon can relate to to each other in alot ways. I would love to show the world how wrong they were about us as I ride this beautiful bat into the night sky.

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I would be a dragon trainer cause i just love them. 



Starter : dratini



Then final team : Dragonite ( main ) , Salamence , Garchomp , Hydreigon , Gyarados , Milotic ( not a dragon aswell but i don't care he is like a dragon to me <3 ) 

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A Steelix as my big badaass pokemon for the land.   

A Gyarados as my big badass pokemon for the sea.   

An Aerodactyl as my flyer.

A Porygon-Z for everything cyberspace related.

An Espeon because having a psychic type is objectively practical for many reasons. And it seems to be one of my favorite psychic types.

A Houndoom because a hellhound is a man's best friend.

A Rotom,  because having a pokemon that can haunt electrical appliances in our world?  All my yes.



Why is this topic in the wasteland?  It should have been in the general discussion or pokemon fan club.


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With being a pokémon trainer, I could easily see myself one of those Ace trainer types. I've always loved that whole idea behind having a purpose and wandering the land/sea trying to fulfill that said purpose. Although, it would definitely be less about the battles and more about the experiences; definitely an idyllic style of approaching the world.


That being said, I also don't favor the idea of having the strongest, or best bred pokémon in my teams either. This being something that is also shown when I play Reborn and train my team. Regardless, my ideal team would likely be:


1. The Ace of the Team: Gardevoir
While there are many pokémon that would probably fit the role for this team much better, Gardevoir will hold that place for sentimental reasons alone. While being a strong Fairy/Psychic type, Gardevoir also emits a style of elegance that many pokémon can imitate but never match. Like a pirouetting dancer who seeks to convey feelings and bring smiles to those who watch, I image Gardevoir as the type of pokémon who would do many things to get a laugh or smile out of their trainer and or companions.


2. The Pseudo-Alpha: Luxray

Probably the best looking lion pokémon before Solgalio existed, Luxray brings with him the type of air you'd expect of a confident- but subtle- alpha. Luxray seems like the type of pokémon that understands that it's not the strongest, but simply doesn't care. It continues to carry around a presence that exudes confidence and leadership. Everyone and everything knows that while it's not aggressive, it is also not something to take lightly either. He is the lion content with everything around them.


 3. The Knight in Dark, Deranged Armor: Bisharp

I wish that I could say that this doesn't come from my phase in early to mid high school where teen-angst was at an all time high... but then I'd be lying if I did so. At the time when i first saw Bisharp back in B2/W2 (2012), I was in that 15/16 year range where everything just kinda seemed bleak and depressing. As such, I naturally found the edgy/intimidating pokémon to be incredibly cool looking. Fast forward 4-5 years and now my inner writer wails and screams at my daft self for missing such potential within a pokémon. Instead of the edginess I once saw in the creature, I now see a pokémon that could stand for a redemption of sorts. A knight who once lost themselves once, but now continues forth in an attempt to understand their newfound power while carving a place for them in this world, even if it's as something new from which they originally started as (I feel like that's still pretty edgy, but it's less so from what I originally viewed them as. I couldn't even make a peanut-butter & jelly sandwich without lacerating myself, it was so edgy before. High school, am I right?).


4. The World Upon Which to Stand: Torterra
While Turtwig isn't my favorite starter (shout-out to Treeko), I do find Torterra to be my favorite final evolution for starter pokémon. A pokémon that embodies endurance and resolve through carrying the proverbial world on it's shell. Sure, the big green tortoise is slow as molasses, but it's incredibly powerful. Torterra is the backbone to my team. I imagine it as the gentle giant that'll play with the children while defending the weak/wounded. As an added bonus, I would likely sit against the tree on it's back during calm afternoons, relaxing while reading a novel of some sort.


5. The Ever Loyal Companion: Umbreon

I remember the second pokémon game I've ever played. It was on the GameCube, and it was called "Pokémon Colosseum". I remember the Espeon and Umbreon that they game basically hands you in the beginning, which was cool as I've never had the chance to use either of them prior to the game. Throughout the game, both carved their way into my favorites, although something about Umbreon would always outshine Espeon (which is strange when you consider that Umbreon comes from the darkness and moon where Espeon comes from the light and sun). Anyways, there was something about Umbreon's durability and tenacity that simply interested me. Any chance I get, I always look for ways to have Umbreon on my team, as I feel that it'll always be the pokémon that'll come up clutch when I need it most. Just like it did all those years ago.


