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[Third Party Wins!] Mafia: What lurks below


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We're at the half of Day 2. Here's a brief summary:


Roswell is going to be lynched, if nothing changes.

?!?!?! is going to be disclosed, if nothing changes.


The following players need to cast their lynch vote: purplecicada, sailboat.

The following players need to post more messages: purplecicada (2), Corso (1), Caimie (1), sailboat (1), Bok Choi (1).


XxAlexxX requested to be replaced. Since I haven't been able to find a replacement, he has been modkilled. In the Phase Change post you will see his alignment.


You have 24 more hours to discuss. Have fun! 🙂 

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that Bw will already be rolling so I'll be going with my guts and look at the next prey.


[vote]Bok Choi

Nonetheless, I'm still watching you guys.

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Uh we lost a townie rip
I need to make second post, so I'll just say that Amine finding a mafia is more likely than the Lawyer targeting the same person as Amine

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Post requirements~ Guess I'll drone on redundantly for a bit. Bean is being bean and voting Amine (?) Nearly everyone else is voting Roswell. 


Boat I'm curious as to why you think I'm the most suspicious. Is there any other reason other than what you said earlier? 🤔


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@Corso I mean, as I stated, she could be a mafia member trying to scapegoat me, then pass it off as a Corrupted Lawyer too.


And, I mean, if you want to bring probability into this, technically speaking, the potential for her to be wrong (i.e. the odds of her being a lying mafia + the aforementioned odds of corrupted lawyer corrupting her investigation/whatever [since AFAIK Amine hasn't actually said how she got this information anyway]) is higher than the odds of her being correct.


(X/23 [Odds of Amine being mafia] + 1/23 [Odds of Corrupted Lawyer visiting the same person Amine did]) > (X/22) [The odds of her being honest and hitting a mafia on the first go] (X being the number of mafia members).


This does assume that she used a targeting role to do it, admittedly. And also assumes that Corrupted Lawyer works the way I theorised.


Not that I suspect this'll convince anyone, but I feel like I at least have statistics supporting my argument.

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The sun has set.


~ Night 2 ~


Night 2 begins!


You can no longer post in this thread until Day 3 begins.


Within the next 24 hours, you may send me your Night Actions.


Tomorrow morning you will receive the news on today's events.


The following players have received their first warning for not fulfiling the lynch vote or post number requirement: @purplecicada @Caimie




~ Player list ~


01. DigitalAmber

02. XxAlexxX [Town - Modkilled Day 2]

03. Walpurgis

04. Bok Choi

05. LykosHand

06. sailboat

07. Newt

08. Corso

09. purplecicada

10. Mr. Knightly

11. Roswell

12. March Hare Divergent

13. Psychic Bean Sheep - 1st Mayor

14. Paul25

15. Alistair

16. Caimie

17. CrimsonDragon21

18. Venus [Town - Killed? Night 1]

19. Jace Stormkirk

20. Amine Chankey3ft7

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~ Day 3 ~


You have no news because nothing relevant happened tonight. Nobody died! That's good... no?


Also, there's an extra scum around 🙂


Finally, and as promised, info on ?!?!?!



4Nc1... ...n8 – Sealed in the deepest halls oF the ru1n5, tH3r... ...13p4THy +H3y w1ll... ..nD 4m0Ng inn0c... ...SW1+cH tAr83t... [Corrupted file]. [If you cast Disclosing Votes on this role again, information on their hidden ability and how to unlock it will be released].





~ Player list ~


01. DigitalAmber

02. XxAlexxX [Town - Modkilled Day 2]

03. Walpurgis

04. Bok Choi

05. LykosHand

06. sailboat

07. Newt

08. Corso

09. purplecicada

10. Mr. Knightly

11. Roswell

12. March Hare Divergent

13. Psychic Bean Sheep - 1st Mayor

14. Paul25

15. Alistair

16. Caimie

17. CrimsonDragon21

18. Venus [Town - Killed? Night 1]

19. Jace Stormkirk

20. Amine Chankey3ft7

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And there hasn't been a mafia kill either (?) 

Plenty of words with 4+ syllables were said. I have been keeping track of that.

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Probability is also 4+ syllables, which I also said, for reference (I guess I did just say it again). Also, instinctive is only 3 syllables. Not sure how relevant that is, but there you go.

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 is this the handiwork of the lawyer or a townie actually thought it was funny to not test out Amine's credibility. If its the latter only a few people comes to mind with this terribad meme.


Well just to make sure. @Alarisyou didnt forgot anything yeah?


Eitherway, there are work around methods on this.

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