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Primarina Set?


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I'm a bit conflicted on how to optimize my Primarina. I was originally thinking a full defensive set with max sp def and HP, but its defense is low enough to get OHKO'd without reflect by gunk shot or poison jab and its speed is so low that it has to endure at least one hit before it can get that up. Its sp atk is unreal, so maxing that with speed for a sweeper build was my second choice, but its speed, even with max EV's and nature is still barely breaking 200, and will still likely get out-sped by a good amount of mons.  I could drop reflect and put some into defense, but I already have a physical wall on my team, so I thought it was kind of redundant. My current set up is a hybrid of the two as shown below, but its speed is still low and the extra 30 hp from the EVs doesn't seem to make much difference. What do you guys think? I appreciate any feedback! Thanks!






Rain Dance 



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he said it. specs or scarf. not tank. Primarina is like a slower Water-type Gardevoir. good for breaking walls, bad for almost everything else. Tanking falls under Everything else

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2 hours ago, LemonJones said:

I'm a choice scarf fan + 4 attacking moves. Hits hard and fast and can take a hit most of the time.

Sounds good to me. What moves would you recommend? For reborn specifically i mean. It can't learn much coverage naturally, and TM's are a bit limited. 

7 hours ago, gkhmpg said:

You can try Specs, Scarf, as those are the usual sets. Primarina's bulk is not for tanking, but rather taking one or two hit to hit back hard

Where would I find a scarf in reborn? I wasn't aware it was even in the game. 

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On 5/8/2018 at 2:37 PM, HahnSolo said:

Sounds good to me. What moves would you recommend? For reborn specifically i mean. It can't learn much coverage naturally, and TM's are a bit limited. 

Where would I find a scarf in reborn? I wasn't aware it was even in the game. 

Scarf isn't obtainable afaik


I'd just run Specs with like one of Surf/Scald, Hydro Pump, Moonblast, then like... Hidden Power or utility moves because none of the good TMs are available yet. Having status moves + a choice item is still fine since if a fight really calls for it, you can use the status move and switch out/sac or just change to a non-choice item before the fight depending

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