6. The Sounds of the Sky: Noivern

For as long as I've played a pokémon game, I've always tried to incorporate a dragon type pokémon into my team whenever I could. It just so happens that Reborn made me find the proverbial "Diamond in the Rough". Noivern managed to replace Flygon as my favorite dragon type pokémon despite how much I loathed using Noibat at first. Battling through to level 45 is entirely worth it however, as you get a pokémon that is both confident looking while also special in design. Game Freak really missed out on a great opportunity with Noivern (seriously, a sound based Dragon-Type move specific to Noivern instead of just taking Exploud's signature move and giving it over; that just screams lazy). Despite all that, Noivern (with its goofy looking stereo-ears) managed to find it's place among my most favored Dragons and Flying types.


TL;DR- Gardevoir, Luxray, Bisharp, Torterra, Umbreon, Noivern



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I would use my favorites! (I wish I had that possibility :( )


1. Mew. It will always be my favorite. I've loved it ever since I saw the first movie.

2. Espeon. Always a close second favorite. I use it in most of the games I play. 

3. Milotic. The same as Espeon. 

4. Latias.

5. Blaziken. It's so cool!

6. Alolan Ninetales. It won me over I guess. I have a soft spot for cute sweepers. 


Um, I would love to be a trainer looking like Valarie from generation VI. I love her style. I wouldn't be able to become a gym leader because my team isn't exactly what you would call a monotype team. 

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I would probably be an Ace Trainer


my team would be:


Mega Gardevoir (Ace)

Gardevoir has been my favorite mon for a long time, and I could not forgive myself if I didn't have it on an IRL team.



Roserade, my second favorite mon. of course, I would have that.



Well, we have two special attackers, should balance that out a bit. I love Bisharp so yeah.


Lycanroc (Dusk)

Wolves are my favorite animal. Lycanroc dusk is awesome. Need I have more reasons?



I love Lucario, easily one of my favorite mons.



Another one of my favorites. I just love it

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I had a quite similar idea a few days ago, but I had no motivation to start a thread. What would your team be based on the location you live in the real world? So I guess this thread can fuction for both so why not?

Trainer Class: Pokemon Breeder



Starter: Chespin -> Quilladin -> Chestnaugh ♀ (Nickname: Kastania)
My mother's village is quite known for its chestnuts, so Chespin would make a lot of sense to be my starter. After all we own a big area with chestnuts trees and as a fututre pokemon breeder I should start with what I know to grow best lol.

Starter No2: Tepig -> Pignite -> Emboar ♂ (Nickname: Bacon)
Of course, wherever there are chestnuts, there are also wild boars trying to eat them during the autumn season when they fall. Wild boars are a pain during the harvest season and they are hunted down in the hunting season. Since hunting wild boars is not legal throught the whole year, I can totally see the same thing happening if pokemon were in the real world. So catching wild Tepigs during a specific time in the year would be a goal for most trainers.

Gift Pokemon: Mareep -> Flaffy -> Ampharos ♂ ampharosite.png (Nickname: Faros)
181.png mega181.png 88.jpg
My hometown and the surrounding area is a rural area where people are either growing crops or are stock breeders. My grandpa used to have a small amount of sheeps so I can definately imagine having my own Mareep one day.

Rare Pokemon:AniEggMS.png-> Wingull -> Pelipper ♀ (shiny) (Nickname: Pella)
The closest water area in my hometown is one of the biggest closed see bays in Greece. Inside the bay there's a manmade lagoon which is home for a rare species of pelicans, the Dalmatian Pelican (called silver pelican in greece). The Dalmatian Pelican is an endagared species and is protected by international laws, so the same should apply for its pokemon world counterpart. So as a breeder I can see myself helping the Pelippers to breed.

