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Forgive me if this is in the wrong section but I recently started playing reborn and so far I am enjoying it, I'm currently stuck beating Fern. I can usually get past his Sandile but his Dartrix is giving me a hard time. I also have been grinding at the area where I met Zel and Pulse Tangrowth but those pokemon give me little to hardly any exp. I've been going to the slums to grind levels and in grand hall to spam battle trainers but other than that, I'm not too sure what to do. I've heard about the arcade and voltorb flip, what else can I do?

My team:

Monferno-Level 25

Tranquill(Shiny)-Level 23

Mightyena-Level 25

Roselia-Level 24

Trubbish-Level 24

Goldeen-Level 23

Any other tips is helpful too.

Thank you!

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and for the sake of not being off topic...

if you can get ahold of an ability capsule (there's at least one before julia) then you could possibly switch mightyena to intimidate and do some switch shenanigans vs dartrix to make its atk useless.


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15 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

I have the capsule but didn't use it in case there was a chance I really needed it. My mightyena has moxie not sure if that's good or not. And I like your avatar too xD


i like your avatar




and for the sake of not being off topic...

if you can get ahold of an ability capsule (there's at least one before julia) then you could possibly switch mightyena to intimidate and do some switch shenanigans vs dartrix to make its atk useless.



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Moxie should be great, Mightyena will pack enough of a punch for quite some time.
so I'm not sure what else Fern has at that point, but I'd try to last-hit one Pokemon with Mightyena and then try to let it sweep? it will just be a snowball with Moxie if you can get it rolling at some point in the battle.
it definitely has initiative over Dartrix too, so despite that bird being relatively tanky at that point, maybe you can just end up one-shotting it anyway.

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2 hours ago, ChloeRose84 said:


When you mention Klink, don't I have to beat Klinklang after it finds Litleo? I'm in the railnet in the first town, does Klink appear there?

Hm I think It doesn't appear until you get rock smash to actually get into the railnet from Peridot side.

If you already talked to Litleo then you'll have to defeat the klinklang but if you haven't, you should be able to enter it until you meet the Strength rock.

Otherwise, I can also trade you a klink if you don't mind traded mons

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well u can find kling at railnet it is 20% and u do not have to beat klingklang. but u can find kling at near the day care entrance of the railnet where u can trigger the klingklang boss. just dont click the litleo and run around the stairs. well as for fern i swept his team with a technician DELELELLEWHOOOOOOP kricketune with fury cutter. so simple. just that dartrix might be a problem but u have monferno for that i guess.


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