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If the rose wilts...


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... so too will you rot away.


Well, I have no idea where to go forward with this other than guten tag, even though it's nearly twelve for me here. Guess I'll just go off the checklist in the How to Welcome Yourself Thread and make myself scarce.  I can already tell that I'm messing up based on the part where it states "what you say in that first post lets us see straight through and into your mind, letting us know exactly who you are." Maybe I should of gone with something Ib themed to spice things up?


Eh, whatever.


Heya, I'm Savo, a (not so) longtime lurker one these forums that found Reborn a couple of years ago and abruptly ditched the place faster than you can say it's free real estate. Later on, lost my main save file and a whole lot of other things on my laptop and here I am again. Joined up with discord first before trying to create an account to get comfortable... and I'm glad I did; thank you Ame for liking Ib too 😄


In any case... early twenties, male, blah, blah, blah, nursing, blah, blah, blah, should be finishing homework right now, blah, lazy and gets sidetracked easily, ok done with some of the real life stuff. Honestly, just a pretty simple life right now. Other than that, I do enjoy a plethora of video games and I don't seem to have a genre that I really hate. I guess you could say I'm the universal receiver, AB, when it comes to games; ditto goes for reborn which kicked my ass into tomorrow. I still remember the multiple times Julia kicked my ass early on and I had to utilize Frogadier to Lick her team to oblivion. In any case, I'm here because I enjoy pokemon, as well as the story and the difficulty increase in Reborn.


Sure, some parts I find trite or just dislike, but above all, I still see this as a solid game I would play through again (which I am considering I messed up on a certain decision in the game, ffffffffffuuuuuuuuu-).


Other than that, I enjoy writing, though it's more on the roleplayer side of things rather than trying to get out a book. There's always something enjoyable about creating things with other people, though then again, I sometimes succumb to being lazy there and don't churn out posts for at least a month... it can get that bad, yeah. Regardless, I guess another main draw that got me here was the Team Showcase and some of the stories I saw there. One of the newer ones I saw, Tradition and Status, is an enjoyable read so far and gives me some hope for looking over into the past.


Speaking of, I should probably get back to work on another post I've been putting off on another forum... meh, later.


Regaaaaardless... someone should change the subforum for The Mod Market to 7th Street... I feel it would make so much sense, but regardless, hope to enjoy my stay here and not randomly drop off the face of the Earth or die inside some painters world! That would be tragic.

Edited by Savo
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*Insert usual banter to make the new personnel feel at ease here*


*Insert usual welcome to the Forums, and simultaneous requests for the new personnel to check out all they have to offer and enjoy their stay here*


*Insert awkward comment about the nature of my own banter here*



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