Fossil Pokemon:plumefossil.png-> Archen -> Archeops ♂ (Nickname: Ark)
My hometown is built on top of an ancient city, where there are million of ancinet remains that you can dig out. So that makes it the perfect place to find pokemon fossils! But why a plume fossil and not any other? 1st of all, the city is not that ancient to excuse the findings of pokemon living million of years ago and Archeops is probably the youngest one of the fossil pokemon since it depicts the link between dinosaurs and birds. 2nd I don't beleive that my area is suitable to find any aquatic fossils or big badass tyranosaurus like Tyrantrum (although I wish...)

Surfing Pokemon: Tynamo -> Palpitoad -> Seismitoad ♀ (Nickname: Ribbit)
Last but not least I could definately see myself catching a pokemon from the local swamp. While I'm not a big fun of that area I can definately see it as a good place for many pokemon to live (just like the Marsh area in gen 4 games). Toad would be the pokemon of my choice since I came to respect it in many ways over the last years, and also cause it pairs well with Pelipper as an electric immunity and rain abuser! Also it's a pokemon that can fight inside and outside of water so that's always nice!


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Trainer class: Pet Owner

Party: female Gardevoir because we all want the waifu

Goodra male because it's cuddly cute and powerful

Sylveon Female because same reason as Goodra

Zoroark because it's WIDELY misused


Last but DEF not least Serperior. I'd keep them OUT of their poke balls and they'd be able to walk around freely.

Typing doesn't matter to me, You can face a fairy type against my zoroark and I'd still attack.

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Guest Relinquished

I always wanted to be a gym leader trainer type. But with mixed team (something like Blue in 2nd gen). I like pseudos quite a bit... But not enough to make a team with only those. Not interested in becoming champ, but preserving my position and status. My TM would be a multitype move (like Hawlucha's Flying Press which is both flying and fighting) and personally researched and created, by me.


Starter: Charmander.

Mascot (and not for battling): Persian 

Eye-candies (something like cheerleaders): Braixen, Kirlia

Aces: Stealth Rock Golem lead, Choice Band or Mega Dragon Dance Tyranitar

Trump card: Mega Mewtwo X (not Y)


Rest of the team is really fluid. By now, there are so many pokemon, so many useful choices/alternatives/combos, that it is practically impossible to compile a 6 slot, definitive list... Unlike in gen 2, back in the day.

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I would be a nerd/backpacker ( of maybe even both) depends on how financially stable being backpacker is. I would love to make travels throughout the pokemon world but I'm not sure if I would do it all the time. 


My team:

Delphox: My favorite starter and a fire pkmn that I feel wouldn't accidently burn my house/forest/meadow down or at least can put it out with its psychic powers.


Vaporeon: Isn't he cute? He can walk on land so I don't need to keep him in a pokebal when I am somewhere without water. Apparantly it can predict rain which is always practical.


Whimsicott: Not the most practical pokemon always pulling pranks and leaving cotton everywhere. At least life won't be boring.


Mismagius: Whimsicott's partner in crime. Never grew up from being a mismagius. A bit less harmless than Whimsicott but at least it isn't stealing the victim's soul.


Archeops: Archeops is in my opinion the coolest flying type. Having a flying pkmn will be always handy since I might get lost in the vast world.


Porygon2: A completely coded pokemon is certainly cool.  It is designed for exploration so it will certainly enjoy travelling.

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Eevee, cottonee, a growlithe, buneary, maybe a pikachu I guess.


Small and cute, easier to take care of. Not like I need em for battling, why take a big fuck off reptile dragon that probably needs to eat its weight in meat to survive?

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Personally, I tend to be a little utility-minded in reality, and that would probably wind up being reflected in my "real" team. Believe me, there are a lot of pokemon I love in the games, but would never come close to using in reality for one reason or another!


Long explanations are in the spoiler below:



Araquanid- To be honest, I can actually see this bad boy being my first pokemon. I was on a serious bug kick during late 4th grade, all throughout 5th. Spiders and dragonfly nymphs particularly caught my attention at the time, and dewpider is... kinda a combination of both, really. Seeing as I was between 12 and 13 at the time (which is a pretty common age for people to get their first pokemon, based off the protagonists' canon age listings), chances are that poke!me would've bugged my father specifically for a dewpider of my own at the time- and honestly, I think that would've been an excellent choice in the long run.


