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LF Female Ralts or Fennekin for new team *NOW OBTAINED*

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So after playing through Reborn with my current team for a long while; I decided I wanted to build a new team of Pokemon separate from the main one as a rotate team; complete with a new starter for the team. I have the three Johto starters and Piplup as options; but I want to use Fennekin as the starter since I didn't want to use another water starter (Especially after the hassle I went through hunting for a shiny Ducklett for shiny Swanna), I don't think Chikorita is gonna be much help as I love it and it's line and I just prefer Delphox to Typhlosion. But I also remembered wanting to have a Gardevoir for my main team only to find out it's near endgame now.


So if anyone has a Fennekin or Ralts, I will be happy to have either one or both if possible. The only requirement is that the Ralts is female; besides that anything goes, they can even be shiny.

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  On 5/9/2018 at 4:37 AM, MahouShoujoPrimarina14 said:

So after playing through Reborn with my current team for a long while; I decided I wanted to build a new team of Pokemon separate from the main one as a rotate team; complete with a new starter for the team. I have the three Johto starters and Piplup as options; but I want to use Fennekin as the starter since I didn't want to use another water starter (Especially after the hassle I went through hunting for a shiny Ducklett for shiny Swanna), I don't think Chikorita is gonna be much help as I love it and it's line and I just prefer Delphox to Typhlosion. But I also remembered wanting to have a Gardevoir for my main team only to find out it's near endgame now.


So if anyone has a Fennekin or Ralts, I will be happy to have either one or both if possible. The only requirement is that the Ralts is female; besides that anything goes, they can even be shiny.


I can give you both 🙂

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  On 5/9/2018 at 4:46 AM, Candy said:

Anything will do~ if you wanna keep your primarina that's fine too 😛

I'm a retired breeder so I have sum gud stuff lying around haha


Yeah that's fine, I might save it for later; besides I have another shiny Popplio and it and the Primarina are not the gender I wanted but hey; they're shinies and I have a ton of them; just treasure every one of them.

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  On 5/9/2018 at 4:48 AM, MahouShoujoPrimarina14 said:

Yeah that's fine, I might save it for later; besides I have another shiny Popplio and it and the Primarina are not the gender I wanted but hey; they're shinies and I have a ton of them; just treasure every one of them.


Ahaha~ I know I want my popplios female too xD

Also I found the mons, what's your trading ID?

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