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Moltres? In rain?! wait... MOLTRES IN OU?!


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Hell yeah...


This team was just another one of my attempts to keep the game interesting and I thought i'd share it with all of you c:

Building the team:


I'm always trying something "unique" in OU, it just so happened that this was actually a decent idea.


If you couldn't already tell i'm pretty much just going to abuse the shiz out of Hurricane.


I like this guy, he makes sure Moltres doesn't lose half of it's health when I switch it in.


Most teams pack a steel type, this is what I chose.


The main reason for putting this on my team was so I don't get swept by electric types... That and the fact that this thing allows me to abuse more high powered moves in rain c:


Terrakion fits well on any team and I needed a solid user of stealth rocks. (btw this is my lead, the irony...)

That's pretty much my thought process while I was building the team so lets get into how these threats work c:


@ Focus Sash

Trait: Justified

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Taunt

- Stone Edge

- Close Combat

Don't lie, you laughed too. Anyway Terrakion is honestly a great lead and a good user of Stealth Rocks. The Focus Sash is really only there to make sure I get rocks up but it also allows me to revenge kill threats if I end up keeping my sash. I run Taunt to prevent things from setting up hazards on my side of the field (mainly Deoxys-D). Jolly nature to out speed stuff like Landorus and speed tie with other Terrakion. Stone Edge and Close Combat are the obligatory STAB moves that happen to have great coverage and deal big dommage. It should be noted that Terrakion leads on rain teams counter all opposing lead weather inducers except Hippowdon who is a bish :c


@ Choice Specs

Trait: Pressure

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Hurricane

- Fire Blast

- Hidden Power [Fighting]

- U-turn

Alright so before I look too crazy for putting a fire type in rain let me explain a little bit. First of all along with Tornadus without the T Moltres boasts the most powerful Hurricane in OU coming from a nice, respectable 125 base spatk. Here's where things get tricky, Fire Blast is in there as an obligatory second STAB move and with specs still hits steel types incredibly hard in rain. It's also a good move to abuse in sun in case I lose the weather war. HP Fighting is pretty much there for Tyranitar and U-turn (along with Volt Switch) is pretty much a must on anything holding a choice item since it allows you to scout your opponents initial switch in to your user.


@ Leftovers

Trait: Drizzle

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Scald

- Toxic

- Perish Song

- Protect

I think we are all used to standardtoed by now but I should probably explain anyway. Defensive toed makes for a decent wall which is great when you need to repeatedly switch it in in order to win weather wars (I feel like putting 2 ins together like that shouldn't work but it makes sense to me so whatevs) As for the moves, Scald is a decent STAB move that comes with a 30% chance of burning a pokemon which is great for any defensive poke. Toxic imo is only really useful against Jellicent but hitting up some key pokes with a quick tox is always helpful. Perish Song is the main thing that gives Politoed viability over other weather users. It prevents things from setting up and makes sure certain crep buddies don't baton pass some nice +6s to Espeon. Protect stalls out Toxic, Perish Song and allows me to scout what choiced pokes lock themselves into.


@ Black Sludge

Trait: Rain Dish

EVs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Substitute

- Toxic

- Rapid Spin

- Scald

When bishes try to Trick me, I hit em up with that flaming Black Sludge c: If Moltres appreciates any pokemon other than Politoed on my team, it would be this. It spins away hazards including, but not limited to Stealth Rocks which takes 50% of Moltres's health upon switching in. The 36 speed EVs allow me to out speed 72 speed Gliscor and hit it up with a rain boosted Scald. Other than that it's the standard SubToxic set (more stall).


@ Leftovers

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef

Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)

- Iron Head

- Thunder

- Wish

- U-turn

You Ryan C the cute little Jirachi in that picture? By the end of the battle you'll want to kill it with fire... (Darmanitan gets the job done) This is my special wall. It takes grass moves aimed at Politoed, ice moves aimed at Thundurus with the T and dragon moves aimed at anything (Dragunz r powaful :c). I run negative speed IVs with a Sassy nature to make sure i'm slower than most threats, U-turn out and pass a Wish safely to whatever needs health (It's also good for keeping Politoed alive). The Sassy nature also helps since I don't have to run a nature that weakens the power of it's Thunder (Standard rachi runs careful). Now for the reason to hate or love this thing, Paralysis and Iron Head. Pretty simple, with Serene Grace Jirachi has a 60% chance of flinching you with Iron Head. Add a 60% chance to paralyze you with Thunder which is already a really overpowered move in rain and you get a poke that's gonna end up flinching you to death... (Even with the decrease in speed Jirachi still out speeds and flinches pretty much every paralyzed pokemon in OU)