You see humble little dewpider eventually evolves into a 5'11" (1.8m) beast, and comparatively early to boot. Regardless of how literally you take the 'height' thing, araquanid's dimensions are similar enough that just about any measurement style makes it big enough for me to ride as a mount- and goodness gracious is it a good one! Sure, it's not winning any races on speed alone any time soon (arcanine and Speed Boost scolipede decidedly have it beat), but it isn't bothered by a river getting in its way- in fact, it can choose between going through it with little change in its speed, or on it thanks to water tension! Not to mention that because its a spider, it can climb up vertical faces (that aren't made of glass and similarly smooth surfaces), so it isn't likely to get caught up in traffic as easily either... provided you have a viable harness, of course. Lets not forget that this is a giant friggin' spider with an alien-looking face (even by spider standards) I'm riding here, of course; do really want to mess with someone pulling a stunt like that? No? Yeah, I'd say that the intimidation factor would help reduce the chances of me getting mugged in a back alley quite a bit (on the off chance my awesome steed and I aren't just out of the would-be muggers' reach in the first place)! The only real area where araquanid doesn't shine is aerial travel, but that's fine, really. We wouldn't want to drive everyone out of a job~!


Ah, but things don't just end there. Being a spider, it only makes sense that the Water Bubble Pokemon has spinnerets with which to make silk- and given how big it is, that would have to be a lot of spider silk! What's more, this stuff would be have to be both fluid and sturdy- in nature, araquanid spend much of their time in the ever-shifting waters, and even buoyancy can't entirely offset the fact that these guy weigh around 180.8 lbs. (82 kg) on average! This combination of traits means that it's likely that the stuff is flexible enough to be pretty comfortable when woven into clothing, while still dense enough to stop water and bullets (and presumably a large number of pokemon attacks to boot; real-world goat silk has done some crazy stuff aside from even existing in the first place). Bonus points go to dewpider and araquanid being the pokemon versions of diving bell spiders, whose silk notably filters air from the top of the lake into their titular bells so that they don't have to resurface as often (since that's pretty dangerous for smol widdle critters like them), which gives them a particularly notable niche in the market when compared to the apparently popular ariados. Put it all together, and you now have stupendously easy access to the raw materials with which to make comfortable, durable to the point being absurd, waterproof, and naturally air-filtering sportswear. I dunno about you guys, but that sounds like a perfect business opportunity to me!


If nothing else, I can just make my own clothes from it and leave everyone else to wonder where I get them. A bit of a waste, but doable.


Swoobat- One of the greatest examples of getting utility out of a pokemon is lucario's radar-like ability to locate others with ease thanks to its mastery of the aura. Problem is, lucario are both very popular and not quite high enough in demand to be anywhere as common as eevee in the market (let's be honest, all the people trying to get one of each eeveelution are likely fueling the rise of eevee mills), so the chances of me ever getting one are... slim to none. You know what has similar sensory capabilities and is drastically easier to get ahold of? Yep, swoobat! It's not like I've already answered that question for you or anything...


Let me explain. Woobat and swoobat have natural access to the move Order Sleuth, from an absurdly low level when compared to many of the pokemon that are cited as having keen senses of smell by the pokedex (woobat gets it at Lv. 4, while lillipup gets it at Lv. 5, and all other pokemon that learn it by level up get even later; munchlax is the only unevolved pokemon to get earlier!)- that alone is enough to point the pair as being more aware of their surroundings than they seem. This is before taking into account that they are bat pokemon, one of which is decidedly blind: real-world bats are known for their powers of echolocation, after all! Both of these traits make the Courting Pokemon really good at picking up on subtle details, from where the needle I was just using is compared to all the ones I haven't touched in weeks to whether or not a wall has a secret doorway built into it. Factor in the general awesomeness that comes from eventually learning Future Sight, and you have a pokemon that's surprisingly effective at pinpointing anomalies in the area, avoiding ambushes, and assisting tremendously in any detective work it may find itself stuck in- it didn't even need to have its eyes open upon evolution from the get go! (I imagine that they still have terrible eyesight, personally)


Sadly, though, many of swoobat's best utility moves require either TMs (Flash, Charge Beam) or Move Tutors (Helping Hand, Telekinesis, Defog, and Tailwind), but at least those are accessible for pre-existing individuals- they do have to be bred specifically for their best battle attack (Stored Power)! Telekinesis would be my first go for moves, though- being able to pinpoint things is nice and all, but being able to actually pick them up without making a mess of everything or blasting the coffee table with raw Psychic power makes it far more valuable!


