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Rate my Steel monoteam


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Well doing a Steel mono run and currently beat Samson, so keep that in mind when it comes to suggestions which are more then welcome.


-Empoleon                                  - A-Dugtrio                          -Wormadam

*Surf                                            *Bulldoze                           *Psychic

*Hydro Pump                            *Earthquake                       *Quiver Dance

*Drill Peck                                  *Iron Head                          *Bug Buzz

*Metal Claw                               *Earth Power                      *Mirror Shot


-Aggron                                      -Magneton                           -Mawile

*Double-Edge                           *Mirror Shot                       *Iron Head

*Iron Head                                *Flash Cannon                   *Play Rough

*Heavy Slam                             *Discharge                          *Sucker Punch

*Rock Slide                                *Tri Attack                           *Sweet Scent


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Some nice choices overall. Gib Dugtrio Sucker Punch instead of Earth Power, gib Magneton Thunder Wave instead of Mirror Shot. Consider Metagross, Aegislash and Ferrothorn once you get access to them. And I think you're good to go!

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Currently doing a Steel monotype run myself actually, and I'm at about the same point. Most of my team has a pretty serious speed disadvantage, so I relied almost entirely on a Bronzong with Trick Room for the Samson fight - I'd recommend that pretty highly. An Escavalier would be a good addition as well, if you don't mind the atrocious speed. As for the ones you already have, I'd recommend swapping out Iron Head on Aggron for Iron Defense, especially if it has the Heavy Metal ability. Mirror Shot is kind of redundant on your Magneton if you already have Flash Cannon, so I'd say to swap it for Magnet Rise or Metal Sound. There's no need for Earth Power on your Dugtrio, so maybe Night Slash or Sucker Punch would be good instead (or Iron Defense or Stealth Rock, if the tutors for those are reachable). Otherwise, looks pretty good.

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