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[Third Party Wins!] Mafia: What lurks below


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~ Day 5 ~


Were you able to sleep? Me neither... that old lady's maniacal laugh echoed though the town all night ó_ò


Anyway, here you have your news:


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Yesterday you voted to disclose the Recruiter, however...


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Opening post updated.


You have now 48 hours to discuss (maybe I'll extend it to 60).


  • Today you are required to cast a Lynch Vote: [Eliminate] Player Name / [Unvote] Player Name
  • If you wish, you may also cast a Disclosing Vote: [Disclose] Role Name / [Cancel] Role Name
  • Finally, you must post at least two messages in this thread.




~ Player list ~


01. DigitalAmber

02. XxAlexxX [Town - Modkilled Day 2]

03. Walpurgis

04. Bok Choi

05. LykosHand

06. sailboat [Third Party - Killed Night 4]

07. Newt [Relic Hunter - Lynched Night 4]

08. Corso

09. purplecicada

10. Mr. Knightly

11. Roswell [Petroleum Seeker - Lynched Night 3]

12. March Hare Divergent

13. Psychic Bean Sheep - 1st Mayor

14. Paul25

15. Alistair

16. Caimie [Third Party - Died Night 4]

17. CrimsonDragon21

18. Venus [Town - Killed? Night 1]

19. Jace Stormkirk

20. Amine Chankey3ft7

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Either life really hates Bok, or he is Mafia. I hope it is the later, because otherwise fate really screwed him over. Jace is scum by the way. I have a gut feeling that maybe Lia or Ali have been recruited tho(simply because they role claimed)

Eliminate: Jace Stormkirk

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Thanks gossiper! O_O We can now focus on hidden abilities and hunting for maf it seems. The question is whether we should look at town hidden abilities or maf hidden abilities.


Now we know Caimie and Sailboat were the lovers, which throws my Amber theory out the window.
Amine/Ali, what did y'all find out this night? Anything important to share


@DigitalAmber I'm sorry if I'm being dense, but how the heck did fate screw me over? I haven't made mistakes this game (for once) and I'm doing all I can to help. You never providing a specific reason why you suspect me so much is getting on my nerves a little bit. 

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@DigitalAmber I highly doubt Bok is mafia. He knew I had a vest even before it was used up, and even told me to say when I need a new one. I'm interested in knowing why you think he's maf though, as well as how you know that Jace is maf.


On a side note, I roleclaimed mostly because I think people wouldn't have trusted me or my informations otherwise. Speaking of which... Copycat, you'll unlock your secret ability by being blocked by a Magic Shield (yeah, that's a strange requirement)

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Ok guys time to reveal what i did. I tried to believe what Amber said last day, so let's say that Sailboat died because of me. And it seems that i did a double kill, that's noice. 

Also i want to know what is Witch's secret ability, so: 

[Disclose] Witch

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Yeah, I'd really like to know how Amber claims to know that Jace is scum. Provide a good reason, I suppose.


Sorry if I'm being ignorant as I haven't actually properly caught up yet, but what are you trying to say, Lykos?


The Witch role looks interesting to me, actually, and so I might also want to learn about it.

[Disclose] Witch

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@purplecicada I'm trying to say that i killed Sailboat since i tried to trust what Amber said in the last day. I'm happy to see that i killed two third party with one kill.

I don't know if you figured out what's my role, if not try to look again at the image that put Alaris, about the death of Sailboat. 

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Let's see. I am the psychologist. Bok's name has appeared three separate times, which could either be him getting really unlucky or me getting really bad odds. Also, the three names of Sail, Jace, and Lia appeared. Lia is basically confirmed innocent and Sail is dead. This confirms Jace as scum unless Lia has been recruited and is the scum. 

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If Lykos is telling the truth, it mean's he's the witch, because Sailboat was killed by some sort of beverage. Makes sense, because Lykos voted to find out his own secret ability *glares*.

[Disclose] Witch

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Whoa, basic roles along with description has been revealed. Thank you Gossiper. Now we know what we're supposed to do and we have multiple choices. 🙂 

Let's do this:

Eliminate: Jace

Disclose: Witch

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at this rate this will be easiest town win that was not a mass role clam


Are you implying that you are Mafia, and you are already giving up?


I mean right now, all eyes are on you. And you don't even try to defend yourself somehow.

I think i can trust Lykos and Amber for now.


[Eliminate] Jace

[Disclose] Witch



I have a gut feeling that maybe Lia or Ali have been recruited tho(simply because they role claimed)


Thats a good point. But if they were recruited, they most likely did recruit Ali, cause his role implies that he appears as mafia in all reports. So we will never know, if Ali is actually a Mafia or still a Townie.

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Mh I still think Amine has been recruited (since he suddenly changed his opinion on Roswell without any evidence at the start of... day 3?) and he's defending Bok now. And if I'm not wrong the recruiter made their move on N2...

I'd like Amine to say he's not mafia so that Lía can check his alignment

[Eliminate] Jace

He looked scummy to me since D1 so I hope he's scum

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