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Hey Guys! So I have really good torchics with 5-6 perfect IVs and Egg Bred Moves such as LOW KICK and NIGHT SLASH on them. If anyone wants I can give them away  for free instead of throwing them... 

ONLY HAVE 4 to spare with these good IVs.

Ability and nature will wary, you can always change them using capsules and the nature changer.


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@ApolloReborn Nothing in return mayte 😛 

If you could do something try getting more people involved into this game xD. It feels dead most of the time. If you have any pokemon with nice egg bred moves I wouldn't mind... But even if you don't I can always trade you for nothing but just satisfaction 😛 

Sooo sorry for the late reply, I have my finals going on 😛  DM me when you can be online to trade I will be here for the next 6 hrs I guess

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yeah I do have!! but it might not have the ability and nature you would like but i will have the egg moves and iv... that okay mayte?

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