Swoobat specifically has access to more ultrasonic waves than just its sonar, though. Reportedly, some of the sounds it makes can reduce concrete to rubble (you're a little late to the party, noivern), while others cause everyone else around them to experience a positive mood shift. Wanton destructive capabilities and really good morale boosting, on top of those incredible senses? Yes please~!


Simple, of course, would be the ideal Ability here. Klutz would make it the source of the problems its here to solve more often than not, and having a living radar system is kinda pointless if said radar system is still Unaware of the world around it despite its awesome senses! The fact that said Ability is actually pretty decent in battle's a neat little bonus~


Cinccino- As a piece of lazy human scum, I can safely say that I really don't like cleaning. Thankfully, there's a pokemon that loves doing just that! Granted, you have to make sure minccino always has access to clean water so it can clean itself afterwards, and there's probably a few things that we're both better off with me doing myself, but for the general day-to-day affairs, this little chinchilla's an absolute godsend! As an added bonus, it can learn both Sing and Wake-Up Slap, so you never have to worry about how much (or rather, how little) you're sleeping ever again! ...While it's still healthy, of course. Disease is kinda problematic like that.


Post evolution (which will probably be a pretty penny, admittedly), it then becomes one of the best cuddle-buddies out there. Soft and fluffy's always a good thing here, but having natural oils that are good on one's skin is what really seals the deal there- the skin on my hands has an unfortunate tendency of cracking to the point of bleeding in dry weather, so being able to stave that off a bit while I can is always a good thing in my book.


I suppose cinccino's battle capabilities shouldn't be overlooked here, though. Anyone who has never fought against one without the Cute Charm Ability is almost certain underestimate the critter's penchant for wrecking its foes with such "laughable" attacks as Bullet Seed and Rock Blast, while its relatively high Speed, ability to bounce punches off its 'scarf', and great skill at sliding out of grapples all making up for its frail frame on the battlefield. All of these traits make it so that my 'maid' winds up being one my greatest allies in fighting off the hypothetical mugging attempt, which certainly helps make up for how little swoobat can do against stronger foes!


Leafeon- While cinccino cleans the solid stuff, leafeon purifies the air to truly bring in that responsible person feel at home! Oxygen circulation becomes a bit less of a problem (though it can still be nice to open the windows on a warm summer's day anyway). It gives the home a earthy, natural smell to it as the foxlike critter ages, giving a subtle and soothing reminder of how far you've come in life together as time goes on. And it's extremely unlikely to wreck the place by instigating fights, which helps prevent unnecessary stress and unfairly increasing the cinccino's workload. Simply put, it'd be a nice companion to have.


What's that? You're asking about leafeon's utility, since I made such a big deal out of that earlier? Can't you people appreciate the value of never having to pay for air fresheners, and having your animal-filled abode smell marvelous anyway? Fine. Good news is, it isn't that hard to find some more active jobs for it to do. While they are non-confrontational and usually pacifistic by nature, leafeon do still put an effort into sharpening their tails and keeping them that way. This is incredibly useful for cutting up wood, of course, which makes the process of setting up campfires even easier and gives the adorably almost-a-plant something to do while the bipeds are actually building the initial structure. Oh, and it's one of the very, very few pokemon to learn Sunny Day by level up, meaning that it can force those window-opening warm summer days into existence for a little bit, or just give me enough time to check the mail without getting sopping wet on a rainy day. Boy, do I feel like I'll be using the latter trick quite often...


