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What does Silver think of you?


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Old thing, yeah, I know. But really, quite a bit has changed and I know people more and.. really, I think I could answer better and more.. concretely.

Fire away, people. I'll be totally honest.

Edited by Silver~
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You're one of the funniest guys I know, which isn't saying much but whatever. You and I are actually pretty good of friends, which is awesome. You're also a talented artist, and a good battler. We see eye to eye on a lot of things too, with idiotic classmates as an example. All in all you're a pretty awesome guy.


I really don't remember much of you. I remember for a while you were one of the most annoying people I knew, then you grew up a little bit. Then you left and really, I don't have much else to say. Maybe we should actually talk sometime.

Dark Desire- Daaaaarkkkk. You're.. well, a little bit of a mystery. Even though you and I are good friends, I hardly know you all that well. I do know you're an amazing battler, and I don't think a single person here could deny that. You're a pretty cool guy all in all, but we should talk more.

Neo- Kay. Really, you're one of a few people that I'm indifferent about. I could live without being around. It's nothing against you, you're just not really the kind of person I ejoy being around. I'll admit you're a pretty cool guy, intelligent and all, but..

Phoenix- It's a bird! Nope, just the local Phoenix. You really don't talk to much of anyone, but you aren't by any means mean. There's probably reason for that, and who's to make you say? I really haven't seen you at all since you came back from the dea- I mean, leaving. But.. you're the same Phoenix as everyone generally agrees--a tough exterior with a nice guy on the inside.

Will- I can finally say something more than good at art. You're a really cool guy (don't blame me for using that like 17 times) and you seem friendly. I like to think we're friends, sorta. My mind is blank as to anything else so uh, sorry >>

Hark- You're probably one of the most.. enigmatic people I know. You're a really great guy, but some of the things you do aren't exactly.. the best, but who's to stop you from doing what you do? But you're always making people laugh, and again, I like to think we're good friends. You're always a nice guy to be around for laughs and just random conversation.

Roricon- I'll just be really honest. I've never seen or talked to you. Like, at all. Sorry, but its true.

Owen- You.. are one kickass guy. I really haven't had a real conversation with you before. But I have talked to you a little, and you're one of thw most laid back people I know. Until you get pissed. Then you live up to the name of KV-4--a thing of kickass destruction. You do what you do, and you don't give a damn if people frown on you.

Rinny- Rinnyyyy. You're like, one of my best friends here. I don't know how but I don't care because you're freakin' awesome to be around. I know you're also huge into LoL which frankly I don't understand a single thing of bit whatever. You should be around more (coming from me that's just whatever because I'm rarely here >>).

Jory- You're one of few people I really haven't said a word to, or have ever had a thought of. It's not anything to do with you, its just that you're the kind of person I never talk to IRL. I dunno. But you seem pretty cool, and I should probably.make an effort to be nice and talk to you sometime because I feel like and ohmygod I'm just ranting now.

On a side note your avi makes me laugh so much every time I see it. It's just.. even thinking about it makes me chuckle.

Miku- I gotta admit, I really haven't seen or talked to you since the days that I was Dark Pit. But I see you like, all the time in SU (obviously) and we've talked a little. You're a really funny, enjoyable person in general and I like to think of us as friends, at least.

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About having a chat with i would love to but. MY computer broke. And i need to get the hardive moved into a new computer. And i'm not using one of my computers. So i can't get pokemon online on this one. So we'll have to wait till mine get's . Really that's why i left. I forgot my password and then is came back to me. And i'm back. Kinda.

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Hello Squidlurk. You're probably the most quiet person I've ever met. Sorta. You're actually really funny, which I never would have guessed, and when you do actually talk to people, I think you sorta surprise them with how you really are. I don't really know you all that well, but maybe that could change.


Ohai there Spring. You and I have talked a little, and I honestly can't say much. You're a pretty cool guy, and.. well, I've never put much thought into it. You and I just get along. No issues, or anything. Maybe we should talk more >>

Citrine- --It's my wife-- Hai! You're one of my best friends around here, and you're probably the nicest person I know. Sorta. You and I do talk a bit, and you're just plain amazing and fun to be around! And you're probably the person I would turn to if I needed a shoulder to cry on or something..

Kaito- Oh, hey. I've gotta say, you're a hell of a lot different then I had really thought, and I've found that out in the last couple if weeks. You're the kindest, most sincere person I know in general, and you actually have a.. shocking sense of humor /shot

But really you're an awesome guy to be around and ohmygodwhycantIthinkofanythibgelsetosay

Rinny- Yeah, I know. But I meant.. well, actually I don't remember what I meant by that >>

On a side note, my phone autocorrects Rinny to Ronny. lol

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