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Dev Blog | V11 Status Thread


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Gonna butt in and say some people missed the point. This is meant to kind of be a discussion board so sometimes things will go off topic. Just try to keep it within reason and cut down the OMG percent hype posts. You can talk about progress but don't make like a three word post on it. That's not why this thread got locked...well the main reason.


Two of our mods had to constantly come in and delete posts or say to stop. If they say to stop, you stop and try your best to avoid doing so for a few days or even at all. Often times they will give warning points if you ignore them. Mods are users just like the rest of us and it isn't fair if they have to babysit a topic because people weren't willing to listen.


Anyways, the long wait is almost over but I am not sure if Rejuv will be out this year. Janny's been a good boy so he's getting lots of toys to play with.

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24 minutes ago, Mayflower896 said:

Considering the version’s title and its focus on Ren, what does everyone here think of him? He used to be quite hated...

i cant remember who Ren is but i doubt he is worth hating if i cant even remember him

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4 minutes ago, CarssingBug325 said:

he is youre rival who betrayed you for team Xen ( im sorry if i spoiled anything to anyone i dont know how to hide it )


so basically not important enough to be worth hating also you can create spoiler boxes with the picture of an eye just keep going right from the big B which is the Bold button

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