Side note, ol' leafy here is probably the most likely pokemon to be the mascot of my araquanid-silk clothing business. Swoobat's too cutesy to truly represent a sportswear company, and cinccino is likewise too posh. Leafeon, on the other hand, is both known for frequenting the off-road woods (it kinda can't become a leafeon if it never even entered a forest, so...), and the chinks in its ears give it a slight rugged appearance to accent the wisdom of the woods that is ever-present in its eyes. It also happens to have a higher Physical Defense stat than umbreon (making it the best of the eeveelutions in that stat), which is a good show of durability, but is capable of moving quicker and in a more fluid manner if the going gets tough thanks to Chlorophyll, both of which seem to be ideal traits in one's sports attire. It's certainly a tad more Bass Pro. than X-treme Sports, but that's a bit closer to the intended demographic anyway, so I'd say that's a win!


Altaria- As mentioned before, the only travel filed I'm really lacking in at the moment is a Flyer. Yes, I already have a swoobat, but... don't you think that a full-grown human would be a bit much for a 23 Lbs. bat, even with a little Psychic support? Granted, altaria's only abiut 8 inches taller than swoobat on average, but that's backed by significantly greater physical strength (23 more points in base Attack) and stamina (7 more points in base HP; not quite as big a deal, I guess). More notable, however, is its ability to hide: while one isn't likely to miss an araquanid striding by, altaria just look like clouds when seen from below, which is pretty handy for when you need to get somewhere without being seen (this is assuming that at least one person actually looks up, of course). Individuals with the Cloud Nine Ability even have a bubble around them where the weather isn't as bad, meaning that it won't be bogged down by heavy rain, constant flurries, or going against the wind as much as other fliers, which is a very obvious help indeed. Not bad, not bad!


There is, of course, a bit more to this choice. First off, swablu (and likely altaria as well) are also clean freaks, so having one would significantly lessen the workload for the cinccino and allow it to get more free time. It's also the only pokemon on my team capable of learning Heal Bell (via Move Tutors), which allows it to carve its own niche in making the home a healthy and happy place: purifying poisoning and disease. I mean, the move can cure Toxic from tocicroaks and houndoom burns, so it's obviously got some serious curative power behind it! Natural access to Safeguard and Mist of course helps prevent such tragedies from occurring in the first place (with the latter making it seem like there actually is an artificial air freshener in the building, rather than just a plant-like fox-thing). Cotton Guard gives me fuzzy lining to use in the creation of winter gear, as well as appealing to folks who want a less rugged look to their sportswear, which naturally helps with the business. And let's not forget that before it's big enough to serve as an aerial mount, swablu makes for a neat little hat~!


And then there's battle. Altaria's a Dragon that doesn't look like a Dragon, which opens up the playing field to all sorts of mind games. Cloud Nine specifically allows it to combo really well with leafeon, as it can very easily switch in on enemies who call Fire Types out to try and twist leafeon's Sunny Day against me, Refresh or Heal Bell any ensuing Burns away, and counter attack with either Earthquake and Bulldoze. Dragon Dance is, of course, always a valuable setup tool to have, while Cotton Guard might see more use in situations where I need to focus on longevity more than striking power. Oh, and let's not forget about the fun involved with turning the enemies' strengths against them via Mirror Move or the awesome power of GOD BIIIIIIRD (Sky Attack)!


And on the off chance that I ever get access to Mega Evolution, things only get crazier. Altaria gets tankier, both of its offenses rise tremendously, suddenly a good number of overlooked attacks become absolutely monstrous... And it makes the Type game even more ridiculous! Did you know that swablu and Mega Altaria don't share a single Type? It starts off Normal/Flying and caps off as a Dragon/Fairy Type, meaning the only thing that works against both Hat Borb and Opal Cloud is a good, strong Ice attack! That Electric weakness it had before? That's a resistance- good luck getting any more value out of Thunders now!


All in all, altaria provides a nice compliment to pretty much everyone else in the party in some way, while still carving a few niches out for itself. Isn't that supposed to be the hallmark of team building?



