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Mod Fusion HA


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Greetings Moders


First of all, I want to say thanks a bunch for creating these mods, 3 of these have specifically caught my eye. I love all of these, and I love using the sandbox (as it is the only one I have so far) BUT I don't know how or if they can be used together (like Skyrim and WoW), and I have only just started diving in to the mod market and heard of this thing called Fusion of Files where "cross contaminating" different mods and files can just blow the whole thing up, so I want to be safe. Can anyone (or I guess more specifically the creators of these mods) teach me or do it for me (preferably the former, I don't want to be a mooch) how to use all of these at the same time?





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Since I've done modding and editing on both console games and Reborn I could fully explain why it doesn't work like the way you think it does but that's a very, very long story. Most game mods only take parts of an asset and change it making it so that one does not cross into the ohter. RPGmaker isn't as friendly. I'm just gonna make a rundown on how compatible mods are and why you can't just combine them simply.


1. Scripting Mods


If a mod needs to perform a function that the base game cannot provide, it will need to make edits in the scripting files...unfortunately it is only one file. Due to this any file that changes the scripting file is not compatible with any other mods that use script changes since it'd simply write one over the other. Save files more or less are compatible to both, but it would need to be transferred from one to the other. There currently is a modular system that was built so people can combine small mods rather easily and make them more customize-able but that still runs off of a script edit, but easier to be combined.


I don't know if the Sandbox Mode uses script changes, but I do know Redux, Follower Pokemon, and the Modular system all have their own separate script systems. Since I don't endorse the Modular System for my own reasons, Redux is not compatible but I believe the Follower Pokemon and Modular have been combined. So that part should really be an issue. You may be able to take the Modular scripts and insert them into Sandbox Mode so long as it is only the second category.


2. Asset/Aesthetic Changes


These are the most mod friendly changes as they simply are graphical changes within the game. These are stored elsewhere so adding them to the game is not as difficult compared to scripts. I'm not sure how adding new maps to the base game works as it may need to be loaded into RPGmaker first. If a map or graphic replaces an old graphic then it is completely friendly though inserting a new custom trainer with new data is different. Replacing the Male Protag Vero with your own personal sprite does no interfere with anything which I've seen many people do. Events on a map and fixes aren't actually a problem so someone uploading a bug fix on a map can turn it playable as a hotfix if needed. 


3. PBS Changes


So where all the Pokemon data as well as trainer teams goes into a folder called the PBS. If someone uses that to make changes to the game, you would need to place mods onto that version of the game since PBS changes are only applied to the game if it is run through Debug mode. It is impossible to combine two mods which use PBS changes unless one person makes all the PBS edits and adds them in to the other mod. The only mod that currently uses PBS changes is Redux so there shouldn't be any trouble there.


The tl;dr version is this: yes, you can combine mods but you need to know what they do and make sure you don't overwrite certain files janking the game up. 

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So.....I understand all of this, but it doesn't really answer my question exactly. 


I am fine with switching back and forth between sandbox and follower/modular mods, but are the follower/modular mods combined/compatible? And if so where can I get them or how do I fuse them. 


But regardless thx for the info commando. I've done coding here and there so I definitely get how and why this works, and which is why I am asking for help rather than just attempting this on my own and butchering all of my own data. 

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25 minutes ago, KingRyan said:

So.....I understand all of this, but it doesn't really answer my question exactly. 


I am fine with switching back and forth between sandbox and follower/modular mods, but are the follower/modular mods combined/compatible? And if so where can I get them or how do I fuse them. 


But regardless thx for the info commando. I've done coding here and there so I definitely get how and why this works, and which is why I am asking for help rather than just attempting this on my own and butchering all of my own data. 

There is a compatibility patch in the Modular mods post

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On 4/26/2018 at 12:28 AM, KingRyan said:

Awesome, I'll get around to it once I have completely outfitted my team in the sandbox. thx m80


To elaborate on what DDriggs00 said, you can find the compatibility mod to make the modular mods work with the Follower mod in Waynolt's mod thread. Creating compatibility between the Sandbox mod and the modular mods should be possible, but unless the amount of changes in maps in the Sandbox mod were minimal so they could be reproduced with the Follower mod as a basis, it would be utter madness to even try. Just not worth the effort.


You can, however, more or less replicate everything the Sandbox mod allows you to do with Debug mode. That can be enabled with one of my own modular mods contained in the Additional Options pack. Be aware, though, that messing around with the debug mode can corrupt not only your savegame, but even your installed game files, so use it with caution.

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