@ Choice Scarf

Trait: Volt Absorb

EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Volt Switch

- Thunder

- Focus Blast

- Hidden Power [ice]

This is pretty much the second choiced poke on my team that abuses a 120 base power move in rain. It's ability Volt Absorb helps cover my teams weakness to electric. On top of that it gains health every time I switch into an electric type move so it's an all around solid ability. The second reason it's here is because pretty much every team runs a scarfer and this was the perfect pokemon for the job. It also revenge kills +1 Dragonite and out speeds scarfed MoxieMence (2 of the biggest threats in OU).

v If any of you actually like the team the export is over hurr v

v v

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and yeah this was my first RMT so tell me what you think c:

(totes did not just steal Touma's layout bc it looked cool) please don't kick me in the chest dood :c

Edited by TheyCallMeTony.
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  On 2/18/2013 at 4:47 PM, Sword Of The Derped said:

I'll rate properly later, but you might wanna put Terrakion's description first just so people know it's the lead, and not Moltres.

By the time I realized I should have put Terrakion first I was at like my 4th poke? and I ceebs :c Distractions mang...

But yeah i'll hop on that now, tys c:

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  On 2/19/2013 at 12:53 AM, renowner said:

Seems like a pretty decent team. Though you might want to add an air balloon to somebody, because if you meet a dugtrio, its going to really hurt your team.

So far trio hasn't been a problem since I usually keep my sash intact on terrakion and thundurus can revenge it. Also defensive politoed is a nightmare for dugtrio x:

But I can see it being a huge threat to my team late game so I might throw a balloon on terrakion or something. Thanks c:

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  On 2/19/2013 at 1:50 PM, Summer said:


Great team man, except you might want Magic Coat > Sub on Tentacruel cuz it can't do a thing behind sub.

Scarf Landorus will probably kill off 2/3 of your team if you aren't careful.

Sub is so I can toxic stall stuff like dnite and gyarados (rain dish gives most of my health back). But magic coat seems like it would catch a lot of people off guard so i'm definitely going to make a team variant with that in it o:

Scarf landorus is a threat :/

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Ya got a bunch of people talking off-server about Moltres in OU. Showed them the RMT and they're pretty interested.


  • Personal opinion, but Moltres could probably use some more Speed, as in a Nature change. Then again it's probably for wallbreaking compared to the rest of your team. I dunno.

I'm sure I'll think of something else later

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  On 2/20/2013 at 6:32 AM, Ryan C said:

Ya got a bunch of people talking off-server about Moltres in OU. Showed them the RMT and they're pretty interested.


  • Personal opinion, but Moltres could probably use some more Speed, as in a Nature change. Then again it's probably for wallbreaking compared to the rest of your team. I dunno.

I'm sure I'll think of something else later

The C!!!! o:

Yeah, I use Moltres as more of a wallbreaker. Also, the stuff that could out speed me bc I run modest all run attack boosting natures and i'm not too keen on speed tying with Lucario since the only thing it runs that scares me is espeed.

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Cool idea using Moltres in rain. I had the same idea but it never clicked for me. I would suggest using a different set though, something like substitute/roost/fire blast/hurricane. The whole point of the set is coverage, you can wreck most things with hurricane, and for the steels that give you problems (e.g. Jirachi, Ferrothorn), you can still hit them hard with fire blast.

PS Conor promised me $20 if I ever made it to #1 with a Moltres in rain, maybe you can get the same deal from him.

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  On 2/22/2013 at 6:33 PM, slant said:

Cool idea using Moltres in rain. I had the same idea but it never clicked for me. I would suggest using a different set though, something like substitute/roost/fire blast/hurricane. The whole point of the set is coverage, you can wreck most things with hurricane, and for the steels that give you problems (e.g. Jirachi, Ferrothorn), you can still hit them hard with fire blast.

PS Conor promised me $20 if I ever made it to #1 with a Moltres in rain, maybe you can get the same deal from him.

I was thinking of running a subpressure stall set tbh, (toxic > fire blast) with hurricane as it's attacking move and toxic spikes on tenta, but the specs... so powerful. It's a really solid idea tho o: I'll make the team with your changes and see how it goes.

Also, I need to get in on that deal asap q:

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