Tl;Dr, I'm looking at:

Araquanid: Likely Starter, Nearly All-Purpose Mount, Producer of Unique Silks That Allow For an Entrepreneurial Opportunity as a Sportswear Manufacturer


Swoobat: Living Radar System, Lightener of Moods, Swift Demolition Expert


Cinccino: Primary Cleaner, Top-Notch Cuddle Buddy, Saver of Cash on Skin Lotion, Tricky Battler


Leafeon: Living Air Freshener (With Different Scents!), Lumberjack, Creator of Sunny Weather, Mascot for the Sportswear Company


Altaria: Aerial Mount, Secondary Clean Freak, Purifier of Ailments, Lessener of the Impact of Weather, Provider of Fluffy Lining for the Sportswear, Main Battler (And Potential Mega)


Honestly, I couldn't narrow down anything for the sixth slot, so let's just call it the Wildcard for now. Similarly, I'm not sure what to say for my Trainer Class, despite how many of the dang things there are in canon. Welp.


I should probably be careful around a campfire with this group, though- two pokemon with Sing and another with Grass Whistle makes for rather unfortunate camping song incidents~!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Developers


For me it'd be

Smeargle (obviously) name: Bastian  I would love to watch him paint pictures of things described in the books I read

Pichu name: Mathias-   I would just love a little critter to be on my shoulder especially if it can power my laptop and its evolution is too cliche so thats why pichu

Torterra name Morla- She would carry me arround on nice days so I can nap under the tree while traveling from one place to another

Drampa name Falkore- I just want one because its so much like falkore from the movie (not so much the book he looks more like a lion in that.

Zoroark name Loki- Same with smeargle he could act out the things in my books with the shapeshifting he does.

Mudsdale name Riahannon- I've never gone horseback but it would probably be fun


These names are from stories and that why in my descriptions the're gendered after those characters

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I've thought about this before honestly. I'd see me mostly choosing Pokémon that I'd find in my area of the world, with a few exceptions for when I've traveled.


Class would probably be just a regular Jo-shmo trainer. Maybe a backpacker.


I could see me using:


- Arbok : A long time favorite and there are snakes a-plenty in my rural wooded area!

- Persian : Another favorite and Meowth would be easy to find.

- Magnezone : Probably my favorite Pokémon, and I could nab a Magnemite in a city somewhere, traveling to evolve it. 

- Unfezant (M) : We have quite a few game-birds in my area, and I could see me getting a Pidove and raising it to Unfezant happily! 

- Heracross : As many times as my wife and I have traveled to go hiking in various wooded areas, I can see tracking down another favorite of mine! 

- Seismatoad : Lastly with as many lakes, rivers, and ponds as we have, I'm sure I'd be able to nab a frog-boi very easily! 


But that's about it! Nothing just too outrageous. 

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  • 3 months later...

2022 edit:
Team Rocket Admin
-Nidoking   Corviknight
-Kingdra    Togekiss
-Scolipede Centiscorch
-Drapion   Naganadel
-Golisopod Basculegion F
I don't really have anything to comment on them. They're just my favourites and irl I don't think I'd care much about synergy or coverage.

Edited by Suzuki
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- Togekiss 🕊️

- Lurantis 🌷

- Weavile ❄️

- Medicham 🧘‍♂️ (Mega)

- Blacephalon 🎊

- Slaking 🦍 (Ace)


These 6 are currently my top favorites. I would just be a regular trainer competing the Pokemon League along side them. For a long time I didn’t have an ultimate fave Pokemon and I still don’t but, Slaking might just change that. I’m really beginning to love that son of a bish.

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Lucario: This would definitely be my starter

Elektross: One of my favorite electric types

Infernape: My favorite fire starter

Samurrot: Favorite water starter

Kartana: Reminds me of a katana😅

Hyrdreigon: My favorite pokemon of all time😤

Think i would be an ace trainer or something like that

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interesting topic, I would probably a regular trainer aspiring to be the champion and competing in the league. The team has undergo some changes from the time I only able to play up to fifth gen. here are they now


these guys would be in my team, now for nickname and reason

Soundwave (Noivern): Noivern is now sharing with Flygon as my favorite pokemon of all time, but for this team, I  pick Noivern as the ace sorry Flygon I still like you no matter what 😞, a speedy sound based attack dragon bat is just one hell of an awesome idea. He'll be the ace of my team and probably my main use of transportation.

Hozuki (Greninja): The ninja frog catch my attention through his design and his hidden ability. He'll be my starter pokemon. He'll help me in water transportation.

