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We've all made mistakes in both Life and Pokémon. What were your best, or worst, misconceptions about Pokémon?


Mine is pretty bad but decently understandable (I hope). For the first year or 2 of me playing, I could not figure out Happiness evolutions. I just thought they were impossible to understand because al Pokémon would become happy from something else. I've said it in the past, and I will again. I was a dumb kid. And this is a perfect example of what I mean with that

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Effort Values, Individual Values and Breeding. At one time, I always thought IVs and EVs didn't mean anything and they were purely numbers, until I started losing competitive battles in Pokemon Black and White. As for breeding, I didn't think it served its actual purpose; I thought it was just a mini game that determined if Pokemon were simply friends, friends with "benefits" or in love that decided to leave their kid behind so that the player character wouldn't get lonely while they went on their honeymoon.

Edited by JoStarNight
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For some reason as a kid, I never figured out the speed stat is what determines which mon goes first.  I really just didn't think about it, assuming it was unimportant or was random.   I also remember not really knowing about the attack specifics (physical/special) too much  until I got back into Pokemon later in life.

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I didn't really consider the physical/special attack split between moves when I first played Pokemon. I finally realized around the time I played Pokemon Diamond. I also, for the life of me, couldn't pronounce Mightyena. And for fun, I used to say prazyle instead of paralyze 😅

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The only real 'misconceptions' I can think of having lies in the usual suspects of 'mash buttons to increase catch rate' shenanigans. There was a period of time where I thought that looking away from the screen while the ball shook helped somehow, due to a bizarre coincidence that repeatedly occured during my six-hour attempt to catch my first giratina (curse you, Struggle!).


Aside from that, I was simply ignorant until I learned that thing existed. It's awfully hard to come up with incorrect explanations for things you don't even know exist, after all!

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I had to learn that Florges isn't grass type, and not in the nice way. It also happened to me with Drapion. Now I've memorized all pokemon Typings exactly, but it was a hell to go through Aya/Adrienn with fire types thinking they were useful.

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I thought that dual type pokemon got a smaller STAB boost for each type compared to mono-type ones, being only 25% instead of 50%, to balance out dual types getting STAB for an additional type. Turns out this was never the case. 


I thought scraggy was a cosplayer at first.


Thought blacephalon was going to be fairy typing. OOH HOW WRONG I WAS.

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