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What does Reborn think of Summer?


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Not making a trend here, just trying to see what general image you guys have on me.

Any opinion is fine, no matter how small.

Even if you rarely/never see me on the server.

Even if positive or negative.

If negative, I'll try my best to prove you wrong.

Come at me brothers.

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You do realize that no matter what you say, it's going to be a trend. You should know how this place is. >_>

But yeah, you seem pretty decent. You don't really piss me off in any way and you have proved to be a total bro at times. So you are pretty good in my book.

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It's like we have all these opportunities to talk but we never take them. I feel like you should be a bro but we just don't talk much. It seems that you like to reserve your conversation to interesting/important topics server side. Other than the slight disconnect, I think you're a pretty cool dude.

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Personally, summer is a pretty good season but I prefer the nice crisp air of autumn, the changing colors, the falling leaves etc. Also, spring is pretty nice with everything in bloom but sometimes its too cold. One thing that summer has going for it is the ability to laze about as a child with no school.

wait, what were we talking about again?

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You do realize that no matter what you say, it's going to be a trend. You should know how this place is. >_>

But yeah, you seem pretty decent. You don't really piss me off in any way and you have proved to be a total bro at times. So you are pretty good in my book.


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For some reason, it's strange. It's like I see you all the time, and I also barely ever see you.

You're a generally nice person, and I have nothing against you whatsoever, but I also feel like you're a bit reclusive; nothing wrong with that, but's it ok to open up sometimes... so we should talk more!

or am I just being mistaken about everything again

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Pocky, DD-

<33333333 (Bears are ugly.)

Cyrus, Explosm, Erick-

psh trends. I know I haven't been on so lately. And. if I weren't so awkward, we could totally have a topic conversation going. I can talk anythin under the sun. (exculding anime, LoL, DMO, stuff happening in America, relationships, and money cuz lolcurrency)

Meal storm-

Keeping my autocorrect there for the lulz. You are an interesting person, and while others think of you with a god-like status, I see you as someone I could really have a deep and meaningful conversation with. You know as much as I do + more [citation needed], and you seem very friendly too. Next time I get on you could start up a topic cuz im so awkward.

Roo the Boko-

It is true. I'm very quiet about my life. Even my irl friends know less about me then you guys, and I bet you guys didn't even know I have a twin brother. You are the first to realize, though. And yeah, I think we can get along just fine. I also. realize you thought I was rupee farming. Normally I'll donate all my rupees to you like I gave Ryner but my phone is shit.

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Roo the Boko-

It is true. I'm very quiet about my life. Even my irl friends know less about me then you guys, and I bet you guys didn't even know I have a twin brother. You are the first to realize, though. And yeah, I think we can get along just fine. I also. realize you thought I was rupee farming. Normally I'll donate all my rupees to you like I gave Ryner but my phone is shit.

I wasn't actually accusing you of proper rupee farming, I just thought it was a funny little thing that I'd hold over your head for ever and ever >:3

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Bats are fluffy too. Gorillas are fluffy too. What kind of fluffy are you talking about?


ily2 we shuld be gay partners 4 lif- I mean, what?


Washy is friendly too =)

Dark Desire-

Yeah, we should bring this up to Ame. I'm 90% sure of getting it.


Awesomest guy in the entire world-

Refer to [2]Kamina. + did I mention you're awesome?

Edited by Summer
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