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In need of teams from my mons!


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Hey guys,


So i love to EV-train pokemon i like and think are strong. But the problem is that i SUCK at team building. I'm also kinda doing this cause i'm really proud of my collection because it's a first for me to train mons this way and i wanted you guys to see this and give your opinion on my mons.😇

So if you guys got time and like to build a (couple of) team(s) i'd really appreciate it haha 😅.




The eeveelutions are in training. All the other ones are lvl 89 with a proper item and good EV's (Too lazy to learn what is actually good for them competitivewise so i gave slow mons HP + attack/sp.attack and fast mons Speed + attack/sp.attack).🙈 I also ordered them while weighing 2 factors. On how much i like them and how usefull they are (in game). I love mega heracross and he's sooo usefull cause of it's skyhigh attack stat so he is in front. Goodra is not THAT great but this mon with full HP investments and an assault vest can last very long and i just Really love it. And i like bewear too but all it does for me is come in, kill a mon with silk scarf (or banded) hammer arm or double edge and gets revenge killed straight away most of the time.


What maybe good to know is that heracross and sharpedo are holding a megastone. Reuniclus has trickroom that might be usefull to know as well. Electivire is holding Normalium Z with giga impact (i know i know..) and sceptile the dragonium Z until his mega is available. I also have several life orbs and choice items in posession.


I'm really proud on my collection so don't be Too Rude and don't laugh at me too hard cause i just really really love the game and i know i'm not the best but try to be nice haha 🙈.

So if you guys have some minutes to spare i'd love to see some good teams in the comments and i'm really excited to see what my mons are really good for haha.


Thanks in advance!




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Hello N1Dude good job on grinding the ev’s of your mons! With the right IV’s and natures your experience in Reborn will well, not be totally hellish. So for suggestions, here’s my take on it:



1) Heracross (Mega)


2) Goodra


- Since you seem to really like both of these mons, you should use them. It will be make the game more enjoyable for you.


3) Alolan Ninetales


- Alolan Ninetales is a very formidable mon. I use it myself on my playthrough. Place her in your first slot to set up Aurora Veil with the ability Snow Warning then stack up on Nasty Plot. A very potent and threatening sweeper.


4) Electivire/Ampharos


- Both are very good Electric type which can fill their roles efficiently. Electivire has the bulk and speed but kind of lacks offensively. While Ampharos can do many things. It can set up Electric Terrain which can change the field effects in battle to your favor. It has bulk, high spatk, and many coverage moves. However,  lacks speed.


5) Swampert


- One of the best starters in the game. Water/Ground typing leaves it to only one weakness which can be easily countered with an Ice type move (preferrably Ice Punch). Swampert also have great coverage moves, bulk, decent speed and if you ever need a backup Mega mon.


6) Charizard/Chandelure/Alola Marowak


- These three mons have the typings you need to complete your team, a powerful fire type. I recommend Charizard mostly, since a Flying type would be very useful. Choose the one you like best among the three.



I formulated this team with analyzing typings and the base power of the mon itself. All are powerful and equally balance each other. Heracross will be your Bug/Fighting and can also be Rock if it has Rock Blast. If your Goodra is a physical one, it can be Dragon, Steel (Iron Tail) and Grass (Power Whip). Electivire and Ampharos are electric types. A Ninetales Ice/Fairy and maybe Psychic (Extrasensory). Swampert Water/Ground and the least three for their remaining types. Hope this helps and goodluck!

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1 hour ago, Maqqy said:

Hello N1Dude good job on grinding the ev’s of your mons! With the right IV’s and natures your experience in Reborn will well, not be totally hellish. So for suggestions, here’s my take on it:



1) Heracross (Mega)


2) Goodra


- Since you seem to really like both of these mons, you should use them. It will be make the game more enjoyable for you.


3) Alolan Ninetales


- Alolan Ninetales is a very formidable mon. I use it myself on my playthrough. Place her in your first slot to set up Aurora Veil with the ability Snow Warning then stack up on Nasty Plot. A very potent and threatening sweeper.