Inferno (Infernape): Infernape is probably the only pokemon in this team that survive the numerous change in my favorites/team that I would want to have in real life, which just show how much I love this flaming monkey. He'll be the team main brawler

Arrow (Decidueye): The arcer, the owl, the awesome. I never really like grass type, and up until gen 6 the only grass type I like was Leavanny and Torterra. Gen 7 arrived and give me this, Archery are pretty interesting, and have wide movepool to make himself almost as confusing as Infernape

Bugger (Vikavolt): Now electricity is important, and fortunately, Vikavolt is an electric type pokemon, he's not the toughest around or the fastest, but I know that he'll be one hell of a pokemon to have in the team

Metallo (Metagross): Now while Noivern (or Flygon depending on the situation) is the ace of my team, Metagross is going to be the team main powerhouse, and the main megamon of the team since sadly my ace is incapable to mega evolve


honorary mention:

Draggy (Flygon): before gen 6 arrive, Flygon was the ace of my "team that I would want to have in real life" but Noivern took that spot from him. Personally, if in real life I find Flygon first, then I am definitely going to add him to the team, making him the ace

Strongarm (Swampert): same with Flygon, Swampert is without a doubt my most favorite water type pokemon, but now he kinda share that spot with Greninja though I would probably prefer Greninja now

Blade (Leavanny): Leavanny manage to impress me when I was playing BW the guy is a powerhouse in my team lol and whenever I'm lacking a grass type and Leavanny is available, he'll be the go to pokemon of mine


These honorary mention will replace either of the three pokemon: Noivern, Greninja, Decidueye respectively if if either one of the three is unavailable due to some circumstances

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this is an interesting topic, let me see...


I'd probably be a Pokéfanatic or a Nerd, I'd say.


As for the team I would bring with me, first choice would be...

#1)Noctowl! He looks like a wise, calm and quiet person. I'm often referred to as an introvert, overly quiet, so that would be a suitable choice.


#2)Tyrogue-->Hitmonchan: Tyrogue is new to the world of martial arts, right? I've always wanted to practice one, never had the occasion. As for the evolution, Hitmonchan is the one I like best, so he would evolve into that. Also, I tend to choose a more defensive asset, both in games and in life (well, often but no always lol), so since Hitmonchan evolves by having more defence than attack at level 20, so that could explain the "evolution path".


#3)Flareon: if the first two account for my thoughtful, cautious nature, Flareon on the other hand represents my istincts. Nevertheless, he keeps his innate elegance, making him a strong ally to have on my side.


#4)ShiftryI've always liked his general appearance, as well as the folklore that inspired Game Freak for his creation, nothing more. Just an aesthetic choice XD


#5)Excadrill: a heckin' mole, 'nuff said.


#6)Empoleon: last but not least, the Emperor. Last trait, immense pride. Sometimes I've been described as stubborn and full of pride...and honestly I like it, I should let out this side of me more often, as in life I find of utmost importance to be more firm, more resolute -- whereas this isn't detrimental to others -- and cling to our ideas. So yeah, I think that does it. Also, it's cool af, not to mention powerful. And a penguin. P E N G U I N.



So, I think I'm done with my IRL team, If I had the chance to be a real trainer. I tried to merge the idea of a Pokémon team with my very own personality traits, where possible, along with personal preferences. I used mostly pokémon I don't get to use (e.g. Noctowl) in-game, but found appropriate for the context. Being in a real life situation, I wouldn't probably get to train the OP ones, the all-time-best, as it wouldn't be as easy as in the games, so I took that into account, too.


Well then, hope you'll enjoy as much as I did while posting this! :3



your lovely roaming Haunter ❤️


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Aerodactyl - I require myself to have a flying type Pokemon so I could fly and not have to worry about traffic and I love Aerodactyl 💜

Typhlosion - No explanation needed 🔥

Misdreavus - What a cutie 💜 and a great prankster

Kommo-o - Drago. Rawr. 🐉

Milotic - Having a water type Pokemon with you is very dandy at times, but Milotic is my favorite water type Pokemon 😻

Teddiursa - Teddibear 😸

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