4) Electivire/Ampharos


- Both are very good Electric type which can fill their roles efficiently. Electivire has the bulk and speed but kind of lacks offensively. While Ampharos can do many things. It can set up Electric Terrain which can change the field effects in battle to your favor. It has bulk, high spatk, and many coverage moves. However,  lacks speed.


5) Swampert


- One of the best starters in the game. Water/Ground typing leaves it to only one weakness which can be easily countered with an Ice type move (preferrably Ice Punch). Swampert also have great coverage moves, bulk, decent speed and if you ever need a backup Mega mon.


6) Charizard/Chandelure/Alola Marowak


- These three mons have the typings you need to complete your team, a powerful fire type. I recommend Charizard mostly, since a Flying type would be very useful. Choose the one you like best among the three.



I formulated this team with analyzing typings and the base power of the mon itself. All are powerful and equally balance each other. Heracross will be your Bug/Fighting and can also be Rock if it has Rock Blast. If your Goodra is a physical one, it can be Dragon, Steel (Iron Tail) and Grass (Power Whip). Electivire and Ampharos are electric types. A Ninetales Ice/Fairy and maybe Psychic (Extrasensory). Swampert Water/Ground and the least three for their remaining types. Hope this helps and goodluck!

Thank you so much for your input! The team looks really solid too!

I most definately agree on choice 1 and 2 haha! atm heracross is just CC with pin missle bullet seed and rock blast ofc. Might get rid of 1 for SD when it comes available. My goodra is a special attacker with sludge wave muddy water dpulse and for coverage power whip.

I've thought about A-Ninetales too and i love the veil but the lack of moonblast annoys me (never actually bred moves on mons before). It's veil plot with dazgleam and blizzard at the moment.

Electivire or Ampharos are both good indeed, Ampharos is holding a terrain extender as well so you read my mind 😁 but for speed reasons i like electivire more. In double battles they're both usefull cause of motor drive discharge and terrain so that will be fun to use.

I love swampert too, at the moment it's banded with waterfall EQ stone edge and hammer arm but now that i think of it, Stone edge and EQ cover enough so it's deffinately better to replace hammer arm with ice punch.

I agree on your choice of Charizard cause the team looks kind off weak to ground attacks. I love my zard as well. Just a normal charcoal sunny day solar power flamethrower zard with solar beam can OHKO so many things. Even planning on making it Z-sunny day as the firium-z is available.


The team is kind off weak to Hazards though but when it comes to that i have enough other mons to cover that up i guess? haha 😅


Again thank you for your reaction and the time you took to build a team. Really appreciate it.

Still excited to see what other ppl come up with though 😏🙈

Edited by N1Dude
Added some things
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With that many mons you’d be better off just picking your favorites and keeping the rest in rotation if you hit a snag later on. I would try to get as much coverage and variety in one team as possible though. My picks would be 


1. Archeops/staraptor (Fast sweepers)

2. Krookodile/swampert/mamoswine (electric immunity/revenge killers)

3. Mienshao/Infernape (wallbreakers)

4. Metagross/ferrothorn (physical walls)

5. A-Ninetales/Sylveon (special walls/dragon immunity) 

6. Sceptile/Decidueye (coverage, normal/fighting immunity) 

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On 5/19/2018 at 5:05 PM, HahnSolo said:

With that many mons you’d be better off just picking your favorites and keeping the rest in rotation if you hit a snag later on. I would try to get as much coverage and variety in one team as possible though. My picks would be 


1. Archeops/staraptor (Fast sweepers)

2. Krookodile/swampert/mamoswine (electric immunity/revenge killers)

3. Mienshao/Infernape (wallbreakers)

4. Metagross/ferrothorn (physical walls)

5. A-Ninetales/Sylveon (special walls/dragon immunity) 

6. Sceptile/Decidueye (coverage, normal/fighting immunity) 

Thanks for your input and this team looks really solid as well. I like your idea of just picking my favourite mons and switch other mons in whenever i need to.


I also love that you've shown me every mon their purpose on the team. It will really help me with building teams in the furture (games)!


Again thank you for your input and making me more aware of team building is about.

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